Business Registration Online – Eligibility

2. Eligibility

You can use Business Registration Online (BRO) if you're one of the following:

For more information, go to Representative authorization and Employing a caregiver, babysitter, or domestic worker.

Conditions you need to meet

You can use BRO if you have a valid SIN.

If you don't have a SIN, go to Social Insurance Number – Overview.

To determine if you have to file a tax return and to learn how to do it, go to Get ready to do your taxes.

Restrictions you need to know

You can't use BRO if you have any of the following:

You can't use BRO to register a business number for a business that was incorporated:

Once you have a business number and RC program account, you can register for other CRA program accounts using BRO.

Other ways to register if you can't use BRO

For more information on other methods for registering, go to How to register for a business number or Canada Revenue Agency program accounts.

For more information on other methods for registering in the province where your business operates, go to Canada Revenue Agency registration and provincial or other federal programs.

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