Upcoming Internal Audits and Evaluations over the next three fiscal years - RPP 2013-14
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Upcoming Internal Audits and Evaluations over the next three fiscal years
A. All upcoming Internal Audits over the next three fiscal years
1. Name of Internal Audit | 2. Internal Audit Type | 3. Status | 4. Expected Completion Date |
Process and Document Review of the Close Combat Vehicle project | Review | In Progress | 1st Quarter FY 2013-14 |
Capital Project Risk Management Practices | Assurance audit | In Progress | 2nd Quarter FY 2013-14 |
Civilian Overtime | Assurance audit | In Progress | 2nd Quarter FY 2013-14 |
Joint Unmanned Surveillance and Target Acquisition System (JUSTAS) Project | Assurance audit | In Progress | 2nd Quarter FY 2013-14 |
Warehouse Management | Assurance audit | In Progress | 2nd Quarter FY 2013-14 |
Exceptional Contracting Authority in Transportation | Assurance audit | In Progress | 2nd Quarter FY 2013-14 |
Selected Security Management Topic | Assurance audit | In Progress | 3rd Quarter FY 2013-14 |
Business Continuity Planning | Assurance audit | In Progress | 3rd Quarter FY 2013-14 |
Major Capital Acquisition-Related Audits | Audit Follow-up (assurance) | Planned | 3rd Quarter FY 2013-14 |
Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Material Management | Assurance audit | In Progress | 4th Quarter FY 2013-14 |
Financial Management of the CF Health Services Group | Assurance audit | In Progress | 4th Quarter FY 2013-14 |
Medium Support Vehicle Acquisition | Assurance audit | In Progress | 4th Quarter FY 2013-14 |
Security Program Governance | Assurance audit | Planned | FY 2014-15 |
Capital Acquisition (Equipment and IM Projects) | Risk Analysis | Planned | FY 2014-15 |
CFB Esquimalt A&B Jetties Construction Project | Assurance audit | Planned | FY 2014-15 |
Contract Audit: C130J Hercules ISS Contract | Assurance audit | Planned | FY 2014-15 |
Weapon Effects Simulation Contract | Assurance audit | Planned | FY 2014-15 |
Selected Contract-Related Audits | Audit Follow-up (assurance) | Planned | FY 2014-15 |
Selected IM/IT Systems and Management Project | Assurance audit | Planned | FY 2014-15 |
Selected Civilian People Management Project | Assurance audit | Planned | FY 2014-15 |
Selected Military Support & People Management Project | Assurance audit | Planned | FY 2014-15 |
Contaminated Sites and Unexploded Ordnance | Assurance audit | Planned | FY 2014-15 |
Canada Surface Combatant Project | Assurance audit | Planned | FY 2015-16 |
Selected IT Capital Project | Assurance audit | Planned | FY 2015-16 |
Capital Project Life-Cycle Support Estimates | Assurance audit | Planned | FY 2015-16 |
Contract Cost Escalation | Assurance audit | Planned | FY 2015-16 |
Performance-Based Contracts | Assurance audit | Planned | FY 2015-16 |
Analysis of Contracts | Risk analysis | Planned | FY 2015-16 |
Selected IM/IT Systems and Management Project | Assurance audit | Planned | FY 2015-16 |
Selected Civilian People Management Project | Assurance audit | Planned | FY 2015-16 |
Selected Military Support & People Management Project | Assurance audit | Planned | FY 2015-16 |
DND Financial Management | Assurance audit | Planned | FY 2015-16 |
Financial Management & Contract Management Practices: Royal Canadian Navy | Assurance audit | Planned | FY 2015-16 |
Selected Financial Management related audits | Audit Follow-Up (assurance) | Planned | FY 2015-16 |
Governance of Defence Activities in the North | Assurance audit | Planned | FY 2015-16 |
5. Electronic Link to Internal Audit Plan (if publicly available): N/A
B. All upcoming Evaluations over the next three fiscal years
1. Name of Evaluation | 2. Program | 3. Status | 4. Expected Completion Date |
Evaluation of DND/CF Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR) Operations | Canadian Peace Stability and Security, Continental Peace Stability and Security, International Peace Stability and Security, Joint and Common Readiness | In Progress | June 2013 |
Evaluation of Medical Support to Deployed Operations | Joint and Common Readiness | In Progress | December 2013 |
Evaluation of Naval Forces | Maritime Readiness, Equipment Acquisition and Disposal, Real Property and Informatics Infrastructure Acquisition and Disposal, Canadian Peace Stability and Security, International Peace Stability and Security | In Progress | December 2013 |
Evaluation of Maritime Air Capability | Aerospace Readiness, Recruiting of Personnel and Initial Training, Equipment Acquisition and Disposal, Canadian Peace Stability and Security, International Peace Stability and Security | In Progress | December 2013 |
Evaluation of Aerospace Operational Training and Readiness | Aerospace Readiness | In Progress | March 2014 |
Evaluation of Defence Policy and Diplomacy | International Peace Stability and Security, Internal Services | In Progress | March 2014 |
Evaluation of Military Policing | Joint and Common Readiness | In Progress | June 2014 |
Evaluation of DND/CF Search and Rescue (SAR) | Canadian Peace Stability and Security | Planned | June 2014 |
Evaluation of Contributions in support of the Capital Assistance Program (CAP) | Real Property and Informatics Infrastructure Acquisition and Disposal | Planned | June 2014 |
Evaluation of the Named Grant to the Institute of Environmental Monitoring and Research | Aerospace Readiness | Planned | June 2014 |
Evaluation of the Contribution to the Biological and Chemical Defence Review Committee (BCDRC) | Defence Science & Technology | Planned | June 2014 |
Evaluation of Benevolent Fund Class Grant Program: Royal Canadian Naval Benevolent Fund | Defence Team Personnel Support | Planned | June 2014 |
Evaluation of DND/CF Environmental Protection and Stewardship | Environment Protection and Stewardship | Planned | June 2014 |
Evaluation of Human Resource Management and Civilian Recruitment and Learning | Internal Services, Recruiting of Personnel and Initial Training | Planned | June 2014 |
Evaluation of Special Operations | Joint and Common Readiness | Planned | December 2014 |
Evaluation of Reserves | Recruiting of Personnel and Initial Training | Planned | December 2014 |
Evaluation of CF Career Management and Relocation | Defence Team Personnel Support | Planned | December 2014 |
Evaluation of Material Management, Common Supply and General Theatre Support | Internal Services, Joint and Common Readiness | Planned | March 2015 |
Evaluation of Common Training | Joint and Common Readiness, Recruiting of Personnel and Initial Training | Planned | March 2015 |
Evaluation of Grants in support of the Defence Engagement Program | Non-Security Support | Planned | June 2015 |
Evaluation of Land Forces | Land Readiness, Recruiting of Personnel and Initial Training, Equipment Acquisition and Disposal, Real Property and Informatics Infrastructure Acquisition and Disposal, Canadian Peace Stability and Security, International Peace Stability and Security | Planned | FY 2015-16 |
Evaluation of Financial Management | Internal Services | Planned | FY 2015-16 |
Evaluations of Communications | Internal Services | Planned | FY 2015-16 |
Evaluation of Canadian Rangers | Land Readiness | Planned | FY 2015-16 |
Evaluation of Common Professional Development | Defence Team Personnel Support | Planned | FY 2015-16 |
Evaluation of Military Residential Housing | Defence Team Personnel Support | Planned | FY 2015-16 |
Evaluation of Legal Services | Internal Services | Planned | FY 2015-16 |
5. Electronic Link to Internal Audit Plan (if publicly available): N/A
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