Job evaluation standards used in the core public administration

The Treasury Board, as the employer, establishes job evaluation standards to classify and evaluate work across the organization of the core public administration of the federal public service.

Policy Context  

Policy context for job evaluation standards used in the core public administration.

1. Application

1.1 The job evaluation standards are job evaluation tools that apply to the core public administration (CPA) as defined in section 11 of the Financial Administration Act, unless excluded through specific acts, regulations, or Orders in Council.

1.2 The standards are to be used to establish the appropriate level for work allocated to the various occupational groups, subgroups, or classifications. They are used to evaluate and classify work performed within the CPA.

2. Context

2.1 These standards are key components of the classification system and must be read in conjunction with the Policy on People Management, Policy on the Management of Executives, Policy Framework for the Management of Compensation, the Directive on Classification, the Directive on Classification Grievances, the Directive on Classification Oversight, the Directive on Executive (EX) Group Organization and Classification and occupational group definitions.

2.2 The classification system is the infrastructure that is put in place to effectively manage the classification of positions within the CPA. Classification entails allocating positions by occupational group, subgroup, where applicable, and level using the appropriate job evaluation standard to ensure that the relative value of work is respected.

2.3 The standards are issued pursuant to sections 7 and 11.1 of the Financial Administration Act.

3. Gender neutrality

3.1 The standards are intended to be gender-neutral and take into consideration skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions required by the work.

4. Consequences

4.1 Non-compliance with the job evaluation standard may be subject to consequences in accordance with the Policy on People Management, Policy on the Management of Executives, the Directive on Classification Oversight, and the Directive on Executive (EX) Group Organization and Classification.

5. Related policies, instruments, and mandated tools
6. Enquiries

6.1 Public service employees, managers and human resources specialists should direct enquiries to their organizational human resources office. 

Other parties can contact the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Public Enquiries.

Job evaluation standards

You can obtain a copy of a job evaluation standard that does not appear on this page through the job evaluation standards on GCxchange (only available on the Government of Canada network) or by contacting Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Public Enquiries.

List of JESs (alphabetical order with the effective year)

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