Information for Sub-Programs and Sub-sub-programs - RPP 2013-14

Information For Sub-programs and Sub-sub-programs

Strategic Outcome 1: Resources are delivered to meet Government Defence Expectations

Program 1.1: Defence Science & Technology

Sub-program 1.1.1: Defence Research, Technology and Analysis

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 51 51 51
Civilian 1,570 1,533 1,533
TOTAL 1,621 1,584 1,584

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Canadian Armed Forces operations are benefiting from S&T outputs Exploitation of Research, Technology and Analysis outputs by CAF operations – assessed by feedback from the relevant stakeholder. 70%
Defence priorities related to the implementation of the Government Defence Strategy are effectively supported by S&T outputs Exploitation of Research, Technology and Analysis outputs by DND/CAF core processes – assessed by feedback from the relevant stakeholder. 70%

Sub-program: 1.1.2 Public Security Science & Technology

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 1 1 1
Civilian 36 35 35
TOTAL 37 36 36

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Canadian public safety and security operations at major events are benefiting from S&T outputs Exploitation of Public Security Science and Technology output by major events stakeholders – assessed by feedback from relevant stakeholder 70%
Public safety and security priorities related to operational and regulatory imperatives are effectively supported by S&T outputs Exploitation of Public Security Science and Technology output by operational and regulatory PS stakeholders – assessed by feedback from relevant stakeholder 70%

Program: 1.2 Recruiting of Personnel and Initial Training

Sub-program: 1.2.1 Recruitment

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 393 393 393
Civilian 95 93 93
TOTAL 488 486 486

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Defence recruits sufficient personnel to address attrition and to achieve expansion targets Percentage of the total Regular Force establishment that has been filled 100%
Defence recruits sufficient personnel to address attrition and to achieve expansion targets Until such time as the Primary Reserve Employment Capacity Study (PRECS) is implemented, it will not be possible to develop a performance indicator, target or indicators TBD1
Defence recruits sufficient personnel to address attrition and to achieve expansion targets Percentage of the total DND Civilian establishment that has been filled 100%


  1. Target cannot be determined with Primary Reserve governance and management framework. It is estimated this target will be determined by spring 2014.

Sub-sub-program: Regular Recruitment

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 390 390 390
Civilian 44 43 43
TOTAL 434 433 433

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Healthy Regular Force occupations Extent to which stressed Regular Forces meet their annual Strategic Intake Plan (SIP) 100%
Healthy Regular Force occupations Change in the number of stressed Regular Force occupations from one FY to the next >10% over previous year = Green
Sub-sub-program: Reserve Recruitment
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 0 0 0
Civilian 24 23 23
TOTAL 24 23 23

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Note: Recruitment for both members of the Regular Force and Reserve Force is a combined activity and FTEs are fully accounted for under Regular Recruitment.

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
A Healthy Primary Reserve The number of Enrolments vs. Strategic Intake Plan (SIP) for the Army Reserves 100%
A Healthy Primary Reserve The number of Enrolments vs. Strategic Intake Plan (SIP) for the Naval Reserves (NAVRES). 100%
A Healthy Primary Reserve The number of Enrolments vs. Strategic Intake Plan (SIP) for Air Reserves. 100%
Sub-sub-program: Civilian Recruitment
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 4 4 4
Civilian 27 27 27
TOTAL 31 31 31

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
DND can recruit talented employees Number of indeterminate Post-Secondary recruitment appointments 100%
DND can recruit talented employees Number of Apprenticeship and Operational Development Program (AODP) intakes 100%
DND can recruit talented employees Number of indeterminate shortage group external appointments (e.g. CS, PG, ENG, SR, SO) 100%

Sub-program: 1.2.2 Training to Initial Occupation Level

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 8,462 8,462 8,462
Civilian 297 290 290
TOTAL 8,759 8,752 8,752

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
New Canadian Armed Forces members are qualified for entry-level employment in the CAF in sufficient numbers to meet requirements of the Force Generators (Army, Navy, Air Force) % of Preferred Manning List that is met 100%
Sub-sub-program: Basic Individual Military Qualifications Training
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 3,316 3,316 3,316
Civilian 53 52 52
TOTAL 3,369 3,368 3,368

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Personnel complete Basic Military Qualification or Basic Military Officer Qualification in a timely fashion in order to maximize the Trained Effective Strength (TES) of the forces % of personnel on Basic Training List (BTL) vs. Total Strength 13%
Course content meets specifications Graduates meeting specifications as assessed via qualitative course validations 100%
Sub-sub-program: Initial Individual Occupation Training
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 4,958 4,958 4,958
Civilian 195 190 190
TOTAL 5,153 5,148 5,148

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Timely training to Occupational Functional Point (OFP) % deviation of minimum days to Occupational Functional Point

< 5% deviation

Course content meets occupation training specifications % of Graduates meeting specifications - assessed via qualitative course validations 100%
Sub-sub-program: Initial Individual (Primary) Reserve Training
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 188 188 188
Civilian 49 48 48
TOTAL 237 236 236

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
DND has sufficient training platforms and/or capacity to accommodate the required throughput of qualified members Measure under development TBD

Program: 1.3 Equipment Acquisition and Disposal

Sub-program: 1.3.1 Maritime Equipment Acquisition and Disposal

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 160 160 160
Civilian 218 213 213
TOTAL 378 373 373

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Timely approvals of disposal plans and briefing note % of overall disposal plan submissions approved on schedule >80%
Equipment and materiel will be disposed of as a result of having attained the end of its useful life or because it is being replaced by a new capability/platform % of plans completed and on schedule >80%
Timely execution of disposal plans % schedule slippage using the target milestones in the disposal plans >80%

Sub-program: 1.3.2 Land Equipment Acquisition and Disposal

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 356 356 356
Civilian 319 312 312
TOTAL 675 668 668

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Timely approvals of disposal plans and briefing note % of overall disposal plan submissions approved on schedule >80%
Equipment and materiel will be disposed of as a result of having attained the end of its useful life or because it is being replaced by a new capability/platform % of plans completed and on schedule >80%
Timely execution of disposal plans % schedule slippage using the target milestones in the disposal plans >80%

Sub-program: 1.3.3 Aerospace Equipment Acquisition and Disposal

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 387 387 387
Civilian 164 160 160
TOTAL 551 547 547

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Timely approvals of disposal plans and briefing note % of overall disposal plan submissions approved on schedule >80%
Equipment and materiel will be disposed of as a result of having attained the end of its useful life or because it is being replaced by a new capability/platform % of plans completed and on schedule >80%
Timely execution of disposal plans % schedule slippage using the target milestones in the disposal plans >80%

Sub-program: 1.3.4 Joint and Common Support Equipment Acquisition and Disposal

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 101 101 101
Civilian 130 127 127
TOTAL 231 228 228

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Timely approvals of disposal plans and briefing note % of overall disposal plan submissions approved on schedule >80%
Equipment and materiel will be disposed of as a result of having attained the end of its useful life or because it is being replaced by a new capability/platform % of plans completed and on schedule >80%
Timely execution of disposal plans % schedule slippage using the target milestones in the disposal plans >80%

Sub-program: 1.3.5 Joint and Common Command and Control Acquisition and Disposal

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 42 42 42
Civilian 34 33 33
TOTAL 76 75 75

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Timely approvals of disposal plans and briefing note % of overall disposal plan submissions approved on schedule >80%
Equipment and materiel will be disposed of as a result of having attained the end of its useful life or because it is being replaced by a new capability/platform % of plans completed and on schedule >80%
Timely execution of disposal plans % schedule slippage using the target milestones in the disposal plans >80%

Program: 1.4 Real Property Infrastructure Acquisition and Disposal

Sub-program: 1.4.1 Real Property Acquisition and Disposal

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 25 25 25
Civilian 122 119 119
TOTAL 147 144 144

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Land, Works and Buildings enable DND to perform operations (i.e. safe, secure, suitable and sustainable) % of Projects on the Capital Investment Plan (Infrastructure) (CIP(Infra)) Horizon 1 that are started or active 100%
Sub-sub-program: Maritime Real Property Acquisition and Disposal
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 3 3 3
Civilian 31 31 31
TOTAL 34 34 34

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Maritime Infrastructure is Recapitalized in accordance with professional standards Maritime recapitalization reinvestment as a % of Real Property Replacement Costs 2.5% per annum
Defence has a rationalized, relevant, responsive Real Property portfolio % Maritime surplus real property land area compared to total owned and in-use land area 1%
Sub-sub-program: Land Real Property Acquisition and Disposal
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 16 16 16
Civilian 43 42 42
TOTAL 59 58 58

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Land Infrastructure is Recapitalized in accordance with professional standards Land recapitalization reinvestment as a % of Real Property Replacement Costs 2.5% per annum
Defence has a rationalized, relevant, responsive Real Property portfolio % Land surplus real property land area compared to total owned and in-use land area 1%
Sub-sub-program: Aerospace Real Property Acquisition and Disposal
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 4 4 4
Civilian 32 31 31
TOTAL 36 35 35

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Aerospace Infrastructure is Recapitalized in accordance with professional standards Aerospace recapitalization reinvestment as a % of Real Property Replacement Costs 2.5% per annum
Defence has a rationalized, relevant, responsive Real Property portfolio % Aerospace surplus real property land area compared to total owned and in-use land area 1%
Sub-sub-program: Joint Real Property Acquisition and Disposal
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 3 3 3
Civilian 16 16 16
TOTAL 19 19 19

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Common Infrastructure is Recapitalized in accordance with professional standards Common recapitalization reinvestment as a % of Real Property Replacement Costs 2.5% per annum
Defence has a rationalized, relevant, responsive Real Property portfolio % Joint surplus real property land area compared to total owned and in-use land area 1%

Strategic Outcome: 2. National Defence is ready to meet Government Defence Expectations

Program: 2.1 Maritime Readiness

Sub-Program: 2.1.1 Contingency Task Group

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 1,107 1,107 1,107
Civilian 4 4 4
TOTAL 1,111 1,111 1,111

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
DND will provide, within 30 days notice, a first-rate, modern, combat-capable, multipurpose, maritime Task Group, called the Contingency Task Group (CTG), available for domestic / international deployment consisting of following Maritime Command assets:

a. an embarked Task Group Commander and his staff;

b. one High Readiness Destroyer;

c. one High Readiness Replenishment Ship;

d. up to two High Readiness Frigates or Sub-marines;

e. shore based, mobile Forward Logistic Support assets; and

f. Helicopter Air Detachments generated and assigned by Air Command.

# of task groups available for deployment assessed as the ability to deploy an advance unit from the Task Group within 21 days and the main force within 30 days from warning, including associated air support, and to sustain the Task Group in low-level operations for up to 180 days or in combat operations for up to 60 days, in accordance with Canada's Canadian-United States and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) commitments. In accordance with Readiness & Sustainment Policy - Canadian Forces Controlled Document (CFCD) 129

Sub-program: 2.1.2 National Task Group

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 522 522 522
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 522 522 522

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
DND will provide, within 180 days notice, a second, first-rate, modern, combat-capable, multipurpose, maritime Task Group, called the National Task Group (NTG) available for domestic / international deployment, consisting of:

a. an embarked Task Group Commander and his staff;

b. one High Readiness Destroyer;

c. one High Readiness Replenishment Ship;

d. up to three High Readiness Frigates or Sub-marines;

e. shore based, mobile Forward Logistic Support assets; and

f. Helicopter Air Detachments generated and assigned by Air Command.

% task groups available for deployment assessed as the ability to deploy the Task Group within 180 days from warning, including maritime support for embarked Air Command assets, for up to 6 months, either as a follow-on force to the Contingency Task Group or as part of a separate Mission-Specific Task Force, in accordance with Canada's Canadian-United States and North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) commitments, and Defence Policy Statement 2005. In accordance with Readiness & Sustainment Policy - Canadian Forces Controlled Document (CFCD) 129

Sub-program: 2.1.3 Single Ship International Deployment

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 209 209 209
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 209 209 209

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
DND will provide, a first-rate, modern, combat-capable, single maritime units ready to conduct selected international operations.
For North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) operations, these units are to be maintained at the readiness state required by NATO Standing Naval Forces and globally deployable.
Similar standards are required for US-led Coalition Forces.
The ability to generate and sustain up to two High Readiness maritime combatants, usually one from each coast, and associated Helicopter Air Detachment, if applicable, for a period of up to six months in support of international deployments in support of Government of Canada initiatives or with Standing NATO Maritime Group, US-led Coalition Forces or under the United Nations Standby Arrangement System In accordance with Readiness & Sustainment Policy - Canadian Forces Controlled Document (CFCD) 129

Sub-program: 2.1.4 Domestic Maritime Readiness

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 2,049 2,049 2,049
Civilian 5 5 5
TOTAL 2,054 2,054 2,054

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Canadian civil authorities, and the Canadians they represent, are provided the fullest level of assistance that can be made available by Maritime Command (MARCOM) in the event that conditions arise warranting such a contribution # of Maritime assets available to commit assessed as the capability to provide forces to render humanitarian assistance and conduct disaster relief activities in Canada within 24 hours notice or assist National civil authorities in Aid of the Civil Power within 8 hours notice.
(Defence Task 1-1-1-2271)
(Defence Task 1-1-1-2272)
In accordance with Readiness & Sustainment Policy - Canadian Forces Controlled Document (CFCD) 129
Federal Other Government Department agreements and demand from other levels of government are provided the fullest level of assistance that can be made available by MARCOM in the event that conditions arise warranting such a contribution # of Maritime assets available to commit assessed as the capability to assist Other Government Departments in compliance with departmentally approved Memorandums of Understanding within 8 hours from warning.
(Defence Task 1-1-1-116)
In accordance with Readiness & Sustainment Policy - Canadian Forces Controlled Document (CFCD) 129

Sub-program: 2.1.5 Sustain Maritime Forces

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 4,578 4,578 4,578
Civilian 4,529 4,423 4,423
TOTAL 9,107 9,001 9,001

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results
Performance Indicator Target
MARCOM can undertake assigned domestic and/or international operations % of desired tasks that can be undertaken 80%
MARCOM can force generate and maintain the skill and currency of personnel ensuring the long-term sustainment of Maritime Forces # Sea Days to support Force Generation (FG) and skill/currency of personnel 2500
MARCOM has sufficient manning to fulfill Readiness requirements and ensure the long-term sustainment of Maritime Forces Trained Effective Strength versus Trained Effective Establishment 100%
Sub-sub-program: Maritime Training
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 1,219 1,219 1,219
Civilian 84 82 82
TOTAL 1,303 1,301 1,301

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Canada's Maritime Forces training establishments produce Officers and Non-Commissioned Members in sufficient numbers % of Trained Effective Strength personnel available 90%
Sub-sub-program: Maritime Infrastructure Maintenance and Base Support
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 1,336 1,336 1,336
Civilian 1,641 1,603 1,603
TOTAL 2,977 2,939 2,939

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Maritime real property assets comply with standards % Compliance with Maritime Infrastructure Policy 100%
Maritime Infrastructure enables DND to perform operations (i.e. suitable and in good condition) Overall Suitability and Condition Rating for Maritime Infrastructure 75%
Maritime Infrastructure enables DND to perform operations (i.e. suitable and in good condition) Overall Suitability Index for Maritime Infrastructure 100%
Sub-sub-program: Maritime Equipment Maintenance
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 580 580 580
Civilian 2,424 2,368 2,368
TOTAL 3,004 2,948 2,948

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results
Performance Indicator Target
Canada's Maritime Forces are maintained and repaired both domestically and abroad # of Maritime units available to be tasked as they have no Category 1 Operational Deficiencies (Deficiencies due to essential corrective maintenance that has not been completed) (Ref: Defence Task 1-1-2-2277) 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:
Sub-sub-program: Maritime Command and Control
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 1,443 1,443 1,443
Civilian 380 371 371
TOTAL 1,823 1,814 1,814

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Expected Results
Performance Indicator Target
MARCOM Capability Plan effectively allocates the resources necessary to produce the outputs and to meet the objectives and associated outcomes as detailed in the Defence Programme Qualitative analysis of the ability to meet MARCOM outputs through analyzing corporate priorities and establishing resource priorities over multiple planning horizons, including the immediate planning cycle as detailed in the Program Alignment Architecture, Report on Plans and Priorities, and Defence Priorities 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:
MARCOM subordinate headquarters possess the necessary expertise and support to effectively manage the human, materiel and financial resources within their span of control, to ensure operational effectiveness Qualitative Analysis of MARCOMs subordinate headquarters establishing annual plans and priorities and balancing the investment in sustaining ongoing operations and activities as required by the Maritime Commanders Capability Plan 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:

Program: 2.2 Land Readiness

Sub-program: 2.2.1 Primary International Commitment

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 1,959 1,959 1,959
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 1,959 1,959 1,959

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
High Readiness units are trained and ready for taskings % of High Readiness units that have successfully completed their mandated training resulting in a readiness declaration by Command Assessment 100%
Primary International Commitment Force is ready to undertake tasks assigned Command Assessment 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:

Sub-program: 2.2.2 Secondary International Commitment

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 0 0 0
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 0 0 0

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
High Readiness units trained and ready for taskings % of High Readiness units that have successfully completed their mandated training resulting in a readiness declaration by Command Assessment 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:
Secondary International Commitment Force is ready to undertake tasks assigned Command Assessment 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:

Sub-program: 2.2.3 Domestic and Standing Government of Canada Tasks

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 1,530 1,530 1,530
Civilian 46 45 45
TOTAL 1,576 1,575 1,575

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Disaster Assistance Response Team Command Assessment Command Assessment 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:
Land Force Command Major Air Disaster Air Contribution at Operational Readiness Command Assessment 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:
Assessment of Domestic Operations Force Generation Command Assessment 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:

Sub-program: 2.2.4 Sustain Land Forces

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 14,080 14,080 14,080
Civilian 4,659 4,550 4,550
TOTAL 18,739 18,630 18,630

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Land forces have sufficient personnel to be ready for tasking % of Establishment positions filled 100%
Land forces stays within its civilian Salary Wage Envelope Live within salary wage envelope 100%
Assessment of Sustain Land Forces Command Assessment 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:
Sub-sub-program: Land Training
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 10,028 10,028 10,028
Civilian 749 732 732
TOTAL 10,777 10,760 10,760

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
A uniform standard of individual training % of Individual Battle Task Standard training complete As per Annual Army Training Directive
Collective training (Regular Force) Qualitative analysis of training 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:
Collective training (Primary Reserves) Qualitative analysis of training 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:
Sub-sub-program: Land Infrastructure Maintenance and Base Support
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 2,322 2,322 2,322
Civilian 2,819 2,753 2,753
TOTAL 5,141 5,075 5,075

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Land real property assets comply with standards % of Compliant Sites per Review Cycle 100%
Land Infrastructure enables DND to perform operations (i.e. suitable and in good condition) Overall Condition Rating for Land Infrastructure 75%
Land Infrastructure enables DND to perform operations (i.e. suitable and in good condition) Overall Suitability Index for Land Infrastructure 100%
Sub-sub-program: Land Equipment Maintenance
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 717 717 717
Civilian 833 813 813
TOTAL 1,550 1,530 1,530

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Sufficient equipment stocks to support deployed forces and individual, unit and high readiness training % Serviceability of Combat Vehicles Off Road 100%
Sufficient equipment stocks to support deployed forces and individual, unit and high readiness training % Serviceability of Combat Vehicles Off Road 100%
Sufficient vehicle technician personnel are available to maintain the equipment stocks. Preferred Manning List vs. Trained Effective Strength 100%
Sub-sub-program: Land Command and Control
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 1,013 1,013 1,013
Civilian 259 253 253
TOTAL 1,272 1,266 1,266

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Effective governance Qualitative Analysis of staffs and processes to manage the Army with a minimum of redundancies 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:

Program: 2.3 Aerospace Readiness

Sub-program: 2.3.1 Aerospace Force Application

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 438 438 438
Civilian 15 15 15
TOTAL 453 453 453

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
The capability to conduct air combat activities that undertake offensive and defensive operations on the ground and in the air Forces are ready to accomplish their tasks 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:

Sub-program: 2.3.2 Air Mobility

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 276 276 276
Civilian 10 10 10
TOTAL 286 286 286

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
The capability of the movement by air of personnel, equipment and cargo domestically and between theatres of operations Forces are ready to accomplish their tasks 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:

Sub-program: 2.3.3 Tactical Helicopter

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 711 711 711
Civilian 7 7 7
TOTAL 718 718 718

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
The capability to provide land and maritime support helicopters to cover a wide range of functions Forces are ready to accomplish their tasks 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:

Sub-program: 2.3.4 Aerospace Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Control

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 400 400 400
Civilian 19 18 18
TOTAL 419 418 418

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
The capability to conduct airborne Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance and Control activities Forces are ready to accomplish their tasks 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:

Sub-program: 2.3.5 Air Expeditionary Support

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 428 428 428
Civilian 9 8 8
TOTAL 437 436 436

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
The capability for Air Force Deployment packages, task tailored, to meet mission specific requirements Forces are ready to accomplish their tasks 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:

Sub-program: 2.3.6 Sustain Aerospace Forces

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 5,916 5,916 5,916
Civilian 2,050 2,002 2,002
TOTAL 7,966 7,918 7,918

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Aerospace Readiness is sustainable and is well supported to ensure long term viability of the forces Forces are sustainable 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:
Sub-sub-program: Aerospace Training
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 520 520 520
Civilian 46 45 45
TOTAL 566 565 565

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) training systems are able to produce RCAF personnel with the right skills at the right time RCAF personnel possess required skills 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:
Sub-sub-program: Aerospace Infrastructure Maintenance and Base Support
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 2,346 2,346 2,346
Civilian 1,334 1,303 1,303
TOTAL 3,680 3,649 3,649

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Aerospace real property assets comply with standards Compliance with Aerospace Infrastructure Policy 100%
Aerospace Infrastructure enables DND to perform operations (i.e. suitable and in good condition) Overall Condition Rating for Aerospace Infrastructure 75%
Aerospace Infrastructure enables DND to perform operations (i.e. suitable and in good condition) Overall Suitability Index for Aerospace Infrastructure 100%
Sub-sub-program: Aerospace Equipment Maintenance
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 1,908 1,908 1,908
Civilian 437 427 427
TOTAL 2,345 2,335 2,335

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Aerospace Equipment is maintained to ensure availability % missions cancelled or delayed due to maintenance 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:
Sub-sub-program: Aerospace Command and Control
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 1,142 1,142 1,142
Civilian 232 227 227
TOTAL 1,374 1,369 1,369

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
A framework that enables effective and efficient command and control decisions Qualitative Analysis of Staffs and processes that manage the Air Force effectively with a minimum of redundancies 3
Based on a 1-3 rating scale where:

Program: 2.4 Joint and Common Readiness

Sub-program: 2.4.1 Joint Operations Readiness

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 3,602 3,602 3,602
Civilian 157 153 153
TOTAL 3,759 3,755 3,755

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Defence responds to domestic, continental and international requirements within the required response time % of defence tasks assigned to Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC)1and Canadian Special Operations Forces Command (CANSOFCOM) to maintain joint operational units that are fulfilled. 100%
Sub-sub-program: Special Ops Readiness
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 1,834 1,834 1,834
Civilian 103 101 101
TOTAL 1,937 1,935 1,935

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
1. Force Generate Immediate Response Task Force to conduct Domestic Counter Terrorism, Maritime Counter Terrorism and High Value Task operations at specified notice to move % of weeks Task Force is ready to deploy or deployed 100% of weeks at readiness level of Green or Yellow
2. Force Generate Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear & Explosives Task Force to conduct Counter Terrorism and High Value Task operations at specified notice to move % of weeks Task Force is ready to deploy or deployed 100% of weeks at readiness level of Green or Yellow
3. FG the Standing Deployed Task Force - including TF Arrowhead - to conduct Counter Terrorism and High Value Task operations at a specified notice to move % of weeks Task Force is ready to deploy or deployed 100% of weeks at readiness level of Green or Yellow
Sub-sub-program: Disaster and Special Assistance Readiness
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 5 5 5
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 5 5 5

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Contribute to the preparation of integrated forces through the sharing of operational-level lessons, the provision of assistance to Force Generator pre-deployment training and through the conduct of both formal and informal engagements with key leaders across all international missions TBD TBD
Sub-sub-program: Joint Command and Control Readiness
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 1,763 1,763 1,763
Civilian 54 53 53
TOTAL 1,817 1,816 1,816

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Individuals and formed units have an enhanced ability to carry out Joint operations, that is operations involving more than one military service (Army, Navy, Air) within the Canadian Armed Forces % of planned exercises involving more than one service (Army, Navy, Air) that are completed 80%
Individuals and formed units have an enhanced ability to carry out interagency operations % of planned exercises involving Other Government Departments or Other Government Agencies that are completed 50%

Sub-program: 2.4.2 Common Defence Support

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 5,717 5,717 5,717
Civilian 4,060 3,965 3,965
TOTAL 9,777 9,682 9,682

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Maritime, Land and Aerospace forces are getting the common support required to establish targeted readiness levels Perceived level of support from three environmental chiefs of staff (ECS) 5, based on a rating scale 1-5
Sub-sub-program: Common Training
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 1,257 1,257 1,257
Civilian 809 790 790
TOTAL 2,066 2,047 2,047

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Course content meets specifications Qualitative assessment of graduates meeting specifications through course validation Course is current and meeting specifications
Sub-sub-program: Common Infrastructure Maintenance and Base Support
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 748 748 748
Civilian 861 841 841
TOTAL 1,609 1,589 1,589

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Common real property assets comply with standards Compliance with Common Infrastructure Policy 100%
Common Infrastructure enables DND to perform operations (i.e. suitable and in good condition) Overall Condition Rating for Common Infrastructure 75%
Common Infrastructure enables DND to perform operations (i.e. suitable and in good condition) Overall Suitability Index for Common Infrastructure 100%
Sub-sub-program: Common Supply and Maintenance Support
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 167 167 167
Civilian 807 788 788
TOTAL 974 955 955

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Effective and efficient materiel storage and processing % of warehouse utilization 100%
Sub-sub-program: General Support, Joint Support, and Theatre Support Units
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 608 608 608
Civilian 120 117 117
TOTAL 728 725 725

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Operational support (OS) forces are ready for planned and contingency operations % of Operational Support Taskings in Canadian Forces Task Plans and Operations that are filled 100%
Deployed forces are sustained through ensuring that Force and Equipment Rotations are successfully executed % plans executed within timelines 100%
Sub-sub-program: Interoperability Training in Support of Continental Operations
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 39 39 39
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 39 39 39

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Individuals and formed units have an enhanced ability to carry out combined operations, that is operations involving both the Canadian Armed Forces and international partners % of planned exercises involving one or more international military partners that are completed 100%
Sub-sub-program: Military Health Care
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 2,898 2,898 2,898
Civilian 1,463 1,429 1,429
TOTAL 4,361 4,327 4,327

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Health Services are responsive and effective Aggregated rating of patient satisfaction based on indicators specified in Chief Military Personnel (CMP) (Health Services) Performance Management Framework (PMF) 100%
A Fit and Healthy Force Aggregated rating of patient satisfaction based on indicators specified in CMP (Health Services) PMF 100%
The CAF Health Services will be manned, trained, and equipped to support CAF operations Aggregated rating of patient satisfaction based on indicators specified in CMP (Health Services) PMF 100%

Strategic Outcome: 3. Defence operations improve peace, stability and security wherever deployed

Program: 3.1 Situational Awareness

Sub-program: 3.1.1 Conduct Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 1,022 1,022 1,022
Civilian 69 67 67
TOTAL 1,091 1,089 1,089

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Front-line commanders have real-time access to the strategic and tactical information they require # of trained , equipped , deployable Geo Support Teams to deployed operations and individual augmentees for specific tasks Six Geo Support Teams
Front-line commanders have real-time access to the strategic and tactical information they require # of Intelligence Analysis teams available to provide 24 hours/7 days Imagery Intelligence Capability and Response to Query One Intelligence Analysis team 24 hours/7days
Safety of CAF Operations is enhanced through use of accurate and timely weather warnings # of weather-related accidents resulting in loss of life or loss of platforms (aircraft, ships) 0

Sub-program: 3.1.2 Support to Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 722 722 722
Civilian 377 368 368
TOTAL 1,099 1,090 1,090

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Ensure safety, security and defence of the nations and civilians within the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC)2 Area of Responsibility through operations as directed by the Government of Canada % of Stated Operational Effects achieved 100%
Ensure safety, security and defence of the nations and civilians within the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC)3Area of Responsibility through operations as directed by the Government of Canada. % Assigned critical tasks completed 100%

Program: 3.2 Canadian Peace, Stability and Security

Sub-program: 3.2.1 Canadian Sovereignty Operations

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 197 197 197
Civilian 50 49 49
TOTAL 247 246 246

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Meeting all Government of Canada intent and direction, the Canadian Armed Forces will exercise Canadian sovereignty throughout assigned areas % of Commander's Intent (Operational Objectives) that have been met 100%
Meeting all Government of Canada intent and direction, the Canadian Armed Forces will exercise Canadian sovereignty throughout assigned areas % of Stated Operational Effects achieved 100%

Sub-program: 3.2.2 Canadian Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Assistance Operations

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 1 1 1
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 1 1 1

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Ensure support to lead organizations to save lives, to prevent or alleviate human suffering or to mitigate property damage to critical infrastructure following a natural or human-made disaster, as directed by the Government of Canada % of Commander's Intent (Operational Objectives) that have been met 100%
Ensure support to lead organizations to save lives, to prevent or alleviate human suffering or to mitigate property damage to critical infrastructure following a natural or human-made disaster, as directed by the Government of Canada % of Stated Operational Effects achieved 100%
Ensure support to lead organizations to save lives, to prevent or alleviate human suffering or to mitigate property damage to critical infrastructure following a natural or human-made disaster, as directed by the Government of Canada % of Assigned critical tasks completed 100%

Sub-program: 3.2.3 Canadian Peace and Stability Operations

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 1 1 1
Civilian 3 2 2
TOTAL 4 3 3

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Ensure safety, security and defence of the nations and civilians within the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC)4 Area of Responsibility through operations as directed by the Government of Canada % of Commander's Intent (Operational Objectives) that have been met 100%
Ensure safety, security and defence of the nations and civilians within the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC)5 Area of Responsibility through operations as directed by the Government of Canada % of Stated Operational Effects achieved 100%
Ensure safety, security and defence of the nations and civilians within the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC)6 Area of Responsibility through operations as directed by the Government of Canada % of Assigned critical tasks completed 100%

Sub-program: 3.2.4 Search and Rescue

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 740 740 740
Civilian 42 41 41
TOTAL 782 781 781

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Achieve delivery of Search and Rescue (SAR) capabilities within the Canadian federal area responsibility and effective operation of the coordinated aeronautical and maritime SAR system % of coordinated maritime, aeronautical and joint response to SAR incidents that are deemed effective 100%
Achieve delivery of SAR capabilities within the Canadian federal area responsibility and effective operation of the coordinated aeronautical and maritime SAR system % of mandated SAR operations that are successfully executed 100%
Achieve delivery of SAR capabilities within the Canadian federal area responsibility and effective operation of the coordinated aeronautical and maritime SAR system % of Assigned critical tasks completed 100%

Program: 3.3 Continental Peace, Stability and Security

Sub-program: 3.3.1 Continental Contingency Operations

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 38 38 38
Civilian 13 13 13
TOTAL 51 51 51

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Ensure safety, security and defence of the nations and civilians within the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC)7 Area of Responsibility through operations as directed by the Government of Canada % of Commander's Intent met (Successful planning and execution of continental operations (routine and contingency)) 100%
Ensure safety, security and defence of the nations and civilians within the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC)8 AOR through operations as directed by the Government of Canada % of Intended effects achieved 100%
Ensure safety, security and defence of the nations and civilians within the Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC)9 AOR through operations as directed by the Government of Canada % of Assigned critical tasks completed 100%

Sub-program: 3.3.2 NORAD

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 478 478 478
Civilian 28 27 27
TOTAL 506 505 505

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
As the supported military Command for Air Defence and Air Security, NORAD will provide Assistance to Law Enforcement Agencies in support of security operations for special events (e.g. Vancouver 2010, G8) % of required effects achieved (in support of air defence and air security) 100%
NORAD will contribute to North American continental security as outlined within the Canada First Defence Strategy % of required effects achieved (in support of continental security) 100%
Canada's commitment to the defence of North America is met and sovereignty of North American airspace is preserved % of Commander's Intent met 100%

Program: 3.4 International Peace, Stability and Security

Sub-program: 3.4.1 Coalition Operations

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 6,570 6,570 6,570
Civilian 173 169 169
TOTAL 6,743 6,739 6,739

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Conduct international bilateral and multilateral defence and security operations with defence partners, as required by Government of Canada policy % of Commander's Intent met (Management of the Campaign Plan and Effects Measurement framework for major missions) 100%
Contribute to the achievement of Canada's identified whole-of-government priorities, as reported to Privy Council Office # of Mission Priorities met as defined by Strategic Joint Staff (SJS). Meet all priorities in order of importance

Sub-program: 3.4.2 Military Diplomacy

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 497 497 497
Civilian 400 390 390
TOTAL 897 887 887

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Employ National Defence personnel to administer a key instrument of defence diplomacy that advances Canada's contribution to international peace and security by implementing training programmes to expand and reinforce Canada's bilateral defence relations while meeting the government's foreign and defence policy objectives # of foreign students trained 250 per fiscal year

Sub-program: 3.4.3 International Disaster Relief and Humanitarian Assistance Operations

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 47 47 47
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 47 47 47

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC)10 will provide rapid, timely deployment of forces to provide effective response to meet the immediate need, as defined by the Government of Canada % availability of Contingency plans (maintained to include the expected range of operations based on capabilities) 100% of the range of expected operations.
Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC)11 will employ forces to conduct disaster relief, humanitarian aid, and evacuation operations to maintain international peace, stability and security # of operational priorities met to aid the host nation at the target location Sustained deployment in accordance with Contingency Plan
Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC)12 will establish the means for success in all disaster/humanitarian response operations # of operational priorities met illustrating successful planning and execution of operations 100%

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Strategic Outcome: 4. Care and Support to the Canadian Armed Forces and Contribution to Canadian Society

Program: 4.1 Defence Team Personnel Support

Sub-program: 4.1.1 Military Personnel Support

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 1,882 1,882 1,882
Civilian 1,072 1,047 1,047
TOTAL 2,954 2,929 2,929

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Operational readiness and the effectiveness of the Canadian Armed Forces is enhanced by a sense of individual well-being among members, and a cohesive and inclusive work environment % of Canadian Armed Forces Personnel dissatisfied with quality of life in the CAF 14.10% or less
Sub-sub-program: Common Professional Development
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 482 482 482
Civilian 143 139 139
TOTAL 625 621 621

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Common Professional Development programs support succession planning within the CAF % Disagree that Policies and programs support the development of leaders in the CAF 22.60% or less
Common Professional Development programs encourage and support self development among CAF members % Disagree that CAF personnel are given adequate training and development opportunities to acquire leadership skills 30.00% or less
Common Professional Development programs encourage and support self development among CAF members % of CAF personnel dissatisfied with opportunities for professional development 26.20% or less
Sub-sub-program: Military Housing
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 2 2 2
Civilian 275 268 268
TOTAL 277 270 270

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
CAF members have access to quality Crown-controlled residential housing and accommodation services % of Residential Housing Units with condition assessment rating category of good and fair 5% improvement Year over Year
CAF members are satisfied with their housing/residence % of personnel indicating dissatisfaction with their housing 14.20% or less
Sub-sub-program: Career Management and Relocation
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 225 225 225
Civilian 49 48 48
TOTAL 274 273 273

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Career Management assists CAF members to achieve individual career objectives % of CAF personnel dissatisfied with career management 33.20% or less
Policies and their application ensure organizational fairness % of CAF personnel who disagree that methods for resolution complaints are fair and unbiased 31.10% or less
Policies and their application ensure organizational fairness % of CAF personnel who disagree that organizational policies are fair to everyone 41.20% or less
Sub-sub-program: Military Family and Casualty Support
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 913 913 913
Civilian 197 192 192
TOTAL 1,110 1,105 1,105

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Casualty support services facilitate recovery, rehabilitation, re-integration into the CAF or preparation for the transition to civilian life % of CAF personnel who disagree that they know the CAF will look after their needs if they become injured on the job 26.1% or less
Military family services contribute to enhancing the quality of CAF family life % of CAF personnel who disagree that the CAF looks after the families of its service members 27.8% or less
Military family services contribute to enhancing the quality of CAF family life % of CAF personnel who disagree that the CAF provides a reasonable quality of life for members and their families 16.9% or less
Sub-sub-program: Individual Well Being and the Work Environment
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 260 260 260
Civilian 399 390 390
TOTAL 659 650 650

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
CAF members are satisfied with their current financial situation % of CAF personnel dissatisfied with their current financial situation 18.50% or less
Sub-sub-program: Honours and Recognition
Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 0 0 0
Civilian 10 9 9
TOTAL 10 9 9

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Satisfaction of CAF members with the recognition they receive from the organization % of CAF personnel dissatisfied with the recognition they receive from the organization 28.5% or less
Contribution that service members make is recognized by the institution % Disagree that the contribution service members make is recognized by the institution 29.7% or less

Sub-program: 4.1.2 Learning and Career Centres

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 5 5 5
Civilian 56 55 55
TOTAL 61 60 60

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Individuals are assisted with professional development through a wide range of professional development activities and resource services % of courses delivered versus planned 100%

Program: 4.2 Canadian Identity

Sub-program: 4.2.1 Cadets

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 115 115 115
Civilian 170 166 166
TOTAL 285 281 281

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Develop well-rounded, community-minded, experienced young people who are ready to assume their places as tomorrow's leaders and decision-makers % of youth aged 12 to 18 trained as cadets 1.7% of Canadian youth aged 12 to 18

(represents approximately 60,000 youth)

Sustain presence in Canada - Units Number of Units / Junior Canadian Ranger (JCR) Patrols Maximize the number of communities that have a cadet unit or a JCR patrol

Sub-program: 4.2.2 History, Protocol, and Heritage Ceremonial Activities

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 314 314 314
Civilian 56 55 55
TOTAL 370 369 369

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Develop CAF history, heritage, traditions, museum and music systems in order to reinforce CAF identity Additional liaison with Directorate of History and Heritage required to identify appropriate indicators for this activity TBD

Program: 4.3 Environment Protection and Stewardship

Sub-program: 4.3.1 Environment

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 61 61 61
Civilian 168 164 164
TOTAL 229 225 225

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Defence demonstrates responsible and sustainable environmental stewardship % achievement of Federal Sustainable Development Strategy commitments 100%
Defence reduces risk to the environment and human health posed by Defence contaminated sites % achievement of Federal Contaminated Sites Action Plan commitments 100%

Sub-program: 4.3.2 Unexploded Ordnance

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 1 1 1
Civilian 9 8 8
TOTAL 10 9 9

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Defence reduces departmental liability for UXO Legacy Sites % of reduction in UXO Legacy opening liability (sites which reported liability in the previous fiscal year) Reduce the contaminated sites liability by 25% per year

Program: 4.4 Non-Security Support

Sub-program: 4.4.1 Support to Federal Government

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 182 182 182
Civilian 0 0 0
TOTAL 182 182 182

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Government of Canada horizontal priorities are strengthened through DND/CAF contribution. TBD TBD

Sub-program: 4.4.2 Support to Other Organizations

Human Resources (Full-Time Equivalent – FTE)
2013–14 2014–15 2015–16
Military 0 0 0
Civilian 28 27 27
TOTAL 28 27 27

Source: Assistant Deputy Minister (Human Resources-Civilian) Group / Chief Military Personnel Group

Performance Measurement
Sub-program Expected Results Performance Indicator Target
Defence supports a Canadian knowledge base relating too contemporary security and defence issues that is relevant to Canadian defence policy and capable of informing, confirming and challenging DND/CAF defence policy thinking % of activities and engagements supported by the Defence Engagement Programme Each year, maintain or exceed prior year actual

Program: 5.1 Internal Services

Sub-program: 5.1.1 Governance and Management Support

Other Program initiatives:
Management and Oversight Services

Audit and Evaluation

  • During FY 2013-14, the DND/CAF Internal Audit group will continue to focus on the delivery of audit services in areas assessed as high audit priority;
  • The DND/CF Evaluation group will carry out the requirements of the 2009 Treasury Board Policy on Evaluation to achieve 100% coverage of direct Defence spending over a five-year cycle.


  • The Department will continue to provide timely, effective policy advice on domestic and international defence issues to the senior Defence leadership and to the Government of Canada. In FY 2013-14, Defence policy efforts will place particular emphasis on:
    • The regular review of the Canada First Defence Strategy;
    • Supporting Defence's efforts as part of the Government of Canada action to better manage government spending;
    • Providing expert, forward-leaning policy advice on key ongoing and emerging defence issues, such as Canada-United States defence relations, Canada-NATO defence issues, space, cyber and Arctic security;
    • Implementing a defence-wide Global Engagement Strategy that will provide strategic guidance for the conduct of Canada's international defence relations; and
    • Supporting the whole-of-government engagement in national and international CAF operations.

Communications Services

  • Defence will synchronize and coordinate communication opportunities to demonstrate DND/CAF's continued focus on the established Defence priorities, in carrying out the CAF's mission to defend Canada and Canadian interests and values while contributing to international peace and security;
  • During this time of significant change, Defence will communicate the transition from a position of government-wide spending review to one of Defence Renewal, within the organization, across Government, and to Canadians;
  • Defence will continue to harness new technologies and social media to communicate information, including imagery;
  • Communications activities will inform Canadians and Government about DND/CAF performance and compliance with legislation, regulations, and standards in such areas as procurement, health and safety, and the environment; and
  • Defence communications will help assert DND/CAF's commitment to caring for personnel, highlighting the continual improvements made in support of personnel and their families, such as through new programs, facilities and technologies.

Legal Services

  • Defence will obtain legal services from the Office of the Judge Advocate General, the DND/CF Legal Advisor's Office and from other areas of the Department of Justice, where appropriate in order to implement the Defence priorities in a manner that respects the rule of law and manages legal risk;
  • Defence will advance the principled development of the military justice system to ensure that it continues to be compliant with constitutional and other legal requirements, fair, efficient and responsive to the unique needs of the CAF within Canada's free and democratic society;
  • Defence will effect strategic military legal engagement by establishing links, alliances and partnerships with key military, civilian, legal and policy stakeholders;
  • Defence will seek the legislative drafting services of the Department of Justice for bills and regulations; and
  • Defence will continue to practice Legal Risk Management, which will contribute to Defence's Integrated Risk Management goals and will align with Defence priorities and operational objectives.

Sub-program: 5.1.2 Resource Management Services

Other Program initiatives:
Human Resources Management Services
  • To maintain an agile civilian workforce in the context of transformation associated with deficit reduction, Defence will continue with efforts to:
    • Research and define the optimal civilian workforce composition and support to the CAF;
    • Implement its Employability Strategy to further align resources with business priorities and manage changes to the workforce through attrition, as well as the re-assignment and re-skilling of employees; and
    • Establish a comprehensive leadership development framework.
  • Healthy labour relations as well as safe, fair and productive workplace environments lay the foundation for a productive workforce. Defence will continue its work to:
    • Centralize HR service delivery functions by transitioning to a functional model and streamlining internal processes;
    • Progress the next phase of the Service Delivery 2015 solution (click-call-consult) for civilian human resources business transformation to increase efficiency of HR processes and implement an ERP support system; and
    • Build on successes to date to reform the classification system.
  • Defence will re-balance and optimize the Regular Force military workforce via ongoing management by:
    • Maintaining the current CAF strength at 68,000 (+/- 500);
    • Optimizing the number of Trained Effective Strength personnel by managing the size of the Basic Training List; and
    • Reducing the number of distressed occupations.
Information Management Services

Streamline the existing IM/IT Programme such that it is affordable and sustainable to deliver an efficient and adaptable CAF communication systems and network infrastructure that will be needed to support a flexible command and control capability.


1Canada Command (Canada COM) and Canadian Expeditionary Force Command (CEFCOM) were dissolved and formally replaced by Canadian Joint Operations Command (CJOC) on 5 October 2012.












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