Filing T2202 Information Return

Who has to file the T2202, Tuition and Enrolment Certificate

Every designated educational institution (DEI) in Canada has to file the T2202, Tuition and Enrolment Certificate, for each qualifying student.

For more information, go to RC4654 Guide for Designated Educational Institutions - Filing the T2202, Tuition and Enrolment Certificate and Summary.

What’s new

Filer of Information Returns

Budget 2021 announced that the threshold for mandatory electronic filing of income tax information returns for a calendar year would be lowered from 50 to 5 information returns.

The legislation for this measure was not finalized when the guides and forms were published. For the latest information about the penalty for not filing information returns over the Internet, go to What happens if you file using the wrong method. You can also subscribe to our email distribution list about the electronic filing of information returns at Canada Revenue Agency electronic mailing lists.

Before you can file

Before you can file a T2202 annual information return, you must have a valid 15 character program account number (RZ).

An RZ program account number consists of three parts:

To get a BN RZ program account number, go to Business number.


If a T2202 annual information return is filed with an RZ program account number that does not match the information in the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) database, the return will be rejected.

Electronic filing methods

You can file the returns by Internet starting on January 8, 2024.

You will only be able to file the T2202 certificate and summary by Internet using one of the electronic filing methods below. The CRA does not accept returns filed on CDs, DVDs, USB keys, diskettes or paper.

For more information, go to Filing Information Returns Electronically (T4/T5 and other types of returns.)

Filing with Web Forms

The CRA Web Forms application is free and secure. To use it, all you need is access to the Internet. With Web Forms you can fill out an information return easily, following the step-by-step instructions.

To use the Web Forms application, you must have a web access code. If you do not have a web access code, you can easily get one online or by calling the CRA. For more information, see Web access code.

To start using Web Forms or to get more information, go to Web Forms.

Filing with Internet file transfer (XML)

Internet file transfer lets you send an original or amended information return with a maximum file size of 150 MB. All you need is a Web browser to connect to the Internet, and your software will create, print, and save your electronic information return in XML format.

For more information about this filing method, contact your software publisher or go to Filing Information Returns Electronically.


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