After you file a Part XVIII or Part XIX information return
Confirming that the return was processed
You will receive a confirmation of receipt following your submission. The CRA will conduct initial validations and may communicate with the contact person identified on the return if there are errors or omissions.
To confirm the status of a return, select “View return status” under “Information Returns” on the CRA My Business Account or Represent a Client services. The status will indicate if the return was processed, in progress, rejected, amended or deleted.
If you have original slips that were not filed with your original return, file them in a separate return. All document type codes must be "O" for original, including the summary report type code.
Downloading your list of notification of errors
Following the exchange of data with the jurisdictions of tax residence, we will inform you by email, through the contact’s email address(es) given in the summary of the return that your list of notification of errors is available for download on My Business Account or Represent a Client.
A notification of errors indicates that information may be missing or is not valid and must be corrected. The list of notification of errors will be available for the BN RZ program account that is reported in the “Filer Account Number” field in the summary of the return.
Once you are logged in My Business Account or Represent a Client, select “Information Returns” from the welcome page and then “Download notifications of errors for Part XVIII” or “Download notifications of errors for Part XIX”.
The annual exchange of original records is scheduled to occur by the end of September following the calendar year for which the information return is filed. There could be other exchanges throughout the year.
The notifications of errors will be listed as they are received from the jurisdictions of tax residence. The jurisdictions expect to send notifications of errors to the CRA within 15 days of receipt of the account reports.
You should check the list of notifications of errors for Part XVIII and Part XIX information returns on My Business Account or Represent a Client periodically after the return has been processed, regardless of receiving an email, in case the email recipient is absent for an extended period of time or there are issues with that email address.
By checking the list of notifications of errors periodically, you will be able not only to address the issues as they come in but also address issues for all jurisdictions at the same time if there are more than one residence country codes reported for one account holder or any controlling persons of an entity or organization.
For example, an account holder has two controlling persons, one living in Germany and the other in Italy. The German tax administration notifies the CRA that the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) for the first controlling person is missing. Two days later, Italy sends a notification of error to the CRA that there is an issue with the information of the second controlling person. This would allow the reporting financial institution to fix the issues for both controlling persons at the same time for that slip.
For Part XIX information returns only, if you do not give a TIN, the jurisdictions of tax residence may send notifications of errors to the CRA after the exchange, even if you give us the reason why the account holder do not have a TIN by giving us a No TIN Reason Code. The jurisdictions may also send us a notification if you do not give a date of birth.
Upon attempting to correct a record, if you are unable to obtain the information to address the notification of errors, you must write to the CRA and provide the Document reference identifier (DocRefID), the error code, along with supporting documentation used to obtain the information and the reason why the record could not be corrected to:
Specialized Audit Support Division
Exchange of Information Services Section
Canada Revenue Agency
8th Floor, Enterprise Building
427 Laurier Avenue West
Ottawa ON K1A 0L5
Amending, cancelling or fixing records
Critical elements for amending, cancelling or fixing a record
Targeting records and maintaining chains
Resend (R) Option (Part XIX information returns only)
Steps for amending, cancelling or fixing records
Reuse the slips already filed to create new, amended, cancelled or fixed records with Web Forms
General instructions
You may realize that you need to correct certain records after you have filed or to address a notification of errors from the jurisdictions of tax residence. In that case, you would generally complete a new summary, a new reporting financial institution record, a new sponsor record (if applicable), and new slips for the account reports you want to correct.
Apply the following measures to avoid a rejected return when amending, cancelling or fixing a record.
- A return cannot contain a mix of slips with different document type codes as it will result in duplicate document reference identifiers of the reporting financial institution in the exchange:
- An original return cannot contain an amended, cancelled or fixed slip
- An amended return cannot contain an original or fixed slip
- An amended return can contain only amended slips or only cancelled slips, not a mix
- A fixed return can only be used following a cancelled return and only when:
- In the case of a Part XVIII information return, there is change to:
- Add or remove controlling person reported on a slip
- the Individual Taxation Identification Number field (for an individual account holder or a controlling person) or the Organization Taxation Identification Number field
- the First Name and/or Last Name field (for an individual account holder or a controlling person) or the Organization Account Holder Name — Line 1 and/or Organization Account Holder Name — Line 2 field (for an organization account holder)
- In the case of a Part XIX information return, there is a change to:
- Add or remove controlling person reported on a slip
- the number of Residence Country Codes for an individual, entity, organization or controlling person(s)
- the values of Residence Country Codes for an individual, entity, organization or controlling person(s)
- A fixed return can contain only "F" document type codes
- In the case of a Part XVIII information return, there is change to:
- You cannot file an amended return without a slip
- Every return must have the reporting financial institution record filled out
- You can only cancel the reporting financial institution record or the sponsor record if all of the associated slips are cancelled
- If you cancel a record, we cancel the whole chain of that record, that is, from the original record and including any amended records up to the cancelled record. Targeting a cancelled record is not permitted for amended or cancelled records since they are considered the last record in the chain of changes. However, when you file fixed records – you exceptionally target cancelled record(s) by entering the document reference identifier of the cancelled record in the corrected document reference identifier of the fixed record
- A new unique document reference identifier must be assigned to each record (except when the
Resend (R) option is used for a Part XIX information return)
- The corrected document reference identifier is the document reference identifier of a record that is being replaced. It must be completed when creating an amended, cancelled or fixed record and refers to the latest version of the record that was successfully filed with the CRA. In this way, a chain of corrections or amendments is tracked as the record with the new document reference identifier replaces the previous version identified with the corrected document reference identifier
Critical elements for amending, cancelling or fixing a record
- The summary report type code would indicate "A" for amended (for amended or cancelled records) or "F" for fixed
- The document type code for the reporting financial institution record should indicate either:
- "A" for amended, regardless if changes are made to that record (except for Part XIX – see resend option)
- "C" for cancelled, if you have cancelled all of the slips that are associated to this reporting financial institution
- "F" for fixed, if you need to fix one of the specific scenarios
- "R" for resend, if no changes are made to the reporting financial institution record (only applicable to Part XIX information return)
- The document type code for the sponsor record, if applicable, should indicate:
- "A" for amended, regardless if changes are made to that record
- "C" for cancelled, if you have cancelled all of the slips that are associated to this sponsor
- "F" for fixed, if you need to fix one of the specific scenarios
- The document type code for the slip records, if applicable, should indicate:
- "A" for amended, if changes are made to that record
- "C" for cancelled, if you need to cancel that record
- "F" for fixed, if you need to correct one of the specific scenarios
- A new unique document reference identifier to identify the new record
- The corrected document reference identifier to identify the record to be replaced
- The changes, if amending a record or fixing a slip
# | Slips | Summary Report Type Code | Reporting Financial Institution Document Type Code | Sponsor Document Type Code | Slip Document Type Code |
1 | Amended | A | A | N/A | A |
2 | Amended | A | A | A | A |
3 | Cancelled | A | A | N/A | C |
4 | Cancelled | A | A | A | C |
5 | Cancelled | A | A | C | C |
6 | Cancelled | A | C | N/A | C |
7 | Cancelled | A | C | C | C |
8 | Fixed | F | F | F | F |
9 | Fixed | F | F | N/A | F |
# | Slips | Summary Report Type Code | Reporting Financial Institution Document Type Code | Slip Document Type Code |
1 | Amended | A | A | A |
2 | Cancelled | A | A | C |
3 | Cancelled | A | C | C |
4 | Fixed | F | F | F |
5 | Amended | A | R | A |
6 | Cancelled | A | R | C |
Targeting records and maintaining chains
When a reporting financial institution files multiple original returns, these are seen as being independent groups, commonly referred to as “chains”. When a new original return is filed, a new chain will be created – completely separate from the initial return. In order to successfully maintain return groupings, the reporting financial institution must only target summaries and slips within the same chain. It’s imperative that each original return is recorded and maintained separately in its own individual chain sequence.
In the event that more than one original return has been filed, or a fix return has been filed, more than one chain will exist for the reporting financial institution. The correct chain needs to be targeted when filing an amendment, cancel, or fix record. You must keep track of which slips belong to which chain. The corrected document reference identifier must continue to target the latest version of the record in question, in the correct chain. For more information, please see examples below for an illustration of how to file an amendment, cancel, or fix return while maintaining chains.
Example 1
This example demonstrates how to correctly amend and cancel a Part XVIII or a Part XIX information return when there are two or more active chains:
On April 6, FI ABC files an Original Return that contains an Original Summary, an Original Reporting FI record and 2 Original Slips. The Reporting FI record is assigned a unique DocRefID: CA-23-123456789RZ0001-FI-000000001. The 2 Slips are also assigned their own unique DocRefIDs (Slip 1: CA-23-123456789RZ0001-SL-000000001 & Slip 2: CA-23-123456789RZ0001-SL-000000002). This Return is the start of Chain 1.
On April 16, FI ABC files a second Original Return that contains an Original Summary, an Original Reporting FI record and 2 Original Slips. The Reporting FI record is assigned a unique DocRefID: CA-23-123456789RZ0001-FI-000000002. The 2 Slips are also assigned their own unique DocRefIDs (Slip 3: CA-23-123456789RZ0001-SL-000000003 & Slip 4: CA-23-123456789RZ0001-SL-000000004). This Return is the start of Chain 2.
On July 26, FI ABC realizes it needs to amend Slip 1 from the Original Return (Chain 1). An Amended Return is filed, with an Amended Summary, an Amended Reporting FI record, and an Amended Slip. A new DocRefID (CA-23-123456789RZ0001-FI-000000003) is assigned to the Reporting FI record of the Amended Return. The CorrDocRefID targets the DocRefID of the Reporting FI record from the Original Return of Chain 1 (CA-23-123456789RZ0001-FI-000000001). The Amended Slip also gets assigned a new DocRefID (CA-23-123456789RZ0001-SL-000000005) and the CorrDocRefID targets the DocRefID of the Slip from the Original Return of Chain 1 (CA-23-123456789RZ0001-SL-000000001).
Below are the tracked changes to the records from example 1:
Filed on | Reporting FI DocRefID | Slip DocRefID | Reporting FI CorrDocRefID | Slip CorrDocRefID | Document Type Code |
April 6 | Chain 1: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–FI–000000001 |
Slip 1: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–SL–000000001, Slip 2: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–SL–000000002 |
N/A | N/A | Summary: O, Reporting FI: O, Slip 1: O, Slip 2: O |
April 16 | Chain 2: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–FI–000000002 |
Slip 3: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–SL–000000003, Slip 4: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–SL–000000004 |
N/A | N/A | Summary: O, Reporting FI: O, Slip 3: O, Slip 4: O |
July 26 | Chain 1: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–FI–000000003 |
Slip 5: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–SL–000000005 |
Chain 1: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–FI–000000001 |
Slip 1: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–SL–000000001 |
Summary: A, Reporting FI: A, Slip 5: A |
Example 2
This example picks up where example 1 ended and describes how to correctly amend and cancel records to multiple active chains. So next we'll see what happens when an amendment to Chain 2 is required:
On August 26, FI ABC realizes it needs to cancel Slip 3 from the Original Return (Chain 2). An Amended Return is filed with an Amended Summary, an Amended Reporting FI record, and a Cancelled Slip. A new DocRefID (CA–23-123456789RZ0001-FI-000000004) is assigned to the Reporting FI record of the Amended Return. The CorrDocRefID targets the DocRefID of the Reporting FI record from the Original Return of Chain 2 (CA–23-123456789RZ0001-FI-000000002). The Cancelled Slip also gets assigned a new DocRefID (CA–23-123456789RZ0001-SL-000000006) and the CorrDocRefID targets the DocRefID of the Slip that needs to be cancelled from the Original Return of Chain 2 (CA–23-123456789RZ0001-SL-000000003).
Below are the tracked changes to the records from example 2:
Filed on | Reporting FI DocRefID | Slip DocRefID | Reporting FI CorrDocRefID | Slip CorrDocRefID | Document Type Code |
April 6 | Chain 1: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–FI–000000001 |
Slip 1: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–SL–000000001, Slip 2: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–SL–000000002 |
N/A | N/A | Summary: O, Reporting FI: O, Slip 1: O, Slip 2: O |
April 16 | Chain 2: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–FI–000000002 |
Slip 3: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–SL–000000003, Slip 4: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–SL–000000004 |
N/A | N/A | Summary: O, Reporting FI: O, Slip 3: O, Slip 4: O |
July 26 | Chain 1: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–FI–000000003 |
Slip 5: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–SL–000000005 |
Chain 1: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–FI–000000001 |
Slip 1: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–SL–000000001 |
Summary: A, Reporting FI: A, Slip 5: A |
August 26 | Chain 2: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–FI–000000004 |
Slip 6: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–SL–000000006 |
Chain 2: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–FI–000000002 |
Slip 3: CA–23–123456789RZ0001–SL–000000003 |
Summary: A, Reporting FI: A, Slip 6: C |
Example 3 – How to file a fixed return
On April 21, FI DEF files an Original Return that contains an Original Summary, an Original Reporting FI record, and 2 Original Slips. The Reporting FI record is assigned a unique DocRefID: CA-23-234567899RZ0001-FI-000000001. The 2 Slips are also assigned their own unique DocRefIDs (Slip 1: CA-23-234567899RZ0001-SL-000000001 & Slip 2: CA-23-234567899RZ0001-SL-000000002). This Return is the start of Chain 1.
On May 1, FI DEF realized that it needs to correct Slip 1 from the Original Return (Chain 1) to change the residency country code. Because this is a specific correction that requires a fix, FI DEF must cancel the slip and file a new one. An Amended Return is filed with an Amended Summary, an Amended Reporting FI record, and a Cancelled Slip. A new DocRefID (CA-23-234567899RZ0001-FI-000000002) is assigned to the Reporting FI record of the Amended Return. The CorrDocRefID targets the DocRefID of the Reporting FI record from the Original Return of Chain 1 (CA-23-234567899RZ0001-FI-000000001). The Cancelled Slip also gets assigned a new DocRefID (CA-23-234567899RZ0001-SL-000000003) and the CorrDocRefID targets the DocRefID of the Slip that needs to be cancelled from the Original Return of Chain 1 (CA-23-234567899RZ0001-SL-000000001).
On the same day, a Fixed Return (new original return) is filed to correct the residence country code of the account holder from the Cancelled Slip in Chain 1. A new separate chain is created (Chain 2), comprised of a Fixed Summary, a Fixed Reporting FI record, and a Fixed Slip. A new DocRefID (CA-23-234567899RZ0001-FI-000000003) is assigned to the Reporting FI record of the Fixed Return's. The CorrDocRefID targets the DocRefID of the Amended Reporting FI record from the Amended Return of Chain 1 (CA-23-234567899RZ0001-FI-000000002). The Corrected Slip in the Fix Return gets assigned a new DocRefID (CA-23-234567899RZ0001-SL-000000004) and the CorrDocRefID targets the DocRefID of the Cancelled Slip from the Amended Return of Chain 1 (CA-23-234567899RZ0001-SL-000000003). This Return is the start of Chain 2.
Below are the tracked changes to the records from example 3:
Filed on | Reporting FI DocRefID | Slip DocRefID | Reporting FI CorrDocRefID | Slip CorrDocRefID | Document Type Code |
April 20 | Chain 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000001 |
Slip 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000001, Slip 2: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000002 |
N/A | N/A | Summary: O, Reporting FI: O, Slip 1: O, Slip 2: O |
May 1 | Chain 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000002 |
Slip 3: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000003 |
Chain 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000001 |
Slip 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000001 |
Summary: A, Reporting FI: A, Slip 1: C |
May 1 | Chain 2: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000003 |
Slip 4: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000004 |
Chain 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000002 |
Slip 3: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000003 |
Summary: F, Reporting FI: F, Slip 4: F |
The next example picks up where example 3 ended and describes the process of making an amendment to the Original Return after the Fix Return has already been filed (2 Chains in existence).
Example 4 – How to amend a record following a fixed return
On July 17, FI DEF realizes it needs to amend Slip 2 from the Original Return (Chain 1). In order to amend the slip from the Original Return, the amendment would need to target the most recent Reporting FI record in the chain; in this case, it would be when the Amendment Return was filed to cancel Slip 1. Therefore, FI DEF will file a new Amended Return that contains an Amended Summary, an Amended Reporting FI record, and an Amended Slip. A new DocRefID (CA-23-234567899RZ0001-FI-000000004) is assigned to the Reporting FI record from the Amended Return. The CorrDocRefID will target the DocRefID of the last Reporting FI record (from the Amended Return) since that was the most recent Reporting FI record in Chain 1 (CA-23-234567899RZ0001-FI-000000002). The Amended Slip will also have a new DocRefID (CA-23-234567899RZ0001-SL-000000005) and the CorrDocRefID will target the DocRefID of the Slip from the first Original Return of Chain 1 (CA-23-234567899RZ0001-SL-000000002).
Below are the tracked changes to the records from example 4:
Filed on | Reporting FI DocRefID | Slip DocRefID | Reporting FI CorrDocRefID | Slip CorrDocRefID | Document Type Code |
April 21 | Chain 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000001 |
Slip 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000001, Slip 2: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000002 |
N/A | N/A | Summary: O, Reporting FI: O, Slip 1: O, Slip 2: O |
May 1 | Chain 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000002 |
Slip 3: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000003 |
Chain 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000001 |
Slip 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000001 |
Summary: A, Reporting FI: A, Slip 1: C |
May 1 | Chain 2: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000003 |
Slip 4: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000004 |
Chain 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000002 |
Slip 3: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000003 |
Summary: F, Reporting FI: F, Slip 4: F |
July 17 | Chain 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000004 |
Slip 5: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000005 |
Chain 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000002 |
Slip 2: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000002 |
Summary: A, Reporting FI: A, Slip 5: A |
The following example picks up where example 4 ended and explains how to file an Amended Return to a Fixed Return.
Example 5 – How to amend a fixed return
On August 1, FI DEF realizes it needs to make an amendment to the Slip within the Fix Return (Chain 2). This Slip's DocRefID is CA-23-234567899RZ0001-SL-000000004 and the Reporting FI record's DocRefID is CA-23-234567899RZ0001-FI-000000003. To amend this Slip, FI DEF files an Amended Return that contains an Amended Summary, an Amended Reporting FI record and an Amended Slip. A new DocRefID (CA-23-234567899RZ0001-FI-000000005) is assigned to the Reporting FI record of the Amended Return. The CorrDocRefID will target the DocRefID of the Reporting FI record from the Fixed Return of Chain 2 (CA-23-234567899RZ0001-FI-000000003). The Amended Slip will have a new DocRefID (CA-23-123456789RZ0001-SL-000000006) and the CorrDocRefID will target the DocRefID of the Slip from the Fixed Return of Chain 2 (CA-23-234567899RZ0001-SL-000000004).
Below are the tracked changes to the records from example 5:
Filed on | Reporting FI DocRefID | Slip DocRefID | Reporting FI CorrDocRefID | Slip CorrDocRefID | Document Type Code |
April 21 | Chain 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000001 |
Slip 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000001, Slip 2: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000002 |
N/A | N/A | Summary: O, Reporting FI: O, Slip 1: O, Slip 2: O |
May 1 | Chain 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000002 |
Slip 3: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000003 |
Chain 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000001 |
Slip 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000001 |
Summary: A, Reporting FI: A, Slip 1: C |
May 1 | Chain 2: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000003 |
Slip 4: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000004 |
Chain 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000002 |
Slip 3: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000003 |
Summary: F, Reporting FI: F, Slip 4: F |
July 17 | Chain 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000004 |
Slip 5: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000005 |
Chain 1: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000002 |
Slip 2: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000002 |
Summary: A, Reporting FI: A, Slip 5: A |
August 1 | Chain 2: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000005 |
Slip 6: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000006 |
Chain 2: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–FI–000000003 |
Slip 4: CA–23–234567899RZ0001–SL–000000004 |
Summary: A, Reporting FI: A, Slip 6: A |
Example 6
This example demonstrates how to correct a reporting financial institution record or a sponsor record when there are no changes to the slips:
On April 8, FI XYZ files an Original Return that contains an Original Summary, an Original Reporting FI record, an Original Sponsor record, and 1 Original Slip. The Reporting FI record is assigned a unique DocRefID: CA-23-456789999RZ0001-FI-000000001. The Sponsor Record is also assigned a unique DocRefID: CA-23-456789999RZ0001-SP-000000001. The Slip is also assigned its own unique DocRefID: CA-23-456789999RZ0001-SL-000000001. This is the start of Chain 1.
On April 12, FI XYZ realizes it used the wrong GIIN for it's Sponsor record. FI XYZ must cancel the original return and file a new original return with the correct GIIN since you cannot amend a return without a slip.
FI XYZ files a Cancelled Return that contains an Amended Summary, a Cancelled Reporting FI record, a Cancelled Sponsor record, and a Cancelled Slip. The Cancelled Reporting FI record gets assigned a new DocRefID (CA-23-456789999RZ0001-FI-000000002) and it's CorrDocRefID will target the DocRefID of the Reporting FI record in the Original Return (CA-23-456789999RZ0001-FI-000000001). The Cancelled Sponsor record gets assigned a new DocRefID (CA-23-456789999RZ0001-SP-000000002) and it's CorrDocRefID will target the DocRefID of the Sponsor record in the Original Return (CA-23-456789999RZ0001-SP-000000001). The Cancelled Slip also gets assigned a new DocRefID (CA-23-456789999RZ0001-SL-000000002) and it's CorrDocRefID will target the DocRefID of the Slip in the Original Return. (CA-23-456789999RZ0001-SL-000000001). This effectively cancelled Chain 1.
FI XYZ then files a new Original Return in order to correct the GIIN on the Sponsor record. This Original Return contains an Original Summary, an Original Reporting FI record, an Original Sponsor record and an Original Slip. The Original Reporting FI record gets assigned a unique DocRefID (CA-23-456789999RZ0001-FI-000000003). The Original Sponsor record is assigned a unique DocRefID (CA-23-456789999RZ0001-SP-000000003). The Original Slip also gets assigned a unique DocRefID (CA-23-456789999RZ0001-SL-000000003). In filing this Original Return, a new chain has been created (Chain 2).
Below are the tracked changes to the records from example 6:
Filed on | Reporting FI DocRefID | Sponsor DocRefID | Slip DocRefID | Reporting FI CorrDocRefID | Sponsor CorrDocRefID | Slip CorrDocRefID | Document Type Code |
April 21 | Chain 1: CA–23–456789999 RZ0001–FI–000000001 |
Chain 1: CA–23–456789999 RZ0001–SP–000000001 |
Slip 1: CA–23–456789999 RZ0001–SL–000000001 |
N/A | N/A | N/A | Summary: O, Reporting FI: O Sponsor: O, Slip 1: O |
April 12 | Chain 1: CA–23–456789999 RZ0001–FI–000000002 |
Chain 1: CA–23–456789999 RZ0001–SP–000000002 |
Slip 1: CA–23–456789999 RZ0001–SL–000000002 |
Chain 1: CA–23–456789999 RZ0001–FI–000000001 |
Chain 1: CA–23–456789999 RZ0001–SP–000000001 |
Slip 1: CA–23–456789999 RZ0001–SL–000000001 |
Summary: A, Reporting FI: C, Sponsor: C, Slip 1: C |
April 12 | Chain 2: CA–23–456789999 RZ0001–FI–000000003 |
Chain 2: CA–23–456789999 RZ0001–SP–000000003 |
Slip 2: CA–23–456789999 RZ0001–SL–000000003 |
N/A | N/A | N/A | Summary: O, Reporting FI: O, Sponsor: O, Slip 1: O |
Resend (R) Option (Part XIX information returns only)
When filing an amended Part XIX information return, if the information related to the reporting financial institution does not require updating (Name, Address, or Identification Number (IN)), you can use the Resend option.
The Resend option allows you to use the DocRefID of the previously filed return. In order to utilize this option, you must indicate a Type Code “R”, and provide the same DocRefID used in the most recently filed return of that chain.
The Resend option for a reporting financial institution may only be used for amending returns; this will require the Summary to be identified as an Amend Summary (Type Code A).
Example 7
This example explains how the Resend option functions when sending Amended Returns to either amend or cancel slips.
On April 7, FI GHI files an Original Return that contains an Original Summary, an Original Reporting FI record and 2 Original Slips. The Reporting FI record is assigned a unique DocRefID: CA-23-345678999RZ0001-FI-000000001. The 2 slips are also assigned their own unique DocRefIDs (Slip 1: CA-23-345678999RZ0001-SL-000000001 & Slip 2: CA-23-345678999RZ0001-SL-000000002).
On April 11, FI GHI then files an Amended Return to cancel Slip 1 from the Original Return. The Cancelled Slip will be assigned a new DocRefID (CA-23-345678999RZ0001-SL-000000003) and the CorrDocRefID will target the DocRefID of the Original Slip (CA-23-345678999RZ0001-SL-000000001). Since the Reporting FI information does not require updating, the Resend option is used and the Reporting FI record's DocRefID from the Original Return (CA-23-345678999RZ0001-FI-000000001) is reused for the Amended Return.
On May 1, FI GHI then realizes it needs to amend Slip 2 from the Original Return. FI GHI files a second Amended Return to amend Slip 2 from the Original Return. The Amended Slip will have a new DocRefID (CA-23-345678999RZ0001-SL-000000004) and the CorrDocRefID will target the DocRefID of the Original Slip (CA-23-345678999RZ0001-SL-000000002). Since the Reporting FI information does not require updating, the Resend option is used and the Reporting FI record's DocRefID from the most recently filed return of that chain (CA-23-345678999RZ0001-FI-000000001) is reused for the second Amended Return.
Below are the tracked changes to the records from example 7:
Filed on | Reporting FI DocRefID | Slip DocRefID | Reporting FI CorrDocRefID | Slip CorrDocRefID | Document Type Code |
April 7 | CA–23–345678999RZ0001–FI–000000001 | Slip 1: CA–23–345678999RZ0001–SL–000000001, Slip 2: CA–23–345678999RZ0001–SL–000000002 |
N/A | N/A | Summary: O, Reporting FI: O, Slip 1: O, Slip 2: O |
April 11 | CA–23–345678999RZ0001–FI–000000001 | Slip 3: CA–23–345678999RZ0001–SL–000000003 |
N/A | Slip 1: CA–23–345678999RZ0001–SL–000000001 |
Summary: A, Reporting FI: R, Slip 3: C |
May 1 | CA–23–345678999RZ0001–FI–000000001 | Slip 4: CA–23–345678999RZ0001–SL–000000004 |
N/A | Slip 2: CA–23–345678999RZ0001–SL–000000002 |
Summary: A, Reporting FI: R, Slip 4: A |
The most recently filed return of the chain in this example is the first Amended Return to cancel Slip 1. Since the resend option was used when that return was filed, the Original DocRefID was maintained. Since the resend option was used again for the second Amended Return to amend Slip 2, it maintains the DocRefID from the first Amended Return.
Steps for amending, cancelling or fixing records
Step 1 – Complete a new summary
Enter "A", for amended or "F" for fixed, in the summary report type code field.
Step 2 – Complete a new reporting financial institution record
If you are amending the reporting financial institution record:
- enter "A", for amended, in the document type code field
- assign a new document reference identifier
- enter the document reference identifier of the previously filed record in the corrected document reference identifier field to indicate which record is being replaced
- amend the other reporting financial institution fields if required
If you are cancelling the reporting financial institution record because you have cancelled all of the slips associated to this reporting financial institution record's document reference identifier:
- enter "C", for cancelled, in the document type code field
- assign a new document reference identifier
- enter the document reference identifier of the previously filed record in the corrected document reference identifier field to indicate which record is being cancelled
If you are fixing slips for specific corrections:
- enter "F", for fixed, in the document type code field
- assign a new document reference identifier
- enter the document reference identifier of the cancelled record in the corrected document reference identifier field to indicate this record is being replaced
- correct the specific fields, as required
When filing an amended Part XIX information return, if you are not changing any information in the reporting financial institution record you should use the resend option:
- enter "R", for resend, in the document type code field
- use the same document reference identifier as the previously filed reporting financial institution record
Step 3 – Complete a new sponsor record, if applicable (Part XVIII information returns only)
If you are amending the sponsor record:
- enter "A", for amended, in the document type code field
- assign a new document reference identifier
- enter the document reference identifier of the previously filed record in the corrected document reference identifier field to indicate which record is being replaced
- amend the other sponsor fields if required
If you are cancelling the sponsor record, retain the same data as previously filed, except:
- enter "C", for cancelled, in the document type code field
- assign a new document reference identifier
- enter the document reference identifier of the previously filed sponsor record in the corrected document reference identifier field to indicate which record is being cancelled
If you are fixing the sponsor record:
- enter "F", for fixed, in the document type code field
- assign a new document reference identifier
- enter the document reference identifier of the previously filed sponsor record in the corrected document reference identifier field to indicate which record is being fixed
Step 4 – Complete a new slip record
If you are amending slips:
- enter "A", for amended, in the document type code field
- retain the information on the previously filed slip and adjust the fields that need to be corrected
- assign a new document reference identifier
- enter the document reference identifier of the previously filed slip in the corrected document reference identifier field to indicate which slip is being amended
If you are cancelling slips, retain the same data as previously filed except:
- enter "C", for cancelled, in the document type code field
- assign a new unique document reference identifier
- enter the document reference identifier of the previously filed slip in the corrected document reference identifier field to indicate which slip is being cancelled
If you are fixing slips (only for specific corrections):
- enter "F", for fixed, in the document type code field
- retain the information on the previously filed slip and adjust the fields that need to be corrected
- assign a new document reference identifier
- enter the document reference identifier of the cancelled slip in the corrected document reference identifier field to indicate which slip is being fixed
Step 5 – File the amended or fixed return
File your amended or fixed return using Web Forms or Internet file transfer (XML).
Reuse the slips already filed to create new, amended, cancelled or fixed records with Web Forms
With Web Forms, not only can you file additional records, you can also retrieve the slips you had previously saved and reuse them to file amended, cancelled or fixed records, as long as you target the latest records you filed with the CRA.
The main advantage of creating an amended, cancelled or fixed record with the Web Forms application is that it will automatically create a document reference identifier and also populate the corrected document reference identifier of the records from that previously filed return. All you have to do is to make sure you retrieve the latest records, because only the latest document reference identifier in a chain can be corrected. Otherwise, our system will reject your submission.
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