Expungement: Step 7 - Fill in and sign the Application Form

Step 7 - Fill in and sign the Application Form

Please use the Expungement Application Form.

  • If you are applying on your own behalf, please complete Sections A, C, D and E.
  • If you are you applying on behalf of a deceased person, please complete Sections B, C, D and E.

The application form is fillable, and can be filled-in online, printed and signed. If you are completing it by hand, please print clearly using blue or black ink only.

You must answer all questions truthfully and completely. Concealing information or making false or deceptive statements could result in your application being refused.

You may attach additional pages to the form if you require extra space to include all of the required information. The Parole Board of Canada reserves the right to contact you to obtain additional information for the processing of your application.


The Parole Board of Canada must be able to contact you directly. If your mailing address changes after you submit your application, please inform the Parole Board of Canada in writing. Make sure your letter includes your:

  • name;
  • application Reference Number;
  • new mailing address, and
  • signature.


Send your letter to:

Parole Board of Canada
Clemency and Record Suspension Division
410 Laurier Avenue West, 5th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R1

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