Collection of Biodiversity Information Sources
A collection of online information sources related to Canadian biodiversity from Canada and around the world. This collection aims to make biodiversity data, information, and knowledge more accessible to the public and to conservation practitioners, in support of Target 21 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
This collection includes many different types of sites (e.g., biodiversity assessments, conservation standards and practices, biodiversity data, monitoring programs, biological collections, and more). To find publications by the Government of Canada, please visit the publications catalogue. For additional information on peer-reviewed scientific publications, Google Scholar or Web of Science are useful search engines.
Did you know? The State of Canada’s Birds 2024, released in early October by Environment Climate Change Canada and Birds Canada, provides the most complete overview of Canada’s birds to date. Read the Report, which presents an overview of how Canada's birds are doing, or look through the species accounts, which present detailed information on population status, trends, goals, distribution, and occurrence in Canada.
results out of
Bird Migration Explorer
The Bird Migration Explorer is an interactive map showing thousands of bird tracks from hundreds of species. There are maps to show the movement of individuals from a single species, the movement of individuals from many species from a location, or the conservation challenges in an area. The host organization, Audubon, is focused on bird conservation across Canada, the United States, Latin America, and the Caribbean. Using community science and their team of experts, they produce summary reports on birds and climate change, and provide policy advice.
Christmas Bird Count (CBC)
The Christmas Bird Count (CBC) is a community science initiative where volunteers count the number of birds per species within established count circles across Canada and the United States. The survey runs from mid-December to the start of January, with different count dates depending on the location. The CBC is run by Audubon in the United States and by Birds Canada in Canada. Raw count data, as well as summaries and reports, are available online.
Climate-change effects on the epidemiology of infectious diseases, and the associated impacts on Northern societies (CLINF)
A network tracking climate-sensitive infections or infections expanding North with climate change, in both animals and humans. Their research considers traditional knowledge, cultural, social, and landscape change as factors. Data can be accessed through reports and members can view and download all Geographic Information System (GIS) data.
Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC)
A commission that facilitates collaboration between Canada, the United States and Mexico and provides data on the state of their environments and conservation efforts. The North American Land Change Monitoring System has maps on carbon sequestration, wildlife habitat mapping, ecosystem monitoring, and more. The North American Environmental Atlas allows for the mapping and layering of data on human influence, climate, ecosystem pollution, and waste. Taking Stock provides summary reports on the consumption of energy and materials, as well as pollutants generated. All data can be downloaded in formats from PDFs to shapefiles. There are also monitoring methods, campaign tools, and best management practices.
By Commission for Environmental Cooperation (CEC)
Intergovernmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Land Cover Methods Maps -
Global Invasive Species Database (GISD)
An online database with information on alien and invasive species. All species within the Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species (GRIIS) have some information within the GISD. The database can be searched by keyword or by using taxonomy. Information includes a species taxonomy and may also include its impact, distribution, management, and more.
Global Soil Biodiversity Initiative (GSBI)
A global collective of soil scientists aiming to inform the public and policy on soil biodiversity and create a platform for soil sustainability. Soil biodiversity includes anything from the microbes to the beetles, mites, and worms living within soils. They also provide a platform to address questions regarding the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) work on soils, and they are creating a framework to link soil biodiversity with ecosystem services. They have created global databases, including one for earthworms (sWORM). and the Global Soil Biodiversity Atlas, which describes soil habitats, organisms, distribution, and threats.
By School of Global Environmental Sustainability - Colorado State University
Distribution Biodiversity Management Practices Policy Status -
IPCA Knowledge Basket
A collection of resources to support Indigenous-led conservation. Information includes many knowledge systems, including Western Science and Indigenous Knowledge. Users are encouraged to be respectful of all knowledge systems and to contribute to the platform to create a stronger collective knowledge. There is a searchable database, and a curated list of academic literature on Indigenous-led conservation, which is updated regularly.
Indigenous Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Indigenous Knowledge -
International Network on Soil Biodiversity (NETSOB)
A global network of soil experts that promote sustainable use and conservation of soil biodiversity. They produced the "State of Knowledge of Soil Biodiversity" report, which describes the ecosystem benefits and services of soil biodiversity, threats to soil organisms, and laboratory and analytical advances to study soil biodiversity. Accounts are written for groups such as Archaea, springtails, isopods, millipedes, insects, and spiders, with descriptions of species richness, individual species, and traits.
By Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Intergovernmental Organization
Distribution Network Species Occurrence Status -
Living Planet Index
An organization that produces a yearly report on the status of the world's vertebrate biodiversity using population trends. Through their data portal, population estimates can be downloaded from around the globe. Data can be sorted by species Latin names, common names, taxa, realm, and country. All data has cited sources. They also produce a yearly, "Living Planet Report Canada", with summary statistics on species at risk, population trends, and conservation initiatives within Canada.
- an online nomenclatural information system of Eumycetozoa
A global database on the nomenclature of Eumycetozoans (Myxomycetes, Dictyostelids and Protostelids) or slime moulds. Includes valid names and synonyms.
North American Bird Banding Database
A program where bird banding data from Canada and the United States can be entered, archived, and disseminated. Data are published annually on ScienceBase and are also made available in an annual report on banding and encounter records. Records include the band number, coordinates of the encounter, date of encounter, and the bird's age, sex, and status.
North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP)
An agreement between Canada, the United States, and Mexico to conserve waterfowl populations and landscapes. The partnership informs policy development, evidence-based planning, and habitat restoration. The joint ventures are networks focused on species groups or habitats with partners from all levels of government, academia, and conservation organizations. Webinars, action plans, and summary reports are all available through their website.
By North American Waterfowl Management Plan (NAWMP)
Intergovernmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network Reports -
Protecting Blue Corridors Report
A report on global whale migrations and their threats, created using tracking data. Data are cited per species and area, with the total number of satellite tracks.
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Maps Threats -
Reforestation, Nurseries and Genetic Resources (RNGR)
A site with technical information on the production and planting of forest and conservation seedlings across North America. There is a directory of businesses that support plant propagation and provide native plant materials, and a curated collection of publications that includes notes from tree planters and nurseries, seed manuals, and more. The site also includes other resources, webinars, and events. The Intertribal Nursery Council (INC) meets annually to discuss nurseries, tree species, native plants, and first foods.
By Forest Service (U.S. Department of Agriculture)
Foreign Government
Biodiversity Management Practices Indigenous Knowledge -
State of North America's Birds
A summary report with vulnerability assessments for all native birds occurring in North America. The assessment was done by a group of experts from Canada, the United States and Mexico. The report contains summaries across bird groups, individual species assessments and abundance data for select species.
By North American Bird Conservation Initiative (NABCI)
Intergovernmental Organization
Abundance Status Trends Threats -
Agri-environmental indicators (AEIs)
A collection of reports and summaries of Agri-Environmental Indicators (AEIs) that show the effects of agriculture on the environment. They track factors like land use, soil health, wildlife habitat capacity, and more. Information is available in plain language summaries or as technical reports.
An invasive alien species strategy for Canada
Canada's strategy to respond to the threat of invasive alien species.
A part of the Network of Centres of Excellence Canada that conducts and disseminates arctic climate change research. Members are from provincial, international, and federal governments, academia, and Inuit organizations. Their data management policy is intended to have data that are findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. Standardized metadata are also included with information on the program, researchers, location, timing, precision, and access information. Data are expected to be placed in a long-term repository outside of ArcticNet. They provide data sharing guidelines and produce an annual report on their research findings, programs, and goals.
By ArcticNet
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Data Management Resources Network Reports -
Biotics Web Explorer
A web explorer with information on the biodiversity within Parks Canada's managed areas. Information includes the species present and recovery and management strategies. They also produce biodiversity reports that are publicly accessible. The web explorer is currently under development.
By Parks Canada
Government of Canada
Biodiversity Management Practices Species Occurrence Species Richness Reports -
Canada's State of the Oceans Report
An annual report on the state of Canada's oceans. The reports are cyclical focusing on one ocean each year (Arctic, Atlantic or Pacific), followed by a national report. Raw data cannot be downloaded, but reports are publicly available. Reports cover marine habitats, species, and food webs and their status and trends.
By Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)
Government of Canada
Indicators Status Reports Trends -
Canada’s 6th National Report to the Convention on Biological Diversity
Canada's response to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) in 2018. A list of national biodiversity goals and targets for 2020.
Canada’s Country Report for The Second Report on the State of the World's Forest Genetic Resources
The World’s Forest Genetic Resources is part of a series of global assessments on genetic resources and biodiversity. This report focuses on trees and woody plant shrubs over 10 m high. It considers range-wide genetic data, conservation implications, status of seedbanks and threats.
By Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Government of Canada
Genetic Data Species Occurrence Status Threats -
Canadian Biosphere Regions Association (CBRA)
A national network of Biosphere Reserves where each reserve has different projects. The Waterton Biosphere Region conducts amphibian surveys and produces reports on their findings. The Mnidoo Gamii Biosphere produces a yearly "State of the Bay" report, which combines Western science with Indigenous knowledge and covers climate change, aquatic ecosystem health, coastal wetlands, and landscape biodiversity. The Long Point Biosphere conducts tree health surveys every five years.
Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators (CESI)
A federal initiative to track the progress of environmental indicators on topics such as climate change, water quality, and protecting nature. Indicators can be viewed by topic or on an interactive map. Maps are interoperable, allowing multiple indicators to be layered, and can be downloaded as image files. Data are also available in the form of HTML and CSV data tables and downloadable reports.
By Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
Government of Canada
Compiler Indicators Status Trends -
Canadian biodiversity: ecosystem status and trends 2010 (ESTR)
A report on Canada's progress towards the goals in the 2006 Biodiversity Outcomes Framework, often refered to as the ESTR report. Contains ecosystem status and trends.
DFO information on aquatic species
A list of some of the aquatic species in Canada. The list can be searched by keyword and filtered by area and conservation status. Each species page has photos, descriptions, life history information, and any relevant documents produced under the Species at Risk Act (SARA) and the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC).
ECCC Data Catalogue
A diverse catalogue of data collected by ECCC that can be searched by keyword or by theme (e.g., environment, climatology, biota or elevation), or by resource (e.g., dataset, series, model). Data can also be searched on an interactive map, where it can be downloaded in multiple formats.
Ecosystem Status and Trends reports (ESTR)
A summary report on the status and trends of ecosystems in Canada. The report is divided into technical thematic reports including ecological classification systems, climate oscillations, fire regimes, waterfowl trends, and much more. The last report was made in 2010. All data are collected from external sources. There are also ecozone status assessments available for download.
Firelight Group
An Indigenous-owned consulting group focused on providing research and technical services to support the rights and interests of Indigenous Nations across Canada. Findings are available through their site as reports.
First Nations Culturally Significant Species Dialogues
A project to compile perspectives from the Assembly of First Nations on species management and conservation planning. Ultimately, this project aims to help Indigenous voices influence federal policies.
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Indigenous Knowledge -
Fisheries policies, reports, and publications
A collection of policies, reports, and publications produced by Fisheries and Oceans Canada. The collection is focused on fishing and fisheries, and is organized by categories, like Indigenous fishing, conservation and sustainability, and more.
By Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)
Government of Canada
Biodiversity Policy Status Trends -
Forest Invasive Alien Species (FIAS)
A portal for information on alien insects and diseases that have been or could be destructive to Canada’s forests. There is a list of known alien species and diseases with information like their preferred hosts, date of arrival in Canada, distribution, photos, and more. There is also a list of species not currently in Canada, but that could pose a threat if they were introduced. The site includes control recommendations, a report on the impact of exotic forest pests, and more.
Fostering Indigenous Small-scale fisheries for Health, Economy, and Food Security (FISHES)
A large-scale, applied research project combining genomics and fisheries science with Indigenous Knowledge (IK) to support the sustainable harvest of fish. They plan to develop genomic resources for seven fish species important to communities in the Canadian north (Inuit, Cree, Dené). These resources will be used to identify genetically distinct populations, assess their vulnerability to climate change, and understand the effect of hatchery programs on subsistence harvesting and the sustainability of fish stocks. Information is available as reports and publications.
Government of Canada Biodiversity Portal
A portal of biodiversity information collected by the Government of Canada. Spatial biodiversity data can be viewed on an interactive map or searched using keywords.
Human Activity and the Environment (HAE)
This project compiles data from multiple sources to create reports on environmental issues. Issues range from the state of Canada's forests to ecosystem change to freshwater in Canada. Reports display and summarize data, with data sources cited.
Indigenous Circle of Experts (ICE)
A report by the Indigenous Circle of Experts on the creation of Indigenous protected areas as a form of reconciliation.
Indigenous Conservation Engagement Framework (2023)
A framework produced by Nature United (The Nature Conservancy) for working with Indigenous communities and supporting Indigenous-led conservation management. The first version was produced in 2019, with a more recent version produced in 2023.
By Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Indigenous Knowledge -
Land Needs Guardians
An Indigenous-led organization doing environmental monitoring, animal and plant restoration, and managing protected areas across Canada. They combine scientific practices with Indigenous knowledge. The organization is divided into over 150 guardian programs, each focused on a specific area, with projects tailored to the region's concerns. Projects are organized under regional networks, which share knowledge and best practices. The focuses range from restoring salmon runs to monitoring hydro dam effects on water quality to monitoring pipeline repairs. This organization can also act as an intermediary between communities and industry by investigating and reporting back to communities. Through the website, some reports and case studies are available.
By Indigenous Leadership Initiative
Indigenous Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Environmental Data Network Reports -
Ocean Networks Canada (ONC)
A network of observatories that monitors Canada's oceans, from East to West, including the Arctic. Data are captured by many means and cover topics such as ecology, seismology, climate change, chemistry, and high-energy particle physics. The network combines Indigenous knowledge, scientific data, and multidisciplinary work. Reports are produced annually on their findings and a data centre allows for the upload and download of data. The data can be searched through a map, with filters for areas and sensor types.
Environmental data Indigenous Knowledge Network Species Occurrence -
Species at Risk Public Registry
A registry of documents related to the Species at Risk Act (SARA). The registry can be searched by species or filtered by region, taxonomic group, and status. Different document types can be selected such as status reports, recovery documents, and permits.
By Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
Government of Canada
Biodiversity Management Practices Status Reports Trends -
State of Canada's Natural and Historic Places
A summary report on the state of Canada's natural and cultural heritage programs and places that is published every 5 years. The report includes information on species at risk, visitor experiences, ecological integrity, and more.
State of the Canadian Pacific salmon: Responses to changing climate and habitats
A 2019 report on the state of Pacific salmon in Canada, focusing on their responses to climate and habitat change. The report is interactive and features graphics and photos.
The State of Canada's Birds
The State of Canada’s Birds is delivered by Environment and Climate Change Canada and Birds Canada. The site is organized into two sections: species accounts and a summary report. The species accounts contain hundreds of species showing how species’ populations have changed in Canada since 1970. These accounts include data and information on population status, trends, goals, distribution, and occurrence. The summary report presents an overview of how Canada's birds are doing. It explores trends and conservation actions, examines threats, and provides practical ways to help birds.
The State of Canada's Forests
Since 1990, The State of Canada's Forests: Annual Report has been a trusted and authoritative source of comprehensive information on the social, economic and environmental state of Canada's forests and forest sector. The indicators included in the annual report are focused on forest amount, timber harvest, threats to forests, ecosystem services, and trends in forestry. Data and indicators are based on the most accurate and currently available data from Canada's most trusted sources. As of October 2024, the most recent report was in 2023.
Wild Species - The General Status of Species in Canada
A report on the conservation status and distribution of approximately 50,000 species in Canada. Species are also assigned a priority score based on their status and percentage of their population in Canada. The report includes summaries on the species, such as the number of species within different kingdoms and the number of species within different status categories per province.
Wildlife Science Centre
The Wildlife Science Centre provides scientific evidence to back policy decisions that were informed by Indigenous-led conservation. Most of the information is in the form of reports or peer-reviewed publications. They provide long-term plans to achieve policy goals, bring together diverse teams to address issues, provide outreach and information sessions, and conduct primary research to inform policies. Their work focuses on habitat restoration, habitat change, human-wildlife coexistence, weaving Indigenous knowledge, and wildlife ecology.
By Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI)
Non-Governmental Organization
Indigenous Knowledge Biodiversity Management Practices Species Occurrence Policy -
Données Québec
A portal to access data collected by the government of Québec. Data can be filtered based on data format, category, organization and more. Data is wide-ranging, from biodiversity within protected areas to water-quality data.
Lands, Resources and Consultations (LRC) Branch
The Lands, Resources and Consultations (LRC) Branch works on understanding and responding to climate change across Métis communities in Ontario. They perform community monitoring projects, such as a water quality monitoring program and the Native Bee Monitoring Project. Their findings are available as a report, and data may be available upon request.
Nature-Action Québec (French only)
A group that conserves land, advises communities on environmental practices, and creates management plans for conservation areas. Information is available through annual reports, newletters, and web articles. They produce kits with information on wildlife in certain ecosystems, the effects of management practices, and more.
By Nature-Action Québec (French only)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Species Description -
Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board
A board that monitors wildlife and manages the harvest of wildlife within the Nunavik Marine Region. It operates below the Nunavik Inuit Land Claim Agreement (NILCA). Research is guided by the interests of the region's hunters and is focused on gathering Inuit knowledge and creating population estimates of belugas, arctic terns, walruses, and golden eagles. Communities are also monitoring sea ice conditions and its impacts in the Hudson Bay area. Reports and research articles are available through the resources section of the website.
By Nunavik Marine Region Wildlife Board
Provincial/Territorial Government
Abundance Maps Species Occurrence Tracking Data -
Nunavut General Monitoring Plan (NGMP)
An initiative to gather traditional and scientific data on environmental and socio-economic issues. It also identifies knowledge gaps for future projects and provides funding. It aims to create public reports on monitoring programs and findings. The NGMP Compendium contains information on monitoring initiatives and summaries of findings.
ABMI Data & Analytics Portal
A portal to access data collected across Alberta by ABMI (Alberta Biomonitoring Institute). The Biodiversity Browser hosts data on the occurrence, human impact, habitat association, and habitat suitability of species, as well as multi-species reports. Through the Data Download, raw and geospatial data can be filtered by species groups and habitat variables . The "Habitat Elements" portal is currently under development. The Mapping Portal allows for the visualization and creation of maps using ABMI data. The Online Reporting tool provides access to ABMI reports.
By Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI)
Non-Governmental Organization
Environmental Data Species Occurrence Maps Species Richness -
Appalachian Corridor
A group focused on protecting the natural areas in the Appalachian region of Southern Québec. They conserve and restore natural areas, share information on the area’s ecology, and perform outreach activities. The website hosts information on the area’s biodiversity, annual reports, management guidelines, illustrated booklets, and more.
By Appalachian Corridor
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Species Description -
Broad-scale Monitoring Program (BsM)
A program to monitor the fisheries in Ontario's lakes. This program is cyclic, with the most recent cycle lasting from 2008-2012. They collect information on the distribution, amount, and diversity of fish, the state and status of fisheries, and threats to fish. Information can be accessed on individual lakes and summary statistics are also available through the website.
Provincial/Territorial Government
Abundance Species Richness Status Threats -
NWT Discovery Portal
A portal of information collected by the government of the Northwest Territories. The portal allows datasets to be searched by keywords, by location, and through specific communities. Datasets include but are not limited to the Inventory of Landscape Change, an interactive map showing human and natural disturbances in the Northwest Territories, and the Cumulative Impact Monitoring Program, which monitors caribou, water, and fish, and produces annual reports.
Nunavut Land Use Plan
A guide on land use in Nunavut, and a framework for the development and conservation of land and sea. The plan combines evidence from the Nunavut Planning Commission, expert opinion, and community input. It respects Indigenous culture, traditions, and values. The land is classed based on accepted uses and seasons in which the land can be used. There is information on areas important to species, such as caribou calving areas and migratory bird sites. The Land Use Plan can be accessed as an interactive map or as a report.
Raincoast Conservation Foundation
A group of scientists in British Columbia monitoring coastal species and sharing their results with decision makers and communities. Projects focus on water health, the Fraser estuary, killer whales, coastal carnivores, salmon, and forests. Techniques range from water quality monitoring to environmental DNA (eDNA). Data are available in the form of publications, reports, and maps. In partnership with and hosted by the University of Victoria, there is the Applied Conservation Science Lab, which focuses on the Great Bear Rainforest and works with Indigenous communities. The group also runs the Conservation Genetics Lab that studies the populations, health, and diets of coastal species.
By Raincoast Conservation Foundation
Non-Governmental Organization
Abundance Genetic Data Species Occurrence Tracking Data -
Caribou Portal
An Indigenous-led initiative monitoring the effect of Alberta’s Highway 40 on caribou. Patrols are conducted during spring and fall migration. Users can also submit a caribou sighting through the portal. They produce reports and outreach materials on caribou and wildlife road sharing.
Biodiversity Management Practices Indigenous Knowledge Threats -
Community Ecological Monitoring Program (CEMP)
A long-term monitoring project collecting data on the plant and indicator species in the Kluane (Yukon). Methods are available on the website, as are annual reports with trends and status of indicator species of mammals, birds, fungi, and plants.
Biodiversity Building Blocks for Policy (B-Cubed)
An initiative to address policy needs using existing monitoring initiatives that follow the Essential Biodiversity Variables framework. The biodiversity cubes will be the basis for models and indicators of current and future biodiversity. Models, their associated datasets, and automated workflows will be publicly available and updated in real-time. Most cubes and workflows are under development, but the species occurrence cubes are currently available through GitHub (
By Biodiversity Building Blocks for Policy (B-Cubed)
Non-Governmental Organization
Policy Indicators Methods Species Occurrence -
An international data repository that allows for the upload and download of research data, software, and code. Datasets can be viewed by theme, or the website can be searched and data can be easily downloaded. Data are stored for long-term access. The repository follows the FAIR principles and is a CoreTrustSeal repository.
Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE)
A NASA Terrestrial Ecology Program in Alaska and Western Canada that is monitoring environmental change. This project is focused on both understanding the resilience and vulnerability of the Arctic and on supplying science to decision makers. This program links remote-sensing data to field-based data. Data are available by accessing the ADAPT Science Cloud, which requires an account and NASA allowance.
By National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Foreign Government
Biodiversity Management Practices Environmental Data Maps Status -
Atlantic Ocean Observing System (AtlantOS)
A framework for observing the Atlantic Ocean. This project integrates ocean monitoring data, shares results, and improves ocean observing sensors and networks. This project was initially an EU Horizon 2020 project but has since been continued and improved. Data aren't currently available, but the project intends for open-access data.
By Atlantic Ocean Observing System (AtlantOS)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Environmental Data Indicators Remote Sensing -
Biodiversity and Climate Change Assessments
An assessment of the links between climate change and biodiversity in the United States, with considerations for Canada and Mexico. The assessment will be conducted by scientists, policy-makers, and practitioners from many different organizations, governments, and academic institutions across the continent. It aims to better understand the drivers of biodiversity loss and the impacts of climate change, to identify gaps in knowledge, and to create policy recommendations.
By United States Geological Survey (USGS)
Foreign Government
Biodiversity Management Practices Policy Environmental Data -
An organization that delivers science to member countries, donors, and partners to work on agricultural developments in the face of climate change. The CABI Digital Library contains all CABI's content, and users can search using keywords, filtered fields, and more. CABI also hosts databases on health and agriculture. The CABI Collections contain bibliographic information on many subjects such as animal science, environmental impact, forest science, and more. The CABI Compendium contains data and research on species, pests, and diseases, as well as an Invasive Species Discovery Tool, where users can search for invasive species by filters such as distribution, taxonomy, and habitat. CABI also publishes journals and books.
Cambridge Conservation Initiative (CCI)
A global network focused on conservation. It provides funding for conservation initiatives and supports capacity building. Other focuses are on collaboration between arts and sciences, ecosystem services, and restoration. The network funded a global database of species population monitoring schemes, hosted by IUCN SSC.
Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF) Knowledge
An organization focused on all topics related to forestry and agroforestry. Datasets are accessible through the dataset portal and can be searched by keyword, and filtered by challenge, theme, topic, country, and more. Topics may include subjects such as fire regimes, tree genetic resources, biodiversity, and soil health. The publication portal is similar to the datasets portal and is focused on the same topics and themes.
By Center for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR-ICRAF)
Intergovernmental Organization
Compiler -
Clearing-House Mechanism
The Clearing-House Mechanism provides information services to promote and facilitate scientific cooperation, knowledge sharing, and information exchange. There is a central clearing-house mechanism operating at a global scale, and a network of national clearing-house mechanisms operating at the national level.
By Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM)
A network to provide information on all aspects that affect natural resources and biological diversity. Their focus is on nature-based solutions, specifically ecosystem-based approaches. The network includes over 1600 members, divided into 30 Thematic Groups, Specialist Groups and Task Forces. All members must have a relevant academic degree or significant experience with ecosystem management. They have a database of CEM resources, with solutions for a variety of issues and can be searched by resource, region, theme, and resource type.
By International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Intergovernmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Conservation Coaches Network (CCNet)
A network of professionals, or coaches, trained in the use of Conservation Standards (CS) that lead and support conservation programs around the world. There are regional CCNET networks, including a CCNET North America. The Community of Practice is focused on increasing access and support to Indigenous People and Local Communities (IPLC) using Conservation Standards for their conservation projects.
By Conservation Measures Partnership (CMP)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Conservation Measures Partnership (CMP)
A network of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), government agencies, and private businesses working on conserving nature. The network shares information and best practices to inform worldwide conservation. The network is focused on monitoring and evaluating conservation practices using Conservation Standards.
By Conservation Measures Partnership (CMP)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Biodiversity Standards Network -
Conservation Standards (CS)
A standardized set of common concepts, approaches, and terminology for nature conservation projects. Conservation Standards (CS), or the Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation, are open-source and regularly updated by the Conservation Measures Partnership. The site includes support groups for those beginning to adopt Conservation Standards, a resource library, and more.
By Conservation Measures Partnership (CMP)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Biodiversity Standards -
A digital archive for academic material and research libraries. It compiles online published materials and research libraries for long-term storage.
Critical Natural Assets Map
An interactive map with layers that can be added for protected areas, natural assets, natural resources, resource extraction, and more. Conservation International partners with businesses, governments, and communities (including Indigenous peoples) to help support protected areas and implement conservation interventions on land and at sea.
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Land Cover -
Darwin Core Standard (DwC)
A standard of biodiversity terms based on taxa and their occurrence. This extends to identifiers, labels, and definitions. These standards apply to any collection of biological samples or data. This standard is a GitHub package.
Encyclopedia of Life (EOL)
An initiative to integrate and standardize knowledge sources on biodiversity to create a publicly available database on global biodiversity. Data can be searched through a classic search tool, food webs can be viewed, and ecological models can be searched or constructed and simulated using EOL data.
By Smithsonian Institution's Natural History Museum (NHM)
Foreign Government
Distribution Methods Species Description Taxonomy -
A repository for research papers and all research outputs, including datasets, figures, and code. Figshare is made for institutions, publishers, biotech and pharmaceutical institutions, and individuals, which can upload data over a 10-year period with a charge. There is currently an office in Romania, the United Kingdom, and the United States.
A global database with information on fish species, specifically finfish (true fishes, excludes aquatic life like shellfish, jellyfish, and others). There are data on taxonomy, distribution, conservation status, ecology, and much more. There are also models, identification keys, and statistics. The database can be searched by common or scientific name, taxonomy, country, ecosystem, topic, and tools.
By Quantitative Aquatics Inc. (Q-quatics)
Non-Governmental Organization
Distribution Methods Species Description Status -
Forest MacroSystems (FMS) Network
A global forest plant monitoring network. Monitoring is long term and standardized, focusing on plants of all sizes. Currently, the network has nine sites globally, with one in British Columbia. Each site is divided into 5 plots, subdivided into transects, and sampled by identifying and measuring all plants along the transects. Tree growth is also monitored using dendrometers. The resulting data includes plant diversity, demographics, growth, and tree diversity. Data are available in the form of peer-reviewed publications.
Future Earth
A global initiative to strengthen the interface between policy and science. An international network of scientists, researchers, and decision makers working collaboratively to develop and implement sustainable solutions.
A network focused on the "omics" - genomics, proteomics, metabolomics, metagenomics, phenomics, and transcriptomics. This network aims to create a global system to monitor the biosphere. They create protocols, share code via GitHub, and work to improve interoperability.
GOOS BioEco Metadata Portal
An online platform providing information on ocean monitoring programs. It focuses on microbiota diversity, animal diversity, and plant and algal cover and composition. It provides information and metadata on each program's organization, location, purpose, variables observed, and state of development. The BioEco Metadata portal displays monitoring programs on a map, filters can be applied to narrow a search, and there is a statistics tab giving the totals across categories such as taxa, readiness, or data included in OBIS (Ocean Biodiversity Information System). The GOOS GeoNode Portal is a tool where monitoring programs can be searched by keywords.
Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
An intergovernmental data infrastructure for biodiversity data. Communities are organized into themes around soil, conservation, climate change, human health, DNA barcoding, agriculture, and business. GBIF hosts portals that are customizable websites to support biodiversity data at multiple governmental and regional scales. It supports biodiversity initiatives for information capture and use in Asia (Biodiversity Information Fund for Asia, BIFA), Northern Eurasia (Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility, FinBIF), sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean and the Pacific (Biodiversity Information for Development, BID). It runs the Capacity Enhancement Support Programme for GBIF participants to increase collaboration at multiple levels by providing funding for mentoring, training, and documentation.
By Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)
Intergovernmental Organization
Data Management Resources Network -
Global Biodiversity Standard
An international standard to promote the protection, restoration, and enhancement of biodiversity. It provides examples of successful conservation projects and provides knowledge, data, and mentoring for policy-makers and shareholders to restore and enhance biodiversity. The focus is on the botanical community.
By Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices -
Global Conservation Consortia
A network of institutions and experts working to develop and implement conservation strategies for plants. The priority is to prevent the extinction of threatened species. The aim is to have coordinated in situ and ex-situ conservation actions, and to share recovery information. Consortia are divided by plant group or genus. Information can be searched by region, language, country, or consortia (e.g., Acer, Magnolia etc.).
By Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network Status Threats -
Global Indigenous Data Alliance (GIDA)
An international network of Indigenous researchers, data practitioners, and policy activists aiming to advance Indigenous data sovereignty and Indigenous data governance both within their nation-states and at an international scale.
Global Knowledge Support Service for Biodiversity
A service to support monitoring, reporting, and sharing of biodiversity knowledge. This tool is under development but may provide support by storing data, providing infrastructures and web services, and producing learning resources and indicators.
By Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
Non-Governmental Organization
Compiler Data Management Resources Network -
Global Ocean Accounts Partnership (GOAP)
A global, multi-institutional partnership established to enable countries and other stakeholders to go beyond Gross Domestic Product (GDP) to measure and manage progress toward ocean sustainable development. Their Ocean Accounts Framework aims to standardize the maps, statistics, and indicators made from ocean data. The framework includes the ocean economy and the environment, ecosystem services relationships, and guidance on ocean economy satellite reporting.
By University of New South Wales
Biodiversity Management Practices Data Management Resources Network -
Global Ocean Biodiversity Initiative (GOBI)
An international group of institutions focused on marine conservation. This group provides information to support the Convention on Biological Diversity's (CBD) efforts to identify ecologically or biologically significant marine areas (EBSAs). They provide data and guidance for regional analyses and support regional capacity building.
By Global Ocean Biodiversity Initiative (GOBI)
Non-Governmental Organization
Compiler Data Management Methods Network -
Global Species Action Plan (GSAP)
A global guide on conservation actions across species. The "Knowledge Hub" provides access to tools and resources for practitioners to apply the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) targets to species conservation. The Knowledge Hub can be searched by keyword, GBF target or actions.
By International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Intergovernmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices -
Global Transboundary Conservation Network
A global network spanning 60 countries to promote transboundary conservation of nature, its ecosystem services, and its cultural values. They provide tools for conservation planners, conservation training, case studies on successful transboundary protected areas (TBPAs), and relevant international policy.
By International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Global Treeline Range Expansion Experiment (G-TREE)
A group of researchers across Canada, the United States, and Europe studying the expansion of the tree line. The tree line is where the land cover goes from forest to non-forest in arctic and alpine environments. Research methods are standardized and published. The focus is on discovering whether trees are not able to survive past the tree line due to the tree seeds or due to the difference in the substrate.
Great Lakes Panel on Aquatic Nuisance Species
A panel focused on aquatic invasive species and their management. They perform education and outreach, as well as coordinating research and informing policy. They host a resource library with information on aquatic nuisance species and any information relevant to the Great Lakes Panel.
Non-Governmental Organization
Invasive Species Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Greening of the Arctic
An international initiative to document, map, and understand the expected changes to terrestrial vegetation across the Arctic due to climate change.
By Alaska Geobotany Center (University of Alaska Fairbanks)
Compiler Data Management Methods -
HawkWatch International (HWI)
A group monitoring raptors and providing education and training on raptor conservation. Their Migration Network collects standardized migration counts at sites across North America. They perform outreach services using injured raptors, or Raptor Ambassadors. They also create raptor identification sheets and publish scientific literature. All migration data can be accessed through the Hawk Migration Association of Northern America.
High-Latitude Drone Ecology Network (HiLDEN)
A network of ecologists sharing methods and protocols on the use of drones to collect data in the Arctic.
IUCN Urban Nature Indexes (UNI)
A product to measure the ecological performance of cities. The indexes can be subdivided into six themes: consumption drivers, human pressures, habitat status, species status, nature's contributions to people, and governance responses.
By International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Urban Alliance
Intergovernmental Organization
Standards -
Indigenous Peoples And Local Communities (ICCA) Registry
A platform with information on Indigenous Community and Conserved Areas (ICCAs) and other territories and areas conserved by Indigenous Peoples and local communities. The interactive map includes data, case studies, maps, and observations. Summary statistics are produced for the global ICCAs.
By UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)
Intergovernmental Organization
Indigenous Knowledge Maps -
A database of information on multilateral environmental agreements. Data can be searched by keyword or viewed by topic, such as biological diversity, climate and atmosphere, and marine and freshwater. They also provide a negotiator's toolkit to help practitioners navigate multilateral agreements, and free online courses on diverse environmental topics. The database contains a map and site list, action plans, court decisions, contacts and national legislation, and more.
Integrated Management Effectiveness Tool (IMET)
A protected area management tool for in-depth assessments of marine and terrestrial areas. It can also be used to help managers make informed conservation management decisions. It can identify the strengths and weaknesses of a protected area's management and allows for the identification of conservation priorities. This tool also supports capacity building for conservation planning, monitoring, and assessment. Upon assessment, IMET can analyze and display results, as well as store data.
Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC)
An international network to share information and conservation practices in ocean and coastal environments. Programs are focused on capacity building, ocean monitoring, tsunami warning, and ocean literacy. The IOC coordinates the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development 2021-2030.
Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
An independent, intergovernmental body established to strengthen the science-policy interface for biodiversity and ecosystem services. IPBES uses expertise from all scientific disciplines and knowledge communities to provide decision makers with assessments on the state of biodiversity and associated knowledge gaps, and policy recommendations on the protection, management, and sustainable use of natural resources. Assessments can be searched by knowledge gap category and by keyword.
By Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES)
Intergovernmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Biodiversity Policy Status -
International Arctic Science Committee (IASC)
An international scientific organization aiming to facilitate cooperation in Arctic research and to foster a greater scientific understanding of the Arctic region and its role in the Earth system. IASC is also committed to recognizing that Traditional knowledge, Indigenous knowledge, and “Western” scientific knowledge as equal and complementary knowledge systems, all of which can and should inform the work of IASC.
By International Arctic Science Committee (IASC)
Non-Governmental Organization
Indigenous Knowledge Network -
International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)
An international scientific research program examining the interactions between Earth's biological, chemical, and physical processes and how they affect and are affected by human systems at both global and regional scales.
By International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme (IGBP)
Biodiversity Management Practices Network Species Occurrence Remote Sensing -
International Indigenous Salmon Peoples Gathering (IISPG)
A network that aims to share Indigenous knowledge and practices to inform salmon management and policy. This network focuses on Trans-Atlantic Indigenous knowledge.
By International Indigenous Salmon Peoples Gathering (IISPG)
Indigenous Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
International Model Forest Network (IMFN)
A network of volunteers working to manage forests sustainably. The network follows the Model Forest approach, where partnerships are built between community, industry, and governments. The network produces sustainable management guides and is divided into six regional networks with a Canadian node, the Canadian Model Forest Network (CMFN).
International Ocean Data and Information Exchange Exchange (IODE)
A global network, composed of Designated National Agencies (DNAs), Responsible National Oceanographic Agencies (RNODCs), and World Data Centres - Oceanography (WDCs). The networks collect and share data with members, support capacity building, and the archiving of data. All data and metadata follow the IOC Oceanographic Data Exchange Policy. The network focuses on all aspects concerning the oceans, from shipping threats to climate models to fisheries.
International Whaling Commission (IWC)
A global body responsible for the management of whaling and conservation of whales. It produces Conservation Management Plans (CMPs) and population estimates. CMPs are a framework for countries to work together with stakeholders to protect vulnerable cetaceans, following the CMP guidelines. The IWC also produces population estimates based on vessel-based and aerial surveys that are used to create population models. Estimates are per region, but not all regions have updated estimates. Documentation on abundance estimates can be downloaded. The IWC also produces guides and a database of recommendations on topics such as whale health assessment, management practices, and whale encounter best practices.
By International Whaling Commission (IWC)
Non-Governmental Organization
Abundance Biodiversity Management Practices -
Land and Peoples Relationship Model
A paid-service for decision-making combining Western science with Traditional Indigenous Knowledge. Traditional Knowledge laws are applied internally first, and then turned outwards, growing to a global approach. "No Voice" is a model to include all participants in discussions, such as future generations, non-humans, and Mother Earth, by including them with a symbol. "Knowledge Stream Tree" includes multiple knowledge systems and worldviews to reach a decision.
By Land & Peoples Relationship
Indigenous Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Indigenous Knowledge -
Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON)
MBON is a node of GEO BON and a collective effort to improve the assessment of the state of marine biodiversity (including ecological forecasting). This network facilitates collaboration internationally within marine science, supports capacity building for data management and analysis, promotes data management best practices, and provides information and products to inform policy. It is focused on the Global North and Australia, and members across the network collect standardized data, so data can be combined at large scales. The MBON Pole to Pole effort aims to combine biological and environmental data from the Arctic to Antarctica.
Migratory Connectivity in the Ocean (MiCO)
An initiative to collate marine animal tracking data from around the world, analyze them, and produce data products on area use by migratory species in the form of nodes and corridors. This project facilitates the inclusion of migratory connectivity data in management and policy by developing freely available, usable knowledge (e.g., help develop area-based management tools, inform environmental assessments and impact assessments, and more).
By University of Queensland and Duke University
Biodiversity Management Practices Land Cover Tracking Data -
Miradi Share
A project management software that provides guidance and tools consistent with the Conservation Measures Partnership’s Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation, and helps users make evidence-based decisions from project to program scale (e.g., data analysis and visualization, report generation).
By Foundations of Success (FOS)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Standards Compiler -
Monarch Watch
An organization focused on monarchs that runs citizen science monitoring programs, advocates for monarch protection, and provides education on monarch conservation. Through the Monarch Tagging program, monarchs are tagged in Mexico and the tag recovery data can be downloaded from the site as an Excel sheet.
Montréal Process
An intergovernmental group creating indicators for the conservation and sustainable use of temperate and boreal forests. They provide a framework for monitoring, assessing, and reporting on forest conditions. The "Network of Knowledge" consists of over 10 countries, including Canada, that share information on forest knowledge, policy, and management.
Intergovernmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Indicators Network -
Nature Conservation
A peer-reviewed, open-access journal focused on nature conservation and publishing articles on basic and applied conservation ecology. All content is reviewed by a blind reviewer and archived in CLOCKSS, Zenodo, Portico, and more.
North American Bat Conservation Alliance (NABCA)
An informal alliance across agencies from all levels of government, regional bat working groups, non-government organizations, industry, individual scientists, and members of the public interested in the conservation of North America’s bats. There is representation from Mexico, the United States, and Canada. Their objective is to promote the conservation of bats in North America by facilitating cooperative efforts, by compiling and sharing information relevant to bat conservation, and by elevating awareness of bats, for the benefit of bats, people, and their ecosystems. They developed the "Conservation Actions for Bats" wiki to allow members of the bat conservation community to share and promote helpful practices to mitigate threats to bats in North America.
By North American Bat Conservation Alliance (NABCA)
Biodiversity Management Practices Network Threats -
North American Bat Monitoring Program (NABat)
An international, multi-agency standardized bat monitoring program. The program divides North America into 10 x 10 km grid cells and is designed to balance sites across space. Surveys are conducted using acoustic surveys, roost counts, colony counts, and capture surveys. NABat also provides support for the processing of data. The data are used to assess population status, trends, and threats. They produce seasonal abundance and occupancy estimates that are freely available.
By Bat Conservation International (BCI)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Status Trends -
North American Native Plant Society (NANPS)
An organization working to protect and preserve indigenous plants across Canada and the United States. They provide educational resources, a forum space, and native seed exchanges. They have a Native Plant Database, with growing information for native plants across North America.
By North American Native Plant Society (NANPS)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Ocean Data and Information System Catalogue (ODIS)
A database of marine data sources, products, and services. Sources are categorized into 16 categories including maps and atlases, data catalogues, and information on experts and organizations.
Ocean Decade
A framework for stakeholders to come together to improve ocean monitoring and conservation. There are seven goals: reducing pollution, understanding marine ecosystems, supporting a sustainable ocean economy, creating accurate ocean predictions, protecting people from ocean hazards, increasing access to ocean data, and inspiring interest in the ocean.
Ocean Frontier Institute
An institute focused on research related to the oceans and connecting ocean researchers. Research is focused on climate change, threats, and carbon storage. They are currently developing a data management accelerator that will support researchers and standardize data and metadata. They are also working to develop a North Atlantic Carbon Observatory dashboard, which will provide an overview of the state of the ocean carbon cycle in the North Atlantic.
Ocean InfoHub (OIH)
An interoperable digital ecosystem for all ocean stakeholders. The site links existing and emerging datasets to improve access to ocean data. It uses a lightweight Ocean Data and Information System (ODIS) architecture that links different datasets together. The focus is currently on Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and the Pacific Small Island Developing States. Each entry has tags on the relevant subjects (species, area, issues). Datasets include primary research, policy, and reports.
By International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange (IODE)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Compiler -
Ocean Tracking Network
A global network of telemetrists focused on sharing infrastructure, analytical methods, and aquatic data management. They provide monitoring equipment, such as remotely operated vehicles (ROVs). Data are collected by tracking animals through tags and receivers, remotely operated vehicles, and passive tracking devices. The data centre allows for the upload and download of data, and for datasets to be analyzed and displayed together. Data are validated before upload and must adhere to their data standards and formatting. They also have a GitHub repository with telemetry analysis tools.
A directory of marine and freshwater experts, institutions, events, and documents. Data can be viewed on an interactive map or searched and filtered using keywords.
PANORAMA provides a methodology for the replication of proven solutions focused on learning from other successful conservation actions. Themes are represented by different portals and under ecosystem, some of the themes include biodiversity, climate change, financing, and outreach and communications. Solutions can also be sorted by area or by challenge (e.g., erosion). Solutions are tagged with information such as the ecosystem and the scale of implementation. Solutions are broken down into steps, with descriptions of each step, a description of the interaction between steps, and the impacts of the solution.
By International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices -
An organization focused on the global conservation of wild cats and their habitats. The organization creates and implements conservation strategies for large cats, and also studies and protects small cats. They foster collaboration between stakeholders, such as governments and Indigenous groups, to align all involved parties. They also create technologies, such as PoacherCams to catch poachers in real-time. All their solutions are publicly available. Panthera Canada is their Canadian regional office.
Partners in Flight (PIF) databases
The PIF databases include the Avian Conservation Assessment Database (ACAD), which compiles conservation assessment data across North America, and the Population Estimates Database, which compiles estimates for landbirds found in the United States and Canada. PIF is a network of more than 150 organizations focused on landbird conservation across the Western Hemisphere. The network focuses on all conservation aspects from science to research to policy and management.
Non-Governmental Organization
Abundance Biodiversity Management Practices Network Status -
Pollinator Partnership
A group focused on protecting pollinators through education, outreach, and research. They provide training and certification for pollinator-friendly practices across sectors like agriculture, gardening, and beekeeping. The North American Pollinator Protection Campaign (NAPPC) focuses on linking together those working in conservation at all levels of government, NGOs, and researchers in the field.
Ramsar: The Convention on Wetlands
A convention to protect the world's wetlands internationally, nationally, and locally. This includes freshwater, brackish, and marine wetlands, such as lakes, rivers, peatlands, coral reefs, and estuaries. The three pillars are to have sustainable use of wetlands, to designate wetlands as "Wetlands of International Importance" on the Ramsar List, and to create international coordination on transboundary species. All strategic plans, conventions, and handbooks are available through the website in at least three languages. They have also created a Ramsar Site Management Toolkit that guides Ramsar sites but can be applied to all wetlands. Canada is currently a member state with almost 40 Ramsar sites.
By NatureMetrics and International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Intergovernmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Policy Maps Network -
Society for Ecological Restoration (SER)
A global network focused on ecological restoration across more than 100 countries. The network promotes best management practices, tools, and resources. There are also courses and certifications for practitioners.
By Society for Ecological Restoration (SER)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Policy Network -
Soil BON
A group sharing information and resources on soil ecology and soil biodiversity to conserve soil resources. The group includes researchers, educators and policy advisors from a wide range of backgrounds. They aim to document the changes in soil biodiversity and understand its impacts.
By Group on Earth Observations (GEO)
Intergovernmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network Distribution Trends -
SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) Index
STAC is a standardized common language for geospatial information. STAC includes STAC items or spatiotemporal items (GeoJSON), JSON files to organize STAC Items, metadata, and a programming interface to allow for the searching of STAC Items. The STAC index provides access to STAC catalogues, collections, Application Programming Interfaces (APIs), software, and tools. Currently, the index can be viewed by category (catalogue, item, and more) but cannot be searched.
Species File Group
An organization that builds open-source tools and software to facilitate the cataloguing and study of global biodiversity. Their products include Global Names Architecture (an index of scientific names), TaxonWorks (a data management tool for taxonomists), and a series of libraries and repositories on GitHub to store code.
Species Survival Commission (SSC)
A network of volunteer experts working to preserve and prevent the loss of species. They work to gain knowledge on threats to species, provide advice, produce policies, and facilitate conservation planning. There are over 9,500 volunteers from more than 180 countries, which have collectively assessed over 150,000 species. News and resources can be searched by type, region, topic, and theme. The commission is divided into specialist groups, some focused on areas and others focused on specific species. All SSC resources are available online for download.
By International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Intergovernmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Policy Network -
A group working to reduce the illegal trade of wild species by informing policy at global and national levels, promoting sustainable trade, and reducing consumer demand for unsustainable products. The journal, The Traffic Bulletin, also publishes content on the illegal trade of wildlife. Publications can be searched by species group or by continent.
An open-source, end-to-end data management tool for taxonomists. Researchers can store and organize their data, share their data with collaborators and prepare data for analysis and publication.
The Global Malaise Trap Program (GMTP)
The Global Malaise Trap Program (GMTP) is creating a standardized method for the global monitoring of terrestrial arthropods. It includes standardized protocols for the collection and analysis of temporal and spatial data. Data can be accessed through the Barcode of Life Database (BOLD).
The Herbivory Network
An international network of researchers studying plant-animal interactions in tundra environments. The objective is to form collaborative partnerships and develop standardized protocols for measuring herbivory across alpine and arctic ecosystems. Herbivory Network was fully endorsed as a University of the Arctic Thematic Network in 2021.
UN Common Approach to Biodiversity
A framework produced by the UN to support countries in the design and implementation of nature conservation strategies. It also supports the implementation of technology to respond to UN biodiversity initiatives, such as the UN Biodiversity Lab (UNBL).
By United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Intergovernmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices -
Wildlife Conservation Society Canada (WCS)
WCS aims to conserve wildlife and wild places worldwide through science, conservation action, education, and inspiring people to value nature. They've developed global conservation plans and managed the world's largest network of urban wildlife parks. They're also committed to reconciliation through research and conservation of wildlife, lands, and waters with Indigenous Peoples.
By Wildlife Conservation Society Canada (WCS)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Wise Ancestors
A platform that uses genomic sequencing, Indigenous knowledge and biological collections to address conservation challenges. They are a transparent place for all parts of a conservation project, from funding and outreach to coordinating technical work and sharing results. They design projects with local communities and Indigenous groups. Currently, they produce reports, podcasts, and other outreach materials. They publish data in the International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC) and metadata in the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) BioSamples.
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Indigenous Knowledge -
Xerces Society
An organization focused on invertebrates that runs citizen science programs, provides education on invertebrate conservation, and shares data. The citizen science programs include Bumble Bee Watch, Firefly Atlas, and Monarch Nectar Plant Database. The Firefly Atlas data can be downloaded as a CSV and Bumble Bee Watch data can be downloaded once an account is created. The Pollinator Conservation Resource Center compiles regional information on habitat (assessments, management), plant lists, pesticide use, and more.
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Compiler Species Occurrence -
Asian Carp Program
A platform with information on Asian Carp, with information including fisher and angler recommendations to management practices and links to other projects centred on these species.
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Invasive Species -
Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
An organization to advocate for First Nations people across Canada. They focus on human rights, community services, environmental concerns, land rights, and economics. They support First Nations in self-determination and management of environmental issues. There is also a Council of Experts in Indigenous Laws to collect and preserve First Nations laws and inform modern-day policy.
By Assembly of First Nations (AFN)
Indigenous Organization
Indigenous Knowledge Biodiversity Management Practices Network Policy -
A mission to catalogue all of Canada's biodiversity using DNA barcoding that can be used to better understand species interactions and dynamics. They create protocols for methods like DNA barcoding, symbiome analysis, and metabarcoding. They track how species are responding to environmental changes and are creating a Natural Capital Accounting (NCA) method to combine DNA biodiversity and Indigenous knowledge to address policy and share results.
Biodiversity Information Science and Standards (BISS)
An open-access journal that publishes abstracts on biodiversity standards, models, and applications, as well as research papers on biodiversity informatics. BISS also publishes components of research papers such as datasets or methods. Most published articles include their data in the supplementary materials. Articles can be searched by taxon, subject, region, date, and publication type (standards, methods, conference abstract). The journal is published on ARPHA, which is an online collaborative platform where users can write, submit and review papers.
Biodiversity Pathways
An organization that develops and implements monitoring programs for decision makers and aims to be scientifically credible and value-neutral. It runs two programs captured in this Compendium, WildTrax (a platform for managing sensor data) and the Wildlife Science Centre (provides science for decision makers). Additionally, they run the British Columbia Footprint Monitoring Program in partnership with the University of Northern British Columbia, which monitors the extent of human-induced landscape change in the form of developments like roads, seismic lines, and surface mines.
By Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Remote Sensing Trends -
Biological Survey of Canada (BSC)
A volunteer organization that supports arthropod research and promotes awareness of Canada's arthropods. They produce the web-based Canadian Journal of Arthropod Identification ( with the Entomological Society of Canada. The journal may include information such as identification keys and detailed species descriptions.
CHONe II Canadian Healthy Oceans Network
A Canadian ocean network to create scientific guidelines on conservation and sustainable use of marine resources. It was focused on the North Coast region in Québec, near Sept-Îles, from 2015-2020. Data are available in the form of publications.
By Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
Government of Canada
Environmental Data Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network (CABIN)
A network that has standardized water monitoring protocols and shares data through an online database. Water monitoring is done by using benthic macroinvertebrates as indicators. "Reference sites" (sites with low levels of anthropogenic disturbance) are compared to "test sites" (sites with higher levels of human disturbance). The online CABIN database includes analytical and reporting tools. Members must complete training and receive a certificate. CABIN is used across federal and provincial governments, industry, academia, Indigenous groups, and local communities. Data can be accessed through the Open Government portal or members can use the CABIN database.
By Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC)
Government of Canada
Standards Methods Network Species Occurrence -
Canadian Centre for Evidence-Based Conservation
A Collaboration for Environmental Evidence (CEE) centre that produces evidence syntheses in support of decision-making and policy. Syntheses are produced with clear data sources and repeatable methodology for transparency. Project subjects vary widely, but all focus on conservation and nature, and projects may include finding relationships, conducting literature reviews, or developing best practices. All protocols and results are available for download.
Canadian Conservation and Land Management (CCLM)
CCLM consists of four portals that share and compile information. The Indigenous-led Conservation Hub shares the conservation and stewardship work being done by Indigenous peoples. The Boreal Caribou portal maps the boreal Caribou projects across Canada, holds events for knowledge sharing, and compiles boreal caribou data. The Land Management portal compiles resources on land management and restoration. The Wetland Knowledge portal compiles information on the management, conservation, and restoration of wetlands in Canada.
By Canadian Conservation and Land Management (CCLM)
Non-Governmental Organization
Compiler Biodiversity Management Practices Indigenous Knowledge Tracking Data -
Canadian Council on Invasive Species (CCIS)
A Canadian council that provides resources on preventing the spread of invasive species. They also investigate the pathways that invasive species are spreading through.
By Canadian Council on Invasive Species (CCIS)
Non-Governmental Organization
Invasive Species Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Canadian Environmental Network (RCEN)
A network linking all environmental groups, government agencies, and individuals interested in the environment across Canada. They aim to support organizations to consult with the Government of Canada, share their members' research, and share best practices and research.
By Canadian Environmental Network (RCEN)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Canadian Forest Genetics Association (CFGA) and Tree Seed Working Group
The CFGA fosters scientific and technological advancement and information exchange to improve forest management policies and practices in Canada.
By Canadian Forest Genetics Association
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Canadian Institute of Ecology and Evolution (CIEE)
A centre that supports the synthesis and preservation of data and trains researchers (e.g., Living Data Project). It provides courses for researchers and working groups to foster collaboration amongst researchers. Data are hosted elsewhere, with links to the sources.
Canadian National Vegetation Classification system (CNVC)
A hierarchical and standardized ecological classification system for all natural and semi-natural vegetation in Canada. Where possible, it links to provincial, territorial, and regional ecological classification systems and to the United States National Vegetation Classification. There are eight levels to the hierarchy that range in scale from global to local. Each CNVC has a factsheet with a summary of the ecological attributes such as vegetation structure, environmental context, and ecological processes regimes.
Canadian Ocean Literacy Coalition (COLC)
A group of ocean researchers working to spread information on ocean research, improve collaboration, and advocate for ocean literacy globally and internationally. They run many seminars and events across Canada to promote ocean literacy.
Canadian Plant Health Information System (CPHIS)
A platform for Canadian plant health stakeholders to communicate and share information. There are resources on laboratories, service providers, and more. An integrated database is also being developed for plant health data. The platform is only available to members.
By Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
Government of Canada
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Canadian Wetlands Roundtable
A network with members from industry, conservation organizations, and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) that work on the management and conservation of Canada's wetlands. They identify knowledge gaps, spread awareness of wetland issues, encourage best management practices, inform policy, and support conservation actions. They are currently creating a national wetland evaluation guide with input from wetland practitioners, to inform wetland management at many scales. They created the Canadian Wetland Inventory (CWI), where wetlands are identified and classed into different types. The map can be viewed, printed, and manipulated through ArcGIS online.
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Policy Maps Network -
Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC)
A network linking Canada's five veterinary colleges and the British Columbia Animal Health Centre to public and private sectors to detect and assess wildlife health issues and ensure relevant information/results are accessible to decision makers on wildlife management, wildlife use, public health, and agriculture. The core CWHC program includes coordination and delivery of the National Wildlife Disease Surveillance Program and the group also maintains a database of mortality event records (environmental circumstances and locations, associated animals, testing and disease outcome information, and a comprehensive cause-of-death coding system). An online reporting tool allows members of the public to report wildlife mortality events.
By Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative (CWHC)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network Species Occurrence -
Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources (CIER)
Canada's first Indigenous-directed environmental non-profit organization. CIER helps Indigenous peoples address their environmental challenges, build sustainable communities, and protect lands, waters, and all living things.
By Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources (CIER)
Indigenous Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices -
Conservation through Reconciliation Partnership (CRP)
An Indigenous-led network working on conservation, especially around Indigenous Protected and Conserved Areas (IPCAs). Members are from environmental organizations, academia, and communities. They provide support for organizations looking to increase Indigenous self-determination and follow the Indigenous Circle of Experts recommendations from the "We Rise Together" report.
By IISAAK OLAM Foundation; Indigenous Leadership Initiative; University of Guelph
Indigenous Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
An open-source research data repository that allows all data formats. Data are curated and checked before upload. Data are published under a Creative Commons Public Domain License (CC0) and the repository follows the Make Data Count recommendations. All data must have metadata and a README file. The repository can be searched by keywords and filters. There are currently two Canadian members including Canadian Science Publishing and Canadian Research Knowledge Network (CRKN).
Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN)
A network of organizations and individuals involved in ecological monitoring across Canada. Members are from all levels of government, academia, Indigenous groups, NGOs, industry, and more. This network is overseen by the EMAN Coordinating Office (EMAN CO), which facilitates communication between the network, governments, and community members. The EMAN Data Management system hosts monitoring protocols and information on tree health. The network also produces monitoring protocols, and holds meetings and seminars.
By Ecological Monitoring and Assessment Network (EMAN)
Non-Governmental Organization
Methods Network -
FLAP App is a risk assessment tool that estimates the daytime and nighttime collision threats that a building and its façades have on bird species. The assessment uses the street address and photos of the building façades. FLAP Canada is a registered charity that has been protecting bird species from collisions with built structures for over 25 years.
Federated Research Data Repository
An online, bilingual platform for the publishing and downloading of research data. Data are published by Principal Investigator's (PIs). PIs can be from any organization that can receive Tri-agency funding. PIs may sponsor their research assistants or students. Researchers not sponsored by a PI may be accepted on a case-by-case basis.
Harvard Dataverse
An open-source, web-based application for data sharing, aiming to fill the role of an archivist. It allows users to create collections of data and analyze data on the platform. Multiple collections can be downloaded as a Dataverse repository. Collections can include data, metadata, and analysis code. The project hopes to encourage dataset publication by closely linking data to the creators to ensure they are given credit.
Indigenous Advisory Committee
The committee provides the Impact Assessment Agency of Canada with expert advice for the development of key policies and guidance on the impact assessment system. Members include First Nations, Inuit, and Métis individuals. Representation from all three distinct Indigenous peoples helps to ensure that the Committee provides a broad and inclusive perspective of Indigenous peoples in Canada. The Circle of Experts, a sub-committee of the Indigenous Advisory Committee, was established to co-develop a discussion paper with the Agency that will outline the issues and considerations for potential approaches to Indigenous co-administration agreements under the Impact Assessment Act.
Indigenous Centre for Cumulative Effects (ICCE)
An organization that supports Indigenous communities to do cumulative effects work. Their goal is to create networks and improve the technical and scientific capacity of Indigenous communities. They provide information and resources about cumulative effects.
By Indigenous Centre for Cumulative Effects (ICCE)
Indigenous Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Indigenous Knowledge Network -
Indigenous Climate Hub
An online platform to share information on climate change, share resources from an Indigenous perspective, and host forums and conferences. The Indigenous Climate Hub Resource library hosts articles, stories, and much more. Reports on Indigenous community adaptation projects are also published.
Indigenous Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Indigenous Knowledge Network -
Indigenous Guardians Toolkit
The Toolkit provides information on building and maintaining an Indigenous Guardians program. It is meant to support any type of Indigenous stewardship over lands or waters. The Toolkit allows users to access information, modify it, and re-share it so information can be applied to a broader range of situations and be improved over time. The Toolkit is also a place for Indigenous Guardians or stewards to connect.
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Indigenous Knowledge -
Interdepartmental Indigenous Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (I-STEM) Cluster
A federal, inter-departmental agency and team that informs policy, with a coordinated approach to reduce the load on Indigenous consultants. This cluster works to maintain relationships with Indigenous partners, educate and train public servants, and attract and retain Indigenous peoples in STEM fields.
International Barcode of Life (iBOL)
An organization creating a DNA barcoding system known as BIOSCAN, to better understand species and species interactions, and to establish biodiversity baselines. This initiative is currently building DNA barcode reference libraries, sequencing facilities, and protocols and technologies required to create this system. Their reference library contributes to and draws data from the Barcode of Life Data System (BOLD). BIOSCAN is currently under development.
Invasive Species Centre
A Canadian organization with information on invasive species that connects stakeholders to information about invasive species and conducts invasive species monitoring projects. They run a policy support centre, a project that provides resources on Asian carp management and run the International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species (ICAIS). They also host the Invasive Species Risk Assessment Database, which compiles records of invasive species risk assessments across North America.
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Compiler Invasive Species Status -
Living Laboratories Initiative
A network of scientists, farmers, and others who develop and test solutions to environmental and agricultural issues. They aim to enhance the adoption and development of new technologies.
By Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Government of Canada
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Metagenomics-based Ecosystem Biomonitoring (Ecobiomics)
A project to develop genomics tools focused on freshwater biodiversity and water quality, as well as soil health and remediation. Data are available through publications.
Government of Canada
Biodiversity Management Practices Methods Species Richness Trends -
NRCan Open S&T Repository (OSTR)
A repository of publications produced by Natural Resources Canada. The repository can be searched using keywords or a classic Boolean search.
National Grassland Inventory
An initiative to standardize the classification of grasslands and then to compile all existing grassland inventories into one place. This will include descriptions of each grassland type. This project is currently under development.
By Canadian Forage and Grasslands Association
Non-Governmental Organization
Standards Maps Distribution -
Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC)
A conservation organization that focuses on conserving land and publishes Conservation Blueprints. Conservation Blueprints are plans that identify and describe sites needed to maintain a native species’ survival. They also conduct research alongside academic and governmental institutions.
By Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices -
Nature United
A group with partners in government, industry, non-profits, and communities focused on climate change, Indigenous-led conservation, and informing conservation policies and practices. Information on natural climate solutions, recommended management practices, research, and reports are available through the website.
Ocean Aware Project
A project to develop solutions for monitoring fish health, fish movement, and the surrounding environment, and to support sustainable practices in the ocean. It will involve collaboration and data exchange across ocean sectors to develop aquaculture technology to monitor fish health as well as new approaches to stock assessment modelling and predictive fishing in wild fishery, and to increase capacity to monitor marine life around fixed subsea structures.
Open Government Portal
A portal with data collected by the federal government. Datasets contain both data and associated metadata. The portal can be searched with keywords and a variety of filters such as organization, resource, or collection type. It contains the Canadian Protected and Conserved Areas Database (CPCAD), a database with spatial and attribute data on terrestrial and marine protected areas, and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECM).
An open science initiative aiming to improve the sharing, accessibility, reproducibility, and interoperability of monitoring data results. The OpenAIRE Explore ( allows for the database to be searched by multiple filters and includes publications, research data, research software, and other media, such as theses.
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Compiler Indigenous Knowledge Network -
Polar Data Catalogue (PDC)
A repository of data and metadata collected in the Arctic and the Antarctic. Metadata records follow the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and Federal Geographic Data Committee (FGDC) standards. Data can be searched through a toolbar search, a geospatial map search, and an API search. Dataset topics are wide-ranging from social science to natural sciences to policy and everything in between.
Priority Threat Management
A framework for conservation decision-making that considers the entire ecosystem. The goal is to select a solution that will benefit the highest number of species. This framework uses the knowledge of local stakeholders and experts to determine priority areas and species, then selects a feasible action with the greatest benefit and the lowest cost.
STREAM eDNA National Community-based Monitoring Initiative
A program that modified the Canadian Aquatic Biomonitoring Network (CABIN) to include DNA metabarcoding in an effort to train and support organizations. Data are all uploaded to CABIN databases or open-sharing platforms. This protocol is focused on freshwater streams.
Science and knowledge needs to support Canada’s implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
A publication created by experts to inform Canada's implementation of the Kunming-Montréal Biodiversity Framework. This group produced 78 targets focused on areas such as creating action from biodiversity knowledge and centering Indigenous Peoples and their knowledge.
SeaChange Marine Conservation Society
An organization performing environmental recovery and restoration work, as well as education and outreach. They focus on the areas around Vancouver Island, the unceded lands of the W̱SÁNEĆ First Nations. They also create maps of eelgrass habitat and anthropogenic disturbance of shorelines.
By SeaChange Marine Conservation Society
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Environmental Data Indigenous Knowledge -
Standards and codes of practice for fish and fish habitat protection
A collection of standards, codes, and best practices to reduce fish death and the destruction of fish habitat during the construction, maintenance, and de-commissioning of infrastructure projects. Guidance applies to the repair and maintenance of features like bridges, agricultural drains, and in-water structures.
By Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)
Government of Canada
Biodiversity Management Practices Biodiversity Standards -
StraightUpNorth (SUN)
A research group working on northern community concerns and interests, learning from Indigenous knowledge and supporting Indigenous research. Project topics are wide-ranging, from protected areas to the effects of climate change on geese to best research practices when working with Indigenous communities. The Indigenous communities are in Nunavut, Nunavik (northern Québec), Nunatsiavut (northern Labrador), and Inuvialuit (northern Northwest Territories).
Indigenous Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Indigenous Knowledge Reports -
Trees, Insects and Diseases of Canada's Forest (TIDCF)
A database with information on native trees and shrubs, and forest insects and diseases. The database contains information on distribution, habitat, common diseases and pests, and identification details.
Weed Risk Analysis Documents
A collection of weed risk analysis documents produced by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). Assessments follow the guidelines produced by the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). The collection includes assessments, categorizations and risk management documents. Assessments are created upon request for import, partner requests, or the arrival of a new species. This list is not comprehensive and excludes already established and recognized invasive species.
By Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)
Government of Canada
Invasive Species Biodiversity Management Practices -
An open science initiative that allows for all research outputs including publications, figures, and datasets, to be uploaded. All data are cited and tied to the authors and there are no format restrictions. The repository can be searched by keywords and filters. The code for the repository is open source and stored on GitHub.
A Canadian citizen science project to monitor ticks in Canada. Participants submit tick photos for identification by experts. The identification results are combined with other data (e.g., collection date and locality) to create publicly accessible occurrence records and maps. eTick and researchers from the University of Montreal developed TickTOOL, a platform to provide practical information on ticks so Canadians can integrate preventive behaviours to protect themselves and their families.
An initiative to make eDNA methods more user-friendly and widely used in regulatory policy and natural resource management decision-making. The initiative aims to increase eDNA use by improving ecological surveys, performing outreach, and creating regional biodiversity modelling software. They will also promote eDNA best practices in management, policy, and regulations.
By iTrackDNA
Biodiversity Standards Genetic data Methods -
Alberta Native Plant Council (ANPC)
A society that shares information and supports the conservation of Alberta’s native plants (vascular and non-vascular) and their habitats. They do outreach, stewardship, advocacy, research, and fund and implement native plant projects. On the site, there are native plant identification and growing guides, fact sheets, reports, and more.
By Alberta Native Plant Council (ANPC)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network Threats -
Arctic Eider Society (AES)
Community-driven research focused on sea-ice ecosystems. They combine Inuit knowledge with scientific monitoring.
Indigenous Organization
Abundance Environmental Data Indigenous Knowledge Species Occurrence -
British Columbia Natural Resource Best Management Practices
A set of guidelines for development projects in British Columbia to reduce their impact on the environment and follow legislation, regulations, and policies. Information is organized by species group (bats, plants, etc.), development type (urban, backcountry, etc.), and region (Vancouver Island, Skeena, etc.).
By Government of British Columbia
Provincial/Territorial Government
Biodiversity Management Practices -
Native Plant Study Group (NPSG)
A group interested in the native plants of British Columbia. They share information on gardening with native plants, ecosystem restoration, and where to buy native seeds and plants. Information is available through the website, their monthly newsletter, or at in-person and online events.
By Native Plant Study Group (NPSG)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Wildlife Land Use Guidelines
Guidelines for land-use activities within Alberta, not related to oil or gas industries. Oil and gas activities are covered by the Enhanced Approval Process (EAP). Guidelines are available for specific topics such as Trumpeter Swan water bodies and watercourses, green energy projects, or important wildlife areas.
Agroforestry and Woodlot Extension Society (AWES)
An organization focused on sustainable forest management. They help organizations apply for grants, connect practitioners with resources, produce outreach material and workshops, and provide project management services by assessing sites and creating implementation plans. They also host a native species database, where information on plant growth and site preferences can be found for trees and shrubs native to Alberta.
By Agroforestry and Woodlot Extension Society (AWES)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Species Description -
Avian Knowledge Network (AKN)
An organization that aims to share avian data and data tools/technologies with stakeholders. AKN houses data, shares data, provides data analysis tools, and produces guides on monitoring and conservation practices. Data can be downloaded once a user account has been created. There are nine AKN portails, each focused on a region. Each portal may house data locally and on AKN.
By Point Blue Conservation Science
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Blackfoot Confederacy
A tribal council for the Blackfoot Confederacy Nations of Kainai-Blood Tribe, Siksika, Peigan-Piikani, and Aamskapi Pikuni. They are working to create an environment and land framework.
Indigenous Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Indigenous Knowledge Network -
Boreal Avian Modelling Project (BAM)
The group creates models to integrate datasets, address many different types of questions, such as questions related to habitat use and population trends, supports the collaboration of boreal bird researchers, encourages boreal bird research, and shares data. The BAM database combines the Breeding Bird Survey (BBS), the Breeding Bird Atlases (BBA), and other research projects. Data can be accessed on WildTrax or CanAvian. Models are available through R packages or publications, and geospatial data can be accessed through their BAM Geoportal. R packages are collections of functions, code, and data in the R statistical programming language.
Canadian Mountain Network (CMN)
A research network of Indigenous organizations and communities, academic, non-governmental organizations, and private partners, working on mountainous regions in Canada. This initiative braids together Indigenous knowledge with Western science and includes seven Knowledge Hubs across Western Canada, which share training, knowledge, and research.
Canadian Whale Institute (CWI)
An organization that conducts and supports activities to protect marine mammals and their habitats, with a focus on the North Atlantic right whale. They conduct research, provide advice on management practices, inform policy, provide outreach, and rescue stranded marine mammals. Since 1988, right whale skin samples have been retrieved from live whales to contribute to their DNA Databank. This organization also monitors right whale activity to document Important Habitat Areas for right whales, with records starting around 1975. The WhaleALRT app provides ships with resources to reduce whale collisions.
By Canadian Whale Institute (CWI)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Genetic Data Network -
Conservation Ontario
An organization to represent Ontario's Conservation Authorities. Conservation Authorities manage watersheds to protect people, conserve natural resources, and promote ecosystem services. Conservation Ontario produces policy and management guides, provides training, and fosters collaboration and communication between Conservation Authorities and governments.
A group monitoring caribou using fecal collection, with the long-term goal of creating a caribou monitoring framework. They have fecal collections and genetic data from over 20 years of sampling across Canada. The genetic data are used to create population status and trend estimates, species density maps, family networks, and population connectivity estimates, and to model the effects of environmental variables. Genetic data and analytical methods are available for download and peer-reviewed publications are also produced.
Field Botanists of Ontario (FBO)
An organization that shares information on the flora of Ontario. Their focus is on connecting people, providing education and training opportunities, and documenting Ontario's flora. They run informational field trips, produce a quarterly newsletter, and hold meetings to share knowledge. They also have guides on vascular plants at risk and photo guides on lichens.
By Field Botanists of Ontario (FBO)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
FloraQuebeca (French only)
A group that shares information on Québec's flora and conservation measures to protect it. To share information, they produce an annual bulletin, hold an annual meeting, and run conservation projects. They also act as intermediaries between concerned people and municipal governments. They produce identification guides for vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens, and more.
By FloraQuebeca (French only)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Methods Network -
Global Biodata Coalition (GBC)
An organization that brings together research funders to share knowledge and strategies to maintain the world's biodata resources. They also share open-access data policies. Through the Global Biodata Resource Inventory Project, research articles and their associated metadata were collected and classified, to create a comprehensive view of global biodata research. All code and data are available on a GitHub repository (
By Global Biodata Coalition (GBC)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Invasive Species Council of BC (ISCBC)
An organization focused on actions to prevent the spread of invasive species in British Columbia (BC). They engage stakeholders from industry, government, and the public to share information on invasive species prevention. They also coordinate research and conferences to share research. There is an Invasive Species Research Hub under development.
By Invasive Species Council of BC (ISCBC)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Invasive Species Network -
Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society
A community group to share information and appreciation of Nova Scotia native plants.
By Nova Scotia Wild Flora Society
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH)
An organization promoting hunting and fishing, while conserving wildlife and fish to ensure hunting and fishing remains sustainable. The OFAH has over 100,000 members and over 700 member clubs. They do active restoration work, run awareness campaigns, and produce a monthly magazine called OUT OF DOORS.
By Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (OFAH)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Ontario Invasive Plant Council (OIPC)
A network of individuals and organizations working to respond to the threat of invasive plants in Ontario. They provide best practices for invasive species management and educational resources for landowners, organizations, and municipalities.
By Ontario Invasive Plant Council (OIPC)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Invasive Species Network -
Ontario Phragmites Working Group (OPWG)
A network of professionals concerned about the spread and impact of the invasive plant Phragmites australis. A subcommittee of the Ontario Invasive Plant Council. Their focus is on education, information sharing, and investigating effective management. They create reports on management practices and produce guidelines for landowners and governments.
By Ontario Invasive Plant Council (OIPC)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Invasive Species Network -
Otipemisiwak Métis Government: Migratory Bird Survey Results
A survey that tracks the harvest of migratory game birds by Métis hunters in Alberta. Information is collected in a similar way to the National Harvest Survey, with Alberta divided into Southern and Northern zones. Information on the number of birds harvested per species and hunter effort is collected. There is also information on hunting techniques, traditional names for bird species and avian diseases.
Indigenous Organization
Indigenous Knowledge Biodiversity Management Practices -
Polar Knowledge Canada
An organization producing and sharing Arctic research. Its goal is to be a hub for research in the Canadian Arctic. They run the Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS), produce guidance on data standards, provide logistic support, and connect Arctic researchers.
Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA)
The Inuit association for the Qikqtani region that covers most of Nunavut. There are many different programs focused on wildlife and harvest, often run by regional groups. The Arctic Bay Nauttiqsuqtiit monitor wildlife and environmental conditions and gather Inuit knowledge. Summaries with the number of individuals per species harvested are available. The Pond Inlet community also monitors wildlife, but data are not readily available. Requests for data should be done with sensitivity to Inuit knowledge and values, as this project intends to monitor wildlife for communities, and not for the broader scientific community.
By Qikiqtani Inuit Association (QIA)
Indigenous Organization
Indigenous Knowledge Species Occurrence -
Québec Ecological Corridors Initiative
An initiative to create and restore ecological corridors across southern Québec. They provide case studies for biodiversity management.
By Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices -
St. Lawrence Global Observatory (SLGO)
SLGO is an open-access web platform with information and tools to understand and manage the St. Lawrence ecosystem. The St. Lawrence ecosystem ranges from the Great Lakes to the Gulf. SLGO supports all project stages, from data management to data visualization. The “Biodiversity” Web application provides information on the presence, abundance, and distribution of living species found in the St. Lawrence. The interactive mapping application allows users to visualize data from research surveys and monitoring programs.
By St. Lawrence Global Observatory (SLGO)
Non-Governmental Organization
Abundance Biodiversity Management Practices Species Occurrence Research Station -
Edmonton Native Plant Society (ENPS)
A society dedicated to the preservation of plants native to the greater Edmonton area through education, propagation, expertise, consultation, and advocacy.
By Edmonton Native Plant Society (ENPS)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Kootenay Native Plant Society (KNPS)
A group that shares information on native plants and does habitat restoration in the West Kootenay region of British Columbia. They have identification information for pollinators, information on plant-pollinator relationships, a seed collection manual, and more.
By Kootenay Native Plant Society (KNPS)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network Species Description -
Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan (NPSS)
A group focused on sharing information on native plants in Saskatchewan. The group sends out quarterly newsletters, shares information on sourcing native plants, publishes conservation guidelines, and runs conferences, workshops, and tours to share information.
By Native Plant Society of Saskatchewan (NPSS)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Nature Guelph
A group sharing information on the natural world through presentations, special interest groups, and educational programs.
Oil Sands Monitoring Program (OSMP)
An initiative to monitor the development and effects of the oil sands in northern Alberta. They collect monitoring data and advise on management practices. The OSMP Data Catalogue includes technical reports, standards, scientific publications, and historical and scientific data. The OSMP Data Portal provides an interactive map with groundwater, air, hydrometric, and surface water data.
Provincial/Territorial Government
Biodiversity Management Practices Policy Environmental Data Land Cover -
Ottawa Wildflower Seed Library
A grassroots organization that promotes gardening with native plants to provide food and habitat for bees, butterflies, birds, and other wildlife. They provide free access to seeds and teach people about gardening responsibly. Similar to a regular library, people can "check out" seeds and plants to grow in their own gardens. Once the plants have flowered and gone to seed, people are encouraged to "return" some seeds to the library to make them available for other people.
By Ottawa Wildflower Seed Library
Non-Governmental Organization
Biological Collection Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Sustainable Nunatsiavut Futures
An initiative to combine Western science with Inuit knowledge to inform decision makers and planning in the Labrador Inuit Settlement Area.
10,000 Plant Genomes (10KP)
An initiative to sequence 10,000 species representing all clades of plants and eukaryotic microbes. The database can be searched by keyword or viewed as a taxonomic tree.
A Catalogue of Names, Descriptions and Type Specimens of the Oligochaeta
A global taxonomic database on Oligochaeta species, such as earthworms. The database includes names, descriptions, specimen types and associated literature.
A Cumulative Checklist for the Lichen-forming, Lichenicolous and Allied Fungi of the Continental United States and Canada
A taxonomic database of lichens known to occur in the Continental United States and Canada. Includes a list of accepted names and synonyms for species.
ABC's Bird Library
A database with information on over 400 bird species occurring throughout the Americas. Information includes general descriptions, photos, songs and calls, range and conservation status.
By American Bird Conservancy (ABC)
Non-Governmental Organization
Distribution Species Description Status Threats -
A database with information on terrestrial, marine, and freshwater algae and sea-grasses. The database can be searched by keywords, taxonomy, distribution, and more. Each species page has information on common names, references, distribution, conservation status, environment, and more.
An initiative sequencing ant genomes to study the evolution of social dynamics, ecological adaptations, interactions and more. To understand ant evolution, they will sequence genomes for over 200 ant species worldwide and create phylogenies. Users can search for genomes, genes, transcripts and proteins, and filter searches by species, omics, or file type. All sequences are available for download. AntBase includes a tool for visualizing sequences and a specimen’s country of origin.
Maps of the predicted occurrence of marine species based on environmental conditions. Information on a species' environmental tolerance come from external sources such as FishBase and SeaLifeBase, and the maps created can be reviewed and modified by experts. AquaMaps can be searched by species name, map type, or by checklist. Data can be viewed on an interactive map and are available for download by contacting AquaMaps.
Aquatic Symbiosis Genomics Project
An initiative to sequence the genomes of 1,000 freshwater and marine species in symbiotic relationships. For each symbiotic relationship, at least one organism is a microbe. All data will be archived in the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA), and stored in NCBI's (National Center for Biotechnology Information) GenBank and the DNA Data Bank of Japan.
ArcGIS Online
A web-based mapping portal where maps can be created or viewed and downloaded. Datasets can be searched by keywords, layer type, location, and more. Dataset availability is dependent on the owner.
Arctic Data Center
A repository for data collected through the Arctic section of the National Science Foundation’s Office of Polar Programs. Data can be both uploaded and downloaded, and can include code, datasets, and published papers. DOIs are attached to datasets to allow for easy citation. Data can be searched through an interactive map or text. This is a CoreTrustSeal-certified repository.
A network of circumpolar monitoring projects to assess the state of terrestrial ecosystems. The aim is to create trends for multiple species using standardized methods and to determine the state of food webs.
Avian Sensitivity Tool for Energy Planning (AVISTEP)
A map visualization tool to identify where renewable energy development poses a potential risk to bird populations. Energy types include onshore wind energy, offshore wind energy, solar photovoltaic, distribution powerlines, and transmission powerlines. Grid cells (5km2) are assigned sensitivity scores, and landcover/land use types, sensitive sites, and at-risk species are identified. Species' IUCN red list category, occurrence probability, and the link to the species' page on the BirdLife International site are also included. Map views can be shared via URL or used to generate PDF reports.
A database with bird checklists, including taxonomy, distribution and maps for the world's birds. As of 2024, Avibase has over 50 million records for 10,000 bird species. The database can be searched by species, family or by region. myAvibase allows users to create personal lifelists, or to download bird hotspots as KML files. Species accounts may have photos, translations of their common name, species descriptions, taxonomy, life history data and more.
By Birds Canada
Non-Governmental Organization
Distribution Species Occurrence Species Description Species Richness -
B10K (Bird 10 K)
An initiative to collect draft genome sequences for all living bird species. As of 2020, there are genome sequences for species from 92% of bird families. The draft genome sequences have been analyzed for orthologues and novel genes. Users can search the database by species, taxonomy or institution. Gene sequences can be downloaded using the BLAST toolset.
BON in a Box
An open-access platform that contains a searchable catalogue of biodiversity monitoring tools. It consists of four separate databases, 1) a networking database cataloguing biodiversity monitoring projects, 2) a variables database containing both data and reusable workflows, 3) a data gaps database identifying areas in need of further monitoring, and 4) a reporting database with workflows to create indicators.
Bacterial and Viral Bioinformatics Resource Center (BV-BRC)
A database with information on bacterial and viral infectious diseases. The database can be searched by keyword, or viewed by organism type, data type, data analysis and more. This database combines previous resources called PATRIC, the bacterial BRC, IRD and viral BRCs.
Barcode of Life Data Systems (BOLD)
A system that allows for the assembly and use of DNA barcode data. DNA barcoding refers to the standardized collection of a short sequence of genetic data, which are then shared to a library for the identification of species. BOLD holds the genetic sequences, primers, images, and any element of genetic or laboratory data. In the database, genetic sequences can be searched and individual samples can be explored (e.g., their location, project, and more).
BioInformatics Platform for Agroecosystem Arthropods (BIPAA)
A platform with genomic information on insect and arthropod species. There are portals for aphids (AphidBase), parasitoid wasps (ParWaspDB), Lepidoptera (LepidoDB), Coleoptera, Crustacea, and ticks. Within each portal, genomic resources can be viewed per species or searched by mRNA or polypeptide. Some data are only available to members.
A database of ecological community composition time-series. The ecological community composition is the abundance of each species within the community. The database is designed to answer questions on global biodiversity change. The database includes datasets and metadata. Data can be searched by biome, taxa, year, or species, and can be downloaded.
Biodiversity Intactness Index (BII)
An index showing how biodiversity is changing globally. Intactness is the estimated number and abundance of species that remain in an area, compared to the original number and abundance of species. Data can be viewed as a graph or a table and filtered by geographic region, time period, or projected scenario. Data are also freely available for download.
Biota of North America Program (BONAP)
A site that stores comprehensive information about North America's vascular plants. The Taxonomic Data Centre (TDC) links taxonomic data with phytogeographic data, which can be searched by keyword or by using maps. The North American Plant Atlas (NAPA) has state and county-level distribution data for vascular plants and maps that include environmental data such as soil types.
By Biota of North America Program (BONAP)
Non-Governmental Organization
Distribution Environmental Data Taxonomy -
BirdsPlus Index
A tool to measure biodiversity and score the conservation value of working lands using bird calls. Bird calls are recorded and then analyzed with birdsong recognition models. The land is scored based on the number of birds present, which can be compared across years or sites. Pilot programs will be initially in Central and South America, but will later be launched in other regions.
Bumble Bee Watch (BBW)
A citizen science initiative to monitor North America's bumble bees. Individuals can upload photos of bumble bee sightings that are then verified by experts. An interactive map can be filtered and manipulated, and data can be requested from the initiative.
Checklist of North and Middle American Birds
A checklist on the taxonomy of bird species found in North and Central America from the North Pole to the boundary of Panama and Colombia, including adjacent islands under the jurisdiction of included nations. Greenland was not covered in the 7th edition but was included in previous versions and will be captured in the next edition.
Non-Governmental Organization
Compiler Taxonomy -
Checklist of the Collembola
A taxonomic checklist for Collembola species, wingless hexapods with antennae, from around the world. Includes information on synonyms and valid names as well as photos of the species.
ChiloBase 2.0
A global, taxonomic database of all known centipedes within Chilopoda. The database includes valid names and synonyms.
A platform that hosts citizen science data and facilitates the creation of new citizen science projects. They help users create and share projects, build datasheets, analyze data, and export and share datasets. Datasets can be explored by searching through projects using keywords and filters.
Classification and Checklist of the Leeches (Phylum Annelida: Class Clitellata: Subclass Hirudinida) occurring in North America north of Mexico
A taxonomic database of leeches known to occur in Canada and the United States.
A database of genetic data, or DNA barcodes, for the phylum Cnidaria that includes organisms like jellyfish, corals, and more. The specimen list can be searched by genus or by species. Specimen pages include pictures, genetic data, and collection information. The project uses the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS) taxonomy.
Cockroach Species File
A global, taxonomic database of cockroach species. The database includes valid names, synonyms, bibliographic data, specimen data, images, and distributions for cockroaches of the world.
Conservation of Arctic Flora and Fauna (CAFF)
CAFF is the working group of the Arctic Council. CAFF runs the Circumpolar Biodiversity Monitoring Program (CBMP), an international network integrating Arctic monitoring efforts. The network is organized by ecosystem and links global and international initiatives. CAFF also runs the Arctic Biodiversity Data Service (ABDS), which allows users to store, search, and display Arctic biodiversity data. ABDS is interoperable, and users can combine maps, schedule metadata harvests, and much more. Geospatial searches can be done using the ABDS GeoNetwork and classic toolbar searches can be done via the ABDS Data Service. Data can be searched by topic, area, keyword, and much more. CAFF runs the Artic Biodiversity Assessment, which summarizes the status and trends of taxonomic, ecosystem, and functional groups in the Arctic.
Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science (PANGAEA)
A service that publishes, archives, and shares georeferenced data. Data can be searched by filters and by topic. Data are interoperable and follow FAIR principles. A CoreTrustSeal-certified repository.
A compiler that allows access to member repositories of environmental data. The collection can be searched with keywords and filters, as well as an interactive map tool. Datasets include information such as metadata, abstracts, coordinates, and more. All datasets or metadata can be downloaded. There are also links to all included repositories. They also provide data management resources.
Database Commons
A catalogue of biological databases that can be searched by keyword, and filtered by category, species, country, and/or institution. Categories include gene and genomes, interaction, raw bio-data, phylogeny and homology, standard ontology and nomenclature, and more.
Dermaptera Species File
A global, taxonomic database on earwigs. Includes annotated information on each species.
A community science initiative to track North American butterfly observations. Observations come in the form of photos or species lists and are georeferenced presence/presumed absence data. While submitting, the users are asked questions and encouraged to follow a set sampling methodology. Observations are verified by other users. The database is hosted by GBIF.
EBV Data Portal
A portal of Essential Biodiversity Variables (EBVs) raster datasets. Essential Biodiversity Variables are any data in time or space on genes, species, traits, community composition, and ecosystems.
An online portal for the tracking and reporting of invasive species occurrences. It allows users to upload observations, download data, and customize maps. It also aggregates observations from other sources, with all occurrences reviewed by experts. Observations can be filtered by categories such as species, date, division (plant, insect, wildlife), infestation (positive or treated), and location. Mainly focused on the United States, with an Ontario project as well.
Earth Bio-Genome Project
A project aiming to sequence and characterize all Eukaryotic life on Earth. Each sequence must include raw data, a representative reference genome, and metadata. All data are shared following the FAIR and CARE principles. Samples are also collected from Indigenous People's and Local Communities, following ethical and considerate collection. The project is divided into nodes representing places, and/or groups (e.g., 1,000 Chilean Genomes, Africa BioGenome Project, and 10,000 Bird Genomes). Data can be accessed from the individual nodes.
Echinobase allows for searching, viewing, and downloading of genetic data for species in the phylum Echinodermata, which includes starfish and sea urchins. The specimen pages (see Fully Supported Species) include information on genes, orthology (evolution), and research papers. The site includes information on BLAST sequences, genomes, genes, expressions, and more. Genomes can be searched with JBrowse.
By National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD)
Foreign Government
Compiler Genetic Data -
Environmental Data Initiative (EDI)
An initiative that hosts a repository and provides support and services to ensure data are well curated and accessible. They operate under the FAIR principles and are CoreTrustSeal certified. Data can be published, searched, and downloaded. Datasets can be searched using an interactive map, site name, keywords, taxonomy, and much more.
A global database of the sounds produced by fish. Records include acoustic recordings and published information (articles, reports, Symposium proceedings, and more). A future update of the database will hopefully allow user submissions, but currently this feature is unavailable. Using the "Fish Species" tool, a species can be searched by name, region, or climate, pulling up a species summary with a map of known habitats and all references within the database. Using "Research Summaries", research can be searched by language, keywords, author, and fish taxonomic groups. On the "Recordings" tab, all audio recordings can be searched by author, fish taxonomic groups, and sound name.
Flora of North America (FNA)
A collection of information on names, taxonomy, distribution, and morphology of native and naturalized plants of North America.
An ant genomics database that allows for BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) search of genomes and download of data.
Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment (FADA) Project
A network of scientists specialized in freshwater biodiversity. The FADA database, which includes species lists and distribution information, is compiled by experts. The database can be searched by region or by species group.
By Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment (FADA)
Non-Governmental Organization
Compiler Distribution Species Description Taxonomy -
Freshwater Biodiversity Data Portal
The purpose of the data portal is to facilitate freshwater biodiversity data publishing and to increase the visibility of such data. It was established within the framework of the BioFresh project. The portal provides access to the authoritative global species lists through the Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment (FADA) Project as well as to occurrence data mobilized during the BioFresh project, through follow-up activities and harvested from the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). Results can be displayed either as occurrence points or in density grids. The Freshwater Network was created on GBIF to improve visibility of published freshwater occurrence data and to make it easily findable for freshwater research. This network aims to collaborate with all freshwater data publishing institutions to pool freshwater occurrence data within one place on GBIF.
By Freshwater Information Platform (FIP)
Non-Governmental Organization
Compiler Distribution Maps Species Occurrence -
A database of genomic sequences. Data comes from many different sources, but primarily from NCBI Assembly. Genomes are updated regularly, as new information is received. Only one genome per species or sub-species is included. Genomes are named using the NCBI Taxonomy database. Genomes can be downloaded individually or in bulk. Genomes can be viewed taxonomically or searched by keyword.
Genomes on a Tree (GoaT)
A database of genome and sequencing metadata for all eukaryotic species. Metadata includes information such as sequencing status, genome size and karyotype. If no species data are available, information is inferred by using information across the species’ phylogeny. GoaT uses the NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) Taxonomy, and synonyms from Open Tree of Life, GBIF and IRMNG. The database can be searched by taxon, assembly, or species.
Global Forest Watch
An initiative to use remote-sensing data to monitor the world's forests in real-time. Satellite data can be reviewed by citizen scientists and the data are primarily used to track forest change. Users can create custom maps and monitoring frameworks.
Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN)
A network that hosts the database for the Tree of Life’s genomic samples and provides data-sharing standards. Samples may come from tissues, DNA, or environmental samples and can be ordered from the GGBN. The database can be searched by taxonomy, scientific name, country, and more.
By Global Genome Biodiversity Network (GGBN)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biological Collection Genetic Data -
Global Infrastructure Impact Viewer
A map tool to visualize the socio-economic benefits and biodiversity and environmental service risks of planned and in-progress, road and rail infrastructure projects. Data are compiled from around the world (scientific literature, online databases, digitized maps from reports/papers, and more). Developments occurring only within built-up areas (e.g., construction of a metro line within a city) were not included as these are considered to have a relatively low environmental risk.
By United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), UNEP World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)
Intergovernmental Organization
Maps Status -
Global Initiative on Ungulate Migration (GIUM)
An inventory of tracking data and expert knowledge to delineate current or historical ungulate migrations. The Atlas of Ungulate Migrations provides standardized migration maps of the world's ungulate populations available in an interactive map viewer. GIUM aims to stimulate research on drivers, mechanisms, threats, and conservation solutions common to ungulate migration worldwide.
Global Inventory of Floras and Traits (GIFT)
A global collection of regional plant checklists, floras, and plant functional traits. There are maps with information on species richness and percent trait coverage for taxonomic groups. There is information on taxonomy and functional traits at the species level. The database can also be browsed through an interactive map. Data are available through the GIFT R-package. An R package is a collection of functions, code, and data in the R statistical programming language.
Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE)
An initiative focused on raising environmental awareness, improving scientific understanding, and supporting learning. GLOBE community members collect, analyze, and submit their data to the GLOBE Advanced Data Access Tool. Data can be searched by filters such as sampling protocol, date, and location and then downloaded.
By National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Foreign Government
Environmental Data Land Cover -
Global Naturalized Alien Fauna (GIONAF)
A database containing information on naturalized alien plant species that is regularly updated and expanded. This includes the QA/QC of existing datasets, the addition of new datasets, and the closing of data gaps.
Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine Environments (GLORIA)
A long-term plant (i.e. vascular plants, bryophytes, and lichens) diversity monitoring network, with sites in alpine environments worldwide. Data are collected to create trends in species diversity, composition, and abundance, as well as climate trends.
By University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU)
Environmental Data Network Species Occurrence Species Richness -
Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species (GRIIS)
This project compiles inventories on invasive species per country and adds annotations including the species name, taxonomy, and evidence of impact. Each inventory is reviewed by editor(s) within the country, and all species records include a verification check mark if the record has been reviewed by an in-country editor. Evidence of impact records also include a checkmark if they were included in peer-reviewed literature. The names of editors and sources are all available.
By Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG)
Non-Governmental Organization
Compiler Invasive Species Species Occurrence Status -
GlobalTree Portal
A global portal with information on the world's tree species. Information can be sorted by species, where information on distribution, conservation status, and conservation actions are available. Species distributions include natural occurrences and greenhouse collections. Species checklists are available by country with information on conservation status and endemism. Lastly, there is a global overview, with summary statistics on the world's trees. Information comes from the Global Tree Assessment, which can be accessed through the databases GlobalTreeSearch (a database on tree distribution), ThreatSearch (conservation assessment of plants), PlantSearch (plant collections database), and GardenSearch (a botanic gardens database).
By Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biological Collection Distribution Status Species Richness -
Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA)
An organization focused on monitoring and sharing information on raptor populations and their migrations. They use the data from over 200 monitoring sites across North America to publish seasonal reports and maintain the database HawkCount. HawkCount provides species counts from monitoring sites as well as daily or monthly summaries. Data from HawkCount is available for download upon request.
By Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA)
Non-Governmental Organization
Abundance Species Occurrence -
Hymenoptera Genome Database (HGD)
A database of genetic information and resources for the order Hymenoptera (e.g., bees, wasps, ants). There are tools for BLAST sequence searching, genome browsing (JBrowse), genome annotation (Apollo), and data downloading. The data mining tool, HymenopteraMine, merges genomes held in HGD with other types of biological data. HymenopteraMine also allows users to create custom annotated datasets that can be exported and merged with their data.
Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs)
IMMAs are portions of habitat that are important to marine mammals. Criteria for IMMA designation are A) vulnerability (areas important to vulnerable/threatened species), B) distribution and abundance (areas containing an important proportion or a concentration of a species or population), C) key life cycle activities (areas important for reproduction, feeding, or migration), and D) special attributes (areas with unique populations or areas with a high diversity of species). IMMAs are delineated through regional workshops. The IMMA E-Atlas allows for different filters and layers to be applied, and maps can be exported to PDF format. Shapefiles can be downloaded through a request to the Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force (MMPATF). The MMPATF also promotes best practices within Marine Mammal Protected Areas (MMPAs).
By Marine Mammal Protected Areas Task Force (MMPATF)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Maps -
Important Shark and Ray Areas (ISRAS)
ISRAs are three-dimensional portions of habitat that are important for at least one shark, ray, or chimaera species. ISRAs are identified based on scientific criteria for a given species, meaning there is not a set ISRA criterion. There are four categories of criteria: vulnerability, range-restricted, life history, and special attributes. ISRAs are delineated through regional workshops organized by the IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group. ISRAs can be viewed through E-Atlas and spatial layers can be requested.
By International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) SSC Shark Specialist Group
Non-Governmental Organization
Maps -
Index Fungorum
The global fungal nomenclator is coordinated and supported by the Index Fungorum Partnership. Includes valid names and synonyms for species. There's a mechanism to register names of new taxa, new combinations and new typifications.
By Index Fungorum Partnership, Kew Royal Botanic Gardens
Non-Governmental Organization
Distribution Standards Taxonomy -
Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool (IBAT)
A mapping and reporting tool using global biodiversity datasets to help inform management and conservation decision-making. The platform hosts and maintains several global biodiversity datasets, including: IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, World Database on Protected Areas, World Database on Other Effective Area-Based Conservation Measures (WDOECM), and World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas. IBAT subscriptions to access/download spatial data and reports are an important cost recovery mechanism to support the update and maintenance of the databases.
Integrated Digital Biocollections (iDigBio)
A collection of data and images for biological and paleontological specimens. Specimens include animals, plants, fungi, and more. The collection can be searched through keywords and filtered by fields such as date or country.
Integrated Marine Information System (IMIS)
A site to track all the information produced by and with the Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ). Datasets, publications, institutes, persons, projects and maps can be searched by keyword and filtered by category.
Integrated Monitoring in Bird Conservation Regions (IMBCR)
A bird monitoring program that stretches from the Great Plains in Canada to the Great Basin in the United States. The study design is probabilistic and collects data for over 300 species. Data can be downloaded by completing a request form. Estimates of occupancy and population size are produced using the data.
Interim Register of Marine and Nonmarine Genera (IRMNG)
Collection of genus and species names for living and extinct genera/species organized into a hierarchical classification. Taxonomic names are categorized as marine or non-marine, and extant (living) or fossil status (extinct).
International Nucleotide Sequence Database Collaboration (INSDC)
A database that archives nucleotide sequences including raw, assembled and annotated sequences. Data are sourced from international governments and non-governmental organizations. Metadata may include taxonomy, experimental design, and analysis details. Data are submitted through INSDC member institutions. The database can be searched by keyword.
International Tundra Experiment Network (ITEX)
A global network of researchers monitoring the warming of the tundra using standardized protocols to capture changes over time. They created warmer environments in nature through open-top chambers and are comparing vegetation change over time to control plots. This project focuses on manipulation, monitoring, modelling, and mapping. There are currently more than 10 sites, with one Canadian site.
A global estimate of the economic costs of biological invasions. All components are available for download, including the database. The R package (a collection of R functions, code, and data in the R statistical programming language) includes statistical analyses and definitions.
A portal for the management and sharing of data on the world's invertebrates, excluding terrestrial arthropods, which are compiled by the Symbiota Collections of Arthropods Network (SCAN). Information includes specimens, images, checklists, occurrence records, and more.
Journey North
A collection of observations of species occurrences, to create maps of migration and seasons markers. Data can be downloaded per species, and data can be viewed with an interactive map.
Lacewing Digital Library (LDL)
A taxonomic database providing information on insects of the superorder Neuropterida (e.g., lacewings, antlions, fishflies, snakeflies). Includes publications, a searchable catalogue of species within the superorder, country checklists (within “Faunas”), and identification keys.
Lost Ladybug Project (LLP)
A citizen science initiative to record observations of ladybug species across North America. Data can be filtered and downloaded as an Excel file. The website also generates summaries by species and by country, as well as a map of all observations to date. Observations can also be browsed by species.
Mammal Diversity Database (MDD)
A global taxonomic database for living and recently extinct (i.e., since ~1500 CE) mammal species. Taxonomy can be viewed per subclass, with a count of all families, genera and species living or extinct, or viewed as a collapsible taxonomic tree using Treeview.
By American Society of Mammalogists (ASM)
Non-Governmental Organization
Distribution Standards Taxonomy -
Mantodea Species File Online
A global, taxonomic database on species within Mantodea, or praying mantids, including both living and fossil species. The database includes images of species and possible names.
Map of Life (MOL)
A collection of species range information and species lists for geographic areas created by integrating global datasets. The database can be searched by species and viewed on an interactive map. Species pages show their conservation status, a map with their distribution, occurrence, and records per month and year. Regions can be searched by country, province/territory/state, and protected area. There are also collections of indicators (e.g., Species Habitat Index (SHI)) and patterns (e.g., biodiversity facets) that can be viewed on interactive maps.
Mayfly Central
A source for information on species within Ephemeroptera, or mayflies. There is a list of mayfly species within the United States and Canada, with information on their distribution and taxonomy. There is also an associated mayfly collection, one of the most comprehensive in the world, which can be found within the Symbiota Collections of Arthropods Network (SCAN).
Millennium Seed Bank Project
A collection of close to 2.5 billion seeds from around the world. They store seeds from endangered plants to germinate and reintroduce these plants into the wild. They prioritize plants that can tolerate being dried and frozen, are from areas vulnerable to climate change, are economically useful, are consumed, are endemic, and/or are threatened. They also support local seed bank initiatives.
A global taxonomic database on all described species within the class of Diplopoda (millipedes), and the classes of dwarf myriapods, Pauropoda and Symphyla. The database includes associated literature, species descriptions, and valid names and synonyms.
Mission Monarch
A citizen science initiative to monitor North America's monarch butterflies and milkweed distribution. Data are available through the website, where they can be searched and filtered as a data table or an interactive map.
MoSI - Monitoring Neotropical Migrants in Winter
An international network of bird banding stations across countries in South, Central, and North America, focused on neotropical migrants on their wintering grounds. They collect data related to population trends, site persistence, and adult survival rates. Data are available upon request.
By Institute for Bird Populations (IBP)
Non-Governmental Organization
Abundance Network Species Occurrence Trends -
Monarch Larva Monitoring Project (MLMP)
A citizen science initiative to understand the abundance and distribution of breeding monarchs. Volunteers are trained to use standardized monitoring protocols.
A central website that tracks all work relating to North American monarch butterflies. This website contains information on monitoring programs, data access information, and data visualization tools.
Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship (MAPS) program
A continental monitoring program where bird banders collect data on vital rates (e.g., productivity, recruitment, and survival). They aim to better understand which life stages are crucial to conservation. MAPS collects data on age, sex, body condition, and reproductive status of birds. Station data and bird capture data are available for download through the Data Exploration Tool where data can be visualized on an interactive map.
By Institute for Bird Populations (IBP)
Non-Governmental Organization
Abundance Species Occurrence Species Richness -
A platform for proponents to manage, share, analyze, and archive their animal tracking data. It provides automated, near-live data feeds for a growing number of tag manufacturers and data providers. The Environmental Data Automated Track Annotation System (Env-DATA) tools connect animal movement data with information from global environmental datasets (e.g., weather models and satellite imagery). These datasets provide estimates for hundreds of environmental parameters including wind conditions, land use, vegetation, and snow cover for the whole world, with many measurements available from the 1970s to the present. MoveApps is an open-source, analysis platform for movement data.
Mushroom Observer
An inventory of fungal observations where participants contribute photo and description records (with the date, location, habitat, other relevant details, and observer information), and work collaboratively to help identify observations. An account is needed to download the data.
Mycology Collections Data Portal (MyCoPortal)
A collection of digital mycology information from biological collections. Data can be searched through keywords and filters, viewed through an interactive map, or imagery can be browsed. There are also checklist projects, and efforts to catalogue the species diversity within regions or through history or across groups (micro or macrofungi).
National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
A portal with biomedical and genomic information. Information includes BLAST, DNA and RNA sequences, sequence analysis, genomes, proteins and more. Data or manuscripts can be submitted or downloaded from the portal.
Naturae Observatio
A network of field stations collecting long-term observations. Field stations are autonomous and sampling is standardized. There were North American field stations, but it seems they were closed during the pandemic. Atmospheric, zoologic, botanic data, and more are collected through camera traps and sensors.
Non-Governmental Organization
Environmental Data Network Species Occurrence Remote Sensing -
NatureServe Explorer
A tool that provides open access to all data maintained by provincial and territorial conservation data centres for species of conservation concern, including those listed under provincial and federal Species at Risk legislation. Data can be viewed in a nested hexagon grid at various scales (1 square mile and upwards) to determine which species exist in an area. This is particularly useful for cumulative effects analysis to determine the context of species observations within a project area. With appropriate permission, raw data for a designated project area can be downloaded for further analysis or may be obtained directly from the Conservation Data Centre.
By NatureServe
Non-Governmental Organization
Distribution Species Occurrence Species Richness Trends -
New General Catalogue of the Ants of the World, Including a Synopsis of Taxonomic Publications on Formicidae
A global, taxonomic checklist of ants. Includes the status of names (valid, unavailable or incorrect), the taxonomic history of family groups and the status of species (history, references etc.).
North American Ethnobotany Database
A database of plants used as drugs, foods, dyes, fibers, and more, by Native Peoples of North America. The database can be searched using a basic text search or a search filtered by use category and tribe.
Norwegian Polar Data Centre
The Norwegian Polar Institute collects data on the environment, biodiversity, climate, glaciology, and geology in the Arctic and the Antarctic. Data can be accessed on the Norwegian Polar Data Centre, which provides data from monitoring programs and includes a map of the sampling areas, a summary of the dataset, figures from analysis, and raw data.
Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS)
OBIS provides free, open-access information on marine biodiversity and biogeography (physical and chemical properties). Observations are included for all taxa, from bacteria to mega-fauna. Datasets are integrated, allowing for searching and mapping by taxonomy, geographic area, depth, time, and environmental parameters. Mapper allows for the layering and viewing of spatial datasets. Absence/presence records, absence records, records of insufficient quality, or measurement records can be accessed through an Application Program Interface (API), a R package (statistical programming package) or by contacting the provost. Taxonomy is provided by the World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS), geospatial data are from Marine Regions, and conservation status is from the IUCN Red List. Environmental ranges are determined by matching species occurrence with environmental parameters from NOAA.
Odonata Central
A citizen science initiative to better understand the distribution, biogeography, biodiversity, and identification of Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) in the Western Hemisphere. Observations can be filtered or viewed on a map. All maps include iNaturalist observations and iNaturalist observations can also be imported into the Odanata Central database.
Open Science Framework (OSF)
A free, open-source platform to support researchers through their project lifecycle. Researchers use OSF to collaborate, document, archive, share, and register research projects, materials, and data. Data may be freely available for download or may require an account with the site.
- is a database of municipal street and park trees. The database can be searched by taxonomic group, tree characteristics (size, health, maturity), and more. The database is displayed as an interactive map showing individual trees and the data provider. Raw data are available for download.
Species Occurrence -
Orthoptera Species File (OSF)
A global, taxonomic database of species within Orthoptera, such as grasshoppers, locusts, katydids, and crickets, including both living and fossil species. The database includes references, valid names and synonyms, images, sound recordings and specimen records.
Phasmida Species File
A global, taxonomic database of species within Phasmida, or stick and leaf insects. The database includes valid names, synonyms, bibliographic data, specimen data, images, sounds, and distributions for phasmids of the world.
Planetary computer
A collection of environmental monitoring data. Datasets can be searched by keyword or by topic such as air quality, biodiversity, biomass and vegetation, imagery, and more.
Plant GARDEN (Genome And Resource Database Entry)
A portal for information on genomes and genetic markers for plants. The portal can be searched by keyword, species, data or analysis type. The portal covers a wide range of species, including species from angiosperms, gymnosperms, algae, and more. Users can submit data to be added to the portal.
Plant Trait Database (TRY)
A network of vegetation scientists creating a global database of plant traits. Over 700 datasets are integrated, some coming from collective datasets such as LEDA, GlopNet, BiolFlor, SID, EcoFlora, and FRED.
By Max Planck Institute of Animal Behaviour
Network Species Occurrence Species Description Status -
Plecoptera Species File Online
A database on the taxonomy of the world's stoneflies. It includes accepted names, synonyms, bibliographic data, specimen data, images, sounds, and distribution information.
By International Society of Plecopterologists
Non-Governmental Organization
Compiler Distribution Taxonomy -
A digital archive for e-journals, e-books, and digital collections. They use international standards such as the Metadata Encoding & Transmission Standard (METS), Digital Item Declaration Language (DIDL), and the Reference model for an Open Archival Information System (OAIS). Access to content is available for all participating institutions when publishers are no longer operational, back issues are no longer available, or when a title has been discontinued.
Project Noah
A global community science initiative where members can record all the wildlife spotted along their "missions" using geo-referenced photos. The initiative also encourages users to record their personal connection to nature and fosters relationships between enthusiasts. Sightings can be filtered by taxa and by region (e.g., North America).
Propagation Protocols Database
A database on protocols for propagating native North American plants. The database can be searched by keyword, and filtered by taxonomy, product, stock type, and the organization responsible for the protocol.
Raptor Population Index
An initiative to create status assessments and trends for raptors across North America. Data and figures are available for download from the site.
A global registry of research data repositories across academic fields. Within the registry, there are repositories with open-access data, publishers, academic institutions, and funding bodies. Repositories can be searched by country, data access, subject, keywords, and much more. Icons display information around the repository such as access, additional information, DOI usage, and more.
Red List of Threatened Species
The Red List of Threatened Species shows the global distribution and long-term trends of species, and classes species by global extinction risk. It includes animal, fungi, and plant species, and contains information on species range, population size, habitat and ecology, use and/or trade, threats, and conservation actions.
By International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Non-Governmental Organization
Distribution Status Threats Trends -
Reef Life Survey
An initiative where citizen science SCUBA divers conduct standardized visual surveys. Data are used by scientists to produce scientific papers and management reports. The Reef Life Explorer is an interactive map that shows summary statistics, indicators, and trends from all the sampling locations.
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Maps Indicators Trends -
Reptile Database
A database with the classification of all living reptile species including lizards, turtles, amphibians, tuataras, and crocodiles. The database focuses on taxonomy but may include alternate names, distribution data, and life history.
Non-Governmental Organization
Compiler Distribution Species Description Taxonomy -
SCAN (Symbiota Collections of Arthropods Network)
A compiler of terrestrial arthropod occurrence records, observations, and images in North America, with some global information. SCAN is the primary repository and aggregator for many arthropod collections and networks. Users can search across datasets, download data, map georeferenced records, and download custom species lists.
A long-term monitoring programme for seabirds in Norway, Svalbard, and adjacent sea areas, including Labrador, northern Europe, and Greenland. They map the distribution of Norwegian coastal bird populations, estimate their population sizes, and look at trends in diet and populations to inform management of these marine environments.
Sea Around Us
A source for maps and data on fisheries to inform policy and research. They also provide advice for fisheries management through publications. Information are available by country and by project. The database can be searched by marine region, taxon, marine protected areas, and more. Data are focused on the catch of marine species by area.
Sea Duck Key Habitat Sites Atlas
An atlas that describes habitat important to sea ducks across North America. Each location includes a site description with data on duck abundance and the timing of sea ducks at the site, and other relevant information. Data can be downloaded as a PDF, a shapefile, or viewed through an interactive map.
A database with information on the ecology and biology of non-fish marine organisms. Information includes the distribution, names, and references and may include abundance, morphology, commercial exploitation, pictures, distribution, and life history. The database can be searched by terms, area, ecosystem, topic, or reference.
Non-Governmental Organization
Abundance Compiler Distribution Species Description -
Seabird Tracking Database
The largest central collection of international seabird tracking data. The website was developed to build links between data owners and their data, provide tools to support data submission and data standardization, and foster further seabird conservation work and collaboration among researchers. Datasets contain tracking data from birds of the same species, collected with the same type of device (GPS, PTT or GLS), deployed in the same colony, and owned by the same contributor(s). BirdLife International is the curator and manager of the database, but the data are owned by contributors.
Smithsonian Shorebird Collective
A multi-agency collective focused on advancing shorebird conservation in the Western Hemisphere. There are over 3000 shorebirds with electronic tags from over 35 species. Data are contributed from multiple organizations across academia, NGOs, and governments. Work is underway to combine tracking data with community science. Data can be accessed or contributed by filling out a form.
Soaring Bird Sensitivity Mapping Tool
A tool for planning development projects in wind energy and other sectors. Using the map, a project's coordinates and size can be entered and layers such as Important Bird Areas (IBAs), soaring bird observation locations, protected areas, and soaring bird satellite tracks can be included.
Species Fungorum
A global taxonomic database of fungi.
By Index Fungorum Partnership, Kew Royal Botanic Gardens
Non-Governmental Organization
Distribution Standards Taxonomy -
Sponge Barcoding Project
A database of DNA sequences for species within the phylum Porifera, or sponges. The project aims to have sequences for all classes of sponges, and all habitats (e.g., intertidal, deep-sea, freshwater). The database can be searched by genus or species, and can be filtered for reference quality. Records include collection information, pictures, and DNA sequences. Data can be downloaded directly from the site.
A project studying the evolutionary development of sharks and rays using genetic and multimodal omics techniques. They share complimentary samples and analyses with other projects. Data are available through FigShare, published articles and the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI, BioProject 707598). All sequences are archived by the Laboratory for Phyloinformatices (Kuraku lab).
Synthesis Centre of iDiv (sDiv)
sDiv is the research centre of the German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research Halle-Jena-Leipzig (iDiv). With over 100 working groups and projects, featuring work by both early-career and established scientists, sDiv work covers most aspects of biodiversity. Some working groups, such as sTRAITS, publish products and frameworks (e.g., GitHub repository of global leaf traits). Some groups focus on ecosystems (e.g., tundra, tropical forests), some focus on individual taxa (e.g., bumblebees, soil microfauna), and some focus on topics like ecosystem change and invasive species.
By German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research Halle-Jena-Leipzig (iDiv)
Foreign Government
Environmental Data Network Species Richness -
Systema Dipterorum
A global taxonomic resource on two-winged insects within the order Diptera, including species such as flies, midges and gnats. The two main components include the Nomenclator and the Reference database. Nomenclator allows for the search of names and includes the status of names (valid or invalid) as well as associated information, such as type, family classification and source for all names.
The Fungarium
A collection of fungi specimens from around the world. There are over 1.25 million dried specimens. Some of the collection has been digitized and made available online but the rest is still in the process of being digitized.
The Trichoptera World Checklist (TWC)
A global, taxonomic checklist of the order Trichoptera, or caddisflies. The checklist includes records of living and extinct (fossil) species and genera.
Collection of over 10,000 dried leaf and tree seed specimens from studies of forest tree species since the 1960s. Gathers information on tree wood quality (dendrometry, physical-mechanical and chemical properties) for economically important species across Canada. Data is accessible with the creation of an account.
A global website with migration counts, nocturnal flight calls, and capture data for birds. Data are focused on Europe. Data can be viewed by region, site, or species.
Tundra Trait Team (TTT)
A group of tundra ecologists studying the patterns of functional trait variations as a response to climate and ecosystem change. Sites are spread globally throughout the tundra. The database contains over 92,000 trait observations and close to 1000 species. The repository is available through GitHub.
UN Biodiversity Lab (UNBL)
An open-source platform for global spatial data. It has maps of land use, NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), species presence, and more. The platform allows users to overlay and combine datasets, and contains data for over 200 countries. There are three data collections including 1) nature-based solutions for climate change, 2) protected areas, and 3) ecosystem restoration.
Urban Wildlife Information Network (UWIN)
An international network of ecologists and educators working to improve the co-existence of humans and wildlife in urban environments. Members use camera trap surveys to monitor wildlife in their areas so data can be compared across regions.
A database with information on eukaryotic pathogens, vectors, and hosts. Data are compiled from external sources, analyzed using standardized protocols, and produced for download. Pathogens include parasitic species, fungi, and vector species. This database is no longer funded as of September 2024.
A vertebrate data platform that integrates data from biodiversity and collections databases. The database can be searched by a high number of fields, including associated measurements, life stage, genus, and location.
Vertebrate Genomes Project (VGP)
An initiative to generate complete reference genomes for vertebrates in a publicly available database. Their initial goal to create reference genomes for 260 species representing each vertebrate order. Where applicable the heterogametic sex will be sequenced, so a record of both chromosomes exists. Currently, the samples are being sequenced and the database is not developed.
Waterbirds Populations Portal
A platform that contains population and trend estimates as well as distribution information (including breeding and non-breeding range) for waterbird species and subspecies worldwide. Wetlands of international importance are also identified if they meet the 1% threshold (under the Ramsar Convention).
Wildlife Insights
Wildlife Insights provides machine learning models to manage, analyze, and share camera trap data. It has a data exploration tab where users can filter through and see current and past camera trap projects. Users can filter by area, year, and species. Downloaded data records include the date of capture, species, sex, age, abundance, and behavior, as well as information about the project.
World Checklist of Extant Mecoptera Species
The world checklist of insects within the order Mecoptera (scorpion-flies and hanging-flies).
World Flora Online (WFO)
A global overview of the diversity of plant species. Each species has information on its classification, with associated images and related data that can be downloaded. There is a general description, with alternate local names and associated references. The "Taxonomic Backbone" with all taxonomic classifications can be downloaded, and there is an R package for matching common plant names to the standardized common names used in the WFO. A R package is a collection of functions, code, and data in the R statistical programming language.
World Polychaeta Database
A database with information on the taxonomy of the world's polychaetes, multi-segmented marine worms. Taxa pages include taxonomy information and references. The database can be searched by keyword, and filtered by marine or brackish, extant. There is also a literature database that can be searched.
World Register of Marine Species (WoRMS)
A site with the classification and catalogue of names for marine organisms globally. WoRMS manages the database by assigning each taxonomic group to an expert for editing and curation. There is also a portal for literature searches, species distributions, and locations of specimens in specimen banks.
World Spider Catalog
A global, online database on spider taxonomy. It covers all accepted families, genera and species and provides access to related taxonomic literature.
By World Spider Catalog Association (WSCA), Natural History Museum (NHM)Bern
Compiler Taxonomy -
A database for vertebrate genomes, with tools for gene annotation, multiple alignments and prediction of regulatory functions. The database can be searched by gene or species, or viewed by species. Data can be downloaded individually or in bulk.
A portal with genome data for invertebrate species that can be searched by keyword or by using group-specific portals. There is a portal for plant data (e!EnsemblPlants), metazoans (e!EnsemblMetazoa), protists (e!EnsemblProtists), fungi (e!EnsemblFungi) and bacteria (e!EnsemblBacteria). Through the portals, the database can be searched by species or keyword. Data may be available for download through links to external sources.
By European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
Intergovernmental Organization
Compiler Genetic Data -
eBio Atlas
A global database containing eDNA information gathered from river basins and wetlands. Their goal is to provide a comprehensive picture of biodiversity at each location. They have a standardized sampling protocol. Their initial taxonomic focus will be on fish, mammals, and other vertebrates, with barcoding being done alongside the eDNA collection. The project is still in development and they intend to make data freely available for non-commercial use.
By NatureMetrics and International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Species Occurrence Species Richness -
eBird is a platform to gather and manage observations made by birders throughout the world using a broad range of protocols ranging from casual observations to general birding to standardized monitoring programs such as breeding bird atlases and point counts. Most observations are ‘semi-standardized’ meaning birders select their survey locations, but record all species detected along with effort covariates. The site openly displays maps of raw observations at a range of spatial scales (unless the contributor marked them as private or the species is deemed sensitive). In addition, for a selection of species and geographic areas (mainly North America), the site displays the results of statistical analyses of data to show seasonal distributions of relative abundance and population trends over the past 20 years.
i5k Workspace@NAL
The host for some of the genomes from the i5k (insect 5k) initiative. Information includes analyses, book pages, gene functional annotations, genome annotations, genome assembly, news, organism pages and publications. Organism pages include publications on the organism and associated data.
An online Geographic Information System (GIS) map of invasive species that can be used to track and manage invasive species. iMapInvasives can be customized to a regional level and used to make regional lists of invasive species. This application applies to North and South America. This initiative works at a regional level, with each region having an administrator who supervises the species lists and the training of new members. There are four types of records, Search Areas (an area that was searched with environmental information), Presence (a location where an invasive species was detected), Not Detected (a location where no invasive species were detected), and Treatment (areas where treatments against invasive species were applied). Custom reports can be built with information on invasive species present, areas treated for invasive species, and areas where invasive species are advancing.
A global citizen science initiative where participants record their observations of species ranging from vertebrates to plants to protozoa. Observations are verified by other users, with an observation being deemed "research-grade" once at least two individuals agree on an identification. Observations include the date and time of observation, often include a photo of the specimen, and are geo-referenced, except for sensitive species. Maps of observations can be viewed for an area or by species. The species accounts include the most recent observation of the species in an area, its occurrence status, and its establishment means.
Aquatic Species at Risk Maps
Maps of the critical habitat and distribution of aquatic species listed under the Species at Risk Act (SARA). A list of all SARA-listed species within an area is also available.
Beaty Biodiversity Museum
A biodiversity specimen collection of invertebrates, insects, plants, fishes, and fossils. The Biodiversity Research Centre conducts research and publishes peer-review literature.
Bees of Canada
A database with species information for all bees in Canada. Occurrence data are mined from literature, online resources (e.g., GBIF, iNaturalist, and more), and museum collections. This data will be used to create checklists and biodiversity indices for each jurisdiction/ecozone combination, in addition to providing taxonomic data for characterizing species composition and the phylogenetic structure of bee communities.
A Canadian Dataverse Repository, that stores research data from institutions across Canada. The database can be searched by keywords and filtered by institution, author, subject and more. Data is available for download from the website, including metadata and version history.
Canada BioGenome Project (CBP)
The Canadian chapter of the Earth Biogenome Project (EBP), an initiative to sequence the genomes of all eukaryotic biodiversity. Their goal is to target the sequencing of 400 species deemed relevant by stakeholders. Prioritization will be given to species that are expected to be negatively affected by climate change, such as those in the Arctic and subarctic. Additionally, they aim to develop information and bioinformatic tools, provide policy recommendations, and communicate findings and the importance of genomics with the public. A database with the genomes, geospatial data, and metadata is under development.
Canada Marine Planning Atlas
An interactive map that provides information on ecological processes, human activities, and environmental features in Canada's marine spatial planning areas. Data can be viewed or downloaded from the atlas, which is split into a Pacific and an Atlantic atlas. Each atlas cites all sources.
By Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)
Government of Canada
Environmental Data Maps Status Threats -
Canada's Arctic Marine Atlas
An Arctic atlas on Inuit land use, oceanography, marine mammals, coastal and marine birds and invertebrates, and marine and anadromous fishes. The atlas uses both scientific observations and Inuit knowledge. The atlas includes maps of species occurrence, ranges, nest counts, and more. There are also descriptions of arctic species, conservation concerns and areas of importance to Inuit culture.
Canada's National Forest Inventory (NFI)
A portal compiling current information on Canada's forest resources focused on sustainable forest management, fire regimes, and invasive species. Canada's National Forest Inventory (NFI; allows for the creation of custom reports, interactive maps, and biomass calculators.
Canada's Spatial Data Infrastructure
A collection of geospatial data, tools and services produced and curated by the Government of Canada. For a description and source of data available for download see the download directory. The Geospatial Data Extraction tool can be used to clip spatial data to your area of interest. GeoGratis can be used to download geospatial datasets through an interactive map. GeoBase is a portal to access geospatial data on land coverage and use, water, and infrastructure.
Canadensys collates information and data on biological specimens (species checklists, observations, and ecological data) across more than 140 Canadian universities and museums. The goal is to digitize all material relevant to the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF). Canadensys also publishes Vascan, a verified list of scientific & vernacular names of vascular plant species in Canada. It also includes many large herbarium collections such as the University of Alberta Vascular Plant Herbarium (ALTA-VP), the University of British Columbia Herbarium (UBC) - Vascular Plant Collection, and the Réne Pomerleau Herbarium - Laurentian Forestry Centre, Canadian Forest Service.
Canadian Airborne Biodiversity Observatory (CABO)
An observatory using remote sensing to assess changes in plants and land cover across Canada. The main themes are land-use change, climate change, invasive plants, and nitrogen deposition. Data products are currently under development.
By National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
Government of Canada
Invasive Species Remote Sensing Research Station Trends -
Canadian Aquatic Barriers Database (CABD)
An interactive map and database of the barriers and corridors to fish passage across Canada. The database is curated and open. Barriers include dams, waterfalls, and fishways. Data can be downloaded as shapefiles, geopackages, KMLs, and CSVs. All data are sourced in a table.
Canadian Forest Genetic Resources Information System (CAFGRIS)
CAFGRIS was developed to provide information for assessing the genetic conservation requirements of native tree species of Canada. It includes information concerning threats to genetic diversity, species biology, and ecology both nationally and by jurisdiction. This system integrates various sources of information to provide a pan-Canadian perspective on the genetic conservation of native tree species.
By Canadian Forest Service (Natural Resources Canada)
Government of Canada
Genetic Data Species Occurrence Status Threats -
Canadian Soil Information Service (CanSIS)
A collection of Canadian soil and land-use data. This includes the National Soil Database (NSD), interactive maps, historical soil survey reports, archived soil publications, and the Canadian Soil Biodiversity Observatory. The National Soil Database contains geospatial data on soil, land cover, and climate data. The Canadian Soil Biodiversity Observatory sequences soil organisms across Canada to develop predictive models of soil Biodiversity in Eastern Canada.
By Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC)
Government of Canada
Genetic Data Maps Species Occurrence Species Richness -
Consortium of Bryophyte Herbaria
A site with information on mosses, liverworts, and hornworts. Information includes specimen records, specimen collections, research observations, images, checklists, interactive keys, and more. The Consortium was initially focused on North America but now has global information. The entire collection can be searched by taxa, by information type, by interactive map, and more. Members of the site can submit personal collections and records and are ranked based on their number of approved specimen records and collections.
By Consortium of Bryophyte Herbaria
Non-Governmental Organization
Biological Collection Species Occurrence -
Ecosystem-based Automated Range Maps (EBAR)
Maps of ecoshapes (ecoregions, ecodistricts or ecological land classifications) of species occurrence are produced by combining expert knowledge and biodiversity data. Each ecoshape is linked to the source data. Biodiversity data come from a wide range of sources from NatureServe Canada, all levels of government, academia, traditional knowledge, citizen science, and more. Maps are automatically created using multiple data sources and are then reviewed by experts. EBAR maps are being created for priority species under the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC), the Species At Risk Act recovery action plan, and the Canada Key Biodiversity Areas program.
GC InfoBase
An interactive tool that transforms federal data into visualizations.
By Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (Expenditure Management Sector)
Government of Canada
Compiler -
A project that aims to determine the location and abundance of Canada's freshwater fish, and their responses to anthropogenic stressors. They provide kits for fish sampling, testing fish health and project outreach. Across Canada, participants take water samples for analysis as environmental DNA (e-DNA) samples. Data should be publicly available by the summer of 2025.
- is the definitive source for accessing, discovering, and sharing Canada’s open geospatial information. This digital platform is organized by themes like the environment, imagery, infrastructure, and science. Users can access ready-to-use interactive map products, datasets, create maps, analyze information, and share insights. GeoView is an intuitive map viewer, that supports decision-making, program and policy development, biodiversity monitoring, and more.
Global Bird Collision Mapper
The Global Bird Collision Mapper (GBCM), is a web application for reporting bird-window collisions globally. This is a citizen science initiative that allows anyone, including non-members, to report a collision and encourages users to submit a photo alongside their observation. Observations must include the status of the bird (dead or alive) and the location. Observations can be viewed on an interactive map or filtered and downloaded from the website. Registered users can filter the data and create custom reports. FLAP is a Canadian charity working on bird-building collisions through collecting data, informing policy, and performing outreach.
By Fatal Light Awareness Program (FLAP)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Species Occurrence Status -
Important Bird Areas (IBAs) Canada
Sites that have been identified as important to bird groups such as threatened birds, large groups of birds and birds restricted by range or habitat. Important Bird Areas (IBAs) have criteria which are standardized and internationally agreed upon. IBAs vary in habitat type and size, from a pond to a coastline, and can be terrestrial or aquatic. IBA maps and site summaries can be downloaded from the site.
Indigenous Guardians Map
An interactive map of initiatives with funding from the Indigenous Guardians program. Indigenous Guardians funding provides Indigenous Peoples with a greater opportunity to exercise responsibility in stewardship of their traditional lands, waters, and ice. The map includes project descriptions, locations, and the associated organization(s).
A national project to monitor water quality. Data can be searched through the interactive map, Lake Portal ( Each sampled lake provides an attractive visualization of the collected data such as the ecozone, lake characteristics, sampled variables, 3D watershed models, and lake assessments.
By Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
Government of Canada
Environmental Data Land Cover Maps -
National Eelgrass Dataset For Canada (NETForce)
A mapping of eelgrass distribution across Canada from 1987 to present, collected by all levels of government, NGOs, community groups, and Indigenous groups. Data include species distribution models, benthic sonar, field measurements, and more. Datasets are divided by Federal Marine Bioregions, and metadata will include the collection methods and associated uncertainty when applicable.
By Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada (DFO)
Government of Canada
Maps Species Occurrence Distribution -
National Forest Inventory
An initiative to monitor a network of sampling points across Canada to record forest change and provide information on the state of Canada's forests. Data products include maps and statistical summaries, focused on changes in land use and biomass over time. Data collection is standardized and sampling points are stratified across terrestrial ecozones. The area is estimated using remote-sensing data. Estimates of change are from repeated measures sampling at regular intervals.
National Forestry Database (NFD)
The NFD is a Compendium of Forestry Statistics that serves as our national source of credible, accurate, and reliable forestry statistics. The principal role of the NFD is to collect and compile national forest data and forest management statistics including forest disturbance, forest management, and pesticide use.
By Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Government of Canada
Biodiversity Management Practices Indicators Status Threats -
National Harvest Survey (NHS)
A database of information collected from voluntary responses of hunters in Canada. Surveys are sent to participants for information on days spent hunting, number of individuals from each species harvested, and more. There is also a survey where hunters return the wings of hunted birds for identification to age and sex. The surveys are combined to create population estimates.
National Tree Seed Centre (NTSC)
A national seed bank with over 13,000 seed collections. They also provide best practices, training, and support to organizations. The seed collections are not available for operational production, but historical data from collections are available upon request.
By Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)
Government of Canada
Biodiversity Management Practices Biological Collection -
A repository for Canadian migratory bird data collected by volunteers and scientists. NatureCounts allows for the hosting of program data, entry of program data, and exploration of results, usually in the form of occurrence data. It provides detailed observation data for all migratory bird species in Canada including species at risk, in a variety of formats such as interactive maps and openly accessible data. Seasonal occurrence information indicates what bird species are present in any given area at different times throughout the year and their relative abundance. Nesting calendars indicate when various species are most likely to be nesting in a region. Standardized metadata are also stored in the Bird Monitoring Data Registry (BMDR) with information on the methodology, time and date of collection, and other relevant variables.
A series of Canadian citizen science monitoring programs that are focused on tracking changes in the environment. The current programs include FrogWatch, Ice Watch, PlantWatch, MilkweedWatch, ArcticWildlifeWatch, and WormWatch. Observations can be viewed on an interactive map and data can be downloaded from the website.
Neighbourhood Bat Watch
A citizen science initiative to monitor bats in Canada. Users can enter bat encounters and monitor bat roosts. There are interactive maps displaying bat colonies on public land and showing bat sightings. There is also information on bat identification and threats to bat populations.
By Québec Centre for Biodiversity Science (CSBQ/QCBS)
Provincial/Territorial Government
Species Occurrence -
Open Science and Data Platform
An initiative co-led by Natural Resources Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada, to facilitate access to information to increase understanding of cumulative effects and support better decision-making. The platform currently houses over 150,000 records related to cumulative effects from close to 30 government agencies. Themes include water, air, land, biodiversity, climate, human health, society and culture, and economy and industry.
A web, iOS, and Android platform created by and for Indigenous peoples. SIKU allows individuals and communities to document Indigenous knowledge about ice conditions, wildlife observations and harvests, Indigenous places, and scientific tool deployments in support of environmental stewardship, monitoring, and trip planning. Observations automatically include a location and timestamp and often contain photos or videos, descriptions, measurements, and more. Wildlife observations can be bird nests, animal tracks, animal sightings, successful harvests (e.g., goose hunting, berry picking), or even cultural activities. The whole app interface is available in Inuktut, Kalaallisut, English, and French.
Shark Sightings Network
A collection of citizen science shark sightings. Shark sightings can be submitted through the site.
Sustainability Survey for Fisheries
A survey that tracks the health of Canadian fisheries. Fish stocks are selected based on their cultural, economic, or environmental importance, and are classed as cautious, critical, healthy, or uncertain.
Vegetation Zones of Canada: a Biogeoclimatic Perspective
A long-term regional map of vegetation zones, to show the changes in zones over time. The broad-scale (1:5M to 1:10 M) map shows the effects of climate change since the 1960s. They employ a 2-level, hierarchical classification system: level 1) global-scale net radiation and elevation, 2) different vegetation zones ranging from High Arctic Sparse Tundra to Pacific Dry Forests to Central Tallgrass Grassland. Data can be downloaded in a variety of formats like shapefiles, GPKG, WMS and ESRI REST, or viewed as a PDF.
WildTrax provides a platform for proponents to enter and manage their data, particularly data collected with ARUs (Autonomous Recording Units) and camera traps but also human point counts. Data (including the raw recording data) can be maintained as private until the assessment report is published, and then made openly available. Interpreted data on this site can also be made openly available through both WildTrax and NatureCounts.
By Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI)
Non-Governmental Organization
Abundance Species Occurrence Tracking Data -
Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring and Alberta's Human Footprint
An organization that monitors Alberta's biodiversity and human footprint. There are over 1600 biodiversity monitoring sites across Alberta, all spaced 20 km apart. Each record contains a list of all species present and habitat characteristics. The institute also monitors Alberta's Human Footprint (HF) using remote-sensing imagery. The HF is updated every two years and is available at the 3x7 km scale. It classifies the human footprint into 115 feature types in six categories including energy, forestry, agriculture, residential and industrial, human-created waterbodies, and transportation.
By Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI)
Non-Governmental Organization
Land Cover Remote Sensing Trends -
Biodiversity of BC
A website with information on the biodiversity of British Columbia (BC), and a portal to the biogeographic atlases E-Flora BC (plants) and E-Fauna BC (animals). The atlases can be searched by keyword or by browsing species lists. Species pages include photos, distribution maps, identification information, and more. Distribution data come from E-Flora and E-Fauna databases, as well as other databases like iNaturalist, eBIRD, museum records, the Conservation Data Centre (CDC), and more. E-Flora also has a plant identification tool.
By University of British Columbia (UBC)
Non-Governmental Organization
Species Description Species Occurrence -
A map-based online tool with information on fish, wildlife, and ecosystem information. Data ranges from species occurrence, hydrology, topography, invasive aquatic species, and management areas. Different datasets can be layered on top of each other, and maps can be printed, but data cannot be downloaded.
By Government of British Columbia
Provincial/Territorial Government
Environmental Data Invasive Species Maps Species Occurrence -
L’Atlas des amphibiens et reptiles du Québec
A citizen science survey to understand the distribution of amphibians and reptiles in Québec. All observations can be submitted, data is not collected using standardized methods. Species accounts and distribution maps are available online. Data may be available upon request. This data informs the creation of provincial population objectives and conservation priorities.
Ontario Reptile and Amphibian Atlas (ORAA)
A community science initiative collecting data on native reptiles and amphibians with information on their distribution and ecology. Range maps include both historical and recent ranges. The atlas also includes maps for specific species and subspecies with intergradational zones and other specific features. Data are collected across Ontario systematically with observations tied to a 10 x 10 km grid. Observations include common names, dates, and coordinates, and may also include abundance and environmental variables. Observations were reviewed by a team of experts using audio, video, or photos when available. No observations of species at risk were accepted without proof.
State of Ontario's Biodiversity (SOBR) Indicators
SOBR indicators summarize data from monitoring projects on pressures on biodiversity, the state of the ecosystem, species and genetic diversity, and conservation and sustainable use. Indicators can be viewed by theme or target. For each indicator there is associated data, data analysis with a description of methods, information on the link between the indicator and biodiversity targets and themes, and for some, a featured story with additional information. There are also associated trends and confidence in the data.
Tree Seed Diversity Program
A network of seed collectors and local nurseries providing native tree seeds to the City of Toronto. Their aim is to increase the number of urban native trees and improve their genetic diversity.
Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre (ACCDC)
AC CDC compiles and provides data on biological diversity in Atlantic Canada, and undertakes fieldwork to further knowledge on the distribution and status of species and ecological communities of conservation concern.
By Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre (ACCDC)
Non-Governmental Organization
Species Occurrence -
Fisheries and Wildlife Management Information System (FWMIS)
A repository of Alberta's fish and wildlife inventory data from the provincial government, industry, museums, and individuals. Data can be accessed by viewing the Fish and Wildlife Internet Mapping Tool (FWIMT). Currently, there are fish surveys, aquatic habitat, and fish culture stocking data available that can be exported by area in the format of SHP or CSV files. Alternatively, summary reports can be created and downloaded around a location.
Provincial/Territorial Government
Environmental Data Species Occurrence Species Richness -
The Hunting, Angling, and Biodiversity Information of Saskatchewan (HABISask) is an interactive mapping application. The four map themes are hunting, angling, project screening, and wildlife viewing. The hunting theme includes information on wildlife management zones and game preserves, angling has information on waterbodies and managed water areas, project screening shows rare and endangered species observations, and wildlife viewing shows managed areas and natural ecoregions.
Maritimes Butterfly Atlas
The first comprehensive and systematic survey of butterflies in Atlantic Canada. The field component of the project ran from 2010-2015. The Maritimes Butterfly Atlas is working with Maine Butterfly to publish the results collaboratively and in a broader context.
By Atlantic Canada Conservation Data Centre (ACCDC)
Non-Governmental Organization
Maps Species Occurrence -
NWT Species and Habitat Viewer
A geomatics tool that has data on species, ecosystems, and habitats in the Northwest Territories. The interactive map allows layers to be manipulated.
By Government of the Northwest Territories
Provincial/Territorial Government
Land Cover Species Occurrence Maps Status -
Northern Biodiversity
A citizen science initiative to track the abundance and the timing of species emergence or arrival in Canada's north and their changes with climate change.
Northwest Territories Biodiversity Monitoring (NWTBM) program
A biodiversity monitoring program across the Northwest Territories collecting data using camera traps and audio recorders. The program currently monitors four protected areas by creating a grid of recorders and cameras, and may be expanded beyond the protected areas in the future.
Ontario GeoHub
A collection of geospatial data produced by the Government of Ontario. Data can be searched by keywords or viewed through categories such as plants and animals, imagery and base maps, or by program such as the Forest Resources Inventory or the Ontario Elevation Mapping Program.
Ontario Wildlife Monitoring Network (OWMN)
A network monitoring 400 forest plots on Crown land. The network will monitor the status and trend of species within managed forests.
Prairie Pest Monitoring Network
A network of field crop entomologists that established an insect surveillance program for the Canadian prairies. They've been involved in developing monitoring protocols, and in coordinating and conducting insect population monitoring of pests of field crops. The distribution and abundance data are used in combination with climate and weather information, agronomic practices, and data on natural enemies to forecast insect pest populations and better understand where and when crops may be affected.
Québec Biodiversity Monitoring Network
A network that aims to determine Québec's capacity to adapt to climate change. The network has over 1000 sites across Québec and monitors wetlands and terrestrial and aquatic environments. Data are collected for many species through acoustic recordings, camera traps, water level sensors, surveys, and DNA sampling.
Provincial/Territorial Government
Abundance Environmental Data Network Species Occurrence -
Réseau d'observation Biodiversité Québec
An initiative to monitor and summarize ecosystem change in Québec and share this information. There is an interactive map where data can be filtered and viewed. There is also a map showing monitoring initiatives across Québec. There are indicators of animal populations, climate, and land cover.
Provincial/Territorial Government
Indicators Land Cover Species Occurrence Trends -
Suivi des populations d’oiseaux en péril du Québec (SOS-POP) (French only)
A database of bird species at risk occurrence information at breeding sites and staging areas in Québec. Surveys are completed by volunteers and by staff of the Canadian Wildlife Service (Québec Region), Government of Québec (MFFP), and other partners (e.g., consultants, Hydro-Québec, NGOs, etc.).
Biodiversity Galiano
A community-based initiative to document the flora and fauna of Galiano Island (British Columbia). Community members help confirm historical reports and add new species to the list. New observations are added to the iNaturalist platform and reports are also prepared and accessioned in herbaria and museums to provide physical evidence for a species’ presence. New records are available on iNaturalist. Historical records will eventually be available for download.
Long Point Bird Observatory (LPBO)
A long-term bird observatory led by Birds Canada. The primary activities at LPBO revolve around migration monitoring, which generates population trends, collects other demographic information, and examines other aspects of migration ecology through standardized methods of daily counts and banding at each of LPBO’s three research stations.
Ottawa Field Naturalists (OFNC)
Canada's oldest natural history club. A group that meets to learn how to identify nature and holds talks on nature conservation. They also run "SafeWings", a program that monitors bird-window collisions and rescues injured birds.
Queen’s University Biological Station (QUBS)
A long-term research station collecting data on bathymetry, soil types, land cover, and species lists. Data are published in the form of maps, reports, and raw data through their website, along with published research articles.
Sahtú Renewable Resources Board
An organization that works with the Ɂehdzo Got’ı̨nę in the five communities of the Sahtú Region to maintain both Dene and Métis harvesting traditions and sustainable wildlife and habitat management. The board is also working to strengthen its collaboration with the communities on environmental assessment work by developing workshops on research initiatives and providing opportunities for community members to work alongside and monitor scientists.
By Sahtú Renewable Resources Board
Indigenous Organization
Distribution Environmental Data Indigenous Knowledge Biodiversity Management Practices -
Thunder Cape Bird Observatory (TCBO)
A joint project of the Thunder Bay Field Naturalists, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources – Wildlife Assessment Program (OMNR-WAP), and Birds Canada, in partnership with Sleeping Giant Provincial Park and the Canadian Coast Guard, to monitor bird migration at Thunder Cape. Core funding is provided by OMNR–WAP to contribute to its assessment of bird population trends in Ontario.
By Thunder Bay Field Naturalists
Non-Governmental Organization
Network Species Occurrence Research Station -
Bat 1K
An initiative to sequence the genomes of all living bat species. Their initial goal is to sequence one species from every family in Chiroptera, then they plan to sequence species from the remaining genera, and eventually to sequence all species within Chiroptera. Genetic data can be accessed by submitting a collaboration request.
Butterfly Genome Database
A database of butterfly genomes collected by the Reed Lab at Cornell University. The site is out of date and BLAST searches are disabled, with a new browser scheduled for 2024. The new browser will include functional annotations (ChIP-seq, ATAC-seq, RNA-seq) and BLAST sequences. Currently, users can search for specific sequences for select species or genes for all species.
Ocean Sampling Day (OSD)
A worldwide ocean sampling day to collect genomic data for the world's microbes. Data collection is coordinated by the Marine Biodiversity Observation Network (MBON). Data follows the FAIR principles and can be accessed through the European Nucleotide Archive (ENA). Metadata can be accessed through the OSD Github Repository (
By Association of European Marine Biological Laboratories Expanded (ASSEMBLE)
Intergovernmental Organization
Genetic Data -
PLANTS Database
A comprehensive inventory of the vascular plants, mosses, liverworts, hornworts, and lichens in the United States and its territories. It includes names, plant symbols, checklists, distributional data, species abstracts, characteristics, images, crop information, and references. Plant distributions extend into Canada.
5,000 Insect Genomes (i5K)
A group working to collect reference quality genomes for the world's insect and arthropod species. Data are hosted externally and are accessible through their host sites or publications.
Alliance for Freshwater Life
An alliance to expand global freshwater research initiatives including the Freshwater Information Platform and the development of Essential Biodiversity Variables (GEO BON). The goal is to expand open access to information and its availability to decision makers and conservation practitioners.
Amphibian Genomics Consortium (AGC)
A network of researchers using genomics to study amphibian ecology, evolution and conservation. They aim to improve access to amphibian genomics resources and collaboration between researchers.
Arctic Beaver Observation Network (A-BON)
A network of scientists, Indigenous groups, land managers, and community members focused on the expansion of beaver populations into the Arctic.
Atlantic International Research Centre (AIRCentre)
A centre for international collaboration between national and regional organizations working in the Atlantic Basin. They aim to align national priorities around the Atlantic Ocean and have collaborative design and implementation plans. The network is spread into 9 centres representing countries and regions across South America, Europe, and Africa.
Euglena International Network (EIN)
A network of researchers and industry professionals focused on Euglena, a genus of single-celled freshwater organisms. They aim to form a Euglenoids Genome Project to increase collaboration and the sharing of scientific findings.
Forum of Arctic Research Operators (FARO)
A network of countries performing Arctic research that supports the logistics and operational support. The network also encourages information sharing and cooperation amongst member countries. The network currently has over 20 member countries.
Freshwater Biodiversity Observation Network (FW BON)
A network to collect, analyze, and share data on freshwater ecosystems. This network includes regional and national networks. Data are hosted on the Freshwater Information Platform (FIP).
A global biodiversity network to inform decision-making. It facilitates the development and maintenance of international biodiversity observation systems that can coordinate and create regional and global biodiversity assessments.
Genome 10K
A group of scientists sequencing genomes to preserve and understand the diversity of life on Earth. They coordinate and facilitate projects such as the Vertebrate Genomes Project and Bat1K.
Global Invasive Alien Species Information Partnership (GIASIPartnership)
This site provides links to resources and a forum for discussing invasive alien species and the pathways through which they spread. This site is no longer being updated.
Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN)
A global network of youth interested in protecting biodiversity under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). A place to share ideas, mobilize youth, and advocate for change. Members are environmental leaders in their communities.
A group that uses miniature transmitters to track animal movements around the world, monitoring a wide range of species from migratory birds to jaguars. All animal movements are published to Movebank. There is an associated citizen science application, the "Animal Tracker App", where users can submit observations about the behaviour of animals with transmitters.
International Network for Terrestrial Research, Monitoring and Education in the Arctic (INTERACT)
An arctic network of terrestrial field bases in northern Europe, the United States, Canada, Greenland, Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and Scotland, with additional stations in northern alpine areas. INTERACT seeks to build capacity for research and monitoring all over the Arctic and is offering access to numerous research stations through the Transnational Access Program. INTERACT is a Horizon2020 project (funded by the EU) and must comply with the Open Data Pilot called OpenAIRE. All scientists using INTERACT stations are obliged to provide free and open access to data collected or created within the framework of the INTERACT network (or at least to research data that validate the results in scientific publications). Solid reasons need to be provided to opt out of this obligation.
By International Network for Terrestrial Research and Monitoring in the Arctic (INTERACT)
Non-Governmental Organization
Network Research Station -
International Society of Protistologists
A network of scientists working on protists, single-celled eukaryotic organisms, across many different fields.
MicrobiomeSupport Association
A network to promote understanding of microbiomes and their applications for food security. They aim to connect stakeholders across industries, inform policy, and share findings.
Migratory Bird Joint Ventures
A network of regional partnerships across Canada, the United States, and Mexico working on bird or bird habitat conservation. Data are available through individual Joint Ventures, which are region or species-group specific. For information on specific joint ventures, see the registry (
North American Butterfly Monitoring Network
A network of programs, institutions, and individuals that monitor butterflies in North America.
North American Forest Commission
A network aiming to share and generate information on forest genetic resources.
Orthopterist's Society
An international organization that facilitates collaborative research and management of the ten winged insect orders within Polyneoptera, including the order Orthoptera which includes species such as grasshoppers, crickets, and katydids. The society also publishes both a tri-annual newsletter (Metaleptea) and a bi-annual open-access, peer-reviewed scientific journal (Journal of Orthoptera Research).
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network Standards -
The Lepidopterists' Society
An international organization connecting lepidopterists, consisting of amateur naturalists and professionals.
Alliance of Natural History Museums of Canada (ANHMC)
A network of museums that share information on collections, research, and education.
Canada Youth Biodiversity Network (CYBN)
A network of youth groups interested in biodiversity across Canada, under the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN).
Canadian Field Stations
A network of Canadian field stations. It provides a summary of the research conducted and includes links to each research station.
Canadian Migration Monitoring Network (CMMN)
A network, including bird observatories, Birds Canada, and Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC), that produces long-term population trends and bird demographic information for over 200 bird species. Data are available through NatureCounts.
Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (CSEE)
A network of practicing Canadian ecologists and evolutionary biologists. Their focus is on outreach, awareness, and facilitating support for researchers. They also run workshops around their annual meetings. The Long-Term Research Section of the Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution (LTR-CSEE), is a group of members working on long-term research. They have created an interactive map showing all long-term research projects across Canada and the United States.
Citizen Science Portal
An inventory of citizen science projects in Canada to help prospective volunteers find projects happening in their community. Projects can be filtered by keyword or by location.
Environment and Climate Change Youth Council (ECCYC)
A group of young Canadians that inform the Government of Canada on environmental and climate change issues.
Marine Environmental Observation, Prediction and Response Network (MEOPAR)
A national network of Centres of Excellence connecting marine professionals with organizations and communities across Canada.
By Marine Environmental Observation, Prediction and Response Network (MEOPAR)
Non-Governmental Organization
Network -
Migratory Bird Sanctuaries across Canada
A portal with information on migratory bird sanctuaries across Canada. Sanctuaries can be searched by province. Each sanctuary has a page with information on its importance, size, landscape, maps, and contact information.
National Aboriginal Council on Species at Risk (NACOSAR)
A council of Indigenous people to advise the Minister on the Species at Risk Act (SARA) and the Canadian Endangered Species Conservation Council.
Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science (QCBS)
A network of researchers, graduate students, undergraduate students and partner organizations. They aim to support the development and application of biodiversity science in Québec.
The Wildflower Society of Newfoundland and Labrador
A network of people in Newfoundland and Labrador interested in native plants and their habitats. They organize online presentations, guided walks, and field trips. Online presentations are recorded and posted on the site.
Algonquin Wildlife Research Station
A station established in 1944 that supports wildlife research and conservation, student training in the natural sciences, and outdoor education. Data and results are currently made available through scientific publications.
Bonne Bay Marine Station
A field station in Gros Morne National Park, Newfoundland. The field station is on the edge of a deep fjord and is unique as it has been isolated from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, despite being beside it. The site is open to researchers and university classes from all institutions and disciplines.
Copernicus portals
A website with portals to access data from the Copernicus satellites. The satellites collect data daily and their data can be accessed through portals on the atmosphere, marine ecosystems, land use and land cover, and more. Data accessibility depends on the portal, most are open access, and data may include raw data, trends, reports, maps, and more. Many datasets are currently focused on the European Union.
Air Pollutant Emissions Inventory (APEI)
Canada’s Air Pollutant Emission Inventory (APEI) is a comprehensive inventory of air pollutants at the national, provincial, and territorial levels. The APEI compiles emissions of air pollutants contributing to smog, acid rain, and poor air quality. An annual summary report is available for download and data are available on Open Canada.
Air Quality Management System
A framework to monitor the air quality across Canada, a collaboration between federal and provincial governments (except for Québec). Summary reports include information on particulate matter (PM), ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Data can be downloaded as a summary of statistics or trends.
By Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment (CCME)
Intergovernmental Organization
Environmental Data -
Black Carbon Emissions Inventory
An annual inventory to inform Canadians on black carbon emissions and to provide valuable information for the development of air quality management strategies. Data are available through Open Canada.
CGDI Resource Centre
Provides guidance, policy, standards, and materials for the generation and sharing of geospatial data. Includes portals containing biodiversity-related information and case studies. Biodiversity information is from the Federal, Provincial and Territorial levels of government.
Canada's official greenhouse gas inventory
Canada's greenhouse gas inventory stores data and produces annual reports. The inventory, which includes data collected in-house and compiled from outside sources, is accessible on Open Canada. Annual reports follow an internationally agreed upon format, where emissions and removals are grouped into five sectors including Agriculture and Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry.
Indigenous Perspectives Program
An annual series of case studies and presentations on climate policy by Indigenous researchers, Knowledge Holders, and writers. The series is presented in a live virtual roundtable. The case studies are also available as reports. Past case studies have focused on Indigenous seed keeping, climate action, policy approaches for sustainable communities, climate change impact on bees, and more.
Water and the Environment
A portal with information collected by Natural Resources Canada on the quality, flow, and health of the waters in Canada. Topics include sustainability indicators, ecosystem health, toxicology, and the status, trends, and quality of fresh and marine water.
Reconnection Vision
A guide created by a group of Yukon First Nations youth. It focuses on community healing and health as a first response to climate change. They share their work over two years as a case study. A large focus is on individual and community healing, seeking balanced communities in harmony with nature.
By Yukon First Nations Climate Action Fellowship
Biodiversity Management Practices Indigenous Knowledge -
Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA)
A global network focused on supporting experts, decision makers, and institutions within the water community to work together to find solutions for resilient water resource management. AGWA maintains the Knowledge Platform, which provides 'bottom-up approaches' to technical water management as well as resources, support, and capacity-building materials.
By Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure (Arctic SDI)
The Arctic Spatial Data Infrastructure aims to provide governments, policymakers, scientists, private enterprises, and citizens in the Arctic with access to geographically-relevant data, digital maps, and tools to facilitate monitoring and decision-making. The portal and metadata catalogue allows users to search biodiversity data and information by keywords.
CARE Principles for Indigenous Data Governance
CARE stands for the Collective benefit, Authority to control, Responsibility, and Ethics (CARE). Collective benefit requires data frameworks to be designed to benefit Indigenous peoples. Authority to control means frameworks must enable and encourage Indigenous control of data. Responsibility means the framework must be held accountable and show its benefit to Indigenous peoples. Lastly, ethics require the data minimize harm and maximize benefit to Indigenous peoples now and in the future. This framework complements the FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable), which encourage openness and accessibility.
By Global Indigenous Data Alliance (GIDA)
Indigenous Organization
Data Management Indigenous Knowledge -
Climate Change Working Group
A group creating an international climate change program. They coordinate GEO climate change activities, foster collaboration amongst partners, and encourage countries to use GEO climate solutions.
By Group on Earth Observations (GEO)
Intergovernmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Network -
An international certification for data repositories that follow the Core Trustworthy Data Repositories Requirements. All eligible repositories are added to a catalogue of certified databases. Requirements are to provide long-term preservation service, proper curation, and an accurate definition of the service.
Digital x Catalogue UNDP
A database of companies with solutions to digital issues. Examples of solutions include use of drones and AI to manage forests, air-quality sensors, and remote tracking of carbon emissions and sequestrations.
Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs)
A global inventory of Ecologically or Biologically Significant Marine Areas (EBSAs) to support the healthy functioning of oceans. EBSA descriptions and the code for individual EBSAs' polygons with coordinates are available for download.
FAIR Principles
FAIR stands for Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reuse of digital assets. The framework is broken into three parts, Metadata for Machines (M4M), the FAIR Implementation Profile (FIP), and the FAIR Data Point (FDP). The FAIR framework aims to have metadata that are easily accessed by machines and can integrate with global FAIR frameworks.
Framework for Ecosystem Restoration Monitoring (FERM)
A geospatial platform and registry of restoration initiatives. Data are collected from other restoration platforms or can be input directly into the platform, by registering a project with the platform. Restoration initiatives can be searched by keyword, filtered by categories, or viewed on an interactive map.
By Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Intergovernmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices -
IUCN Green List of Protected and Conserved Areas
A list of protected and conserved areas that meet the Green List Sustainability Standards. To be on the IUCN Green List, a site must show respect for the local community and its values, successful conservation results, and contributions to climate change, and the community's health and well-being. Green List sites can be viewed as a list or as a map.
By International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Intergovernmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Maps -
International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
An organization creating international standards and guidance across fields. There are biodiversity standards in vocabulary, environmental management, characterizing environmental quality, and much more. For biodiversity, ISO standards related to geospatial information (published by Technical Committee 211) may be most relevant. Technical Committee 331 is producing principles, framework, requirements, guidance, and tools for the standardization of biodiversity information.
Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) Canada
A program to support the identification, mapping, monitoring, and conservation of areas important for species in Canada. Priority is placed upon protecting populations that are important globally, such as genetic variants or species on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. KBAs can also protect areas where there are large aggregations of individuals, biodiversity hotspots, or for ecosystems listed on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Ecosystems. The program is applicable across all ecosystems and habitats. KBAs can also inform the expansion of protected and conserved areas, land-use planning, and development. KBA data are also international, and can be found for all continents and seas.
By International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), BirdLife International
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Maps -
Make Data Count
An initiative to increase open data metrics to reward the reuse of research outputs. There are three main components, open infrastructure (to encourage data reuse), outreach (to increase adoption of open data metrics), and evidence (of the reuse and impact of open data). The Data Citation Corpus is an aggregator of data citations to follow data usage and create useful data metrics. Citations are collected using DOI registration and through third-party aggregators, text miners, and similar programs. The COUNTER Code of Practice for Research Data standardizes usage metrics for research data.
Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool (METT)
METT allows users to track the characteristics, threats, management objectives, and assessments of protected areas. The assessment form is a questionnaire with scores (poor to excellent) and data fields to capture notes. This tool is made to monitor conservation management sites over time.
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC)
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is a consortium of experts committed to improving access to geospatial or location information. OGC connects people, communities, and technology to solve global challenges and address everyday needs. OGC publishes widely used standards that help make geospatial information more Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable.
Red List of Ecosystems (RLE)
A global standard for assessing ecosystem risk and a global database of ecosystem risk assessments. Catalogues the spatial and functional risks within an ecosystem. An ecosystem assessment means defining and describing all ecosystems within the area, compiling data to create trends, validating the data, and then performing a thorough assessment following RLE protocol. Ecosystems can then be classed as critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable, or least concern. The IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology is a classification framework for ecosystems that includes functional and compositional components.
By International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Compiler Status Threats -
Spatial Monitoring and Assessment Tool (SMART)
A tool to support the management of conservation areas using technology, building conservation capacity, and leveraging a global network of partners. The platform enables users to collect, organize, map, analyze, and use data. SMART can be used for biodiversity conservation, law enforcement, tourism management, natural resource use, and threat level assessments. The tool is very adaptable and can be used for both terrestrial and marine environments.
System of Environmental Economic Accounting Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA)
A statistical framework for organizing habitat and landscape data, measuring ecosystem services, and connecting these variables to economics. Ecosystem accounts have been made for more than 34 countries. There are four components to the ecosystem accounts including ecosystem extent, ecosystem condition, ecosystem services, and monetary ecosystem assets. This framework is spatially explicit.
The Restoration Barometer
This tool for governments to track the progress of areas being restored under international agreements or goals. Areas can be terrestrial, coastal or inland waters. There are eight indicators of restoration progress, considering factors such as climate, biodiversity, socio-economic benefits, associated policy and funding structures. This tool can identify the strengths and weaknesses of a project, and provide a foundation for increasing investments in the project. Data can be entered directly into the tool. Once the data has been reviewed, the tool produces summaries of the project.
By International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
Intergovernmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices -
UNDATA finds and combines data around sustainable development goals (SDGs) and uses AI for compilation. It classes datasets based on goal (e.g., no poverty or sustainable cities). Data can also be searched by country or region. It contains information on target tracking, funding, policy, and agreements for biodiversity.
Water Initiative for Net Zero (WINZ)
An initiative to use wetlands as a climate change mitigation solution. This group is interested in wetlands as a nature-based solution for agricultural management, water supply and sanitation, and clean energy, specifically the strain that some clean energy sources place on water systems. This initiative mobilizes experts, produces methods to monitor water and carbon management, and advocates for climate actions.
By Alliance for Global Water Adaptation (AGWA)
Non-Governmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Policy Network -
ICLEI Canada
A network of members from government, industry, academia, and NGOs to build climate resilience communities. They focus on providing support to local governments. They produce local climate mitigation frameworks and run workshops.
Blue Carbon Canada
A national assessment of Canada's Oceans to act as nature-based climate change solutions. Blue Carbon refers to the ability of marine components to act as carbon reservoirs. Research is focused on modelling Canada's blue carbon capacity and projecting future blue carbon capacity under climate change. Data is hosted on Borealis.
By NSERC Alliance and United Nations
Intergovernmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices -
Canadian Terrestrial Ecological Framework (CTEF)
An ecological land classification that subdivides the landscape into nested ecological units (it is currently being updated from the 1995-96 version).
Centre d'études nordiques (CEN)
A centre that manages multiple circumpolar networks. Circumpolar networks include Qaujisarvik, which facilitates northern research through infrastructure and logistics, and SILA, which is a network for monitoring climate in northern Québec and the eastern Canadian Arctic, running over 100 stations in 8 bioclimatic zones. NordicanaD is a collection of information on symposium proceedings, data, essays, and theses.
First Nations National Guardians Network (NGN)
An organization that connects First Nations Guardians to tools, opportunities and investments to support the conservation of lands, ice, and waters. Guardians are community members who manage lands and waters and monitor animal populations, among other activities, on behalf of their Nations. The NGN focuses on First Nations knowledge, values, and perspectives and is First Nations-led. Resources can be searched by keywords and include events, publications, documents, and videos.
By First Nations National Guardians Network
Indigenous Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Indigenous Knowledge -
Indigenous Climate Action
An Indigenous-led organization that provides information and resources to communities around the climate crisis. Their work focuses on training, policy critiques, healing justice, and community events.
Indigenous Climate Monitoring Toolkit
A toolkit to support Indigenous Peoples across Canada to plan, implement or expand community-based climate monitoring projects. The toolkit allows for the use of both Indigenous Knowledge Systems and science. The toolkit has three sections, "Steps" - guidance on planning, "Stories" - case studies and "Resources".
Indigenous Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Indigenous Knowledge -
Inuit Circumpolar Council Canada (ICC Canada)
An organization with elected leaders from the four land-claim settlements from Inuvialuit, Nunatsiavut, Nunavik, and Nunavut. They advocate for Canadian Inuit and coordinate work between the different Inuit settlement claims.
Map of Adaptation Actions
An interactive map showing initiatives to increase climate change resilience in communities and organizations. The map provides a summary of the actions and links to specific initiatives. The map can be filtered by location, climate change issue, sector, and more.
By Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC); Natural Resources Canada
Government of Canada
Biodiversity Management Practices -
National Program for Ecological Corridors
The program is under development, but will aim to identify and map priority areas for ecological corridors, as well as protect and restore ecological corridors.
A Canadian network focused on monitoring, modelling, and managing ecosystem services. They aim to be holistic by including all relevant ecosystem services and how management can optimize results. They operate in co-operation with local industry, governments, NGOs, and Indigenous groups across different areas or landscapes in terrestrial and marine environments. Their findings are published in peer-reviewed publications and on their website.
Integrated Restoration Prioritization (IRP)
A framework to address the four pillars of Building the Living City 10-Year Strategic Plan (TRCA, 2014). IRP involves assimilating TRCA recommendations associated with watershed health and restoration and using available datasets in the analysis. It is a decision support tool that incorporates a wide variety of important restoration considerations into one platform.
By Toronto and Region Conservation (TRCA)
Non-Governmental Organization
Environmental Data Land Cover Distribution -
Marine Plan Partnership for the North Pacific Coast (MaPP)
A network that creates plans for the marine uses of B.C.'s North Pacific Coast, with the network consisting of provincial government and First Nations groups. They have produced ecosystem-based management frameworks and marine plans.
By Marine Plan Partnership for the North Pacific Coast (MaPP)
Intergovernmental Organization
Biodiversity Management Practices Indigenous Knowledge Network -
Data Futures Exchange UNDP
A data sharing platform that allows for the overlay of multiple spatial datasets. It focuses on land use, protected areas, and climate variables. The database can be searched by country and data are displayed as graphics, with linked sources and downloadable data.
Earth Observation Data Management System (EODMS)
The Earth Observation Data Management System (EODMS) is a geospatial platform open to the general public to discover and download authoritative Canadian Earth Observation (EO) raster data.
A global network monitoring the fluctuation of carbon, water vapour, and energy exchange. Data are collected by a series of regional networks, and datasets can be downloaded as packages by time period.
GEOSS Portal
An online map-based interface that allows users to access Earth observation data and resources from different providers from around the world. The purpose is to strengthen monitoring of the state of the Earth and to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) agenda and the Disaster Risk Reduction by connecting a large array of observing systems, data systems, and processing services.
By Global Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS)
Intergovernmental Organization
Maps Species Occurrence Remote Sensing -
Global Ecosystem Atlas
An atlas under development that will combine ecosystem maps at scales from national to global. It is a compiler of high-quality ecosystem data and is designed to respond to many global agreements, including tracking a country's progress in relation to the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) indicators.
Global Footprint Network
A website where users can calculate their ecological footprint and the amount of earth's resources (land use, carbon emissions, etc.) they consume. An interactive map displays the results as summary statistics per country. Data can also be viewed by the land type used (crop land, forest products, etc.) and ecological resources per country. Data can be downloaded with individual results, sortable tables, and more.
Global Hydrometeorology Resource Center (GHRC)
A compiler focusing on hazardous weather such as lightning, tropical cyclones, and storm-induced hazards. Data are collected through satellite, airborne monitoring, and in-situ.
By National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
Foreign Government
Compiler Environmental Data -
Google Earth Engine
A collection of global satellite imagery and geospatial datasets and a platform for geospatial analyses. There are datasets on surface temperature, climate, weather, atmosphere, imagery, terrain, land cover, and more. Most datasets are available from local or external sources. The Google Earth Engine can be accessed for free from certain institutions.
Marine Geoscience Data System (MGDS)
A marine data repository that's mainly used by researchers from the United States National Science Foundation (NSF). Data are curated and can be searched through an interactive map or searched and filtered by text only. Datasets are focused on geology and bathymetry, with some data on marine biology.
Marine Regions
A standardized list of georeferenced marine regions, boundaries, and locations for use in Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Information includes the location and names of sandbars, reefs, managed regions, and undersea features. This list combines the VLIMAR Gazetteer and the VLIZ Maritime Boundaries Geodatabase. Different layers such as maritime boundaries, global oceans and seas, and FAO fishing areas can be downloaded as shapefiles.
A geospatial platform that partners with industry and governments. It provides high-frequency satellite imagery data in real-time to inform resource management and conservation decision-making. The project has a fleet of over 200 satellites that image the whole Earth's land mass daily, and offers a variety of imagery and analytical products that are available for purchase.
Protected Planet
An inventory of terrestrial and marine protected areas from around the world. This is a joint effort between the UN Environment Programme and the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The database is managed by the UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC), in collaboration with governments, non-governmental organizations, academia, and industry. Data for the WDPA (World Databse on Protected Areas) are collected from international convention secretariats, governments, and collaborating NGOs. The WDPA uses the IUCN definition of a protected area as the main criteria for entries included in the database. This inventory also includes Other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) and territories, and areas conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities (ICCAs), with the communities providing all the data, case studies, and photos. Data are available for non-commercial use and a subscription through IBAT Alliance is required for commercial use.
By UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (UNEP-WCMC)
Intergovernmental Organization
Maps Distribution -
Water Rangers
A global citizen science initiative where participants record their water quality observations. Observations include the date, time, location (latitude and longitude), water body type, pictures of the site, samples and/or tests, and measurements such as alkalinity, hardness, conductivity, nitrogen, turbidity, water depth, and pH. An interactive map is available that summarizes observations by location, and individual reports can also be reviewed.
Atlas of Canada
The Atlas of Canada is a source of maps, data, and geographic information. The content includes (1) cartographic products and tools (e.g., forest fire time-enabled map, Toporama), (2) historical maps, and (3) educational and learning resources for non-experts and beginners (e.g., geography facts, tutorials, and more).
A 3D model of potential climate change effects on the ground and surface water in Canada. The Decision Support System (DSS) is a low computational cost window to show the model’s results to the public and decision makers. All associated data on geology, climate, models, and projections are available through the site.
Canadian Centre for Climate Services (CCCS)
A site with information on climate services in Canada. The Library of Climate Resources provides links to datasets, guidance and more. The library can be viewed by topic, or region or searched using keywords. The page "Display and download climate data" provides links to climate data portals, tools and viewers to access Environment and Climate Change Canada's data.
Canadian Geochronology Knowledgebase
An atlas using information on geochronology compiled from publicly available information from all levels of government and academia. The atlas can be viewed as an interactive map or downloaded as a text file.
Canadian Impact Assessment Registry
A registry with current impact assessments and federal land assessments. The registry can be searched using keywords or searched and viewed as an interactive map. Information includes initial project descriptions, impact statements, impact assessments, decision making, and post-decision phase information.
By Impact Assessment Agency of Canada (IAA)
Government of Canada
Environmental Data Indicators Status Threats -
Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS)
A platform that integrates ocean data and curates Essential Ocean Variables (EOVs) following the Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS). There are Regional Associations from the Pacific, St. Lawrence, and the Atlantic that work with local organizations. The Data Catalogue can be searched by keyword or by ocean variable. The catalogue can also be searched via an interactive map.
By Canadian Integrated Ocean Observing System (CIOOS)
Non-Governmental Organization
Compiler Indicators Network -
Canadian National Airphoto Library
A national repository with approximately 5 million historical, aerial photographs of Canada, dating back to the 1920s. Aerial photographs pre-date other remote sensing imagery, tracking changes over time related to landmass, waterbodies, vegetation, and human settlement. Photos can be searched online and then ordered.
Census of the Environment
A national registry of Canada's ecosystems that tracks ecosystem size and condition over time. It includes information on the services provided by each ecosystem and describes the relationships between the economy, society, ecosystems, and humans. Indicators such as the carbon storage of Canada's forests and the footprint of contiguously settled areas, are also included. There is an interactive Geospatial Explorer tool where datasets such as agroecosystem extent and coastal populations and dwellings, can be viewed. Data comes from the integration of publicly available datasets provided by other Government of Canada departments.
Groundwater Information Network (GIN)
An online portal to access standardized data on Canadian groundwater. Data are compiled from multiple national and international sources. Data can be viewed, searched, filtered, and downloaded.
By Groundwater Information Network (GIN)
Non-Governmental Organization
Environmental Data Compiler Maps -
Linkable Open Data Environment (LODE)
An initiative to combine open data collected by municipal, provincial, and federal governments. The LODE combines databases under the Open Government of Canada, develops tools to link the databases, and produces a viewer to map the products. Information is primarily about infrastructure (bridges and tunnels, potable water, waste management).
National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI)
The National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) is Canada’s public inventory of pollutant releases, disposals and transfers. It tracks over 300 pollutants from over 7,000 facilities across Canada, such as emissions and releases of toxic substances (cadmium, lead, and mercury) to air and water. Data can be searched or downloaded from the Explore page, in the form of tables and maps.
Permafrost Information Network (PIN)
An online portal with information on permafrost and ground thermal data in Canada. Through the interactive map, data can be viewed, searched, or downloaded.
By Groundwater Information Network (GIN)
Non-Governmental Organization
Compiler Environmental Data Maps -
Statistics Canada Infographics
A collection of infographics produced by Statistics Canada. Infographics can be searched by keyword, or viewed by category like environment or agriculture. Topics include climate change, and ecosystem services, status, and threats.
Government of Canada
Water Survey of Canada (WSC)
The national authority for the collection, interpretation, and sharing of water data in Canada. They monitor over 2800 hydrometric gauges across the country. Real-time and archived hydrometric data can be accessed and downloaded.
Web Map Services for Marine Geoscience Data
A database of Web Map Services (WMS) that has geospatial data that can be viewed through a geospatial site like Google Earth or ArcGIS. Data ranges from petroleum exploration, marine sonar images, geological maps, LIDAR imagery, and bathymetry.
Le répertoire des sites de conservation volontaire du Québec (French only)
An interactive map that shows all private lands conserved by NGOs, individuals, or municipalities within Québec.
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