Policies and Guidelines
- B98-01: Compliance and Enforcement Policy Guideline
- B97-02: Harmonization of Environmental Data Requirements under NAFTA for Registration of Chemical Pesticides
Guidance Documents
- PMRA Guidance Document, Pesticides for Aquatic Applications
- PMRA Guidance document, Guidance for registrants and data holders for use or reliance on test data considered in support of re-evaluation and special review decisions
- Postapplication Exposure Monitoring Test Guideliness
- PMRA Guidance Document, Health Canada's Approach to Environmental Risk Assessment for Pest Control Products
- PMRA Guidance Document, Category C Application Guidance Document
- PMRA Guidance Document, Notification/Non-Notification
- PMRA Guidance Document, Value Guidelines for New Plant Protection Products and Label Amendments
- PMRA Guidance Document, Revisions to Specific Residue Chemistry Crop Groups – Update - July 2023
- PMRA Guidance Document, Good Laboratory Practice Requirements for Scientific Studies Supporting Pest Control Products
- Inspection of Confidential Test Data Supporting Pesticide Registration Decisions - Guidance Document
- PMRA Guidance Document, Registration of Non-Conventional Pest Control Products
- PMRA Guidance Document, Streamlined Category B Submissions
- PMRA Guidance Document, Tank Mix Labelling
- PMRA Guidance Document, Organizing and Formatting a Complete Submission for Pest Control Products
- PMRA Guidance Document, Updated Residue Chemistry Guidelines
- PMRA Guidance Document, Guidance for completing the Statement of Product Specification Form (Form 6003)
- PMRA Guidance Document, Guidance for User Requested Minor Use Label Expansion
- PMRA Guidance Document, Guidance and Requirements for Confidential Business Information
- PMRA Guidance Document, Value Assessment of Pest Control Products
- PMRA Guidance Document, First Aid Labelling Statements
- PMRA Guidance Document, Guidance for the Pest Control Products Incident Reporting Regulations
- PMRA Guidance Document, Administrative Changes in Contact Information for Registered Pest Control Products (Registrants and Formulators)
- PMRA Guidance Document, Guidance for the Registration of Microbial Pest Control Agents and Products
- PMRA Guidance Document, Management of Submissions Policy
- PMRA Guidance Document, Approach to Special Reviews of Pesticides
- PMRA Guidance Document, A Framework for Risk Assessment and Risk Management of Pest Control Products
- PMRA Guidance Document, Structural Pest Control Products: Label Updates
- PMRA Guidance Document, Revisions to Data Requirements for Pesticide Products used on Companion Animals
- PMRA Guidance Document, Label Improvements for Spot-on Pesticides Used on Companion Animals
- Acceptable Claims for Articles Treated with Antimicrobial Preservatives
- Guidance for Preparing Safety Data Sheets According to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals for Pest Control Products in Canada
- Guidance Document: Pest Control Products Fees and Charges Regulations
- Value Guidelines for New Personal Insect Repellent Products and Label Amendments
- Value Guidelines for New Antimicrobial Pest Control Products and Label Amendments
- Guidance for Developing Datasets for Conventional Pest Control Product Applications: Data Codes for Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10
- Guidance Document For the Sales Information Reporting Regulations and Reporting Forms
- Guidance for Waiving or Bridging of Mammalian Acute Toxicity Tests for Pesticides
- Toxic substances management policy : persistence and bioaccumulation criteria : final report of the Ad Hoc Science Group on Criteria
Label Process Series
- LPS2011-04: Guidance for Designing Peel-Back and Multi-Component Labels of Domestic Class Pest Control Products
- LPS2011-03: Designing Marketplace Labels of Domestic Class Pest Control Products
- LPS2011-02: Guidance to Improve Statements on Labels of Domestic Class Pest Control Products
- LPS2011-01: Pesticide Labelling Framework
Regulatory Directives
- DIR2021-01: Compliance and enforcement policy for pesticides
- DIR2018-01: Policy on Cancellations and Amendments Following Re-evaluation and Special Review
- DIR2017-03: Registration of Pesticides for Emergency Use: Revised Procedures
- DIR2017-02: Essential Oil-based Personal Insect Repellents (EOPIR)
- DIR2016-04: Management of Pesticides Re-evaluation Policy
- DIR2016-03: Regulatory Directive DIR2016-03, Final Decision Regarding Conditional Registrations under the Pest Control Products Regulations
- DIR2016-01: Guidelines for the Advertising of Pest Control Products
- DIR2013-04: Pesticide Resistance Management Labelling Based on Target Site/Mode of Action
- DIR2010-05: Revisions to the Residue Chemistry Crop Field Trial Requirements
- DIR2010-04: Guidelines for Reliance on Proprietary Data Under the Pest Control Products Regulations
- DIR2010-02: Label Improvements for Spot-on Pesticides Used for Flea and Tick Control on Companion Animals
- DIR2006-02: Formulants Policy and Implementation Guidance Document
- DIR2006-01: Harmonization of Guidance for Terrestrial Field Studies of Pesticide Dissipation under the North American Free Trade Agreement
- DIR2003-03: Harmonization of environmental chemistry and fate data requirements for chemical pesticides under NAFTA
- DIR2003-02: Harmonization of Regulation of Pesticide Seed Treatment in Canada and the United States
- DIR2002-01: Canadian Label Improvement Program for Pesticides Used on Companion Animals
- DIR2001-03: PMRA Re-evaluation Program
- DIR99-06: Voluntary Pesticide Resistance-Management Labelling Based on Target Site/Mode of Action
- DIR99-05: User Requested Minor Use Registration (URMUR)
- DIR99-04: Disposal Statements for Control Product Labels
- DIR99-03: The Pest Management Regulatory Agency's Strategy for Implementing the Toxic Substances Management Policy (TSMP)
- DIR98-05: Chemical Pesticide Research Permit Guidelines
- DIR98-01: Good Laboratory Practice
- DIR97-01: Comprehensive Data Summaries
- DIR96-04: Aerial Application of Pesticides
- DIR96-01: Guidelines for Efficacy Assessment of Fungicides, Bactericides and Nematicides
- DIR95-05: Importation for Manufacturing and Export Program (IMEP)
- DIR94-06: Colour Standards for Seed Treatment Products and Labelling of Treated Seed
- DIR93-21: Initial Product/Private Label Registration Process
- DIR93-20: Master Product/Master Copy Registration Process
- DIR93-18: Pre-Harvest Intervals for Grazing and Cutting for Hay of Immature Crops Treated with Pesticides
- DIR93-17: Assessment of the Economic Benefits of Pesticides
- DIR93-15: Registration Requirements for Adjuvant Products
- DIR93-14: Classification of Beans on Labels and Research Requirements
- DIR93-10: Pesticides for Use in Forest and Woodlands Management
- DIR93-06: Model Labels for Pool and Spa Products Not Eligible for Scheduling
- DIR93-05: Scheduling of Selected Pool and Spa Chemicals
Science Policy Notices
- SPN2020-01: Policy on the List of Pest Control Product Formulants and Contaminants of Health or Environmental Concern
- SPN2018-02: Cumulative Health Risk Assessment Framework
- SPN2018-01: Guidance on Streamlined Residue Chemistry Data Requirements for Seed Treatment Uses and Potato Seed-Piece Applications
- SPN2017-03: Acute Dermal Toxicity Study Waiver
- SPN2017-02: Joint Canada/United States Field Trial Requirements
- SPN2016-02: Dermal Absorption: Position Papers from the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Technical Working Group (TWA)
- SPN2016-01: Restricted Use of Human Studies with Pesticides for Regulatory Purposes
- SPN2014-02: Estimating Dislodgeable Foliar Residues and Turf Transferrable Residues in Occupational and Residential Postapplication Exposure Assessments
- SPN2014-01: General Exposure Factor Inputs for Dietary, Occupational, and Residential Exposure Assessments
- SPN2008-01: The Application of Uncertainty Factors and the PCPA Factor in the Human Health Risk Assessment of Pesticides
- SPN2004-01: Estimating the Water Component of a Dietary Exposure Assessment
- SPN2003-05: Guidance for Refining Anticipated Residue Estimates for use in Acute Dietary Probabilistic Risk Assessment
- SPN2003-04: General Principles for Performing Aggregate Exposure and Risk Assessments
- SPN2003-03: Assessing Exposure from Pesticides in Food A User's Guide
- SPN2003-02: Assigning Values to Nondetected/Nonquantified Pesticide Residues in Food
- SPN2003-01: Choosing a Percentile of Acute Dietary Exposure as a Threshold of Concern
- SPN2002-01: Children's Health Priorities within the Pest Management Regulatory Agency
- SPN2001-01: Guidance for Identifying Pesticides that have a Common Mechanism of Toxicity for Human Health Risk Assessment
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