Business Registration Online – Register

4. Register

Protect your business account by monitoring your My Business Account for any suspicious activity, which can include unsolicited changes to banking, mailing address, unauthorized appointment or changes of representatives or benefit applications made on your behalf. Visit Security of your CRA account for tips on securing your account.

For information on protecting yourself against identity theft and fraud, go to Scam prevention and the CRA.

If you are a business owner or a third party requester

Register now

If you are a representative with a RepID

Enter Business Registration Online (BRO) through the Represent a Client service.

Registrations provided by Business Registration Online

BRO is available 21 hours a day. For information on hours of service, go to Hours of service.

For information about which services can be registered using BRO, go to Business Registration Online – What you can do.

Report a problem with Business Registration Online

If you have a problem with BRO, call the e-Services Helpdesk for businesses at 1-800-959-5525. You may also report problems with features of Represent a Client other than BRO.

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