Expungement: Step 8 - Complete the checklist and mail your expungement application
From: Parole Board of Canada
- 1. Check if you are eligible to apply
- 2. Get court and/or police documents
- 3. Get your Military Conduct Sheet
- 4. Prepare sworn statement or solemn declaration
- 5. Get photocopy of document to support your identity
- 6. Get photocopy of document to support your relationship with the deceased
- 7. Fill in and sign the Application form
- 8. Complete the checklist and mail your expungement application
Step 8 - Complete the checklist and mail your expungement application
Have you included these documents in your application?
- Photocopy of the court and/or police documents (explained in Step 2)
- Photocopy of the Military Conduct Sheet, if applicable (explained in Step 3)
- Original sworn statement or solemn declaration, if applicable (explained in Step 4)
- Photocopy of your identification document (explained in Step 5)
- Photocopy of proof of relationship with the deceased person and proof of death, if applicable (explained in Step 6)
- Original signed Application Form (explained in Step 7)
Before you mail your application, please make sure that you have:
- Answered all questions accurately and completely;
- Signed and dated the application form, whether applying for yourself or on behalf of a deceased person; and
- Photocopied all of your application documents for your own records and future reference.
Mail your application form and all supporting documents to the following address:
Parole Board of Canada
Clemency and Record Suspension Division
410 Laurier Avenue West, 5th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R1
Should you have any difficulties in obtaining or providing a copy of any document for the purposes of an expungement application, please contact the Parole Board of Canada at 1-800-874-2652 or expungement-radiation@pbc-clcc.gc.ca.
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