Defence Team News – October 14, 2020

Defence Team News - October 14, 2020

Now on the Maple Leaf


Messages for the Defence Team

Security and the Defence Team

Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month

National Defence Workplace Charitable Campaign


COVID-19 Fall Posture

Reference materials:

Web page resources:

Mandatory training for all personnel:

Mental health and Wellness:

Defence Team members can access a variety of resources and information to help maintain and improve our mental health and overall personal well-being. 

Weekly DTMN Virtual Coffee Chat

Join the weekly DTMN Virtual Coffee Chats happening every Thursday from 1330hrs-1500hrs EST. To join our Network please send an email to the DTMN Generic Inbox to ensure you don’t miss out!

Our session this week will be on Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month!

Our experts will be:

Digital Learning

‘The Torch’ is a Self-Development Learning Hub designed to reinforce continuous learning among CAF members.

In case you missed it

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