Income tax objections decision tree
Should you file an objection or is there another way to resolve your dispute? Take a moment to go through all the situations so we can help you find the option that is right for you. Before you start, have on hand any CRA correspondence related to your dispute so you can refer to it.
Attention: Public service employee affected by Phoenix payroll system issues
For public service employees with a T4 affected by Phoenix payroll issues, go to the FAQ and consult the response to Question 8(d) to determine if it is necessary to file an objection while waiting for an amended T4 slip.
It's not too late.
Sending information after a review
Even if we did our review and made a decision, you can still send us new or additional information about your situation. We might be able to adjust or reinstate your credits or benefits.
Let us know if you can’t get the documents we're asking for; we can suggest other documents you can send instead. If you call the number on our letter or notice, we can also give you more time to answer the letter.
If you need help or have any questions any questions about credits or benefits, call the number on our letter or notice to discuss your situation or go to telephone numbers to find the number that's right for you. You can also find more information about the disability tax credit, or child and family benefits at validating your eligibility for benefits and credits.
If you decide to file an objection instead of sending us new or previously requested information, we may send this information to the area that issued the decision about the credit or benefit.
Response: File an Income tax objection.
If you did not find the information you were looking for about your benefits and/or credits, we are here to help.
Need assistance? We're here to help!
We recognize that it might not always be possible for some individuals to provide the requested information. If you don't understand what to do or can't get the documentation we are asking for, call the phone number provided on our letter or call 1-800-387-1193 to discuss your situation.
If you decide to file an objection/formal dispute rather than respond in the manner described here and provide new or previously requested information, this information may be referred back for review to the area that issued the decision relating to the credit or benefit.
Sending new or additional information
You can still give the CRA new or additional information about your credits or benefits. We might be able to adjust or reinstate your credits or benefits.
If you need help or have any questions, call the number on our notice to discuss your situation or go to telephone numbers to find the number that's right for you. You can also write to your tax centre. Find more information about the disability tax credit, or child and family benefits at validating your eligibility for benefits and credits.
If you decide to file an objection instead of sending us new or additional information, we may send this information to the area that issued the decision about the credit or benefit.
It's not too late.
We're here to help!
If you don't understand what to do or can't get the documentation we are asking for, call the number on our letter or notice to discuss your situation. You can also find more information about the disability tax credit, or child and family benefits at validating your eligibility for benefits and credits.
If you call the number on our letter or notice, we can also give you more time to answer the letter if you need it.
If you decide to file an objection instead of sending us new or previously requested information, we may send this information to the area that issued the decision about the credit or benefit.
Response: File an Income tax objection.
Need assistance? We're here to help!
If you don't understand what to do or can't get the documentation we are asking for, call the number on our letter or notice or go to telephone numbers to find the number that's right for you. You can also find more information about the disability tax credit, or child and family benefits at validating your eligibility for benefits and credits.
If you decide to file an objection instead of sending us new or previously requested information, we may send this information to the area that issued the decision about the credit or benefit.
Response: File an Income tax objection.
Need assistance? We're here to help!
If you need help or have any questions about benefits and credits, call the number on our letter or notice to discuss your situation or go to telephone numbers to find the number that's right for you. You can also find more information about the disability tax credit, or Tax credits and benefits for individuals.
If you decide to file an objection instead of sending us new or previously requested information, we may send this information to the area that issued the decision about the credit or benefit.
Before filing an objection, check the estimated processing times of Individual (T1) adjustments.
Go to: How to change your return.
Deadlines for individuals filing an objection are whichever is later:
- one year after the filing deadline for the return (April 30 or June 15)
- 90 days after the date on your notice of (re)assessment or (re)determination
Response: You may apply for an extension to file an objection up to a year after the objection filing deadline.
Response: It may be faster to wait for the CRA to complete your adjustment request rather than filing an objection. If you did not file your objection on time because you were attempting to have your return adjusted, you may apply for an extension to file an objection up to a year after the objection filing deadline.
To check the estimated processing times of T1 adjustments, go to How to change your return.
Before filing an objection, check for any correspondence you may have received through 'My Business Account'
The Corporation (T2) time limit for filing an objection is 90 days from the date of your notice of (re)assessment or (re)determination.
Response: You may apply for an extension to file an objection up to a year after the objection filing deadline.
Response: It may be faster to wait for the CRA to complete your adjustment request rather than filing an objection.
If you did not file your objection on time because you were attempting to have your return adjusted, you may apply for an extension to file an objection up to a year after the objection filing deadline.
Deadlines for Trust (T3) filing an objection are whichever is later:
- one year after the filing deadline for the Trust (T3) return
- 90 days after the date on your notice of (re)assessment or (re)determination.
Response: You may apply for an extension to file an objection up to a year after the objection filing deadline.
Response: It may be faster to wait for the CRA to complete your adjustment request rather than filing an objection. If you did not file your objection on time because you were attempting to have your return adjusted, you may apply for an extension to file an objection up to a year after the objection filing deadline.
Response: You need to wait until you receive your notice of (re)assessment or (re)determination before you can file an objection.
If the CRA sent you a request for information, make sure you reply so that we base your (re)assessment or (re)determination on all relevant information.
Submitting information after an audit and (re)assessment or (re)determination
You have to file an objection for the CRA to review your claim. Since you are providing new or previously requested information related to the period that was under audit, we may send the information you provide to the Audit Division for further review.
For information on filing an objection, go to income tax objections. Send any additional information to the address shown on the webpage or send them electronically.
Response: File an Income tax objection.
Need assistance?
If you have any questions or concerns about a letter from the CRA, call us at the number at the bottom of the letter.
To contact the CRA if you need help, go to Responding to us or call us. You can look up our numbers at telephone numbers to find the number that's right for you.
If you decide to file an objection instead of sending us new or previously requested information, we may send this information to the area that issued (re)assessment.
Response: File an Income tax objection.
It's not too late
Responding to us
When responding to our request for more information, be sure to:
- include the reference number found at the upper right corner of our letter;
- send your reply and all requested documents to the address in our letter or electronically;
- provide all receipts and/or other documents requested
Contact the CRA if you need additional assistance with this request. Additional information is also available on our Responding to us webpage.
If you decide to file an objection/formal dispute rather than respond in the manner described here and provide new or previously requested information, this information may be referred back for review to the area that issued the original (re)assessment.
It's not too late.
Responding to us
When responding to our request for more information, be sure to:
- Quote the reference number at the upper right corner of our letter
- Send your reply and all requested documents to the address in our letter or electronically
- Provide all receipts and other documents requested
Contact the CRA if you need more help or go to Responding to us.
If you decide to file an objection instead of sending us new or previously requested information, we may send this information to the area that issued the (re)assessment, or (re)determination.
It's not too late.
Sending information after a review
If we already reviewed your claim but you want to send us more information related to it, we will review your claim again.
- Send additional information to the address shown in our letter or electronically
- Quote the reference number at the upper right corner of our letter
Contact the CRA if you need more help or go to Responding to us.
If you decide to file an objection instead of sending us new or previously requested information, we may send this information to the area that issued the (re)assessment, or (re)determination.
Response: Go to: How to change your return.
Response: Go to: Reassessments – Adjustments to your T2 return.
Response: If you need to change a Trust (T3) return after you send it to us, do not file another return for that tax year. Send us a completed Form T3-ADJ, T3 Adjustment Request.
Response: File an Income tax objection.
Response: File an Income tax objection.
Need assistance?
If you have any questions or concerns about a letter from the CRA, call us at the number at the bottom of the letter.
To contact the CRA if you need help, go to Responding to us. You can also look up our numbers at telephone numbers to find the number that's right for you.
If you decide to file an objection instead of sending us new or previously requested information, we may send this information to the area that issued the (re)assessment.
Need assistance? We’re here to help.
If you need help to determine if your notice or letter came from Audit Division, call the number on our letter or notice or go to telephone numbers to find the number that’s right for you.
Response: To request relief from penalties or interest that you know you owe, go to Cancel or waive penalties or interest.
Response: File a return for the tax-year shown in the notice of assessment unless your notice tells you not to in which case you can File an Income tax objection.
Response: If you have any questions or concerns about your notice or any other income tax correspondence from the CRA, call us at the number on your notice or letter.
You can also look up our telephone numbers to find one that's right for you
For additional information regarding the calculation of the rebate please review the information provided in My Business Account. To be eligible for 2023, CCPCs must have filed their corporation income tax returns no later than July 15, 2024. More information on the eligibility requirements is available at Canada Carbon Rebate for Businesses. You can also review reasons why a payment may be different than expected under the "Resolve payment issues" section.
If you believe you need to correct information that could affect the calculation of the Canada Carbon Rebate for Businesses, It's not too late.
Sending new or additional information
Even if we calculated the rebate and sent you a notice, you can still send us new or additional information. Your file can be reviewed. For details on how to send us additional information electronically, see Digital services for businesses.
If you need help or have any questions, call the number on our notice to discuss your situation or contact us. Additional information is also available at Canada Carbon Rebate for Businesses.
If you disagree with the notice of determination, the Income Tax Act provides that you may file a notice of objection within 90 days from the date of the notice. If you choose to send new or additional information prior to filing an notice of objection, the delay to file an objection will not be extended and will remain the same unless a new Notice of determination is issued.
If you decide to file an objection and send us new or additional information, we may send this information to the area that issued the decision about the Canada Carbon Rebate for Businesses.
You can review information regarding eligibility at Canada Carbon Rebate for Business.
If no notice has been issued, you cannot file an objection.
To be eligible, CCPCs must have filed their 2023 corporation income tax returns no later than July 15, 2024. Please review the information on eligibility requirements at Canada Carbon Rebate for Businesses. The section How and when you will get the rebate provides reasons why a business may not have receive a payment under "Resolve payment issues".
For enquiries or additional information related to the calculation of your Canada Carbon Rebate for Small Businesses, contact us.
Response: File an Income tax objection.
Need assistance? We're here to help!
If you need help or have any questions, call the number on our notice to discuss your situation or go to telephone numbers to find the number that's right for you. You can also write to your tax centre. Additional information is also available at Canada Carbon Rebate for Businesses.
If you disagree with the notice of determination, the Income Tax Act provides that you may file a notice of objection within 90 days from the date of the notice. If you decide to file an objection instead of sending us new or additional information, we may send this information to the area that issued the decision about the Canada Carbon Rebate for Businesses.
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