Latest environmental indicators
This page lists the indicators recently released by the Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators program.
#CdnEnv #Sustainability #Indicators
August 2024
Air indicators
Emissions of harmful substances to air
Emissions of some substances can harm human health, wildlife and biological diversity. For example, small particles of toxic metals can travel long distances in the air, be inhaled, or settle on the ground and in water. From there, the particles can enter the food web and build up in the tissues of living organisms. Exposure to these substances, even in small amounts, can be hazardous to both humans and ecosystems. Mercury and its compounds, lead, and inorganic cadmium compounds are listed as toxic substances under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. The emissions of harmful substances to air indicator reports on mercury, lead and cadmium emissions from human-related activities.
Key results
- In 2022, mercury, lead and cadmium emissions had decreased by 91%, 88% and 95%, respectively from 1990 levels
Climate indicators
Global greenhouse gas emissions
The release of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and their increasing concentration in the atmosphere is causing climate change, one of the most important environmental issues of our time. This change has an impact on the environment, human health and the economy. The increase in GHG concentrations is primarily due to human activities, such as the use of fossil fuels. Greenhouse gases remain in the atmosphere for periods ranging from a few years to thousands of years. As such, they have a worldwide impact, no matter where they were first emitted. This indicator highlights GHG emissions caused by human activity around the world.
Key results
- Between 2005 and 2021, global GHG emissions increased by 24%, from 39 001 to 48 210 megatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (Mt CO2 eq)
- Between 2005 and 2021, per capita global GHG emissions increased by 2.67%, from 5.99 to 6.15 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (t CO2 eq)
Water indicators
Releases of harmful substances to water
The release of some substances to the environment can harm human health, wildlife and biological diversity. Toxic metals released to water can enter the food web and accumulate in the tissues of living organisms. Exposure to these substances, even in small amounts, can be hazardous to both humans and wildlife. Mercury and its compounds, lead and inorganic cadmium compounds are listed as toxic under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. The Releases of harmful substances to water indicator reports facility-based releases of these substances to water.
Key results
- Facility-based releases of mercury, lead and cadmium to water were 79%, 71% and 56% lower in 2022 than in 2003, respectively
- In 2014, a significant spill accounted for 92%, 92% and 59% of total releases of mercury, lead and cadmium, respectively
- 2022 represented the lowest year on record for releases to water of mercury and cadmium, and the second lowest for lead
July 2024
Climate indicators
Temperature is a key indicator of how the climate is changing in response to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from human activities, as increasing GHG concentrations result in warming of the lower atmosphere. Temperature change can influence crops, forests, infrastructure, human health, the spread of disease, the availability of water and the health of ecosystems.
Key results
- In Canada, the national average temperature for the year 2023 was 2.8 degrees Celsius (°C) above the 1961 to 1990 reference value, making it the second warmest year since 1948
- From 1948 to 2023, there is a trend in annual average temperature departures, showing 2.0°C of warming over that period
- Annual average temperatures were consistently above or equal to the reference value from 1997 onward
Biodiversity indicators
Harvest levels of key fish stocks
Harvest limits for wild fish and other marine animals are set to protect these stocks for the future. Some fish stocks have a removal reference, which is the maximum acceptable removal rate, or level, for the stock based on historical stock productivity data. When removal references are not available, actual harvest levels are compared to other approved levels like total allowable catch.
Key results
- Of the 195 key stocks assessed in 2022:
- 189 stocks (97%) were harvested at or below a removal reference or an approved level
- 6 stocks (3%) were harvested above an approved level
- From 2012 to 2022, the percentage of stocks harvested above approved levels has been consistently low (below 5% of total stocks)
Human use of the oceans (including fishing) and environmental conditions affect the abundance and health of fish stocks at national and global levels. In order to maintain fish stocks for future generations, it is important to track their status and adjust management measures (such as harvest rates and limits). This indicator reports on the status (Healthy, Cautious, Critical or uncertain) of key Canadian fish stocks as found in the Sustainability Survey for Fisheries.
Key results
- Many of the new stocks added in recent years have an uncertain status
- Of the 195 key fish stocks assessed in 2022:
- 66 stocks (34%) were in the Healthy zone
- 24 stocks (12%) were in the Cautious zone
- 23 stocks (12%) were in the Critical zone
- 82 stocks (42%) could not be classified and have an uncertain status
Conserved areas safeguard biodiversity for present and future generations by reducing stresses from human activities. They also provide opportunities for people to connect with nature. Conserved areas include protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs). Protected areas include national, provincial and territorial parks, Indigenous protected areas, national wildlife areas, migratory bird sanctuaries and marine protected areas. OECMs are areas that do not meet the formal definition of protected area but are managed in a way that conserves biodiversity over the long term. Examples of OECMs can include: Indigenous territories, watersheds or resource management areas, and areas with restricted access, such as those used by the military. These indicators track the amount and proportion of area recognized as conserved in Canada.
Key results
- At the end of 2023, Canada had conserved
- 13.7% of its terrestrial area (land and freshwater), including 12.8% in protected areas
- 14.7% of its marine territory, including 9.1% in protected areas
- Terrestrial area conserved has increased by 101% in the last 20 years, by 22% in the last 5 years, and by 1% in the last year
- Marine area conserved has increased by 3 099% in the last 20 years, by 137% in the last 5 years, and by less than 1% in the last year
June 2024
Air indicators
Air pollution problems, such as smog and acid rain, result from the release of pollutants into the atmosphere. These pollutants can affect Canadians' health, the environment, buildings, structures and the economy. The majority of these pollutants are released through human activities, such as transportation, the burning of fuels for electricity and heating, and a variety of industrial activities. The indicators on sulphur oxides (SOX), nitrogen oxides (NOX), volatile organic compounds (VOCs), carbon monoxide (CO), ammonia (NH3), fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and black carbon, a component of PM2.5, report emissions released through human activities.
Key results
- In 2022, emissions of 5 key air pollutants were lower than in 1990:
- SOX 78% lower,
- NOX 42% lower,
- VOCs 38% lower,
- CO 65% lower, and
- PM2.5 22% lower
- Emissions of NH3 were 22% higher in 2022 than in 1990
Air pollutants cause adverse health and environmental effects. Problems such as smog and acid rain result from the release of pollutants into the atmosphere. Most of these pollutants come from human activities, such as the burning of fuels for transportation, electricity, heating, and industry. Pollutants from natural sources, such as wildfires, can be equally substantial contributors to poor air quality when they occur. The Air quality indicators present the concentrations of 5 key air pollutants for Canada: fine particulate matter (PM2.5), ground-level ozone (O3), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulphur dioxide (SO2) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
Key results
From 2006 to 2020,
- average and peak PM2.5 concentrations exhibited large fluctuations compared to 2006 levels, with the highest concentration recorded in 2018 due to wildfire activity
- average O3 concentrations remained close to 2006 levels, while peak O3 concentrations have slightly decreased
- NO2 and SO2 (average and peak) and average VOC concentrations have generally decreased since 2006. The decrease was more pronounced for SO2 than for NO2 or VOC
Water indicators
Nutrients in the St. Lawrence River
The St. Lawrence River links the Great Lakes with the Atlantic Ocean and is among the world's most important commercial waterways. It is a complex ecosystem that includes freshwater lakes and river reaches, a long estuary, and a salt-water gulf. Its many different habitats are home to a diverse range of plants, fish and other animals.
Phosphorus and nitrogen are essential plant nutrients. However, when their levels are too high or too low, they can have harmful effects on the food web of a river. Human activity, such as the use of chemical fertilizers, can increase the concentration of these nutrients to unhealthy levels. This indicator presents the status of each station as the percentage of samples above the nutrient guideline. It also provides the concentration of phosphorus and nitrogen, as well as any significant trends present in the concentrations over time where data were available.
Key results
- Out of 13 stations for the 2021 to 2023 period,
- Phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations were above the guidelines at most monitoring stations
- Nitrogen status was rated Poor at 6 stations, Fair at 4 stations, and Good at 3 stations
- Phosphorus status was rated Poor at 5 stations, Fair at 3 stations, and Good at 5 stations
May 2024
Climate indicators
Climate change is one of the most important environmental issues of our time. Climate change is caused by the increase in concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) in the atmosphere. These increases are primarily due to GHG emissions resulting from human activities such as the use of fossil fuels or agriculture. This changing climate has impacts on the environment, human health and the economy. The indicators report estimates of Canada's emissions of GHGs over time.
Key results
- Canada's total GHG emissions in 2022 were 708 megatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (Mt CO2 eq), a 1.3% increase from 698 Mt CO2 eq in 2021
- From 2005 to 2022, Canada's GHG emissions decreased by 7.1% (54 Mt CO2 eq)
- Between 1990 and 2022, Canada's GHG emissions increased by 16.5% (100 Mt CO2 eq)
Greenhouse gas emissions from large facilities
Releases of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and their increasing concentrations in the atmosphere are leading to a changing climate. This change has an impact on the environment, human health and the economy. This indicator tracks GHG emissions from the largest emitting facilities in Canada. The indicator complements the Greenhouse gas emissions indicators and provides information on an important source of Canada's industrial GHG emissions.
Key results
In 2022,
- 293 megatonnes (Mt) of GHGs in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2 eq) were emitted by 1 814 facilities reporting to the Government of Canada's GHG Reporting Program
- emissions from the reporting facilities accounted for 41% of Canada's total GHG emissions
Biodiversity indicators
Ability of the agricultural landscape to support wildlife
When we convert natural landscapes to agricultural land, the amount and quality of habitat to support the breeding activities of wild species, or "wildlife habitat capacity", generally decreases. However, we can maintain or restore some of this capacity through effective management techniques, for example by protecting waterways, maintaining shelterbelts or other natural features, or sustainable grazing practices. This indicator shows the extent to which breeding habitat in agricultural landscapes for terrestrial species is maintained while producing the products we eat and use. The agricultural landscape considered in this indicator includes various types of land cover, such as croplands, native grasslands, natural pastures, woodlands and wetlands.
Key results
- In 2020, the overall ability of Canada's agricultural landscape to support wildlife was rated as moderate
- The largest proportion of the landscape is rated as high (37%)
- From 2000 to 2020, the ability of the agricultural landscape to support wildlife across Canada was stable for most (78%), but declined for about 22%
March 2024
Water indicators
Water quantity in Canadian rivers
Canada is a water-rich country. However, too much or too little water can lead to serious problems, such as flooding or drought. Depending on the region in Canada, changes to the amount of water flowing in rivers can be linked to changes in weather and climate along with other drivers such as human development and demand.
The water quantity indicator provides information about water flows in rivers across Canada from 2001 to 2021 and by monitoring station for 2021. Longer-term trends provide an assessment of significant changes in flows, including very high and very low flows that can result in flooding or drought, from 1970 to 2021.
Key results
- Overall, in 2021, water quantity in Canada was:
- higher than normal at 11% of the stations
- normal at 60% of the stations
- lower than normal at 29% of the stations.
Climate indicators
Snow cover is an important factor in Canada’s climate, water flows and ecosystems. Snow cover varies with temperature, precipitation and climate cycles (e.g. El Niño), which influence long term trends. Information on snow cover extent and snow cover duration is important for assessing long-term changes in climate in Canada.
Key results
- Since the early 1970s, snow cover extent has decreased significantly in Canada during the months of May and June
- Since 1999, snow cover duration has increased in southern Canada and central British Columbia. Snow cover duration has decreased along the Pacific coast of Canada, most of the Canadian Arctic, and along the Rocky Mountains
- Since 1981, snow water equivalent has increased in central British Columbia and the Prairies. Snow water equivalent has decreased in northern Canada, the Maritimes, and around the Great Lakes
Air indicators
International comparison: air pollutant emissions in selected countries
Air pollution problems, such as smog and acid rain, result from the release of pollutants into the atmosphere. The majority of these pollutants are released through human activities, such as transportation, the burning of fuels for electricity and heating, and a variety of industrial activities. Air pollution can affect human health, the environment, buildings, structures, and the economy. These indicators compare Canada's emissions of 5 key air pollutants with those of top emitting member countries of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), both in terms of total quantity and emissions intensity (the ratio of emissions to gross domestic product).
Key results
In 2021, among OECD member countries, Canada ranked:
- ranked 2nd highest in carbon monoxide (CO) and in fine particulate matter (PM2.5) emissions
- ranked 3rd highest in nitrogen oxides (NOx) and in volatile organic compounds (VOC) emissions
- ranked 4th highest in sulphur oxides (SOx) emissions
Biodiversity indicators
Forest management and disturbances
In 2022, Canada's forests made up an area of approximately 3.7 million square kilometres (about 40% of Canada's land area). These forests account for approximately 9% of the world's forests. Much of it grows in the boreal zone, throughout which over 2.8 million square kilometres of forest are interspersed with lakes, wetlands, and other ecosystems. Canada's rich forest ecosystems offer significant environmental, social and cultural benefits, as well as opportunities for responsible economic development.
Key results
In 2021:
- Canada's sustainable wood supply was approximately 215 million cubic metres
- the amount of industrial roundwood harvested in 2021 was 147 million cubic metres, which represents approximately 68% of the sustainable wood supply
February 2024
Water indicators
Water quality in Canadian rivers
Healthy river ecosystems rely on clean water. The quality of water and the health of rivers depend on how people develop and use the surrounding land. These indicators classify the water quality of rivers into 5 categories to give an indication of the ability of a river to support the plants and animals that live in or use the water.
Key results
- For the 2018 to 2020 period, water quality in rivers in Canada was rated fair to excellent at 83% of the monitored sites
- Land development through agriculture, mining, forestry, high population density or a combination of these (mixed pressures) tends to have a negative impact on water quality
January 2024
Water indicators
Reductions in phosphorus loads to Lake Winnipeg
Lake Winnipeg is the sixth largest freshwater lake in Canada, with its drainage basin stretching over four provinces and four U.S. states. The land in the basin is mainly used for agriculture and is home to nearly seven million people.
The deterioration of water quality in Lake Winnipeg is mainly caused by nutrients and other contaminants from various sources throughout the basin. The increased concentration in nutrients and algal blooms since the mid-1990s has been partially due to an increase in precipitations, runoffs, floods, and river flows.
Key results
- Projects completed between 2010 and 2023 have prevented an estimated 390 445 kilograms of phosphorus from reaching Lake Winnipeg
Socio-economic indicators and the environment
Solid waste diversion and disposal
The way our economies extract, use, then dispose of resources is putting pressure on natural systems, communities and public health. Preventing and diverting waste by reusing, repairing, refurbishing, remanufacturing, repurposing, recycling and composting is a key component of a more circular economy which can help reduce the impact of solid waste on the environment. The circular economy seeks to keep products, materials and resources in use for as long as possible and then divert them from landfills to be reused in some way. Currently, most garbage collected for disposal ends up in landfills and a small amount is incinerated. This can lead to air pollutant emissions, land disturbance and water pollution. The extraction and processing of new resources needed to replace those discarded as waste leads to more pollution.
Key results
- From 2002 to 2020,
- the total amount of solid waste generated in Canada increased by 5.3 million tonnes (or 17%) to reach 36.0 million tonnes
- the amount of waste diverted increased by 3.3 million tonnes (or 49%) to reach 9.9 million tonnes
- the amount of waste disposed in landfills or incinerated increased by 2.0 million tonnes (or 8%) to reach 26.1 million tonnes
- In 2020, 27.5% of solid waste generated in Canada was diverted, while the remaining 72.5% was sent for disposal
December 2023
Climate indicators
Greenhouse gas emissions projections
Climate change is caused by the increase in concentrations of greenhouse gases (GHGs) which trap heat in the Earth's atmosphere. These increases are primarily due to GHG emissions from human activities.
Canada's actions to address climate change at home and abroad are guided by the 2015 Paris Agreement goal of holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, and pursuing efforts to limit the global temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In 2021, Canada announced a commitment to cut its GHG emissions by 40% to 45% below 2005 levels by 2030. Previously, Canada had committed to reducing its GHG emissions by 30% below 2005 levels by 2030. In the 2030 Emissions Reductions Plan, released in March 2022, Canada announced an interim objective to reduce GHG emissions by 20% below 2005 levels by 2026.
To estimate future GHG emissions, Canada develops GHG projections on an annual basis, using the most up-to-date assumptions of the key drivers that influence Canada's emissions. This indicator uses the latest GHG emissions projections to present the forecasted progress toward Canada's 2030 target.
Key results
- Under the "Reference case" scenario, emissions in Canada are projected to be 560 megatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (Mt CO2 eq) in 2030 (or 23% below 2005 levels)
- Under the "Additional measures" scenario, emissions are projected to decline to 467 Mt CO2 eq in 2030 (or 36% below 2005 levels)
- 2035 emissions are projected to decline further, reaching 541 Mt CO2 eq (26% below 2005 levels) under the "Reference case" scenario and 423 Mt CO2 eq (42% below 2005 levels) under the "Additional measures" scenario
Water indicators
Phosphorus loading to Lake Erie
Phosphorus is a plant nutrient that is essential in freshwater systems. However, when phosphorus levels are too high, or too low, they can have harmful impacts on the health of a lake. High phosphorus levels in Lake Erie are leading to degraded water quality, algal blooms and zones of low oxygen which negatively impact aquatic life. In the absence of human development, natural background levels of phosphorus are relatively low. This indicator provides information about the amount of phosphorus reaching Lake Erie, known as phosphorus loading, mainly due to human activity.
Key results
- In 2022, total estimated phosphorus loading to Lake Erie was 9 379 tonnes, with 22% (2 091 tonnes) of the total load estimated to be from Canada
- The highest total estimated phosphorus loading to Lake Erie was 13 533 tonnes in 2019 with 19% (2 588 tonnes) of the total load estimated to be from Canada
- The lowest total estimated phosphorus loading to Lake Erie was 5 672 tonnes in 2010 with 16% (903 tonnes) of the total load estimated to be from Canada
- There has not been a clear upward or downward trend over time; the 2022 results were in line with the average of the 2008 to 2022 period
Wildlife and habitat indicators
Changes in the status of wildlife species at risk
Wildlife species are essential to the integrity of ecosystems. However, some wildlife species are at risk of disappearing from Canada. Wildlife species that are thought to be at risk are periodically assessed. This indicator reports on changes in the status of wildlife species at risk when they are reassessed. Changes in status over time may help determine whether conditions for these wildlife species are improving.
Key results
Of the 530 wildlife species at risk that have been reassessed since the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada started their assessments in 1982, and for which sufficient data are available to determine if there has been a change in status:
- 85 wildlife species (16%) are now in a higher risk category
- 105 wildlife species (20%) are now in a lower risk category
- 340 wildlife species (64%) show no change in status
Species at risk population trends
Healthy wildlife populations are an important part of biodiversity. In Canada, some species that have experienced population declines or are naturally rare are now in danger of disappearing. Recovery or management actions are put in place to protect wildlife species that are identified as being at risk and are in danger of disappearing. Ensuring the successful recovery or management of a species at risk can be a long-term process involving various measures to stop or reverse the decline in the species and improve the likelihood that it will persist in the wild. This indicator provides a preliminary assessment of whether the population (how many) and distribution (how they are spread out) trends of species at risk listed under the Species at Risk Act are consistent with what is listed in their recovery or management objectives.
Key results
Of the 158 species at risk that include population and distribution objectives and for which trends could be determined, as of May 2023:
- 70 species (44%) show progress towards their objectives
- 19 species (12%) show mixed evidence, meaning that some information suggests improving trends, but there is also some evidence of decline
- 69 species (44%) do not show progress towards their objectives
October 2023
Air indicators
Emissions of harmful substances to air
Emissions of some substances can harm human health, wildlife and biological diversity. For example, small particles of toxic metals can travel long distances in the air, be inhaled, or settle on the ground and in water. There, they can enter the food web and build up in the tissues of living organisms. Exposure to these substances, even in small amounts, can be hazardous to both humans and wildlife. Mercury and its compounds, lead, and inorganic cadmium compounds are listed as toxic substances under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. The emissions of harmful substances to air indicator reports on mercury, lead and cadmium emissions from human-related activities.
Key results
- In 2021, mercury, lead and cadmium emissions had decreased by 90%, 91% and 94%, respectively from 1990 levels
Socio-economic indicators
Human exposure to harmful substances
Chemical substances are present in air, soil, water, products and food. Humans are exposed to chemicals in many ways, including inhalation, ingestion and skin contact. For some of these substances exposure, even in small amounts, can be hazardous to both humans and wildlife. Mercury and its compounds, lead, inorganic cadmium compounds and bisphenol A (BPA) are listed as toxic substances under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. These indicators present the average concentrations of mercury, lead, cadmium and BPA in the Canadian population.
Key results
Biomonitoring data collected between Cycle 1 (2007 to 2009) and Cycle 6 (2018 to 2019) showed that the average concentrations in the Canadian population of:
- bisphenol A (BPA), lead and cadmium generally decreased
- mercury remained relatively unchanged
September 2023
Air indicators
Population exposure to outdoor air pollutants
Breathing in air pollutants can contribute to health issues such as asthma, cardiovascular diseases and other illnesses causing premature mortality. The Canadian Ambient Air Quality Standards (CAAQS, the standards) are health and environmental-based outdoor air quality objectives for pollutant concentrations in the air. They are designed to better protect human health and the environment from air pollution, and to promote continuous improvement in air quality across Canada. This indicator tracks the percentage of the population living in areas of Canadian regions where concentrations of outdoor air pollutants were less than or equal to the 2020 standards.
Key results
- In the most recent reporting period (2019 to 2021), 85% of Canadians lived in areas where outdoor concentrations of air pollutants were within the standard
- This represents an improvement on the 64% established for the previous period (2018 to 2020), a period largely influenced by the 2018 wildfires in British Columbia (1.36 million hectares burned, the largest area on record for the province) and in the United States that caused standards to be exceeded in Alberta and British Columbia
- This is not only an improvement on the 63% established for the first period (2005 to 2007) but also the highest proportion recorded since this reference period
Water indicators
Releases of harmful substances to water
The release of some substances to the environment can harm human health, wildlife and biological diversity. Toxic metals released to water can enter the food web and accumulate in the tissues of living organisms. Exposure to these substances, even in small amounts, can be hazardous to both humans and wildlife. Mercury and its compounds, lead, and inorganic cadmium compounds are listed as toxic under the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999. The Releases of harmful substances to water indicator reports facility-based releases of these substances to water.
Key results
- Facility-based releases of mercury, lead and cadmium to water were 74%, 73% and 55% lower in 2021 than in 2003, respectively
- In 2014, a significant spill accounted for 92%, 92% and 59% of total releases of mercury, lead and cadmium, respectively
Restoring the Great Lakes Areas of Concern
The Great Lakes basin is Canada's most populated region. Its large population and extensive development places a strain on ecosystem health. Locations having experienced a high level of environmental damage from human activity are called Areas of Concern. This indicator assesses progress on restoring Areas of Concern around the Great Lakes within Canadian waters and those shared with the United States.
Key results
- Environmental quality in Canada's 17 Great Lakes Areas of Concern has improved since the restoration program began in 1987
- As of 2023, 3 of the 17 Areas of Concern have been fully restored and delisted
Wildlife and habitat indicators
Animal wildlife is one of the most visible and well-studied aspects of biodiversity. The 2022 Living Planet Index, which tracks populations of vertebrate species, indicates an average global decline of 69% in the relative abundance of monitored wildlife populations since 1970.
The Canadian species index indicator uses similar methods to the Living Planet Index but is based on a selection of Canadian species. It shows whether the population abundance of monitored vertebrate species have increased or decreased since 1970. The index is an "average of trends", rather than a measure of change in the total number of animals: each species, whether it is common or rare, has the same effect on the index. This, in turn, provides an integrated measure of the condition of our environment.
Key results
By species group
Between 1970 and 2018,
- the population abundance of all monitored vertebrate species declined by 7% on average
- the population abundance of monitored mammal and fish species decreased by 42% and 30% on average, respectively
By system
From 1970 to 2018,
- the index for the terrestrial system, which includes most of the bird and mammal populations, and some reptiles and amphibians, decreased by 14%
- the index for the marine system, which includes mammals (such as whales and seals), birds (such as terns), 1 reptile (the leatherback turtle) and most of the fish populations decreased by 16%
- the index for the freshwater system, which includes birds (such as waterfowl), 2 mammals (beaver and river otter), fish, and the majority of amphibian and reptile populations, increased by 38%
August 2023
Climate indicators
Global greenhouse gas emissions
The release of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and their increasing concentration in the atmosphere is leading to a changing climate. This change has an impact on the environment, human health and the economy. Greenhouse gases remain in the atmosphere for periods ranging from a few years to thousands of years. As such, they have a worldwide impact, no matter where they were first emitted. This indicator highlights GHG emissions caused by human activity around the world.
The latest year reported (2020) coincides with the 1st year of the COVID-19 pandemic which affected a wide range of economic sectors, including the energy and transport sectors. The long-term trends presented must be interpreted in the context of the economic slowdown that influenced results from 2019 to 2020.
Key results
- Between 2005 and 2020, global GHG emissions increased by 18.2%, from 39 004 to 46 121 megatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (Mt CO2 eq)
- In 2020, the highest emitting country was China with 12 943 Mt CO2 eq, or 28.1% of global GHG emissions. Since 2005, emissions from China increased by 78.2%
- Canada's emissions in 2020 reached 678 Mt CO2 eq, which made up 1.5% of global GHG emissions
Water indicators
Municipal wastewater treatment
Every day, millions of cubic metres (m3) of wastewater are discharged from homes, businesses, institutions, and industries into city sewer systems. Municipal wastewater is one of the largest sources of pollution to surface water in Canada. Before being released to the environment, wastewater needs to be treated. A higher level of wastewater treatment leads to a cleaner effluent and a smaller impact on the environment. The indicators show the level of wastewater treatment provided to the Canadian population and present the proportion of wastewater systems meeting the effluent quality national standards.
Key results
Level of wastewater treatment provided to Canadians
- Over the 2013 to 2020 period, the proportion of the population served by municipal wastewater systems remained stable at about 86%
- Since 2013, the proportion of population served by each treatment category remained stable with around 28.1%, 42.7% and 13.6% for tertiary, secondary and primary treatments, respectively
- About 1.8% of the population was served by systems discharging untreated wastewater
- In 2020, 13.8% of the population was not served by municipal wastewater systems
Effluent quality
- In 2021, 76.2% of the reporting municipal wastewater systems released effluents that met the regulatory quality standards, corresponding to 70.8% of the effluents volume
- Between 2015 and 2021, the proportion of reporting municipal wastewater systems meeting quality regulatory standard effluents dropped slightly, from 81.0% (1 099 out of 1 356 systems) to 76.2% (1 391 out of 1 826 systems), by contrast, the effluent volume meeting the standards increased slightly from 66.2% (3 302 million m3 out of 4 986 million m3) to 70.8% (3 612 million m3 out of 5 105 million m3)
Wildlife and habitat indicators
Ecological integrity of national parks
Ecosystems have ecological integrity when their components, such as native species, biological communities, natural landscapes, and ecological functions, are intact and are likely to persist. Annually, Parks Canada summarizes the condition (good, fair, poor) and the trend (improving, stable, declining) of ecosystems' ecological integrity in national parks using a series of monitoring measures to track changes in biodiversity and natural processes.
Key results
- 117 ecosystems in 42 national parks were assessed in 2022. Of those,
- 55% are in good condition, 29% are in fair condition, and 16% are in poor condition
- 68% are stable, 11% are improving, and 21% are declining
- Overall, the ecological integrity of 79% of park ecosystems was stable or improving in 2022. This represents an 11% decrease from 2016
By ecosystem type
- 86% of coastal/marine, 78% of tundra and 75% of wetland ecosystems were stable
- 100% of glacier, 29% of forest and 21% of freshwater ecosystems were declining
- 17% of wetlands, 15% of freshwater and 13% of forest ecosystems were improving
Previous releases
The Canadian Environmental Sustainability Indicators program develops and regularly reports on a wide range of environmental indicators. These indicators are used to keep Canadians informed and up-to-date on the state and trends of environmental issues of concern. The indicators also track and report on the progress of the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy. Indicators from past releases are listed below.
July 2023
May 2023
February 2023
January 2023
December 2022
September 2022
August 2022
Page details
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