IRCC Deputy Minister Transition Binder 2019 – Transformation and Digital Services Sector
[REDACTED] appears where sensitive information has been removed in accordance with the principles of the Access to Information Act and the Privacy Act.
The case for change at IRCC
The Government of Canada is making a digital shift to becoming more agile, open, and user-focused while continuing to ensure that trust, integrity and security are top priorities.
In 2019, the Department will have nearly doubled in size since 2013 in an effort to meet the growing pressures of delivering Canada’s immigration, refugee and citizenship programs in a complex and rapidly changing environment.
To succeed in this context, we need a new agile approach focused on continuous improvement and a constant drive to use new technology to deliver our services in better, faster and more productive ways.
External Pressures
Rising volumes
- TRV growth projected at 14% in 2019
- Increasing annual targets as per the multi year levels plan (MYLP)
- Increases in intake are outpacing our capacity for change and improvement
Higher client expectations
- Desire for fast and simple digital solutions
- Demand for better client experience, proactive and personalized communication
- Rapid pace of change in digital services drives higher client wants, needs, desires
Internal Challenges
IT Development and Systems
- IM/IT is a key enabler of transformation and represents the single largest risk to the IRCC being able to achieve its mandate
- Too many pathways into IM/IT for business requests makes prioritization of resources and activities difficult
- GCMS backlog of approximately 2 years, with only 4 releases per year
Departmental Agility
- Misalignment of Sector priorities means policy innovations or IT tools are not developed to meet the pace of change in the field
- Lack of alignment on IRCC mission, from front–line staff to senior management
- Ad hoc coaching for staff and minimal talent management or recruitment
Transforming the way we work and deliver our services
In 2018, two strategic initiatives started to define a roadmap for IRCC Service Transformation as well as the IM/IT strategic direction necessary to support it.
IRCC Service Transformation
In Fall of 2018, [REDACTED].
Key focus areas for future state of service delivery: [REDACTED]
IM/IT Strategy & Roadmap Project
In 2018, the Department undertook a strategic review of IM/IT and developed a strategy and roadmap to become a proactive and innovative IM/IT partner capable of managing priorities to successful and timely delivery.
Four Strategic Pillars to achieve the future IM/IT
- People: a skilled, adaptable, strategic workforce empowered to problem solve and committed to continuous improvement
- Client Centric Operating Model: a redefined service delivery enabled through meaningful relationships
- Flexible Technology: a focus on integrated IM/IT architecture design and innovative solution delivery options
- Operational Excellence: A commitment to best practices, performance monitoring and measurement, and continuous improvement
What Does Transformation Allow For?
For Clients:
- Simple and accessible digitally-enabled applications
- Faster processing times
- Improved client experience
For Canada and Canadians:
- Greater program integrity and security
- Capacity to meet rising volumes without increased cost burden
- Capture full economic benefits of increased immigration and tourism
For IRCC employees:
- Talent and career development opportunities – new knowledge, skills, tools
- Meaningful work assignments that connect to the priorities of IRCC
- A positive work environment supported by the new culture - a great place to work!
Current Scope for IRCC Transformation
- IM/IT Digital Transformation
- IRCC Service Transformation
- IRCC Culture Transformation
- Broader IRCC Transformation
Creation of the Transformation & Digital Solutions Sector (TDSS)
- On April 1, 2019, the launch of TDSS brought the execution of the IRCC Service Transformation and IM/IT Strategy & Roadmap Project together supported by culture and change management.
- The new Sector is organized into five branches that do not operate independently; much of the work is done horizontally across these organizations to deliver products and services.
Transformation Branch
- Modernizing and reimagining client journeys
- Improving the way we work by leaning processes and enabling horizontal collaboration in the Department
- Measuring transformation initiatives to ensure expected needs and outcomes are being met
Culture and Change Management Branch
- Defining and shaping the new behaviours and principles
- Providing culture and change management expertise to support transformation
- Leading and aligning culture change and transformation communications across the Department
Digital Strategy Branch
- Defining the technology strategy for IRCC and providing guidance to IT projects
- Defining the direction in enterprise architecture, data, and cloud computing
Projects Branch
- Managing intake and prioritization for IRCC projects and IM/IT change requests
- Providing enterprise wide support for portfolio and project management ensuring project delivery of prioritized initiatives
IT Operations Branch
- Delivering core IM/IT services for IRCC
- Managing partners and vendors who deliver core infrastructure and services
TDSS Vision and Values
The Opportunity
To become a world-leader in migration in order to maximize the benefits of our programs for our clients and for Canadians
CIO Vision
- We deliver modern, reliable and innovative digital services that enable IRCC to build a stronger Canada.
- We are a trusted business partner that operates with flexibility, openness, and discipline.
- We provide the technology and the advanced thinking that assures IRCC’s future.
Key Areas for Transformation
- Client Service: reduce wait times and generate simpler and clearer processes
- Operational Excellence: process more applications, faster, while maintaining cost
- Program Integrity: maintaining a high standard for program integrity
- Teamwork
- Integrity
- Respect
- Perseverance
- Openness
Sector Strategic objectives and outcomes
Several key milestones have already been achieved:
- TDSS Org Model Implemented - The new TDSS sector is comprised of 5 branches, each supporting and contributing to the broader IRCC transformation.
- New Client and Partner Engagement Models, Business Intake and Project Prioritization Processes implemented: How new ideas and requests are received and prioritized streamlined to better manage the demand for new IM/IT solutions. Established new engagement processes and for a for leadership discussions with Partner organizations (SSC, CBSA, etc.)
- IM/IT Operating Model Implementation underway: Evolving how we do our IM/IT work and deliver value to our clients and partners to be more effective and efficient
Over the coming months, TDSS will be launching:
- Deliver key IM/IT priorities – (business priorities, GCMS Disaster Recovery, Passport Modernization, TR eApps)
- Develop key Digital Strategies - Digital Platform Modernization (GCMS Renewal), Enterprise Cloud, Cybersecurity
- Continued implementation of the new IM/IT Operating Model
- Develop a Culture Change and Communications Strategy necessary to enable Transformation
- Launch Innovation Strategy to create a new innovation narrative for the organization focused on a culture of creativity, collaboration and experimentation
How we got here - Strategic Initiatives Completed and Underway
Phoenix Task Force
- Established cross sector task force to address IRCC’s pay issue backlog
- Restored relationship with PSPC
CSS Functional Review
Ongoing operation
- Identify current state issues, challenges, strengths, opportunities
- Establish new Vision and Roadmap for Sector
IM/IT Strategy and Roadmap
- Establish new CIO Vision, Values, Strategic pillars and Operating Principles:
- Define new organization and operating model; Identify roadmap and implementation plan
IRCC Departmental Governance Review
- Establish and Implement new Departmental Governance committees and mandates
GCMS Review and Benchmark
Cyber Security Assessment and Roadmap
Service Transformation Strategy and Roadmap
- Identify current state issues, challenges, strengths, opportunities
- Establish new Vision and Roadmap for Sector
- IM/IT Identified as highest priority
- Transitioned to CFO
IM/IT Strategy Implementation
- IM/IT Org and Culture Change
- Digital Workplace
- IM/IT Financial, Resource and Capacity Management
- Client Centric Operating Model implementation
- DevOps Strategy, Plan and Implementation
- Cloud Strategy
Departmental Project maturity Modernization and Prioritization
- Define and implement new project prioritization process to ensure Executive alignment and limited resources are focused on Departmental priorities
- Project Management and Delivery Modernization
- Ongoing process
Digital Platform Modernization
- Stabilization
- Technical Debt
- Options Analysis
Digital Journeys
- Identify Approach for TRV
- Engage and Train Resources
- Execute Journey and target next consider hand-off to production
- Identify process opportunities
- Follow LEAN implementation in Delhi
- Determine next target and scale
Culture and Change Management
- Identify new cultural norms and behaviours
- Build program for behaviour change starting with leadership
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