Labour Program

The Labour Program promotes safe, healthy, fair and inclusive work conditions and cooperative workplace relations. The Labour Program is a federal institution that is part of Employment and Social Development Canada.

Services and information

Wage Earner Protection Program

Receive possible payment of outstanding eligible wages if your employer is bankrupt or in receivership.

File a labour standards complaint

Monetary complaints for unpaid wages or other amounts; unjust dismissal; genetic testing and more.

Equality and inclusion

Rights and responsibilities related to workplace equality in the federal jurisdiction.

Federal labour relations

Collective bargaining process, dispute prevention programs, training workshops and arbitration appointments.

Submit your annual health and safety reports

Employers must submit annual reports to the Labour Program. Know how to complete and submit your reports.

Collective bargaining

Access customized information on industrial relations and collective bargaining.

Federal Workers' Compensation Service

For federal government employees and their survivors, locally engaged employees, federal inmates, and merchant seamen.

Administrative monetary penalties

A fine to encourage employers to comply with labour standards and workplace health and safety laws.

Hire student interns

Steps for employers who are federally regulated and want to hire student interns.

Negotech Search

Access the full text of the collective agreements, important benefit changes and latest wage adjustments.

International affairs

Internationally recognized labour standards and forums, and negotiating labour cooperation agreements.


The Labour Bulletin

The latest operational labour news for federally regulated workplaces.

Explore Equi’Vision!

Access data on workplace representation and pay gaps for the 4 designated groups in federally regulated private-sector workplaces.

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