Updates for cannabis and industrial hemp

From Health Canada

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Title Date Description Type of licence Type of cannabis product Subject
Updated reporting guidance for federal licence holders and provincial/territorial reporting authorities 2025-2-11 Health Canada has recently updated its reporting guides. The new guides contain information on how to use certain new features that have been applied to the Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System (CTLS).

Standard processing licence

Micro-processing licence

Standard cultivation licence

Micro-cultivation licence

Sale for medical purposes licence

Nursery licence


Reporting requirements

Standard operating procedures (SOPs)

Cannabis tracking and licensing system (CTLS)

Cannabis Inspection Data Questionnaire 2025-02-04

Health Canada is dedicated to advancing transparency and fostering a comprehensive understanding of the cannabis inspection data stakeholders wish to access. In addition to the annual Compliance & Enforcement Report—Cannabis Inspection Data Summary, Health Canada has recently enhanced its commitment to openness by publishing semi-annual inspection data on the Open Government Portal. This initiative seeks to increase transparency and accessibility, enabling data professionals, media, and other interested stakeholders who wish to conduct their own analysis access to cannabis inspection data.

The success of this effort hinges on aligning published data with the specific needs of its users. Input from diverse stakeholders, including representatives from the cannabis industry, media, academia, and the general public, is essential to identifying the most relevant and valuable data for publication.

To facilitate this process, the Cannabis Program in Cannabis, Tobacco and Controlled Substances Directorate (CTCSD) at Health Canada has developed a comprehensive questionnaire designed to collect stakeholder feedback. The insights gathered will guide the refinement and enhancement of the data published, ensuring it effectively meets the requirements of its intended audiences.

For additional details or inquiries, please contact:

Cannabis Program
Cannabis, Tobacco and Controlled Substances Directorate
Regulatory Operations and Enforcement Branch
Health Canada

  Any inspections
Final consequential amendments to the Cannabis Regulations related to food additives 2024-12-24 As a follow-up to the consultation on the proposal to modernize the regulatory frameworks for food compositional standards, microbiological criteria, methods of analysis and food additives, Health Canada published the final amendments to the Food and Drug Regulations, including consequential amendments to the Cannabis Regulations related to food additives. These amendments come into effect immediately. (Any) all licence holders Edibles Cannabis Regulations
Sending notices to local authorities 2024-12-10 Do you own a licence for cultivation, processing or medical sales with possession? Has your licence been issued, amended, suspended, reinstated or revoked in the last 30 days? If you answered yes, then you need to notify your local and/or provincial authorities in writing and provide a copy to Health Canada within 30 days. For more information, visit the Manage your cannabis licence guide.

Standard processing licence

Micro-processing licence

Standard cultivation licence

Micro-cultivation licence

Sale for medical purposes licence

Nursery licence


Cannabis Regulations

Licence application, amendments and renewals

Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System (CTLS) User Guide now available online 2024-11-26 Users of the CTLS can now access the user guide online. It includes system information on getting started, submitting licence and permit applications, making licence changes and submitting reports on licensed activity. It should be used alongside the existing web pages for application and licence management. N/A Cannabis tracking and licensing system (CTLS)
Starting material for cultivation licences 2024-11-13 New cultivation and nursery licence applicants can receive starting material from various sources including federal licence holders and, in exceptional cases, unregulated sources. Depending on your source, a declaration may need to be submitted. Standard cultivation licence
Micro-cultivation licence
Nursery licence
N/A Licence applications
New guidance available on annual summary reports 2024-11-05

Health Canada recently published guidance on annual summary reports. This guidance instructs licence holders regulated under the Cannabis Act on how to apply paragraph 248.1 (1) (b) of the Cannabis Regulations.

If you have any questions about this document, contact cannabis_oss-cannabis_bss@hc-sc.gc.ca.

Standard processing licence
Micro-processing licence
Sale for medical purposes licence
Research licence
Any Cannabis regulations
Reporting requirements
Cannabis act
Licence renewal periods 2024-10-01 Licences can be renewed for up to a 5-year validity period. Your renewal term depends on several factors including the submission of accurate documentation, past site inspection ratings, and timely payment of annual regulatory fee (ARF) invoices. Standard processing licence
Micro-processing licence
Standard cultivation licence
Micro-cultivation licence
Sale for medical purposes licence
Nursery licence
N/A Licence applications, amendments and renewals
Compliance and enforcement report: Cannabis inspection data summary 2023 to 2024 2024-10-01 Health Canada has published the inspection data summary report for fiscal year 2023 to 2024 including the licence holder inspection results. (Any) all licence holders Any Compliance
Compliance and inspections
Renewing your cannabis licence 2024-09-17 To renew your licence, you need to submit your renewal application through the Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System (CTLS) at least 4 months before your licence expires. Only requests received through the CTLS will be processed. Standard processing licence
Micro-processing licence
Standard cultivation licence
Micro-cultivation licence
Sale for medical purposes licence
Nursery licence

Licence application, amendments and renewals


Update to "Classification of edible cannabis" Compliance Promotion Statement 2024-09-03 In March 2023, Health Canada published a Compliance Promotion Statement on the classification of edible cannabis. Health Canada wishes to inform Licence Holders that the statement has been updated to include the "Policy on the Classification for Ingestible Cannabis Products," previously shared with Licence Holders in December 2023. Health Canada continually reviews policies and guidance and will inform licence holders of any future changes.  (Any) all licence holders Edibles

Cannabis composition requirements

Cannabis Regulations

Angelo, Vendetta and Citrico were added to the List of Approved Cultivars for the 2024 growing season 2024-09-03 The 2024 List of Approved Cultivars (LOAC) is now available on the Health Canada website. The 2024 LOAC includes the addition of Angelo, Vendetta and Citrico as new cultivars. The next submission deadline is September 1, 2024. However, Licence Holders can submit varieties at any time of the year. Industrial hemp licence Hemp Industrial Hemp Regulations
Amendments to section 10 of the Cannabis Fees Order 2024-09-03 On August 28, 2024, Health Canada published amendments to section 10 of the Cannabis Fees Order. The amendments address a technical issue that has resulted in some unintentional disqualifications from the exemption in the exit year and simplify the process of receiving an exemption to the annual regulatory fee for licence holders who sell cannabis exclusively for medical purposes. Sale for medical purposes licence Any Fees
Legislation and regulations
Updates to information for new cannabis licence holders 2024-09-03 Health Canada has updated the Information for new cannabis licence holders web page for cultivation, processing or sale for medical purposes licences. The pages now include important reminders for new licence holders as well as links to the newly published Reporting requirements for cannabis and industrial hemp licences web page.

Standard processing licence
Micro-processing licence
Standard cultivation licence
Micro-cultivation licence
Sale for medical purposes licence

Nursery licence




Update to the cannabis licensing application web pages 2024-08-09 Health Canada has updated the cannabis licensing application web pages. The pages have been updated to help clarify application requirements, including changes to the submission requirements for physical security measures announced by Health Canada in January 2024. Micro-processing licence
Standard cultivation licence
Micro-cultivation licence
Sale for medical purposes licence
Nursery licence
Dried cannabis
Fresh cannabis
Plant seeds
Cannabis Regulations
Cannabis tracking and licensing system (CTLS)
Licence applications
Changes to non-therapeutic research on cannabis (NTRC) application requirements 2024-08-07 Effective immediately, Health Canada will no longer require Cannabis Information Forms (CIFs) to be submitted for NTRC Category 1 studies. CIFs will continue to be required for NTRC Category 2 and 3 studies. The Cannabis licensing application: research licence web pages will be updated to reflect this change. Research licence Edibles
Dried cannabis
Licence amendments
Licence applications
Licence application, amendments and renewals
Updates to cannabis licensing management web pages 2024-08-07 Health Canada is releasing updates to the Manage your cannabis licence web pages. The pages have been updated using plain language to provide clarifications on submission requirements for licence holders making changes to their licences. Standard processing licence
Micro-processing licence
Standard cultivation licence
Micro-cultivation licence
Sale for medical purposes licence
Nursery licence
Dried cannabis
Fresh cannabis
Plant seeds
Cannabis Regulations
Cannabis tracking and licensing system (CTLS)
Industrial Hemp Regulations
Licence application, amendments and renewals
New contact information webpage for Health Canada 2024-07-23 Health Canada is releasing a new web page with contact information for cannabis and industrial hemp licence holders, applicants and industry. You can consult this page to find the right contact for cannabis- and hemp-related questions. (Any) all licence holders
Standard processing licence
Micro-processing licence
Standard cultivation licence
Micro-cultivation licence
Sale for medical purposes licence
Nursery licence
Industrial hemp licence
Research licence
Analytical testing licence
Cannabis drug licence
Dried cannabis
Fresh cannabis
Plant seeds
Cannabis Act
Cannabis Regulations
Industrial Hemp Regulations
Reminder: Non-therapeutic research on cannabis (NTRC) transition period 2024-07-23 Research licence holders authorized to conduct activities with human participants must transition to the NTRC framework by December 2, 2024. As such, you must submit a new research licence application in the Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System (CTLS) with "NTRC" selected as the research type without further delay to ensure the continuity of your research. Research licence Edibles
Licence amendments
Licence applications
Licence application, amendments and renewals
Regulatory consultation on proposed streamlining of requirements for cannabis 2024-06-11 Health Canada is seeking feedback on the regulatory proposal to streamline the Cannabis Regulations, following the Notice of Intent published in Spring 2023. The amendments are intended to reduce regulatory burden on the cannabis industry while still addressing public health and public safety risks. The consultation will be open for input until July 8, 2024. (Any) all licence holders Edibles
Dried cannabis
Fresh cannabis
Plant seeds
Cannabis Regulations
Legislation and regulations
Packaging and labelling
Proposed amendments to the Cannabis Regulations for drugs containing cannabis and test kits containing cannabis 2024-06-11 Health Canada has published proposed Controlled Substances Regulations to modernize the regulations under the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. This includes proposed amendments to the Cannabis Regulations related to drugs containing cannabis and test kits containing cannabis. You are invited to participate in a 60-day online public comment period between June 1 and July 31, 2024. (Any) all licence holders Any Cannabis Regulations
Legislation and regulations
Reporting requirements
Follow Health Canada's Virtual Learning Series 2024-05-28 Health Canada hosts cannabis educational webinars as part of a Virtual Learning Series. The sessions provide learning opportunities for cannabis licence holders, applicants and other interested parties on specific topics. Please follow us on Eventbrite to stay up to date and be notified of upcoming events (Any) all licence holders Edibles
Dried cannabis
Fresh cannabis
Plant seeds
Cannabis Act
Cannabis Regulations
Legislation and regulations
Changes to labelling requirements for cannabis topicals 2024-04-30 On April 24, 2024, Health Canada published amendments to modernize the Cosmetic Regulations which include amendments to the Cannabis Regulations related to cosmetic ingredient labelling requirements for cannabis topical products. Section 8 of the Packaging and labelling guide for cannabis products has been updated to reflect this change and will come into force on October 9, 2024. (Any) all licence holders Topicals Cannabis Regulations
Legislation and regulations
Packaging and labelling
New guide on importing and exporting cannabis 2024-03-19 This document provides guidance to cannabis licence holders on how to apply for an import or export permit in the Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System (CTLS) and manage their permit. Licence holders will find information on how to obtain an import or export permit, how to manage a permit, how to request a permit change, reporting requirements and permit application refusals.
  • Standard processing licence
  • Micro-processing licence
  • Standard cultivation licence
  • Micro-cultivation licence
  • Sale for medical purposes licence
  • Nursery licence
  • Research licence
  • Analytical testing licence
  • Cannabis drug licence
Any Import or export permits
Program update: Physical security measures guide for cannabis web pages 2024-03-05 Health Canada is releasing updated web pages on physical security measures for all cannabis licences. These pages have been updated to help clarify the physical security requirements and provide principles and practices for how licence holders and applicants can comply. All previous versions of the guide should no longer be used.

(Any) all licence holders
Standard processing licence
Micro-processing licence
Standard cultivation licence
Micro-cultivation licence
Sale for medical purposes licence
Nursery licence
Research licence
Analytical testing licence
Cannabis drug licence


Cannabis Regulations
Licence application, amendments and renewals

2024 to 2025 Annual cannabis licence fees update 2024-02-20 Health Canada has published the 2024 to 2025 annual updates to cannabis transactional fees in the Canada Gazette, Part I. Transactional fees for fees related to application screening, security clearances and import and export permits are adjusted annually on April 1, as per the Cannabis Fees Order. They will be increasing by 4.4%, in line with Statistics Canada’s 2023 Consumer Price Index. Standard processing licence
Micro-processing licence
Standard cultivation licence
Micro-cultivation licence
Sale for medical purposes licence
Nursery licence
Any Cannabis Act
Other legislations or regulations
Now available: Reporting requirements for cannabis and industrial hemp licences 2024-02-20 Health Canada is launching a new page which provides a summary of reporting requirements for cannabis and industrial hemp licences holders. The page lists the reports that you may need to submit throughout the year, along with key information for each. This includes a description, links to associated forms, contact information and deadlines. (Any) all licence holders Any Compliance
Reporting requirements
Other legislations or regulations
Changes to submission requirements for cultivation, processing and sale for medical purposes licences 2024-01-23 Health Canada recognizes the need to reduce burden on industry while balancing program improvements and the protection of the health and safety of Canadians. Following a review of general industry compliance and risk related to physical security, there’ll be reductions to the submission requirements as of January 23, 2024. These changes will impact applicants when applying for a licence, and licence holders when requesting changes to their licence. Standard processing licence
Micro-processing licence
Standard cultivation licence
Micro-cultivation licence
Sale for medical purposes licence
Nursery licence
Dried cannabis
Fresh cannabis
Plant seeds
Licence application,
amendments and renewals
Physical security measures
Rak is added to the List of Approved Cultivars for the 2024 growing season 2024-01-23 The 2024 List of Approved Cultivars (LOAC) is now available on the Health Canada website. The 2024 LOAC includes the addition of Rak as a new cultivar. The next submission deadline is February 1, 2024. However, Licence Holders can submit varieties at any time of the year. Industrial hemp licence Hemp Industrial Hemp Regulations
Updates to cannabis key investor information 2024-01-09 The Cannabis key investors: Cultivation, processing and sale for medical purposes licences guidance web page, attestation and reporting form have been updated. The updates include clearer wording, added examples and improvements to the existing reporting form. There are no changes to the requirements and reports are still due January 31, 2024. Standard processing licence
Micro-processing licence
Standard cultivation licence
Micro-cultivation licence
Sale for medical purposes licence
Nursery licence
any Key investors
Reporting requirements for serious adverse reactions during non-therapeutic research with cannabis 2023-12-05 Regulatory obligations and reporting instructions for licence holders conducting non-therapeutic research with cannabis (NTRC) for reporting serious adverse reactions during NTRC studies. Research licence Edibles
Dried cannabis
Fresh cannabis
Plant seeds
Cannabis regulations
Reporting requirements
Other legislations or regulations
Guidance on cannabis products with intoxicating cannabinoids other than delta-9-THC 2023-12-05 Some licensed producers are making cannabis products deliberately made with intoxicating cannabinoids other than delta-9-THC to get around important public health and public safety controls. As such, Health Canada recommends that licence holders apply the controls in this guidance to these cannabis products. Health Canada will continue to monitor the situation and update the guidance accordingly. (Any) all licence holders Edibles
Dried cannabis
Fresh cannabis
Packaging / Labelling
Making changes to a quality assurance person (QAP) 2023-11-28 When adding or replacing a quality assurance person (QAP) or alternate QAP, provide all required information including the completed Qualifications of the proposed QAP or alternate QAP for a processing licence form and a copy of the proposed QAP or alternate's resume. Learn more about submitting a QAP change request. Standard processing licence
Micro-processing licence
  Good production practices (GPP)
Quality assurance person (QAP)
Key site personnel and licenced individuals
Selling cannabis with your licence 2023-11-28 Most cannabis licences authorize sales to other licences holders. Consult the Types of cannabis and industrial hemp licences web page to see to whom you can sell your bulk cannabis and cannabis products based on your licence type. Standard processing licence
Micro-processing licence
Standard cultivation licence
Micro-cultivation licence
Sale for medical purposes licence
Nursery licence
Dried cannabis
Fresh cannabis
Plant seeds
Cannabis Act
Cannabis Regulations
Consequential amendments to the Cannabis Regulations related to food additives 2023-11-06 Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency are seeking feedback on the regulatory proposal to modernize the regulatory frameworks for food compositional standards, microbiological criteria, methods of analysis and food additives. This proposal also includes consequential amendments to the Cannabis Regulations related to food additives. (Any) all licence holders Edibles Cannabis composition requirements
Legislation and regulations
Other legislations or regulations
Updates to application requirements for cannabis research licences 2023-10-31 The Cannabis licensing application: Research licence web pages have been updated. This includes updates to information on non-therapeutic research on cannabis (NTRC) including application submission and physical security requirements for institution-wide research licences. Do not use any previous versions of these pages. Research licence Edibles
Dried cannabis
Fresh cannabis
Plant seeds
Cannabis regulations
Licence applications
Renewing your cannabis licence: How, when and what to submit 2023-10-31 To renew your cannabis licence, you need to submit your application within 4 months of your licence expiry date. All your information must be up to date including your organizational security plan, security clearances and a compliant key investor report submitted during the most recent reporting period (January). Standard processing licence
Micro-processing licence
Standard cultivation licence
Micro-cultivation licence
Sale for medical purposes licence
Nursery licence
  Cannabis tracking and licensing system (CTLS)
Licence application, amendments, & renewals
Program update: Changes to the process of adding sale authorization of cannabis products to processing licences 2023-10-18 Streamlining the assessment of authorized activity change requests for the sale of cannabis extracts, edibles and topicals (Any) all licence holders Edibles
Sales amendments
Industry guidance: Preventive control plan for cannabis extracts and edible cannabis 2023-09-20 Notice to the cannabis industry on the publication of guidance for the development, implementation and maintenance of preventive control plans. Standard processing licence
Micro-processing licence
Cannabis Regulations
Good production practices (GPP)
Standard operating procedures (SOPs)
Updating your licence in the Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System 2023-09-20 You are responsible for maintaining up-to-date information about your licence and site in the Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System. Your records in the system must reflect your current staff and facility, which includes information on your site personnel, directors and officers, and physical security measures. Standard processing licence
Micro-processing licence
Standard cultivation licence
Micro-cultivation licence
Sale for medical purposes licence
Nursery licence
  Cannabis Act
Cannabis Regulations
Cannabis tracking and licensing system (CTLD)
Now available: Summary report for the 2021-2022 review of the Cannabis Cost Recovery Framework 2023-08-31 In 2021-2022, Health Canada conducted a review of the Cannabis Cost Recovery Framework to better understand the impact of fees charged to licence holders in the legal cannabis industry. This was to assess the progress made towards key policy objectives and towards full cost recovery. We're reaching out to inform you that the summary report for the 2021-2022 Review of the Cannabis Cost Recovery Framework is now available online. Standard processing licence
Micro-processing licence
Standard cultivation licence
Micro-cultivation licence
Sale for medical purposes licence
Nursery licence
COVID-19 update: Cannabis licence holders 2023-05-04 Health Canada adjusted its administration and enforcement priorities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to provide greater flexibility to cannabis licence holders to operate. This update was emailed to cannabis licence holders on May 4, 2023. Standard processing licence
Micro-processing licence
Standard cultivation licence
Micro-cultivation licence
Sale for medical purposes licence
Nursery licence
Any Cannabis Act
Cannabis Regulations
COVID-19 update: Industrial Hemp Licence Holders 2023-05-04 Health Canada adjusted its administration and enforcement priorities in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to provide greater flexibility to industrial hemp licence holders to operate. This update was emailed to industrial hemp licence holders on May 4, 2023. Industrial hemp licence Hemp Import or export permits
Industrial Hemp Regulations
Online course for Licence Holders: Cannabis Act and Regulations - Understanding Compliance and Enforcement 2023-08-24 Health Canada announces the launch of the Cannabis Act and Regulations - Understanding Compliance and Enforcement online training course. This self-paced course helps federal cannabis licence holders understand their obligations under the Cannabis Act and the Cannabis Regulations. (Any) all licence holders Edibles
Dried cannabis
Fresh cannabis
Plant seeds
Cannabis Act
Cannabis Regulations
Expanding your site after receiving your licence 2023-07-28 You can get a licence for a modest-sized site and scale up later. Include only a portion of the areas within your site perimeter on your initial licence application and add new areas to your licensed site later. Learn more about seeking approval for changes to your site after licensing. Standard processing licence, Micro-processing licence, Standard cultivation licence, Micro-cultivation licence, Sale for medical purposes licence, Nursery licence Any Physical security measures Licence amendments Licence applications
Changes to GCKey Login will affect CTLS users 2023-07-28 The Government of Canada will be implementing two-factor authentication (2FA) for their GCKey service. Beginning July 31, 2023, users of CTLS who sign-in using their GCKey credentials will be asked to set up 2FA before continuing. Those who use a sign-in partner will not be impacted. Questions regarding this change can be directed to the GCKey service at 1-855-438-1102. (Any) all licence holders Any Cannabis tracking and licensing system (CTLS)
Cannabis data gathering program 2023-07-13 Health Canada is announcing the implementation of a data gathering program that will allow the department to proactively collect information on the legal and illicit cannabis markets in Canada, thereby strengthening its ability to provide Canadians with the information they need to make informed decisions and minimize the health and safety risks associated with cannabis consumption. (Any) all licence holders Edibles, Extracts, Dried cannabis, Hemp Compliance, Testing
Quality assurance persons (QAP) for processing licences 2023-06-28 The quality assurance person (QAP) may assign quality assurance duties to others on-site to address risks (for example: a quality assurance team) if they work remotely or part-time. However, the QAP remains responsible for the quality of the cannabis produced on site and investigating complaints. Use the mandatory form to add or remove a QAP or alternate QAPs. Standard processing licence, Micro-processing licence Any Good production practices (GPP), Quality assurance person (QAP), Key site personnel and licenced individuals
Update: Data on commercial cannabis licence applications and licences web page 2023-08-30 The Data on commercial cannabis licence applications and licences web page has been updated. This update reflects Health Canada's data as of June 30th, 2023 on commercial cannabis licence applications received and licences issued, broken down by province or territory and licence category. Standard processing licence, Micro-processing licence, Standard cultivation licence, Micro-cultivation licence, Sale for medical pruposes licence, Nursery licence Any Cannabis Act, Licence amendments, Licence applications
Cannabis fees order: Compliance and enforcement actions 2023-06-07 Please refer to the update on the Cannabis Fees Order on what licence holders must do and consequences of not paying fees on time. The Cannabis Fees Order guide has also been updated and is available through this update page. Key updates include additional operational guidance, expanded information on commonly requested topics, clearer plain language explanations of the Cannabis Fees Order, and information on how to pay transactional fees by credit card. Standard processing licence, Micro-processing licence, Standard cultivation licence, Micro-cultivation licence, Sale for medical purposes licence, Nursery licence Any Cannabis Act, Fees, Licence applications, Compliance
List of Approved Cultivars for the 2023 growing season: Chola, CNAP1HOH and Jurassic added 2023-06-07 The 2023 List of Approved Cultivars (LOAC) is now available on Health Canada's website. The 2023 LOAC includes the addition of the new Chola, CNAP1HOH and Jurassic cultivars. The next submission deadline is September 1, 2023. However, licence holders can submit varieties any time of the year. In addition, please note that CBF1 was added to the list of cultivars that are under observation. Industrial hemp licence Hemp Industrial Hemp Regulations
Changes to the cannabis licensing process: Cannabis research and testing amendments to the Cannabis Regulations 2022-12-09 As of December 2, 2022, amendments to the Cannabis Regulations came into force. The amendments included the implementation of the risk-based non-therapeutic research on cannabis framework, changes to the required information for Head of Laboratory and increased activities regarding reference standards and test kits. As such, Health Canada has implemented a new licensing process for researchers conducting non-therapeutic research on cannabis and increased activities for testing. The implementation includes new and updated guidance web pages and changes to the CTLS. Research licence, Analytical testing licence, Standard processing licence Any Cannabis tracking and licensing system (CTLS), Licence applications, amendments, and renewals
Publication of Health Canada's Guide on reporting of loss or theft of cannabis 2020-05-25 Health Canada's guide on "Reporting of loss or theft of cannabis" is available as of May 2020. A new online fillable form has also been published. The guide was developed to provide information to regulated parties and exemptees in meeting the regulatory requirements for reporting losses or thefts of cannabis. Micro-cultivation licence, Nursery licence, Standard cultivation licence, Micro-processing licence, Standard processing licence, Sale for medical purposes licence, Analytical testing licence, Research licence, Cannabis drug licence Reporting requirements, Cannabis Regulations, Plants, Plant seeds, Dried cannabis, Fresh cannabis, Topicals, Extracts, Edibles Reporting requirements, Cannabis Regulations
Operational changes to cannabis program requirements 2020-08-24 Health Canada has updated its approach regarding the use of foliar sprays and the use of modified atmosphere packaging in final cannabis products. Micro-cultivation licence, Nursery licence, Standard cultivation licence, Micro-processing licence, Standard processing licence, Sale for medical purposes licence, Cannabis drug license Pesticides, Packaging and labelling, Compliance, Plants, Plant seeds, Dried cannabis, Fresh cannabis, Topicals, Extracts, Edibles Pesticides, Packaging and labelling, Compliance
Heavy metal and microbial testing limits for dried cannabis intended for smoking or vaping 2020-12-30 Health Canada clarifies its expectations about the selection of appropriate tolerance limits for heavy metal and microbial contaminants in dried cannabis. Micro-cultivation licence, Nursery licence, Standard cultivation licence, Micro-processing licence, Standard processing licence, Sale for medical purposes licence, Analytical testing licence Testing, Cannabis Regulations, Compliance, Dried cannabis Testing, Cannabis Regulations, Compliance
Inhalable cannabis extract products: phytol 2021-01-15 Health Canada provides information regarding cannabis vaping and other inhalable products containing phytol. This includes a discussion of the results and limitations of a 2020 study where rats were exposed to high levels of aerosolised phytol. In addition, this communication outlines Health Canada's requests for licence holders regarding the safety of phytol and any plans to reformulate products containing phytol. Micro-cultivation licence, Nursery licence, Standard cultivation licence, Micro-processing licence, Standard processing licence, Sale for medical purposes licence, Cannabis drug license Phytol, Safety, Study, Dried cannabis, Extracts Phytocannabinoids, Safety, Study
Important cannabis licence holders update 2021-08-10 This communication reminds federal licence holders of the requirements in the Cannabis Act and its regulations about displaying THC and CBD content on a dried cannabis product label, and about the definitions of dried cannabis and cannabis extract in regards to kief, hashish and other products produced by mechanical processes. Micro-cultivation licence, Nursery licence, Standard cultivation licence, Micro-processing licence, Standard processing licence, Sale for medical purposes licence, Testing, Compliance, Cannabis Act and Regulations, Dried cannabis, Extracts Testing, Compliance, Cannabis Act, Cannabis Regulations
Program Update: Fingerprinting process for security clearance applications 2022-09-29 Health Canada is making changes to the security clearance application process. Effective September 29, 2022, security clearance applicants, living in Canada or abroad, can now have their certified criminal record check sent to them directly. All federal license holders Security clearances Security clearances
New Import-Export Permit application process in CTLS effective May 16 2022-05-13 Health Canada is announcing changes to the Cannabis Tracking and Licensing System (CTLS). As of May 16, 2022, licence holders are required to submit new import and export permit applications, permit change requests, and endorsements through the CTLS. All federal license holders Import or export permits, Cannabis tracking and licensing system (CTLS) Import or export permits
Program update: Changes to authorizations to sell dried and fresh cannabis products 2022-03-31 Health Canada is announcing the following program change. As of April 19, 2022, Health Canada will begin granting the authorization to sell dried and fresh cannabis products to all micro and standard processing licence holders during the initial licensing process, without the need to submit a sales amendment application. All federal license holders Licence application, amendment, and renewals, Sale amendments, Dried cannabis, fresh cannabis Licence application, amendment, and renewals

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