After you apply

We’re not currently accepting applications

As of December 30, 2023, we may have received enough applications to fill the available spaces. We’re assessing the ones that have already been submitted.

We’ll post more information on this page if we start to accept applications again for this category.

On this page

How we process your application

Once we get your application, we’ll check that:

We’ll invite you and your family members to

While your application is being processed, you must tell us if you change your address or contact information.

Stage 1: We check that you included all forms

We’ll review your application to make sure you signed and included all the forms.

If all the needed forms were signed and included:

If any forms are not signed or are missing:

Checking your application status

You can check your status once we’ve started processing your application and sent you the application number. To do so:

Stage 2: We review if you’re eligible and admissible to Canada

If your application is complete, we’ll start processing it.

Processing your application

You may need to go to an interview to give us more information. Any family members coming with you to Canada may also need to do this.

If we ask you to come for an interview, we’ll tell you the date, time, where it is, and what documents to bring with you. You and your family members must give your fingerprints and photo (biometrics) at this interview.

Admissibility to Canada

Once we confirm you’re eligible, we’ll review your application to make sure you’re admissible to Canada. This means we’ll check to make sure you pass:

As part of the medical check, you and any family members coming with you to Canada must have immigration medical exams.

You should only do your medical exams when we ask you to. When we ask you to have your exams, we’ll send you:

The fees for your medical exam will be covered by your temporary medical insurance only if you’re still outside Canada. (This is called the Interim Federal Health Program [IFHP]. It’s part of the pre-departure medical services you’re eligible for.)

At your medical exam, you can also talk to your doctor about other medical services that will help support your travel to Canada. This can include routine, voluntary vaccinations and some other medical services.

You’ll get a document that shows you’re eligible for these services. You need to show it to your doctor to confirm your coverage.

To access a doctor who will accept your IFHP coverage:

Reasons your application could be delayed

Your application could be delayed if:

If we approve your application

If we approve your application:

If you checked the box in Schedule 1 [IMM 5989] saying that you’d like to access services from the International Organization for Migration (IOM):

Getting your permanent resident status

If we approve your application, we’ll issue you (and any of your family members that are coming with you):

If the country you live in requires you to get an exit permit, you must apply for it before you can leave for Canada.

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