Conflict Solutions and Services

From: National Defence

Conflict Solutions and Services (CSS) is a service that helps members of the Defence Team submit, track, and resolve complaints. If you experience or witness what you believe is inappropriate behaviour, you have the right to be heard and may also have the duty to report this behaviour.

Who is eligible

Conflict and Complaint Management Services (CCMS) centres are available to all members of the Defence Team, both those with a complaint or problem, and those who receive a complaint or are the subject of a report.

How to get started

Report an incident

Defence Team members should first try to resolve the problem informally by making a verbal complaint and / or reporting the incident to your manager or Chain of Command.

Defence Team members who are the subject of a complaint or report are encouraged to resolve the matter at the lowest level possible.

Submit a formal complaint

If you cannot solve the complaint informally, or you’re uncomfortable with trying to address the problem yourself, contact your local Conflict and Complaint Management Services centre.

Your CCMS centre will support you and provide you with many options on how to solve the issue.

How long it will take to process your application

You can expect a response to your initial inquiry within 2 working days. The time it will take to process your case will depend on the nature and complexity of the complaint.

Staff at local CCMS centres are trained to help you chose the best resolution process. Once your case is received, either through a complainant or the Chain of Command, it’s tracked and managed in a national database to assure your case is dealt with in a timely manner. Your information is confidential and your CCMS centre will work with you towards a solution that best meets your needs.

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