Decision on your permanent residence


We’re no longer accepting new applications

The pilots ended on June 17, 2024. We’ll continue to process applications we received on or before this date.

Learn about the new caregiver pilot program.

On this page

Get a bridging open work permit while you wait on a decision

If we accept your proof of work experience, we’ll send you an approval in principle letter. You can use this letter to apply for a bridging open work permit (BOWP) if you’re already working in Canada. A BOWP will let you keep working in Canada while you wait for the final decision on your permanent residence application.

If your permanent residence application is approved

If you’re already in Canada

Once we approve your permanent residence (PR) application, we’ll confirm your PR status. In most cases, we can confirm PR status

  • without in-person interviews
  • through a secure online portal

It’s important to let us know if your contact details have changed.

  • You can change your address online.
  • Use our web form if you need to
    • update other contact information or
    • tell us about changes to your family situation (like a marriage, birth, divorce or death)

You must tell us if you leave Canada before we grant you PR status.

You don’t have to do anything else until we contact you using the phone number or email you gave us.

Confirm your PR status online through the Permanent Residence Portal

You’ll get emails from a mailbox ending in

  1. asking you to confirm that you’re physically in Canada
  2. with information about the Permanent Residence Portal (and options if you can’t use it)

Find out more about the Permanent Residence Portal.

Immigration interview

After you confirm your PR status, we may ask to speak with you on the phone or to see you in person.

If we ask to see you in person, you’ll complete a short interview with an immigration officer at one of our immigration offices in Canada. Find out how to make an appointment at one of our offices in Canada.

During the interview, the officer will

  • make sure all your documents are valid
  • confirm that you’re able to financially support yourself and all of your family members in Canada
  • ask you questions to make sure you meet the terms to immigrate to Canada
  • confirm your Canadian mailing address, so we can mail your permanent resident card (PR card)

If you change your address or contact information within 180 days of completing your interview, you must tell us.

If you’re outside Canada

If we approve your application for permanent residence, we’ll ask you to send your passport to a processing office to issue you your Confirmation of Permanent Residence (COPR). We’ll also add a visa counterfoil (sticker) to your passport if you need one to enter Canada.

Your COPR will have your photo and personal information. Check to make sure it has exactly the same information as what’s shown on your passport. If there’s a mistake on your COPR, contact us.

When you arrive in Canada, you’ll be greeted by a border services officer (BSO).

When you arrive, you must have

  • a valid passport and/or travel documents
    • Your passport must be a regular, private passport. You can’t immigrate to Canada with a diplomatic, government service or public affairs passport
  • a valid COPR and visa counterfoil (if needed)
    • The BSO will make sure you’re entering Canada before or on the expiry date shown on your COPR (this document cannot be extended)

The BSO will

  • make sure all your documents are valid
  • confirm you’re able to financially support yourself and all your family members in Canada
  • ask you questions to make sure you meet the eligibility requirements to immigrate to Canada
  • confirm your Canadian mailing address, so we can mail your permanent resident card (PR card)

You won’t be allowed into Canada

  • if you give false or incomplete information or
  • if you don’t give the officer what is needed to show that you meet the conditions to enter Canada

If you meet the requirements, the BSO will allow you to enter Canada as a permanent resident. They will also confirm your Canadian mailing address and have your permanent resident card mailed to you there.

If you change your address or contact information within 180 days of arriving in Canada, you must tell us.

If your permanent residence application is refused

If your application is refused, we’ll send you a letter that tells you why.

If your work permit is still valid, you’ll still be able to continue working in Canada until it expires.

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