DAOD 5002-7, Non-Commissioned Member Subsidized Training and Education Plan – Regular Force

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview and Plan Framework
  3. Selection
  4. Subsidized Training or Education
  5. Career
  6. Consequences
  7. Responsibilities
  8. References

1. Introduction

Date of Issue: 2014-09-17

Application: This DAOD is an order that applies to officers and non-commissioned members (NCMs) of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF members).


Approval Authority: Chief of Military Personnel (CMP)

Enquiries: Director Personnel Generation Requirements (DPGR)

2. Overview and Plan Framework


2.1 The CAF recognizes that the attainment of training and education by NCMs at Canadian colleges, universities and other post-secondary training and educational institutions:

  1. provides knowledge and skills that are commensurate with the diverse and demanding tasks that NCMs must perform;
  2. optimizes the professional growth of NCMs;
  3. enhances the CAF image;
  4. supplements the CF Individual Training and Education System capacity; and
  5. contributes to the career satisfaction of NCMs.

2.2 Under the Non-Commissioned Member Subsidized Training and Education Plan (NCMSTEP), an applicant for enrolment in the CAF or a CAF member may acquire knowledge and skills at a Canadian college, university or other post-secondary training or educational institution, considered suitable by the CAF, in a course of study related to the NCM’s assigned military occupation.


2.3 The NCMSTEP is a Regular Force NCM production plan that enables the CAF to maintain the optimal trained effective strength and production levels of NCMs in military occupations by providing NCMs with full-time subsidized training or education at Canadian colleges, universities and other post-secondary training or educational institutions, for authorized courses of study related to NCM military occupations.

Production Planning

2.4 The NCM military occupations open to the NCMSTEP are subject to NCM production requirements. The NCMSTEP intake requirements are:

  1. determined by the occupation authorities (OAs) through the Annual Military Occupation Review (AMOR) process; and
  2. conveyed in the annual Strategic Intake Plan.

NCMSTEP Military Occupation List (MOL)

2.5 The NCMSTEP MOL contains the:

  1. NCM military occupations that are authorized by the CMP for subsidized training or education;
  2. applicable post-secondary training and educational institutions, and authorized courses of study, through which NCMs may receive subsidized training or education; and
  3. career profiles which outline the early career progression for those military occupations.

2.6 The DPGR is authorized to control and manage the NCMSTEP MOL. The DPGR maintains the MOL with the input and advice from the OAs, training authorities (TAs) and designated training authorities (DTAs), and the Canadian Defence Academy (CDA).

Note 1 – The OAs manage the NCM military occupations in accordance with A-PD-055-001/AG-001, The Canadian Forces Military Employment Structure, Volume 1, General.

Note 2 – TAs and DTAs manage the individual training and education (IT&E) qualifications, including the analysis of assigned NCM military occupation specifications, to determine the IT&E requirements as set out in DAOD 5031-2, Individual Training and Education Strategic Framework.

2.7 The DPGR must conduct an annual review of the NCMSTEP MOL in order to:

  1. assess its continuing relevance;
  2. contemplate policy and process development requirements; and
  3. revise, as required, the NCM military occupation career profiles and authorized courses of study.

Authorized NCMSTEP Post-Secondary Training and Educational Institutions

2.8 Under the NCMSTEP, a baccalaureate degree, post-secondary diploma or certificate is completed only through full-time studies at a Canadian:

  1. college or other post-secondary training or educational institution that is accredited by a provincial or territorial ministry or federal department, and is also accredited, as applicable, by a national regulatory or certifying body (e.g. the Canadian Medical Association, Canadian Dental Association or Transport Canada); or
  2. university that is accredited by a provincial or territorial ministry or federal department and has degree-granting authority.

Note – Accreditation is the public recognition that a course of study has met national standards.

Authorized NCMSTEP Courses of Study for Full-Time Subsidization

2.9 An authorized course of study for full-time subsidization under the NCMSTEP must satisfy the following criteria:

  1. content:
    1. provides 70 percent or more of the basic occupational qualification training requirements;
    2. provides 70 percent or more of the academic training required for employment at the corporal/leading seaman rank; or
    3. is accredited, depending upon the requirements for the NCM military occupation, by a national regulatory or certifying body;
  2. fair and reasonable cost when compared to other similar and authorized courses of study; and
  3. availability:
    1. permits military training requirements to be readily satisfied;
    2. contributes to the ability of the CAF to offer subsidized training or educational opportunities at a post-secondary training or educational institution; and
    3. contributes to the ability of the CAF to offer subsidized training or educational opportunities in both official languages.

2.10 A course of study is not authorized for subsidization under the NCMSTEP if the course of study has:

  1. a mandatory paid co-operative portion that forms part of the curriculum;
  2. a prerequisite course or feeder program that leads to an authorized course of study. A prerequisite course or feeder program is one which prepares the learner, directly or indirectly, for entry into an authorized course of study; or
  3. a requirement to gain acceptance at another post-secondary training or educational institution, or to relocate to another institution, to complete the course of study.

Removal of Course of Study from the MOL

2.11 An applicant may receive an offer of unconditional acceptance to an authorized course of study but the course of study may subsequently be removed from the NCMSTEP MOL and no longer be authorized before the applicant has started the course of study. In such a case, depending on the type of applicant the Canadian Forces Recruiting Group (CFRG) or the Director General Military Careers (DGMC) must:

  1. if the date for enrolment, component transfer or military occupation transfer (MOT) has not yet been set, contact the applicant and advise the applicant to attain unconditional acceptance to another course of study that is authorized in the MOL; or
  2. if the date for enrolment, component transfer or MOT has been set, contact the DPGR for a direction with respect to continued processing. The DPGR is required to consult with the military occupation advisor, TA or DTA, and CDA to review the reasons for the removal of the course of study and determine whether a waiver may be granted by the DPGR to allow continued processing of the applicant for that course of study.

3. Selection


3.1 The NCMSTEP is a competitive application plan. An applicant to the NCMSTEP may be a:

  1. civilian with or without prior CAF service;
  2. Regular Force NCM; or
  3. Reserve Force member.

Applicant Eligibility Criteria

3.2 An NCMSTEP applicant must:

  1. be a Canadian citizen;
  2. meet or be capable of meeting the minimum operational standards for the Regular Forceset out in the DAOD 5023 series, including successful completion of the applicable CAF physical fitness test;
  3. have sufficient time remaining to retirement age to:
    1. be able to complete the assigned terms of service; and
    2. complete any period of obligatory service incurred in accordance with DAOD 5049-1, Obligatory Service, or any period of service requiring a waiver of right to release;
  4. possess the academic prerequisites that allow for the unconditional acceptance to an authorized NCMSTEP course of study for the assigned military occupation; and
  5. attain proof of unconditional acceptance into an authorized NCMSTEP course of study for the assigned military occupation. Letters of acceptance must identify the course of study, post-secondary training or educational institution, its campus location, course of study start date, advanced standing (if any), projected cost of the course of study and graduation date.

3.3 The following table outlines additional requirements for specific types of applicants:

Type of Applicant Requirements
  • The applicant must:
    • meet the other conditions, standards and requirements for enrolment as set out in DAOD 5002-1, Enrolment; and
    • not hold military qualifications or basic occupational qualifications (e.g. CAF Performance Orientated Electronics Training (POET)) that would allow for the bypass of training for the NCM military occupation requested under the NCMSTEP.
Regular Force NCM
  • The NCM must:
    • be military occupation qualified and have attained the operationally functional point in their currently assigned NCM military occupation

Note – The “operationally functional point” is that point in the training progression of a CAF member when the CAF member has completed all qualifications required for first employment in their military occupation and is considered trained to an “operationally functional” level. The operationally functional point for each military occupation is set out in the military occupation specification.

    • not hold military qualifications or basic occupational qualifications (e.g. CAF POET) that would allow for the bypass of training for the NCM military occupation requested under the NCMSTEP;
    • volunteer for and be able to complete a voluntary MOT-trained upon acceptance under the NCMSTEP;
    • hold a security clearance of Level I with the potential to be cleared to Level II or Level III, as applicable, by the end of the second semester of subsidized studies; and
    • surrender their appointment or relinquish their rank and revert to a lower rank if the NCM holds the appointment of master corporal/master seaman or a rank higher than corporal/leading seaman, in accordance with QR&O article 3.08, Master Corporal Appointment, and QR&O article 11.12, Relinquishment of Rank, as applicable.
Reserve Force member
  • The Reserve Force member must:
    • if applying for:
      • the same NCM military occupation under the NCMSTEP, not have commenced CAF POET or basic occupational qualification training, nor be military occupation qualified in their currently assigned Reserve Force NCM military occupation; or
      • a different NCM military occupation under the NCMSTEP, be military occupation qualified and have attained the operationally functional point in their currently assigned Reserve Force NCM military occupation;
      • not hold military qualifications or basic occupational qualifications (e.g. CAF POET) that would allow for the bypass of training for the NCM military occupation requested under the NCMSTEP;
    • volunteer for and be able to complete, in accordance with DAOD 5002-3, Component and Sub-Component Transfer, a component transfer to the Regular Force upon acceptance under the NCMSTEP;
    • if an officer, relinquish any rank held and revert to a lower rank in accordance with QR&O article 11.12 for service in the Regular Force as an NCM; and
    • if an NCM, surrender their appointment or relinquish their rank and revert to a lower rank if the NCM holds the appointment of master corporal/master seaman or a rank higher than corporal/leading seaman, in accordance with QR&O articles 3.08 and 11.12.

Military Occupation Selection and Environmental Assignment

3.4 An applicant who meets the eligibility criteria under paragraphs 3.2 and 3.3 may be assessed for NCM military occupation selection and environmental assignment. Before military occupation selection and environmental assignment, an NCMSTEP applicant must:

  1. meet the entry standards listed on the DPGR intranet site for the targeted NCM military occupations;
  2. meet the special requirements identified in the military occupation specification for the targeted NCM military occupations on the DPGR intranet site;
  3. complete processing to measure cognitive ability, attributes and competencies in order to assess suitability for the targeted NCM military occupations; and
  4. meet the minimum assigned medical standards set out in Annex E, Minimum Medical Standards for Officers/Non-Commissioned, in A-MD-154-000/FP-000, Medical Standards for the Canadian Forces, for the targeted NCM military occupations.

Selection Process

3.5 The following table outlines the NCMSTEP selection process:

Step Who does it? Action
1 Determination of NCMSTEP intake requirements
  • OA
  • Determines and confirms the NCM production requirement through the AMOR process.
  • DPGR
  • Verifies the NCM production requirement through the AMOR process.
  • Publishes the annual Strategic Intake Plan, noting external and internal NCMSTEP NCM production requirements.
2 Eligibility and suitability assessment
  • CFRG for civilian applicants and Reserve Force members other than Primary Reserve members;
  • the DGMC for Primary Reserve members; or
  • formation, base or wing personnel selection officers (PSOs) for Regular Force members.
  • Assesses applicant eligibility for the NCMSTEP.
  • Briefs the applicant on the terms of service for the NCMSTEP.
  • Conducts the suitability assessment of the applicant for NCM military occupations and forwards the assessment to the CFRG or DGMC as appropriate.
  • Recommends an NCM military occupation assignment.
  • Confirms the applicant’s acceptance without condition in an authorized course of study that is consistent with the entry standard for the NCM military occupation listed in the NCMSTEP MOL.

Note – Depending upon the post-secondary training or educational institution, the notification of acceptance without condition may not be received until later in the selection process. Under these circumstances, processing may continue, but this criterion must be met prior to enrolment, MOT or component transfer.

3 Selection
  • CFRG for civilian applicants and Reserve Force members other than Primary Reserve members; or
  • DGMC for Regular Force and Primary Reserve members.
  • Verifies the suitability of the applicant.
  • Conducts selection processing.
  • Produces a numerical list for selection for enrolment, MOT or component transfer by order of merit.
  • Confirms the assignment of the NCM military occupation and:
    • assigns the variable initial engagement period for the NCM military occupation or adjusts the length of the variable initial engagement to a length that is sufficient to enable the applicant to discharge their obligatory service; or
    • modifies the terms of service for Regular Force members on a case-by-case basis to ensure sufficient time to complete any period of obligatory service or period of service requiring a waiver of right to release.
4 Offer
  • CFRG for civilian applicants and Reserve Force members other than Primary Reserve members; or
  • DGMC for Regular Force and Primary Reserve members.
  • Generates an offer (see DAOD 5002-1), MOT or component transfer message.
  • Indicates on the offer:
    • the course of study, post-secondary training or educational institution, campus location, years of subsidization and notice of obligatory service requirements (e.g. marine engineering technician, Marine Institute, St John’s, NL, two years of subsidization and three years of obligatory service); and
    • the requirement to attain the basic military qualification (BMQ).
5 Acceptance or refusal
  • Applicant
  • Either:
    • accepts the offer (proceeds to next step); or
    • refuses the offer (end of processing and, in the case of a CAF member, the commanding officer (CO) is to be informed of the refusal).
6 Enrolment, MOT or component transfer
  • CFRG for civilian applicants and Reserve Force members other than Primary Reserve members; or
  • DGMC for Regular Force and Primary Reserve members.
  • Ensures the applicant signs form DND 2830-E, Statement of Understanding (Obligatory Service on Receipt of Subsidized Education or Training), in accordance with DAOD 5049-1;
  • Performs the enrolment ceremony, or carries out the MOT or component transfer.
  • Issues the Enrolment or Transfer and Posting Instruction message with the following information:
    • course of study to be followed for the assigned NCM military occupation;
    • post-secondary training or educational institution and campus location;
    • start date and period of full-time subsidized training or education; and
    • restatement of obligatory service requirements and financial obligations that may be incurred as a result of accepting an offer for full-time subsidized training or education.
  • Ensures the Enrolment or Transfer and Posting Instruction message distribution list includes the:
    • CDA/Staff Officer, Basic Training List Management;
    • applicable OA; and
    • applicable TA or DTA.
  • Attainment of the BMQ, normally before starting the course of studies.

Compensation and Benefits

3.6 The following table outlines compensation and benefits available to NCMSTEP NCMs:

Compensation and benefits include … in accordance with …
  • Compensation and Benefits Instructions for the Canadian Forces (CBI) Chapter 204, Pay of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members.

Note – The rate of pay is dependent upon the assigned military occupation and any qualifications and additional pay increments granted on enrolment or component transfer.

environmental, special and clothing allowances
  • CBI Chapter 205, Allowances for Officers and Non-Commissioned Members.
medical care
  • QR&O article 34.07, Entitlement to Medical Care.
dental treatment
  • QR&O article 35.04, Entitlement to Dental Treatment.
maternity and parental benefits
  • DAOD 5001-2, Maternity and Parental Benefits;
  • DAOD 5003-5, Pregnancy Administration; and
  • CBI 205.461, Maternity (MATA) and Parental Allowances (PATA)
  • QR&O Chapter 16, Leave;
  • DAOD 5060-0, Leave; and
  • A-PP-005-LVE/AG-001, Canadian Forces Leave Policy Manual.
tuition fees, books and instruments
  • CBI 210.80, Tuition Fees, Books and Instruments – Officers and Non-Commissioned Members of the Regular Force at Canadian Military Colleges, Universities, Academic Institutes or Courses not within the Canadian Forces.

Personnel Records Management

3.7 An applicant who is enrolled or a CAF member who is transferred under the NCMSTEP must have the designation “NCMSTEP” entered under the “Entry Plan” field by the CFRG or DGMC for purposes of the Canadian Forces Recruiting Information Management System and the Human Resources Management System.

4. Subsidized Training or Education

Period of Subsidized Training or Education

4.1 While in receipt of pay and allowances, an NCMSTEP NCM is only subsidized for that period of time required to complete an authorized course of study. The maximum period of subsidy is four years. The NCMSTEP NCM must:

  1. be registered as a full-time student; and
  2. follow the number of courses required in each semester, as set out in the curriculum for that course of study, to progress normally to the next academic year.

Obligatory Service for Full-time Subsidized Studies

4.2 In accordance with DAOD 5049-1, a NCMSTEP NCM normally incurs obligatory service when a course of study is six months or longer. Obligatory service is calculated on the basis of two months’ service for each month of subsidized education or training, using the start and end dates of the course of study. The maximum period of obligatory service that can be incurred for a course of study is 60 months. The duration of a course of study is counted in calendar months to the nearest half-month. Obligatory service starts the day after the course of study ceases.

4.3 An NCMSTEP NCM must complete form DND 2830-E to acknowledge the conditions and limitations that will affect their service as a result of having received subsidized training or education.

Voluntary Release after Subsidized Training or Education

4.4 Voluntary release after subsidized training or education is not a right. QR&O article 15.07, Voluntary Release After Subsidized Education or Training, limits the voluntary release of a CAF member. If a release is approved, other than when compassionate reasons are determined to exist, there is a requirement under QR&O article 15.07 for the releasing CAF member to refund all or a portion of the cost incurred by the public for the subsidized training or education.

Subsequent Subsidization

4.5 In accordance with CBI paragraph 210.80(4), when a civilian applicant, Regular Force NCM or Reserve Force member is a registered student in an authorized course of study and is accepted in the NCMSTEP subsequent to the start of the academic year, the NCMSTEP NCM is entitled to the payment of cost of their course of study back to the start of the academic year, subject to:

  1. successful completion of the authorized courses undertaken during the current academic year; and
  2. submission of transcripts as proof of successful completion of the courses.

Note – The academic year varies across post-secondary training and educational institutions. For the purposes of this DAOD, the academic year is based on the rules or policy for the training or educational institution that the NCM is attending.

Failure of Course or Course of Study

4.6 An NCMSTEP NCM who has failed a required course or course of study during the current academic year is not entitled to reimbursement for that course or course of study.

Scholarship, Bursary or Other Monetary Award

4.7 An NCMSTEP NCM may accept a scholarship, bursary or other monetary award that is not, by the terms of the award, to be used for any payment that is paid or reimbursed by the CAF (e.g. tuition fees, books or instruments). The NCM is required to report any monetary award to the CDA, who must review the terms of the award, to determine whether it may be retained by the NCM.

Military and Academic Standards


  1. remains subject to military law and the Code of Service Discipline;
  2. must maintain satisfactory academic and military standards to be eligible for retention under the NCMSTEP;
  3. must advance to the next academic year without carrying more than one condition; and
  4. is subject to the applicable rules of their post-secondary training or educational institution.

Monitoring Academic Progress

4.9 The CDA monitors the academic progress of NCMSTEP NCMs. Monitoring advice and policy guidance are provided by the CDA and DPGR.

Failure to Achieve Satisfactory Academic Progress

4.10 The CDA must review the academic file of an NCMSTEP NCM who has failed a course or an academic year, or has otherwise failed to make sufficient and satisfactory academic progress. The CDA must determine if the NCM is to be:

  1. retained under the NCMSTEP and allowed to repeat the course or academic year at:
    1. their own expense in accordance with QR&O article 203.20, Regular Force – Limitation of Payments; or
    2. public expense (see paragraph 4.11); or
  2. removed from the NCMSTEP and:
    1. ordered, in consultation with the OA,TA or DTA, into full-time service in the assigned NCM military occupation to continue with training and employment;
    2. referred to the nearest formation, base or wing PSO to determine eligibility and suitability for further service in another NCM military occupation;
    3. processed for an-MOT-untrained to an NCM military occupation for which the NCM is eligible and suitable and for which a vacancy exists, including, as appropriate, any previously-held NCM military occupation;
    4. undergo an administrative review in accordance with DAOD 5019-2, Administrative Review; or
    5. recommended for a compulsory release from the CAF in accordance with QR&O article 15.01, Release of Officers and Non-Commissioned Members.

Note – If an NCMSTEP NCM requests a voluntary release, the CDA must assess the circumstances to determine the requirement to serve a period of obligatory service and to reimburse, in accordance with QR&O article 15.07, the CAF for the cost incurred for the subsidized training or education.

4.11 An NCMSTEP NCM who fails an academic year for medical or service reasons, as approved by the Minister, may repeat the year at public expense. Subject to the rules of the post-secondary training or educational institution being attended and the individual circumstances of the NCM, the CDA may submit a recommendation, through the Director General Compensation and Benefits to the Minister, for authorization for the NCM to repeat the year at public expense.

Supplemental Examinations

4.12 Fees for supplemental examinations are the responsibility of an NCMSTEP NCM and are not paid by the CAF.

4.13 If an NCM is required to write a supplemental examination, the NCM is to be granted permission to write the examination. If the examination is to be at a location other than where the NCM is training or on duty, the CO of the unit is authorized, with the approval of the CDA, to return the NCM to the post-secondary training or educational institution at public expense.

5. Career

Military Training

5.1 An NCM must normally attain the Regular Force BMQ or its equivalent prior to commencing full-time subsidized studies under the NCMSTEP. The CFRG or DGMC may authorize attendance on BMQ training at the end of the first subsidized academic year for those who:

  1. enrol during an academic year; or
  2. have scheduling conflicts between military training and their course of study that cannot be reconciled.

5.2 NCMSTEP NCMs must undergo military training during the summer training periods or academic breaks as directed by the CDA, TA or DTA.

5.3 NCMSTEP NCMs must meet the minimum physical fitness standard as set out in DAOD 5023-2, Physical Fitness Program. Failure to attain the required physical fitness standard may result in administrative action under DAOD 5023-2, including release.

BMQ Not Attained

5.4 The following table sets out the consequences for an NCMSTEP NCM who has been unsuccessful in attaining the BMQ:

If the BMQ is not successfully attained … then the NCMSTEP NCM …
and no subsidized studies have been undertaken,
  • is to be released from the CAF in accordance with QR&O article 15.01.
and subsidized studies have been undertaken,
  • must, if obligatory service has not been incurred, be released from the CAF in accordance with QR&O article 15.01; or
  • must, if obligatory service has been incurred and the NCM requests a voluntary release, reimburse the CAF for the subsidized training or education in accordance with DAOD 5049-1 and QR&O article 15.07, and be released in accordance with QR&O article 15.01. Otherwise, should the reason for release be other than voluntary, the NCM is to be released in accordance with QR&O article 15.01.
due to compassionate or medical reasons and subsidized studies have been undertaken,
  • must, if obligatory service has been incurred, reimburse the CAF for the subsidized training or education as determined by the CDA prior to a release from the CAF in accordance with DAOD 5049-1 and QR&O article 15.01. If there is a requirement to reimburse and the NCM requests a voluntary release, reimbursement is determined in accordance with QR&O article 15.07.

Voluntary Withdrawal from the NCMSTEP

5.5 An NCMSTEP NCM may request in writing, to the CDA/Staff Officer, Basic Training List Management, permission to voluntarily withdraw from subsidized training or education under the NCMSTEP. If approved, the following table sets out the career options for the NCM:

If the approved date of withdrawal … and there is a … then the NCM …
occurs prior to the date the NCMSTEP NCM incurs obligatory service request to remain in the Regular Force,
  • may be ordered into full-time service in their assigned NCM military occupation.
request for a voluntary release from the Regular Force,
  • may, on approval of the release authority, be released from the CAF in accordance with QR&O article 15.01; and
  • may apply for transfer to the Reserve Force in accordance with applicable regulations and orders.
request to remain in the Regular Force, but in a different NCM military occupation, including, as appropriate, any previously-held NCM military occupation,
  • is referred, with the recommendation of CDA, to the nearest formation, base or wing PSO to determine eligibility and suitability for a voluntary MOT-untrained. If:
    • selected and assigned to another NCM military occupation, the terms of service are to be revised for that NCM military occupation; or
    • not selected, the NCM is to continue with training in the assigned NCM military occupation or, on request, be released in accordance with QR&O article 15.01.
occurs after date the NCMSTEP NCM incurs obligatory service request to remain in the Regular Force,
  • is subject to the following actions by the CDA and TA or DTA:
    • assessment of the subsidized training or education received by the CAF member; and
    • placement of the NCM in the CAF training system at an appropriate level in order to continue with the training to meet employment requirements for the assigned NCM military occupation.
request for a voluntary release from the Regular Force,
  • may, on approval of the release authority, be released in accordance with QR&O article 15.01;
  • must, if the release is approved, reimburse the CAF for the subsidized training or education in accordance with DAOD 5049-1 and QR&O article 15.07; and
  • may apply for transfer to the Reserve Force in accordance with applicable regulations and orders.
compassionate reason,
  • must, in conjunction with a request for voluntary release, have their file reviewed by the DGMC to determine the requirement for obligatory service, if any, and the length of that period of obligation.

Voluntary MOT

5.6 An NCMSTEP NCM who is untrained (i.e. has not reached the operationally functional point for their assigned military occupation) may apply for a voluntary MOT-untrained to another military occupation prior to the date that obligatory service is incurred. If the NCM’s course of study is:

  1. an authorized course of study for the targeted military occupation and the NCM is selected for a voluntary MOT-untrained, the NCM may continue with subsidized studies under the NCMSTEP; or
  2. not an authorized course of study for the targeted military occupation and the NCM is selected for a voluntary MOT-untrained, the NCM must be:
    1. removed from the NCMSTEP; and
    2. assigned to basic occupational qualification training for the newly assigned military occupation as determined by the CDA and TA or DTA.

5.7 An NCMSTEP NCM, who is trained (i.e. has attained the operationally functional point for their assigned military occupation), and is serving on a period of obligatory service for full-time subsidized studies, is restricted from applying for a voluntary MOT-trained until the day following the expiration of the period of obligatory service. Only the DGMC may authorize, under exceptional circumstances and on a case by case basis, an application for a voluntary MOT-trained before the expiration of the period of obligatory service.


5.8 The NCMSTEP career profiles that are contained in the NCMSTEP MOL, and the NCM military occupation specifications for the NCM military occupations listed on the DPGR intranet site, set out the occupational, training and educational requirements for promotion to a higher rank. An NCMSTEP NCM may be promoted to a higher rank when the conditions and standards for promotion are satisfied as set out in CAF promotion policy and under the NCMSTEP.

6. Consequences

Consequences of Non-Compliance

6.1 Non-compliance with this DAOD may have consequences for the CAF as an institution, and for CAF members as individuals. Suspected non-compliance will be investigated. The nature and severity of the consequences resulting from actual non-compliance will be commensurate with the circumstances of the non-compliance.

7. Responsibilities

Responsibility Table

7.1 The following table identifies the responsibilities associated with this DAOD:

The … is or are responsible for …
  • identifying and defining, with the DPGR, the production and training requirements and the career profiles for NCM military occupations under the NCMSTEP;
  • tasking the TA or DTA to develop the training requirements;
  • determining the suitability of a course of study under the NCMSTEP and either recommending that it be approved or denied; and
  • liaising with and seeking the concurrence of the DPGR to add a military occupation or a course of study to the NCMSTEP MOL or to remove it.
Commander, CDA
  • performing the TA functions for the NCMSTEP subsidized portion of basic occupational training;
  • managing the subsidized portion of NCMSTEP IT&E for assigned NCM military occupation specifications;
  • developing and maintaining the Canadian Armed Forces College Opportunities Directory (CAFCOD);
  • liaising with and advising the DPGR and TA or DTA on issues that may affect the suitability of a course of study at a post-secondary training or educational institution for the purpose of ensuring that the course of study is of fair and reasonable value;
  • monitoring the academic progress and academic administration of NCMSTEP NCMs;
  • liaising with post-secondary training and educational institutions on behalf of NCMSTEP NCMs for administrative purposes;
  • directing that NCMSTEP NCMs undergo military training during academic breaks;
  • monitoring the academic progress of NCMSTEP NCMs, conducting administrative reviews and taking appropriate administrative and career actions;
  • maintaining a database on NCMSTEP NCMs and their academic progress, including NCMs who are newly enrolled, component transferred or selected into the NCMSTEP, as informed by the CFRG and DGMC; and
  • providing an annual NCMSTEP report to the DPGR, the OAs, TAs and DTAs, setting out NCMSTEP statistics (e.g. number of students, tuition fees, releases and voluntary withdrawals) and any policy and processing concerns.
TAs and DTAs
  • performing the IT&E management for assigned NCM military occupation specifications;
  • developing the training requirements for the NCM military occupations under the NCMSTEP and publishing them on the CAFCOD for review by post-secondary training and educational institutions;
  • assessing the suitability of courses of study submitted by post-secondary training and educational institutions through the CAFCOD against the training requirements, and advising the OA, CDA and DPGR on the submissions;
  • monitoring and reviewing the courses of study in the NCMSTEP MOL to confirm that they continue to satisfy the training requirements;
  • consulting with the CDA to obtain information pertaining to identified issues with a particular course of study or a post-secondary training or educational institution, and making recommendations to the OA, CDA and DPGR with respect to continued suitability under the NCMSTEP;
  • updating the CAFCOD by providing notification on the acceptance, rejection or removal of a course of study under the NCMSTEP on the confirmation of the OA and DPGR;determining the environmental training, NCM military occupation training and employment requirements for NCMSTEP NCMs during academic breaks and upon completion of their courses of study;
  • assigning NCMSTEP NCMs to NCM military occupation training after graduation;
  • performing the TA function for the NCMSTEP portion of basic occupational training;
  • determining prior learning equivalencies through the prior learning assessment and recognition (PLAR) process, and adjusting IT&E programs to recognize prior learning; and
  • assessing the qualifying service, courses, training and work experiences that are of value to the CAF for NCMSTEP applicants.
Commander, CFRG
  • attracting, recruiting, selecting and enrolling NCMSTEP applicants;
  • responding to questions concerning the recruitment and enrolment of NCMSTEP applicants;
  • consulting with the DPGR with respect to the attainment of NCM production targets;
  • ensuring the current NCMSTEP MOL is applied during processing; and
  • consulting with appropriate authorities to assess PLARs, qualifying service and pay increments for NCMSTEP applicants.
  • selecting CAF members for MOT or posting under the NCMSTEP;
  • selecting Primary Reserve members for MOT and carrying out the component transfer under the NCMSTEP;
  • consulting with appropriate authorities to assess PLARs, qualifying service and pay increments for NCMSTEP applicants;
  • assessing and amending the terms of service for CAF members accepted under the NCMSTEP;
  • conducting NCMSTEP selection boards;
  • responding to questions concerning selection and component transfer processes under the NCMSTEP;
  • monitoring and managing NCMSTEP career issues;
  • ensuring the current NCMSTEP MOL is applied during processing; and
  • consulting with the DPGR with respect to the attainment of NCM production targets.
  • assessing, determining and monitoring the NCMSTEP production requirements for the Regular Force based on the annual Strategic Intake Plan requirements established by the OAs through the AMOR process;
  • liaising with OAs, TAs, DTAs, military occupation advisors, the CFRG and DGMC;
  • reviewing and approving waivers to the NCM military occupation entry standards in support of enrolment and in-service selection requirements for the NCMSTEP;
  • managing the NCMSTEP policy and responding to questions concerning policy issues and interpretation of the NCMSTEP;
  • managing and promulgating appropriate amendments to the NCMSTEP MOL;
  • liaising with, and reviewing, approving or denying a request from, an OA to add, remove or amend a military occupation or a course of study; and
  • notifying the CMP of any non-compliance with this DAOD.
Commandant, Canadian Forces Leadership and Recruit School
  • informing the CDA of NCMSTEP NCMs who have ceased or failed BMQ training and are not suitable for recourse.
formation, base and wing PSOs
  • assessing and making recommendations on the suitability of Regular Force members for the NCMSTEP or further service; and
  • counselling candidates as required on the training and educational requirements for the NCMSTEP and on NCM military occupations.
commanding officers
  • monitoring the conduct, discipline, administration, dress and deportment of NCMSTEP NCMs under their command and initiating administrative action as required;
  • managing the university liaison officer network to support NCMSTEP NCMs; and
  • informing the CDA/Staff Officer, Basic Training List Management of conduct or performance deficiencies of NCMSTEP NCMs.
  • maintaining the physical fitness standard set out in DAOD 5023-2;
  • attaining the BMQ and basic occupational qualification;
  • providing CDA with a copy of their academic transcript on completion of each academic year;
  • attaining a certificate, diploma or degree within the normal period for subsidized training or education for their course of study; and
  • providing calendar course descriptions from the post-secondary training or educational institution for all courses successfully completed (to aid in possible TA PLAR processes).

8. References

Acts, Regulations, Central Agency Policies and Policy DAOD

Other References

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