Cost Estimates for CAF Domestic Operations - RPP 2013-14
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Cost Estimates for Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) Domestic Operations
($ Thousands) | FY 2012-13 Forecast |
FY 2013-14 Planned |
Domestic Operations | Full DND Cost TOTAL1 | Incremental DND Cost2 |
Full DND Cost TOTAL1 | Incremental DND Cost2 |
OP CARIBBE (Joint Interagency Task Force South) 3 | 247,286 | 8,642 | 282,185 | 9,587 |
OP LAMA4 | 858 | 158 | 0 | |
OP NEVUS5 | 19,096 | 338 | 0 | |
Total: Domestic Operations | 267,240 | 9,138 | 282,185 | 9,587 |
NOTES: Cost Estimates for CAF Domestic Operations for RPP 2013-14
- Full DND Cost is the sum of incremental cost plus the salaries of Regular Force personnel, equipment depreciation, command and support cost, as well as the operating cost of some major equipment, such as aircraft, that are within normal planned activity rates and, therefore, had not been included in incremental cost.
- Incremental DND Cost is the additional costs for personnel and equipment that are directly attributable to the Canadian Armed Forces operation. More specifically, incremental costs include the additional cost to deploy troops and equipment and to provide ongoing maintenance and support during the applicable operation, in addition to any specialized training required for the operation. DND does not include the full capital acquisition cost of major equipment in incremental cost, unless procured specifically for the mission with no life expectancy post operation, as this equipment will not be used in other CAF operations.
- Op CARIBBE (Joint Interagency Task Force South) - Increased commitment and support capability planned for FY 2013-14.
- Op LAMA (NFLD) - Forecasted final costs for FY 2012-13.
- Op NEVUS (Joint Task Force North)- Forecasted final costs for FY 2012-13.
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