How to apply


We’re no longer accepting new applications

The pilots ended on June 17, 2024. We’ll continue to process applications we received on or before this date.

The new Home Care Worker Immigration Pilots will open on March 31, 2025. We’ll provide more details shortly.


You had to follow these steps to apply for the Gaining experience category, which included applying for a work permit with your permanent residence application. The instructions were different based on where you applied from.

Step 1: Get a valid job offer

You need a genuine and valid job offer before you apply. The person who wants to hire you needs to give you the completed Offer of Employment IMM 5983 (opens in a new tab)  for you to sign and include in your application.

Both you and the person who wants to hire you must sign this form, either digitally or by hand. You’ll upload this form to your online application.

Step 2: Apply online using the Permanent residence portal

Once you have a valid job offer, you can apply online using the Permanent residence portal.

Apply through the PR Portal

If you’re eligible to apply from inside Canada, use the instruction guide for applicants inside Canada under the Gaining experience category (opens in a new tab)   to help you fill out the forms correctly.

You can’t use the instruction guide for applicants inside Canada if

  • you’re a visitor in Canada and
  • you’re not eligible to apply for a work permit after entry

If you aren’t eligible to apply from inside Canada, choose “No” above to get the right instructions for your situation.

Since you’re physically in Canada and you can’t apply for a work permit from inside Canada, you need to follow the process for applicants outside Canada.

Use the instruction guide for applicants outside Canada under the Gaining experience category (opens in a new tab)  to help you fill out the forms correctly.

If you’re applying from outside Canada

Use the instruction guide for applicants outside Canada under the Gaining experience category(opens in a new tab)   to help you fill out the forms correctly.

Applying from inside Canada

If you’re eligible to apply from inside Canada, use the instruction guide for applicants inside Canada under the Gaining experience category to help you fill out the forms correctly.

You can’t use the instruction guide for applicants inside Canada if:

  • you’re a visitor in Canada and
  • you’re not eligible to apply for a work permit after entry.

If you aren’t eligible to apply from inside Canada, use the instruction guide for applicants outside Canada under the Gaining experience category(opens in a new tab) .

If you’re bringing family members with you to Canada

Your family members can come with you to Canada. If they want to work or study while in Canada, either

You don’t have to submit temporary resident applications for family members who aren’t coming with you to Canada when you apply. If your application is approved, after you’ve worked in Canada for 1 year, any family members you list as “accompanying” on your permanent resident application (on the Generic Application Form for Canada [IMM 0008]) will get permanent resident status with you.

Your family members may need a provincial attestation letter to apply for a study permit NEW

Your family members may need to include a provincial attestation letter from the province or territory where they plan to study with their study permit application. This applies to new study permit applications received on or after January 22, 2024.

Not everyone needs a provincial attestation letter. For example, those who are applying to study in a preschool, primary school or secondary school (up to grade 12) don’t need a provincial attestation letter

Learn more about the provincial attestation letter and whom it applies to.

If your family members apply for a permit separately

They must apply for their work or study permit online and only after you get a letter that

  • confirms we received your permanent residence application (an acknowledgement of receipt letter)
  • includes an application number that starts with an “E”

You must wait for this specific letter to submit your family member’s application. You can’t use either of these:

  • letters with a temporary application number (that starts with an “X”)
  • automated email notifications you get after you submit your permanent residence application in the Permanent Residence Portal

Once you get your acknowledgement of receipt letter, you can submit your family members’ temporary residence application(s) online. Make sure you upload a copy of your acknowledgement of receipt letter as a supporting document.

Find out how to

If you're using an immigration representative

If you want to appoint someone to do business with us on your behalf, you must

An immigration representative (an immigration consultant or lawyer) can give you advice and help you with your application for a fee. But they can’t

  • open a portal account on your behalf
  • electronically sign the application for you
  • sign into the portal using your username and password

A representative can fill out forms and communicate with us on your behalf through their own account. They can also

  • help you prepare the documents you need to upload
  • answer questions about the forms

After you read the declaration at the end of your online application, you must be the one who types your name. This is the legal requirement for your application to be considered “signed,” according to Canada’s immigration law.

If you want to allow us to release information from your application to someone other than yourself who will not act as your representative you must

If you can’t apply online and need accommodations

If you need accommodations, including for a disability, you can ask for the application in an alternate format (paper, braille or large print).

To ask for an alternate format

Make sure you mail your application to the correct address. You’ll get this address when you ask for an alternate format. We won’t accept any applications mailed to the wrong address and will return them to you.

You must ask for an alternate format before the cap for your category has been reached. After the cap has been reached, we won’t accept any requests and will return any applications we receive. You must wait until the cap reopens to ask for an alternate format.

Choose the category you want to apply to

Once you sign in to the portal, choose “Economic” when you’re asked which program you’re applying to. You’ll then see the 4 categories available for these pilots (as long as the cap hasn’t been reached):

  • Home Child Care Provider Pilot: Gaining experience category
  • Home Child Care Provider Pilot: Direct to permanent residence category
  • Home Support Worker Pilot: Gaining experience category
  • Home Support Worker Pilot: Direct to permanent residence category

Make sure you choose the right category. If you choose the wrong category, we may return or refuse your application.

If the cap has been reached when you want to apply

You won’t be able to start an application for this category in the portal. If you started an application before we reached the cap

  • you won’t be able to submit it
  • it will expire after approximately 30 days

Fill out all the forms

You’ll fill out some forms online in the portal itself. Others, you’ll fill out separately and either sign them digitally, or print and sign them by hand. You must answer all questions carefully, completely and truthfully. There are serious consequences if you misrepresent yourself or leave important information out of your application.

Forms you’ll fill out directly in the portal

You’ll fill out these forms directly in the portal (for yourself, and any family members 18 or older). We won't accept the PDF versions.

You can look at the PDF versions of these forms to find out what information you’ll need to start collecting before you apply online.

  • Generic Application Form for Canada (IMM 0008)
  • Schedule A – Background/Declaration (IMM 5669)
  • Additional Family Information (IMM 5406)
  • Supplementary Information - Your travels (IMM 5562)
PDF forms you’ll upload – without a signature

You’ll download, fill out and upload these PDF forms to your online application:

PDF forms you’ll upload – with a signature

You’ll print, fill out and sign these PDF forms by hand (and get the third party to sign them by hand also, if applicable). You’ll then upload them to your online application:

You must also fill out and sign the Offer of Employment [IMM 5983] (opens in a new tab) . You and your employer can sign this form digitally or by hand and then upload it to your online application.

Submit your work and study permit forms
  • Upload your work permit form under Additional Supporting Documents.
  • Choose Other as the document type.

Follow the same steps if you need to submit work or study permit forms for your family as well.

Upload your photos

You need one photo for each person on your application.

Show the photo specifications to your photographer to make sure your photos meet our requirements.

Follow the instructions in the online application to scan and upload both sides of your photo.

Step 3: Pay your application fees

In most cases, your fees include

Study and work permit fees for your family members

If your family members are applying for visitor visas, study permits or work permits with your application, you need to pay fees for those too.

When you finish, you must save each receipt and upload all of your receipts with your online application.

You have to pay your fees online.


You and your family members may need to give your fingerprints and photograph (biometric information) at a biometric collection service point.

In most cases, you must pay a biometrics fee when you submit your application. Otherwise you may experience delays. The biometrics fee covers the cost of collecting fingerprints and a digital photo.

After you pay the biometrics fee with a complete application, we’ll send you a letter to tell how and where to give your biometrics. You must show this letter when you give your biometrics. Get this done as soon as you get the letter from us.

You must give your biometrics in person. You should book an appointment.

Find out if you need to give biometrics.

Third-party fees

You have to pay third parties if you need

The instruction guide can help you understand which fees apply to you and how to pay them.

Your employer can’t make you pay back recruitment fees they may have paid to hire you. Get to know your rights while working in Canada.

Step 4: Submit your online application

Before you submit your application, make sure you

If your application is incomplete, we’ll reject it. You’ll have to fix any errors and then re-submit it, as long as the cap hasn’t already been reached. If you don’t request a refund or use your fees for another immigration program, you may be able to use the same receipt when you resubmit your application. Before you use the same receipt, make sure the fees are both complete and have not changed since you last applied.

If you have valid visitor status in Canada that’s about to expire

If you want to stay in Canada while waiting for your work permit, you must also extend your stay in Canada before it expires to maintain your status. Your application for a work permit with your Home Child Care Provider Pilot or Home Support Worker Pilot application won’t automatically extend your status in Canada. You must apply to extend your stay separately.

If you have a work permit that’s about to expire

If you apply before your current work permit expires, you can keep working until we make a decision on your application. In this situation, you’re maintaining your temporary resident status. You must stay in Canada and continue to meet the conditions of your current work permit. You may want to renew your work permit separately from your PR application if you can.

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