Manual of Drill and Ceremonial | Table of Contents
Chapter 1 Introduction 1-1-1
- Section 1 General
- Purpose 1-1-1
- Aim 1-1-1
- Origins 1-1-1
- Terminology 1-1-1
- General 1-1-2
- Drill and procedure 1-1-2
- Drill standards 1-1-2
- Symbols 1-1-2
- Instruction techniques 1-1-4
- Conduct of a drill lesson 1-1-4
- Words of command 1-1-5
- Standard pause 1-1-6
- Mechanical training aids 1-1-7
- Inspection 1-1-7
- Fundamentals of foot drill 1-1-7
- Basic skills 1-1-8
- Section 2 Compliments 1-2-1
- General 1-2-1
- Formed military groups 1-2-1
- Individual 1-2-2
- Civilian dress 1-2-2
- Special circumstances 1-2-2
- Military honours and gun salutes 1-2-6
- Commissioned warships and boats 1-2-6
- Annex A Definitions 1A
- Formation of a squad 2-1
- Position of attention 2-2
- Position of stand at ease 2-3
- Stand at ease from attention 2-3
- Stand easy 2-4
- Stand at ease from stand easy 2-4
- Attention from stand at ease 2-4
- Carrying of articles 2-5
- Remove headdress 2-6
- Stand at ease with headdress removed 2-7
- Stand easy with headdress removed 2-7
- Replace headdress 2-7
- Saluting, at the halt, without arms 2-8
- Turning and inclining at the halt 2-9
- Closing to the right (left) 2-10
- Calling the roll 2-11
- Numbering 2-11
- Proving 2-12
- Paces forward and to the rear 2-12
- Dressing a squad 2-13
- Open order march 2-14
- Close order march 2-15
- Ordering a squad on parade 2-15
- Dismissing a squad 2-16
- Falling out of ranks 2-17
- Falling individuals in 2-18
- Sizing in three ranks 2-18
- Sizing in two ranks and reforming threes 2-19
- Sizing in single rank and reforming threes 2-20
- Forming two ranks from three 2-20
- Reforming three ranks from two 2-21
- Forming four or more ranks 2-21
- Fundamentals 3-1
- Pace length and cadences 3-1
- Words of command 3-2
- Marching and halting in quick time 3-5
- Marching and halting in double time 3-7
- Marching and halting in slow time 3-8
- Stepping out and stepping short 3-9
- Mark time, forward and halt in slow time 3-10
- Mark time, forward and halt in quick time 3-11
- Wheels 3-12
- Change step on the march 3-15
- Change step when marking time 3-16
- Form hollow square 3-16
- Salute on the march without arms 3-18
- Paying unit compliments with a squad on the march 3-19
- Turns and inclines on the march in slow time 3-20
- Turns and inclines on the march in quick time 3-22
- About turn on the march in slow time 3-24
- About turn on the march in quick time 3-25
- Change to quick time from slow time 3-26
- Change to double time from quick time 3-26
- Change to quick time from double time 3-26
- Change to slow time from quick time 3-26
- Change direction by forming from the halt 3-27
- Change direction by forming on the march 3-29
- Form squad in line from the halt 3-29
- Form squad in line on the march 3-30
- Squad in threes forming single file from the halt 3-32
- Squad in threes forming single file on the march 3-32
- Squad in single file reforming threes from the halt 3-32
- Squad in single file reforming threes on the march 3-33
- Squad in line forming single file from the halt 3-33
- Squad in line forming single file on the march 3-33
- Squad in single file reforming line from the halt 3-34
- Squad in single file reforming line on the march 3-34
- Open order on the march in slow time 3-34
- Close order on the march in slow time 3-35
- Section 1 Basic arms drill 4-1-1
- Introduction 4-1-1
- C7A2 rifle 4-1-2
- C8 Carbine 4-1-2
- Attention 4-1-3
- Stand at ease from attention 4-1-4
- Stand easy from stand at ease 4-1-4
- Stand at ease from stand easy 4-1-4
- Attention from stand at ease 4-1-4
- Ground Arms from the Shoulder 4-1-5
- Take up arms 4-1-6
- Dressing a Squad 4-1-8
- Ordering a Squad with Weapons on Parade 4-1-7
- Present Arms 4-1-8
- Shoulder Arms from the Present 4-1-9
- Fix Bayonets 4-1-10
- Unfix Bayonets 4-1-11
- Examine Arms 4-1-13
- Ease Springs 4-1-14
- Shoulder Arms from the Examine 4-1-15
- Salute at the Shoulder 4-1-16
- Port Arms from the Shoulder 4-1-17
- Shoulder Arms from the Port 4-1-18
- Change Arms at the Shoulder 4-1-19
- Section 2 Ceremonial rifle drill 4-2-1
- Recover arms from the shoulder 4-2-1
- Shoulder arms from the recover 4-2-2
- Rest on your arms reversed from the present 4-2-2
- Present arms from rest on your arms reversed 4-2-3
- Firing cartridges from the shoulder 4-2-4
- Firing volleys – Military funerals 4-2-6
- Reverse arms from the shoulder 4-2-7
- Shoulder arms from the reverse 4-2-8
- Change arms at the reverse 4-2-9
- Section 1 Basic rifle drill 5-1
- Introduction 5-1
- Attention 5-1
- Stand at ease from attention 5-1
- Stand easy from stand at ease 5-1
- Stand at ease from stand easy 5-1
- Attention from stand at ease 5-1
- Short trail from the order 5-1
- Ground arms 5-1
- Take up arms 5-1
- Slope arms from the order 5-1
- Order arms from the slope 5-1
- Dressing a squad 5-1
- Ordering a squad with rifles on parade 5-1
- Present arms from the slope 5-1
- Slope arms from the present 5-1
- Port arms from the order 5-1
- Order arms from the port 5-1
- Port arms from the slope 5-1
- Slope arms from the port 5-1
- Examine arms from the order 5-1
- Ease springs 5-1
- Order arms from the examine 5-1
- Change arms at the slope 5-1
- Saluting at the slope arms 5-1
- Section 2 Ceremonial rifle drill 5-2
- Section 1 Sword drill 6-1-2
- General 6-1-2
- Position of attention 6-1-5
- The carry 6-1-5
- The recover 6-1-6
- Stand at ease 6-1-6
- Stand easy 6-1-7
- Attention from stand at ease 6-1-7
- Draw swords 6-1-8
- Return sword from the carry 6-1-9
- Marching with sword in/out of scabbard 6-1-11
- Halt 6-1-11
- Saluting at the halt 6-1-12
- Saluting on the march in slow time 6-1-13
- Saluting on the march in quick time 6-1-14
- Forming wedding arch 6-1-15
- Forming arch from the carry 6-1-15
- Carry from the arch 6-1-16
- Rest on your arms reversed from the salute 6-1-16
- Salute from rest on your arms reversed 6-1-17
- Funeral processions 6-1-17
- Position when seated 6-1-19
- Section 2 Pace stick and cane drill 6-2-20
- The pace stick 6-2-20
- The cane 6-2-20
- Drill on the march 6-2-20
- Closed: Attention or carry position 6-2-21
- Closed: Stand at ease 6-2-22
- Closed: Stand easy 6-2-22
- Closed: Attention at the shoulder 6-2-22
- Closed: Stand at ease at the shoulder 6-2-23
- Closed: Stand easy at the shoulder 6-2-23
- Closed: Trail from the carry at the halt 6-2-23
- Closed: Trail from the carry on the march 6-2-24
- Closed: Carry from the trail at the halt 6-2-24
- Closed: Carry from the trail on the march 6-2-25
- Closed: Halting 6-2-26
- Closed: Saluting 6-2-26
- Open: Attention 6-2-27
- Open: Stand at ease 6-2-28
- Open: Stand easy 6-2-28
- Open: Marching and halting not pacing 6-2-29
- Open: Pacing 6-2-30
- Open: Saluting 6-2-31
- Section 1 General 7-1-1
- General 7-1-1
- Platoon drill 7-1-1
- Company Drill 7-1-1
- Battalion drill 7-1-1
- Formation drill 7-1-1
- Section 2 Platoon drill 7-2-1
- Introduction 7-2-1
- Platoon in line 7-2-1
- Platoon in column of threes 7-2-2
- Platoon in column of route 7-2-2
- Dressing a platoon 7-2-3
- Ordering a platoon on parade 7-2-4
- Platoon in line advancing and retiring 7-2-6
- Platoon moving to the right or left in column of threes 7-2-6
- Platoon moving to the right or left in column of route 7-2-6
- Platoon advancing and retiring in column of threes 7-2-6
- Platoon advancing and retiring in column of route 7-2-6
- Platoon moving to a flank, required to turn about 7-2-7
- Section 3 Company drill 7-3-1
- Introduction 7-3-1
- Company formations 7-3-1
- Telling off a company 7-3-5
- Dressing a company in line 7-3-6
- Dressing a company in column and close column of platoons 7-3-6
- Forming up a company 7-3-7
- Company commander’s inspection 7-3-11
- Falling out the officers 7-3-13
- Company in (close) column of platoons forming column of threes (column of route) 7-3-13
- Company in column of threes (column of route) forming (close) column of platoons at the halt facing a flank 7-3-15
- Company in close column of platoons forming column of platoons 7-3-16
- Company in column of platoons forming close column of platoons 7-3-17
- Company in (close) column of platoons at the halt moving to a flank in threes 7-3-17
- Company in column of platoons forming line facing a flank 7-3-17
- Company in line forming column of platoons facing a flank 7-3-18
- Company in column of threes on the march forming column of platoons facing a flank 7-3-19
- Company in column of platoons forming line facing the same direction 7-3-21
- Company in line forming (close) column of platoons facing the same direction 7-3-21
- Company in column of platoons moving to a flank, forming column of threes by wheeling 7-3-21
- Company in column of threes forming column of platoons moving to a flank by wheeling 7-3-21
- Company in column of platoons changing direction by forming 7-3-23
- Company in close column of platoons on the march forming line facing a flank 7-3-23
- Company in close column of platoons halted, forming line facing the same direction 7-3-24
- Section 4 Battalion drill 7-4-1
- Introduction 7-4-1
- Battalion formations 7-4-1
- Telling off a battalion 7-4-9
- Dressing a battalion in line 7-4-9
- Dressing a battalion in column and close column of companies 7-4-10
- Dressing a battalion in mass 7-4-11
- Forming up a battalion 7-4-11
- Battalion in mass moving off in column of threes (column of route) 7-4-16
- Battalion in column of threes or column of route forming mass 7-4-17
- Battalion in (close) column of companies moving off in column of threes (column of route) 7-4-17
- Battalion in column of threes or column of route forming close column of companies at the halt facing a flank 7-4-17
- Battalion in column of threes or column of route forming close column of companies at the halt facing the same direction 7-4-17
- Section 1 General 8-1-1
- Definitions 8-1-1
- Parading colours and flags 8-1-1
- Draping the colours 8-1-1
- Section 2 The colour party 8-2-1
- Composition of a colour party 8-2-1
- Composition of a flag party 8-2-1
- Duties 8-2-2
- Arms and equipment 8-2-3
- Section 3 Colour drill 8-3-1
- General 8-3-1
- Position of the order 8-3-1
- Stand at ease from the order 8-3-1
- Stand easy from stand at ease 8-3-1
- Order from stand at ease 8-3-2
- Carry from the order 8-3-2
- Order from the carry 8-3-4
- Slope from the carry 8-3-4
- Slope from the order (cased colour) 8-3-6
- Order from the slope (cased colour) 8-3-9
- Changing the colour at the slope 8-3-9
- Carry from the slope 8-3-11
- Let fly from the carry 8-3-11
- Catching the colour from the let fly 8-3-11
- Dip from the carry at the halt 8-3-14
- Carry from the dip at the halt 8-3-14
- Dip from the carry on the slow march (consacreted colours only) 8-3-17
- Carry from the dip on the march 8-3-19
- Section 4 Removing and lodging the colours 8-4-1
- General 8-4-11
- Removing the colours 8-4-11
- Lodging the colours 8-4-11
- Section 5 Casing and uncasing the colours 8-5-1
- Casing the colours 8-5-1
- Uncasing the colour 8-5-3
- Section 6 Marching on and off the colour 8-6-1
- Marching on the colour 8-6-1
- Marching off the colour 8-6-2
- Section 7 Positions of colours on parade 8-71
- Battalion parade 8-71
- Guards of honour 8-71
- Section 1 General 9-1-1
- Introduction 9-1-1
- Promenading 9-1-1
- Inspections 9-1-3
- Presentations and addresses 9-1-3
- Mounted parades 9-1-3
- Bands 9-1-5
- Section 2 The battalion review 9-2-1
- Introduction 9-2-1
- Sequence of a battalion review 9-2-1
- Review parade ground 9-2-1
- Compliments and review order 9-2-2
- Reception of the reviewing officer 9-2-3
- Inspection 9-2-4
- March past 9-2-4
- Presentations and addresses 9-2-5
- Advance in review order 9-2-5
- Departure of the reviewing officer 9-2-5
- Change of command parades 9-2-17
- Section 3 Trooping the colour 9-3-1
- General 9-3-1
- Parade sequence 9-3-1
- Positioning the colour party 9-3-2
- Trooping the colour 9-3-2
- Section 4 Consecration and presentation of new colours 9-4-1
- General 9-4-1
- Parade sequence 9-4-1
- Marching off the old colours 9-4-1
- Formation 9-4-1
- Piling drums 9-4-3
- Officers for the colours 9-4-3
- Colour escort 9-4-4
- Colour orderlies 9-4-4
- Uncasing the colours 9-4-4
- Placing the colours on the drums 9-4-4
- Consecration 9-4-4
- Presentation of colours – Preparation 9-4-4
- Presentation of colours 9-4-5
- Section 5 Depositing or laying up of colours 9-5-1
- Section 6 Feu de joie 9-6-1
- General 9-6-1
- Feu de joie 9-6-1
- Annex A Mounted parades 9A-1
- Annex B Modifications to parade procedures – Example: Trooping the colour 9B-1
- Introduction 9B-1
- Sequence 9B-1
- Reorganization 9B-2
- Forming-up on parade 9B-2
- Inspection, trooping the colour, march past 9B-12
- The advance, presentation and address 9B-13
- The march off 9B-13
- Section 1 General 10-1-1
- Introduction 10-1-1
- Colours 10-1-1
- Parade format 10-1-1
- Section 2 Guards of honour 10-2-2
- General 10-2-2
- Guard formations 10-2-2
- Falling in the guard 10-2-3
- Mounting the guard of honour 10-2-3
- Inspection 10-2-3
- Dismounting and dismissal 10-2-5
- Section 3 Quarter guards and sentries 10-3-1
- General 10-3-1
- Definitions 10-3-1
- Composition of guards 10-3-1
- Duties of the guard 10-3-2
- Compliments 10-3-2
- Sentry drills 10-3-3
- Double sentries 10-3-5
- Forming up the guard 10-3-5
- Guard mounting 10-3-6
- Posting and relieving sentries 10-3-20
- Turning out the guard 10-3-20
- Dismissing the guard 10-3-21
- Household guards 10-3-21
- Section 4 Ceremonial arrival and departure guards 10-4-1
- General 10-4-1
- Ceremonial arrival guard 10-4-1
- Departure guard 10-4-1
- Positioning the guard 10-4-1
- Compliments 10-4-2
- Dismissing the guard 10-4-3
- Section 1 Religious services 11-1-1
- Remembrance services 11-1-1
- Church parades in churches 11-1-2
- Church parades elsewhere 11-1-2
- Section 2 Funerals 11-2-1
- Introduction 11-2-1
- The next of kin’s wishes 11-2-1
- The funeral procession 11-2-2
- The vigil 11-2-6
- Procedure for the departure of the casket 11-2-8
- The church service 11-2-11
- Procession 11-2-13
- The move to the graveside 11-2-15
- Arrival at the graveside 11-2-15
- Graveside service 11-2-16
- Conclusion 11-2-18
- Cremation 11-2-18
- Section 3 Instructions for the bearer party, honorary pallbearers and insignia bearers 11-3-1
- Section 4 The unloading of a casket from an overseas aircraft 11-4-1
- General 11-4-1
- Composition of the bearer party 11-4-1
- Position of the bearer party 11-4-1
- Removal of the casket 11-4-1
- Section 5 Burial or scattering of ashes at sea 11-5-1
- Bringing remains on board ship 11-5-1
- Burial 11-5-1
- Scattering of ashes 11-5-2
- Section 6 Process for the ceremonial folding of the national flag of canada 11-6-1
- General 11-6-1
- Section 1 Street lining 12-1-1
- General 12-1-1
- Definitions 12-1-1
- Street lining 12-1-1
- Funerals 12-1-4
- Dispersal 12-1-5
- Section 2 Freedom of the city 12-2-1
- General 12-2-1
- The ceremony 12-2-1
- Reporting 12-2-1
- Exercising the freedom 12-2-1
- Section 3 Retreat (sunset) and tattoo ceremonies 12-3-1
- General 12-3-1
- Review of the guard 12-3-1
- Retreat (sunset) 12-3-2
- Tattoo 12-3-2
- The departure 12-3-2
- Compliments 12-3-2
- Tattoos indoors and at dusk 12-3-3
- Section 4 The sunset ceremony (naval) 12-4-1
- Introduction 12-4-1
- General 12-4-1
- Sequence of sunset ceremony (naval) 12-4-2
- Personnel 12-4-2
- Phase 1: The march on 12-4-2
- Phase 2: Beating retreat and tattoo 12-4-5
- Phase 3: The march past 12-4-5
- Phase 4: Section drill 12-4-5
- Phase 5: Feu de joie 12-4-10
- Phase 6: The evening hymn 12-4-10
- Phase 7: Sunset 12-4-10
- Phase 8: The march off 12-4-11
- Section 5 The ceremony of the flags 12-5-1
- Introduction 12-5-1
- General 12-5-1
- Personnel 12-5-2
- Sequence of the ceremony of the flags 12-5-2
- Phase 1: The march on 12-5-3
- Phase 2: Section drill 12-5-3
- Fixing bayonets on the march 12-5-5
- Phase 3: Feu de joie 12-5-5
- Phase 4: Salute to the flags 12-5-7
- Phase 5: The march past 12-5-7
- Sunset 12-5-10
- Band music 12-5-10
- Section 6 Special occasions 12-6-1
- General 12-6-1
- Planning sequence 12-6-1
- Finances 12-6-1
- General 12A-1
- Take up drag ropes 12A-1
- Ground drag ropes 12A-1
- Quick march 12A-3
- Wheeling 12A-3
- Halt 12A-3
- Open order march 12A-3
- Unlimber 12A-3
- Load 12A-4
- Limber up 12A-7
- Quick march after limber up 12A-7
- Funeral drill – General 12A-8
- Funeral drill – Positioning the gun carriage 12A-8
- Funeral drill – Receiving the casket 12A-8
- Funeral drill – Removal of the casket 12A-11
- General 13-1
- Ceremonial divisions 13-1
- Daily divisions 13-2
- Evening quarters 13-2
- Procedure for entering and leaving harbour 13-2
- Manning and cheering ship 13-3
- Guards 13-4
- Colours 13-4
- Guards of honour 13-5
- Saluting on board 13-5
- Piping the side 13-6
Chapter 14 Band Drill 14-1-1
- Section 1 Introduction 14-1-1
- General 14-1-1
- Direction and control – Key parade appointments 14-1-1
- Musical marching displays 14-1-2
- Starting music on parade 14-1-2
- Section 2 Instrument drill 14-2-1
- Basic positions 14-2-1
- Changing positions 14-2-1
- Intermediate position 14-2-1
- Playing position from the carrying position 14-2-1
- Carrying position from the playing position 14-2-2
- Changing music 14-2-2
- Grounding and taking up instruments 14-2-3
- Compliments (saluting) 14-2-3
- Section 3 Conductor and drum major 14-3-1
- General 14-3-1
- Indications from conductor 14-3-1
- Baton carriage 14-3-1
- Positioning on the march 14-3-2
- Exchanging positions at the halt 14-3-2
- Saluting on the march in quick time 14-3-3
- Saluting on the march in slow time 14-3-3
- Section 4 Band formations and manoeuvre 14-4-1
- General 14-4-1
- Basic band formations 14-4-1
- Ordering a band on parade 14-4-2
- Dismissing a band on parade 14-4-2
- Wheels 14-4-2
- Standard countermarch 14-4-3
- Spiral countermarch 14-4-3
- Special wheeling manoeuvres 14-4-4
- Section 5 Visual and audible control signals and mace drill 14-5-1
- General 14-5-1
- Drum major - standard mace drill postures and motions 14-5-1
- Attention, stand at ease and stand easy 14-5-1
- The carry 14-5-2
- Saluting 14-5-2
- The trail 14-5-2
- Halting 14-5-3
- Marching a band off parade 14-5-3
- The state walk and walking the mace 14-5-3
- Decorum 14-5-4
- Parade cane 14-5-4
- Standard visual and audible control signals 14-5-4
- Stepping off and marking time 14-5-5
- Stepping off 14-5-5
- Marking time 14-5-5
- Halting 14-5-6
- Commence playing 14-5-7
- Cease playing 14-5-8
- Simultaneous cease playing while halting 14-5-9
- Changing march tempo 14-5-9
- Wheel signals 14-5-10
- Standard countermarch signal and action 14-5-11
- Spiral countermarch signal and action 14-5-11
- Pivot and spin wheel signals 14-5-11
- Massed bands coordination signals 14-5-12
- Section 6 Parade procedures and techniques 14-6-1
- Annex A to Chapter 14 14A-1
- General 14A-1
- Quick march 14A-1
- Slow march 14A-1
- Stepping off 14A-1
- Marking time 14A-2
- Halting 14A-2
- Cease playing 14A-2
- Change of cadence 14A-2
- Annex B to Chapter 14 14B-1
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