Ensuring Canadians feel understood, respected and valued

We are also seeking assistance from stakeholders through partnerships that will expand our ability to get anti-fraud messages out to those at high-risk of being targeted. This is in addition to the ongoing communications that the CRA conducts throughout the year, in conjunction with partners such as the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre, to prepare Canadians to identify scams and fraud, and to alert them of one if identified.

The work that we do has purpose and impacts real people.CRA employee

Humanizing our approaches

The CRA is putting people first in its efforts to help individuals and businesses comply with Canada's tax laws. One new example of this approach is the CRA's "Call me first" initiative. From time to time, through CRA call centres, the CRA contacts Canadians to ask for additional information to validate information they have provided. With the "Call me first" initiative, when someone who receives benefits does not respond to a request for more information, a CRA agent will now reach out to them before any adjustments are made.

The CRA also has a number of programs and services that help people who experience difficulty in complying with their tax obligations. For example, taxpayers can request a payment arrangement; the CRA will work with that taxpayer to develop a payment plan that allows them to pay off their debt without damaging their quality of life.

We aim to change the image Canadians have of the CRA from a strict, bureaucratic organization to a more humanized one.CRA employee

Being there to help

Among other things, through the Liaison Officer service, the CRA offers free in-person support and guidance to small businesses, self-employed individuals and individuals with rental income to help them understand their tax obligations. This service is offered through in-person, one on-one visits or group seminars, and has already helped over 42,000 small businesses across the country. For Canadians with modest incomes, we're expanding the Community Volunteer Income Tax Program, ensuring that more people can meet face-to-face with trained volunteers and have their taxes done for them for free.

Further, the CRA regularly conducts outreach and educational sessions with people who need a little extra assistance, such as seniors and newcomers. We meet with these groups to explain what is required of them, what benefit entitlements they may be eligible to receive and what services are available to them based on their specific needs.


Short wait time and [CRA employee] demonstrated good listening skills to understand my request and timely resolve the issue. Well done.CRA client

Related topics

Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre
Liaison Officer Service
Community Volunteer Income Tax Program (CVITP)

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