Farming Income and the AgriStability and AgriInvest Programs Harmonized Guide – For more information
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If you need help
If you need more information after reading this guide, go to Taxes or call 1-800-959-5525.
Direct deposit
Direct deposit is a fast, convenient, and secure way to receive your CRA payments directly in your account at a financial institution in Canada. For more information and ways to enrol, go to Direct deposit or contact your financial institution. You can view your direct deposit information and online transactions at My Business Account.
Forms and publications
The CRA encourages you to file your return electronically. If you need a paper version of the CRA's forms and publications, go to Forms and publications or call 1-800-959-5525.
Electronic mailing lists
The CRA can send you an email when new information on a subject of interest to you is available on the website. To subscribe to the electronic mailing lists, go to Canada Revenue Agency electronic mailing lists.
Tax Information Phone Service (TIPS)
For tax information by telephone, use the CRA's automated service, TIPS, by calling 1-800-267-6999.
Teletypewriter (TTY) users
If you use a TTY for a hearing or speech impairment, call 1-800-665-0354.
If you use an operator-assisted relay service, call the CRA's regular telephone numbers instead of the TTY number.
Formal disputes (objections and appeals)
You have the right to file an objection or an appeal for the Canada Pension Plan or Employment Insurance if you disagree with an assessment, determination or decision.
For more information about objections, and related deadlines, go to Objections, appeals, disputes, and relief measures.
CRA service feedback program
Service complaints
You can expect to be treated fairly under clear and established rules, and get a high level of service each time you deal with the CRA. For more information about the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, go to Taxpayer Bill of Rights.
You may provide compliments or suggestions, and if you are not satisfied with the service you received:
- Try to resolve the matter with the employee you have been dealing with or call the telephone number provided in the correspondence you received from the CRA. If you do not have contact information for the CRA, go to Contact the Canada Revenue Agency
- If you have not been able to resolve your service-related issue, you can ask to discuss the matter with the employee's supervisor
- If the problem is still not resolved, you can file a service-related complaint by filling out Form RC193, Service Feedback. For more information and to learn how to file a complaint, go to Submit service feedback
If you are not satisfied with how the CRA has handled your service-related complaint, you can submit a complaint to the Office of the Taxpayers' Ombudsperson.
Reprisal complaints
If you have received a response regarding a previously submitted service complaint or a formal review of a CRA decision and feel you were not treated impartially by a CRA employee, you can submit a reprisal complaint by filling out Form RC459, Reprisal Complaint.
For more information, go to Reprisal Complaints.
Due dates
When a due date falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or public holiday recognized by the CRA, your return is considered on time if the CRA receives it or if it is postmarked on or before the next business day.
For more information, go to Due dates and payment dates.
Cancel or waive penalties and interest
The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) administers legislation, commonly called the taxpayer relief provisions, that gives the CRA discretion to cancel or waive penalties and interest when taxpayers cannot meet their tax obligations due to circumstances beyond their control.
The CRA's discretion to grant relief is limited to any period that ended within 10 calendar years before the year in which a relief request is made.
For penalties, the CRA will consider your request only if it relates to a tax year or fiscal period ending in any of the 10 calendar years before the year in which you make your request. For example, your request made in 2023 must relate to a penalty for a tax year or fiscal period ending in 2013 or later.
For interest on a balance owing for any tax year or fiscal period, the CRA will consider only the amounts that accrued during the 10 calendar years before the year in which you make your request. For example, your request made in 2023 must relate to interest that accrued in 2013 or later.
Taxpayer relief requests can be made online using the CRA's My Account, My Business Account (MyBA), or Represent a Client digital services:
- My Account: After signing in, select "Accounts and payments," then "Request relief of penalties and interest."
- MyBA or Represent a Client: After signing in, on the overview page, select the appropriate program from the left menu and then select the account. Finally, select "Request relief of penalties and interest" from the right menu.
You can also fill out Form RC4288, Request for Taxpayer Relief - Cancel or Waive Penalties and Interest, and send it in one of the following ways:
- online using My Account: select "Submit documents" from the left menu; then select "Submit documents" again at the bottom of the next page; and then follow the instructions
- online using MyBA or Represent a Client: select "Submit documents" from the left menu; then select "No case or reference number?"; and finally, select "Request taxpayer relief – cancel or waive penalties and interest (Form RC4288)"
- by mail to the designated office, as shown on the last page of the form, based on your place of residence
For information on the "Submit Documents Online" service, go to Submit documents online.
For more details on the required supporting documents, relief from penalties and interest and other related forms and publications, go to Cancel or waive penalties and interest at the CRA.
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