IRCC Deputy Minister Transition Binder 2019 – 2018-2019 Year End Review – Key Milestones and Deliverables
[REDACTED] appears where sensitive information has been removed in accordance with the principles of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.
Overview of Integrated Planning
Goal: Ensure enterprise-wide planning at regular intervals considering variables and risks impacting our work (strategize) and charting a common path forward while maximizing effectiveness (plan and prioritize)
Three Core Objectives
- Domain awareness
- Accountability
- Shape decision making
Approach: Two periodic reviews per fiscal year – at P6 (mid-year) and at P12 (year-end) to review results and update forward plans and risks
Current Status: P6 process underway; Engagement of senior executive team through governance structure, including Executive Committee in October and November 2019.
For DM Consideration: We welcome the opportunity to discuss your preferences for the planning approach at IRCC going forward.
- Distill departmental state-of-play at P12 based on sector reviews
- Discuss plans to advance Departmental Priorities and key files as we near the end of the current mandate
Strategic Landscape
A focus on near-term implementation and longer-term positioning in a shifting environment
Since P6, the Department has had a 3-fold focus on:
- 1) Delivering remaining initiatives that can be completed before end-of-mandate
- 2) Advancing the transformation agenda within the Department
- 3) Positioning for transition and next mandate
Against a backdrop of:
- Significant attention on irregular migration/asylum issues which continue to have high profile with the public and media
- Constrained timing before writ drop – running out of runway to complete all priorities
- Continuous and rapid pace of change and increasing volumes across all business lines (Appendix A provides growth comparisons)
- Continued interest in new immigration programming
- Evolving domestic political environment, [REDACTED]
What are we hearing
Reflections from Sector P12 Reviews
Significant progress in 2018-2019, including exceeding MYLP levels target, developing a shared vision for visitor transformation, surpassing the goal to reduce language training waitlists for priority clients, and launching new pilots to advance responsiveness of economic immigration. Several key corporate initiatives, notably the implementation of the new Transformation and Digital Solutions Sector, governance structure and stronger linkages across sectors, and centralized business intake process have positioned the Department to address changing expectations, current pressures and future growth.
Sectors face heightened pressures and risks as volumes and competing priorities have increased heading towards the end of mandate. Some considerations raised at P12 include:
- Recognizing that growth must be carefully managed to avoid exposure to additional risks to service delivery and program integrity
- Transforming the way we work alongside staffing increases (creating efficient and flexible solutions, and mobile and digital processes) to support rising volumes
- Ensuring an aligned and sustainable approach to delivering the Transformation Agenda while effectively communicating initiatives across the Department
- Adapting to changing client expectations by improving the client experience
- Responding to the changing public opinion on immigration with heightened attention on the integrity of Canada’s asylum system
- Maintaining partner engagement to realize system-wide results
Significant Developments since P6
- Budget 2019 - received significant investments towards addressing irregular migration, temporary resident volumes, immigration consultants, client support improvements and the Interim Federal Health Program
- Asylum - developed Irregular Migration Border Enforcement Strategy; established new Interim Housing Assistance Program; implemented remote decision-making model for virtual processing of asylum claims
- Levels - exceeded 2018 levels target; received Cabinet approval of 2019-21 MYLP
- Temporary Residents - developed vision for visitor transformation; achieved final publication of biometrics regulations; expanded work-sharing to centralize processing of India Student Permit e-apps
- Client Service - launched transformation strategy; launched first Government of Canada usability space; pre-published foundational regulations for using e-tools in immigration programs
- Settlement - Shared National Settlement Vision; launched Call for Proposals 2019; announced Francophone Immigration Strategy
- Citizenship - brought into force final set of legislative amendments to Citizenship Act through Bill C-6
- Passports - received [REDACTED] approval for Passport Program Modernization Initiative (PPMI)
- International - Adopted Global Compacts on Refugees and Migration
- Transformation - Established new Transformation Sector and Committee
- MTP and Transition - Finalizing IRCC MTP and transition advice; co-leading MTP and transition advice related to Canada’s future labour market needs with ESDC and other federal partners
- Internal Services - supported aggressive Government of Canada people management agenda focused on diversity, inclusion and wellness (i.e. Bill C-63, Bill C-65 and Bill C-81); completed five Activity-based Workspace floors and 51 National Program of Work projects; initiated centralized business intake model; implemented digital invoice processing
Strategic Landscape
Spotlight on the Transformation Agenda
IRCC has begun to structurally re-align to better support our vision for transformation:
- Medium-term Policy/Transition
- Financial Operations Transformation
- 2-year Settlement Vision
- Operations Strategic Plan
- IM/IT Strategy and Roadmap
- Service Transformation Strategy and Roadmap
- Created new Transformation and Digital Solutions Sector
- Culture and change management function to assist staff with transition
- Client Engagement Model to facilitate priority setting and service delivery
- Established Transformation Committee for leadership on transformation initiatives
- Initiated action plan to operationalize transformation
- Site-level lean implementation
- Digital redesign of end-to-end client journeys
Aligning transformation efforts across sectors will be essential.
Advancing Departmental Priorities
Last year, five issue priorities and four internal services priorities were established at P12 to focus work and resources.
These were useful this year to track progress. The Department anticipates establishing a new set of planning priorities following the transitions in the fall.
Five issue priorities
- Deliver on the 2018 levels target and position the Department and partners for sustained permanent resident levels growth
- Manage increased temporary resident volumes while advancing transformation
- Manage asylum volumes and advance asylum system reforms
- Improve client service delivery within a context of increasing volumes
- Advance the two-year strategic plan to deliver high-quality settlement services based on a shared national vision
Four Internal Services Priorities
- Attract new talent
- Foster innovation within an operating environment of volume pressures and finite resources
- Adapt our work environment to address space constraints and increase flexibility for employees
- Support our people and programs facing pressures and transformation
Deliver on the 2018 levels target and position the Department and partners for sustained permanent resident levels growth
- Exceeded 2018 levels target of 310,000 with over 321,000 admissions
- Tabled 2019-21 Multi-Year Levels Plan (MYLP)
- Implemented new in-year redistribution of provincial nominations model
- Successfully implemented project management approach to MYLP which contributed to increased capacity and efficiency
Express Entry Pool
- 101,440 active candidates in Express Entry pool (as of Feb. 2019)
What’s Next
- Implement annual levels plan
- Advance consultations with FPT and Government of Canada partners
- Continue tracking HR, IT and accommodation components to levels
- Table 2020 levels plan within 30 sitting days of Parliament sitting, post election.
Medium-Term Policy/Transition Considerations
- Responsiveness and nimbleness of [REDACTED]
Manage temporary resident volumes while advancing transformation
- Developed and shared vision for visitor transformation
- Collaborated with GAC and ESDC to put forward proposals as part of new International Education Strategy (IES)
- Achieved final publication of biometrics regulations
- Received approval of Temporary Duty Strategy
- Expanded work-sharing to centralize processing of India Student Permit e-apps
Budget 2019
- $78.6 million over 2 years to address growing demand for temporary resident visas
- $19.3 million over 5 years, $1.3M ongoing to improve study-related processing; $1 million over 5 years, $200,000 ongoing for International Experience Canada
What’s Next
- Advance and align short and longer term efforts to achieve the TR vision
- Soft launch TR e-app project with usability testing until strategic roll-out in fall 2019
- Deploy advanced analytics in business lines while socializing its use
Medium-Term Policy/Transition Considerations
- [REDACTED] that is responsive to increasing volumes
- IRCC’s role with respect [REDACTED]
- Attracting [REDACTED] while balancing labour market needs
Manage asylum volumes and advance asylum system reforms
- Approval to increase baseline capacity, productivity and effectiveness of asylum system
- Development of Irregular Migration Border Enforcement Strategy (BES)
- Established new Interim Housing Assistance Program to enable payments to provinces and municipalities
- Implemented remote decision making model for virtual processing of asylum claims
Budget 2019
- $1.18 billion over 5 years, $55 million per year ongoing towards border integrity and asylum system
- $283.1 million over 2 years for Interim Federal Health Program
What’s Next
- Address recommendations stemming from OAG report to improve baseline capacity and improve efficiency of system
- Support negotiations with provinces and administration of new grant program
- Continue increasing processing capacity (e.g., Remote Decision Making Model, Innovation Hubs)
- Continue coordination and readiness planning with Government Operations Centre
Medium-Term Policy/Transition Considerations
Improve client service delivery within a context of increasing volumes
- Launched IRCC service transformation strategy, roadmap and future operating model
- Developed client support improvement plan
- Launched first Government of Canada usability space
- Initiated DM Client Experience Advisory Committee
- Pre-published foundational regulations for using e-tools in immigration programs (e.g., mandatory e-apps, e-payments)
Budget 2019
- $42.9 million over 2 years to increase the number of IRCC client support agents
What’s Next
- Lead transformation of IRCC service delivery by defining work plans and assigning resources to priority journeys
- Further Client Support Centre initiatives, improve accessibility and timeliness of enquiries
- Launch IRCC’s 2019-2022 Service Strategy
- Leverage Usability Space to develop and test products with clients
- Establish regulations to support electronic processing and service delivery
Medium-Term Policy/Transition Considerations
- Improving client experience and client services to meet clients’ expectations for quick, effective, easy to understand, and transparent service
Advance the two-year strategic plan to deliver high-quality settlement services based on a shared national vision
Approximately 520,000 clients received at least one settlement service in 2018-19 (preliminary data as of March 31, 2019).
- Shared National Settlement Vision and incorporated principles into National Call for Proposals (CFP) launched in 2019, reflecting new grants authority
- Announced Francophone Immigration Strategy
- Surpassed goal of reducing language training waitlists for priority clients by 50% (at 56% as of March 31, 2019)
- Launched annual Settlement Program Client and Newcomer Outcome Surveys with over 50,000 responses
What’s Next
- Assess CFP 2019 proposals and conclude negotiations through an expedited process
- Monitor and report on the Francophone Immigration Strategy
- Conclude bilateral co-planning and settlement agreements with provinces and territories
- Review the Syrian Refugees Outcomes Report and results of annual settlement outcome surveys to inform program direction
Medium-Term Policy/Transition Considerations
- [Redacted]
- [Redacted]
Advancing Departmental Priorities
Progress on supports required for success
Attract New Talent
Since last year’s P12 the Department added 885 employees to reach a workforce of 8,543
- Enhanced IRCC recruitment efforts with recruitment brand, recruitment video and increased social media presence
- Participated in over 30 career fairs and networking events
- Increased student recruitment to over 500 new students departmentally and enhanced onboarding experience
- Piloted IRCC student recruitment fair resulting in 79+ on-the-spot job offers
Talent Management
- Strengthened succession planning process through enhanced performance management discussions
- Established a talent readiness framework
Adapt our Work Environment
Close work with partners (PSPC and SSC) is ongoing to reduce risk of project delays
- Completed five Activity-based Workspace (ABW) floors with positive survey results
- Completed 51 National Program of Work optimization projects
- Preparing East and West Nodes to accommodate 600 FTEs in fall 2019
Infrastructure and Tools
- Continued to implement overseas and domestic network upgrades
- Expanding wifi
- Deploying mobile devices; 143% increase in the use of laptops over 2018/19 FY
- Introducing desktop videoconferencing
Foster Innovation
Governance and Strategy
- Established Transformation Committee
- Launched strategy and roadmap for both IM/IT and service delivery transformation
- Initiated centralized business intake and Client Engagement Model to facilitate priority setting and service delivery
Policies and Processes
- Developed digitization policy framework to go paperless
- Implemented digital invoice processing
- Successfully launched first Protected B cloud solution for the Government
Support our People and Programs
Continued recognition as a Top Employer in the National Capital Region and on the Forbes list of Canada’s Best Employers
Learning and Development
- Established Learning Advisory Board
- Completed Learning Management System Pilot
- Held 143 pay-related information sessions (Pay Talks) reaching ≈3,000 participants
- Reduced pay case backlog from 41K (Q1) to 22K (Q4)
- Continued ongoing mental health and wellness strategy with launch of “Not Myself Today” campaign
- Held speakers series on mental health
- Developed framework for new Executive People Management Committee (EXPMC)
Heading into the next planning cycle
An organization that has undergone significant change and growth since 2015 is heading into another period of significant change:
- Transitions - a new Deputy Minister and new Government
- A new set of mandate commitments
- A new normal in terms of immigration having more profile, higher volumes
The Department has a solid foundation upon which to manage change:
- Proven resilience, with revised governance and organizational structures in place (Transformation)
- Excellence in people management (PSES/MAF Results/Top Employer)
- Commitment to engaging the workforce
- Clarity of mandate and ability to communicate priorities
As we prepare for a new Government and fine-tune transition advice we will need to sharpen our planning and prioritization:
- 1) Policy, programs and operations opportunities as we enter a new mandate
- 2) Aspirations will need to be calibrated against financial realities
- 3) A larger, higher profile organization that is beset by change entails greater risks
- 4) Consideration of adjusted objectives following upcoming P6 discussion
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