Resources for supporting communities

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CRA resources for organizations supporting communities
Link Tags Type
Benefit finder Taxes, benefits, and credits
Benefit payment calculator Taxes, benefits, and credits
Medical expenses Forms and publications
Newcomers to Canada (immigrants and returning residents) Taxes, benefits, and credits
Student aid Taxes, benefits, and credits
Tax credits and deductions for persons with disabilities Taxes, benefits, and credits
Tax information for seniors Taxes, benefits, and credits
Taxes and benefits for Indigenous peoples Taxes, benefits, and credits
Tax information for students Taxes, benefits, and credits
GST/HST and Indigenous peoples Taxes, benefits, and credits
Northern residents deductions Taxes, benefits, and credits
Northern service centres Taxes, benefits, and credits
Canada caregiver credit Taxes, benefits, and credits
Canada training credit Taxes, benefits, and credits
Canada child benefit Taxes, benefits, and credits
Canada workers benefit disability supplement Taxes, benefits, and credits
Child disability benefit Taxes, benefits, and credits
Tax credits and benefits for individuals Taxes, benefits, and credits
Disability tax credit (DTC) Taxes, benefits, and credits
Find ways to do your taxes (including certified tax software) Taxes, benefits, and credits
Get ready to do your taxes Taxes, benefits, and credits
GST/HST credit Taxes, benefits, and credits
CRA forms and publications Forms and publications
Individuals video gallery Forms and publications
Form AUT-01, Authorize a Representative for offline access Forms and publications
CTB9, Canada child benefit – Statement of income Forms and publications
Form RC151, GST/HST Credit Application for Individuals who Became Residents of Canada Forms and publications
Form RC325, Address change request Forms and publications
Form RC65, Marital Status Change Forms and publications
Form RC66, Canada Child Benefits Application Forms and publications
Schedule RC66SCH, Status in Canada and Income Forms and publications
Form T1032 – Joint Election to Split Pension Forms and publications
Form T1213 – Request to Reduce Tax Deductions at Source Forms and publications
Form T2201, Disability Tax Credit Certificate Forms and publications
Guide P105, Students and Income Tax Forms and publications
Information Sheet RC192, Information for Students - Educational Institutions Outside of Canada Forms and publications
Guide RC4064, Disability-Related Information Forms and publications
Guide RC4065, Medical Expenses Forms and publications
Guide T4040, RRSPs and Other Registered Plans Forms and publications
Guide RC4055, Newcomers to Canada Forms and publications
Schedule 6, Canada Workers Benefit Forms and publications
Canada Direct Deposit enrollment form Forms and publications

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