Inventory of Federal Programs of Interest to Official Language Minority Communities

This inventory was developed and updated in response to the need expressed by organizations representing official language minority communities (OLMCs).

The document will also provide federal officials, including national and regional coordinators responsible for the implementation of section 41 of the Official Languages Act, with an overview of federal programs.

The list of programs and initiatives included in the inventory is the result of a search of Government of Canada Web pages and consultations with the federal institutions responsible for them.

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Funding program Subject Federal institutions Description


Pandemic of COVID-19 National Arts Centre Initially launched as a short-term relief fund to help ease the financial strain on professional Canadian artists impacted by the closure of performance venues across Canada related to COVID-19, #CanadaPerforms is still going strong, continuing to offer financial support and visibility to artists from coast to coast to coast.

Absolutely Canadian

Arts, culture and media CBC This program is designed to support the creation of entertaining and innovative regional/local programming outside of news and information. Through this program, your local CBC station can provide mentoring, business expert resources and funding to support the production of new documentaries, music or comedy.

Access to Justice in Both Official Languages Support Fund

Justice and security Department of Justice Canada The Fund aims to increase the capacity of the justice system and its stakeholders to offer services in both official languages and to raise awareness among the legal community and official language minority and majority communities about the exercise of their rights and about justice-related issues in both official languages.

Additional assistance to the Emergency Fund (top-ups)

Pandemic of COVID-19 Telefilm Canada In addition to this first phase of emergency funds allocated as a result of COVID-19, additional assistance has been set aside to provide additional funding to clients whose companies are made up of under-represented identities and communities located in the regions that have been historically disadvantaged, including individuals from an official language minority community.

Advance Payments Program

Economic development, employment projects and training Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada The Program provides producers with cash advances based on the value of their farm products, allowing them to repay their advances as they sell their farm products. It is targeted at farmers, food producers and young farmers or new entrants to farming.

AgriAssurance: Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Component

Economic development, employment projects and training Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada This program helps for-profit companies implement insurance projects that take into account market and regulatory requirements. It intends to achieve this objective by providing targeted support to businesses to help them implement third-party insurance system certification projects.

AgriCompetitiveness Program

Economic development, employment projects and training Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada The Program aims to help the agriculture sector coordinate and build on existing capacity, enhance food safety, adapt to changing business and regulatory environments, share best practices, seize new opportunities and provide mentoring opportunities.

Agricultural Clean Technology Program

Innovation, technology and research Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada The Program aims to create an enabling environment for the development and adoption of clean technology that will help drive the changes required to achieve a low-carbon economy and promote sustainable growth in Canada’s agriculture and agri-food sector.

AgriDiversity Program

Community and Social Development Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada The Program aims to help under-represented groups in Canadian agriculture, including youth, women, Indigenous Peoples, and persons with disabilities, to fully participate in the sector by helping these groups address the key issues and barriers they often face for sector participation.

AgriInnovate Program

Innovation, technology and research Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada The Program provides repayable financial contributions for projects that accelerate the commercialization, adoption and demonstration of innovative products, technologies, processes, or services to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of the agriculture sector.

AgriInsurance Program

Economic development, employment projects and training Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada The Program provides producers with cost-shared insurance coverage against natural disasters to minimize the financial impact of production or property losses. It targets farmers, food producers and cooperatives.


Economic development, employment projects and training Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada This program is for farmers that provides matching funding to those who make annual deposits to an AgriInvest account to help manage income declines or make investments to mitigate risks or improve their income. The program targets farmers and food producers and cooperatives.

AgriScience Program – Projects

Innovation, technology and research Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada The objective of the Program is to accelerate the pace of innovation by funding and supporting pre-commercialization science and leading-edge research for the benefit of the agriculture and agri-food sector and Canadians. The project component is designed to support specific short-term research activities to help industry overcome challenges and fiscal barriers faced by small and emerging sectors.


Economic development, employment projects and training Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada This program covers all farm activities and provides income support to producers who are facing a significant decrease in their profit margin. It targets farmers, food producers and cooperatives.

Anti-Racism Action Program

Community and Social Development Canadian Heritage The Program helps address barriers to employment, justice and social participation among Indigenous Peoples, racialized communities and religious minorities.

Appreciation and Rapprochement – Promotion of Linguistic Duality

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Promotes a greater appreciation of linguistic duality and a rapprochement between Canadians from both linguistic groups.

Apprenticeship Completion Grant

Economic development, employment projects and training Employment and Social Development Canada The Grant is available to apprentices according to certain criteria in order to encourage the completion of their training.

Apprenticeship Incentive Grant

Economic development, employment projects and training Employment and Social Development Canada The Grant assists apprentices with the costs associated with apprenticeship training in a designated Red Seal trade.

Apprenticeship Incentive Grant for Women

Economic development, employment projects and training Employment and Social Development Canada The Grant helps pay for expenses while individuals train as an apprentice in a Designated Red Seal Trade where women are underrepresented.

Arts Abroad

Arts, culture and media Canada Council for the Arts This program celebrates the creativity, innovation and excellence of Canadian artists by helping to showcase their work around the world. It helps artists, arts professionals, groups and organizations increase their international visibility, undertake artistic exploration or exchanges with international colleagues, and support their access to new and existing artistic markets in a global context.

Arts Across Canada

Arts, culture and media Canada Council for the Arts This program fosters meaningful relationships and exchanges between artists and the Canadian public. Artists, arts professionals, groups and arts organizations can apply to present and share artistic work with diverse communities across the country, engage more deeply with the public and develop a stronger national profile.

Athlete Assistance Program

Community and Social Development Canadian Heritage The Program supports high-performance Canadian athletes who are preparing for and participating in international sport.

Atlantic Immigration Program

Immigration and International Development Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada This program is designed to help employers in Atlantic Canada hire skilled foreign workers who wish to immigrate to Atlantic Canada, and international students who wish to remain in the region after graduation.

Atlantic Innovation Fund

Innovation, technology and research Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency The Fund helps Atlantic Canadians create and market successful new products and services, develop strategic sectors or create partnerships for research or commercialization.

Audionumérique (balados) (in French only)

Arts, culture and media CBC In order to bring the podcast format to a larger number of French-speaking users, the digital audio development and production team is looking for content with a wide reach and high audience engagement potential, created by production companies whose projects reflect today's Canada.

BIG BANG Festival

Arts, culture and media National Arts Centre The BIG BANG is a family-friendly, multilingual festival of musical adventures. The National Arts Centre hosted its North American premiere, as well as a second edition, which shone the spotlight on artists from the Canadian Francophonie and beyond.

Bilingual Advantage Initiative – Promotion of Linguistic Duality

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Encourages bilingualism at school and in the community.

Breakthrough Energy Solutions Canada

Innovation, technology and research Natural Resources Canada This program helps Canadian entrepreneurs and businesses advance clean energy technologies that have the potential to significantly reduce all greenhouse gas emissions in the manufacturing, electricity, transportation and building sectors. This call for proposals will mobilize funding and expertise to support the advancement of Canadian clean energy technologies that can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Broadband Fund

Community and Social Development Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission Funding will be provided for projects to build or upgrade access and transportation infrastructure to provide fixed broadband and mobile wireless Internet access services in eligible underserved areas of Canada.

Build Regional Public Health Capacity and Awareness of Public Health Impacts Related to Climate Change

Health Public Health Agency of Canada This initiative improves regional public health capacity to adapt to a changing climate and better understand the health risks of climate change.

Building Communities Through Arts and Heritage

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage This program was created to celebrate community - both its past and its present. It provides more opportunities for local artists and artisans, heritage performers or specialists to be involved in their communities through festivals, events and projects.

Business Development Bank of Canada Capital Offers

Economic development, employment projects and training Business Development Bank of Canada This program provides a full spectrum of specialized financing : Venture Capital, Growth and Transition Capital, Growth Equity Partners, Intellectual Property-Backed Financing

Business Development Program

Innovation, technology and research Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency The Program contributes to the establishment, expansion or modernization of businesses. It focuses on small and medium-sized enterprises and cooperatives. It provides access to capital in the form of interest-free, repayable contributions.

Business Loans – Financing for Entrepreneurs

Economic development, employment projects and training Business Development Bank of Canada This program provides different types of financing to help entrepreneurs: Small business loan, Start-up financing, Commercial real estate financing, Purchase order financing, Equipment purchase financing, Financing for tech companies, Business purchase or transfer financing, Working capital financing, Working capital financing - Leisure, hospitality and food service, Working capital financing - Supply chain support, Technology financing.

Call for Concepts to Increase awareness and take-up of the Canada Learning Bond

Community and Social Development Employment and Social Development Canada The purpose of this Call is to implement projects that will raise awareness and increase take-up of the Canada Learning Bond, which is money that the Government of Canada deposits directly into the Registered Education Savings Plans of children from low-income families to help pay for their post-secondary education.

Call for Proposals – Dementia Community Investment

Health Public Health Agency of Canada The objective of the Investment is to support community-based projects that will optimize the health and well-being of people with dementia and their caregivers, primarily women, by providing them with opportunities to acquire knowledge, resources and skills.

Canada Arts and Culture Recovery Program

Pandemic of COVID-19 Canada Council for the Arts; Canadian Heritage; Telefilm Canada The Program aims to help Canadian arts, cultural and heritage organizations who are experiencing reduced revenues while dealing with capacity reductions and audiences hesitant to return to in-person activities, due to COVID-19.

Canada Arts Presentation Fund

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage The Fund provides financial assistance to organizations that professionally present arts festivals or performing arts series (arts presenters) and organizations that offer support to arts presenters.

Canada Arts Training Fund

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage The Fund supports the training of artists with high potential through organizations that offer high-caliber training.

Canada Book Fund

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage The Fund promotes a strong book industry that publishes and markets Canadian-authored books.

Canada Community Revitalization Fund

Economic development, employment projects and training Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada The Fund aims to revitalize communities across the country with projects such as: revitalizing downtown cores and main streets, reinventing outdoor spaces, creating green infrastructure, increasing accessibility of community spaces, etc.

Canada Council for the Arts prizes

Arts, culture and media Canada Council for the Arts Every year, the Canada Council awards a broad range of prestigious prizes to more than 200 Canadian artists and scholars in recognition of their quest for innovation and excellence.

Canada Cultural Investment Fund

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage The Fund encourages private sector investment, partnership and sound business practices to help arts and heritage organizations be better rooted and recognized in their communities.

Canada Cultural Spaces Fund

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage The Fund supports the improvement of physical conditions for arts, heritage culture and creative innovation.

Canada History Fund

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage The Fund supports the development of learning materials and activities that contribute to increasing Canadians' knowledge about Canada.

Canada Learning Bond - Grants and Contributions Pilot Project - Phase II

Community and Social Development Employment and Social Development Canada The Learning Bond funds organizations to test supported enrolment models for the Canada Learning Bond for eligible children from the following populations: children from families with low incomes, children of single parents, children in care, children and families living in rural and remote regions of Canada, and youth transitioning to post-secondary education.

Canada Media Fund

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage The Fund encourages the creation of popular, innovative Canadian content and software applications. This not-for-profit corporation that supports the Canadian television and digital media industry. through two streams of funding.

Canada Music Fund

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage The Fund supports a wide range of musicians and entrepreneurs who create, produce and market original and diverse Canadian music.

Canada Periodical Fund

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage The Fund provides financial assistance to Canadian print magazines, non-daily newspapers and digital periodicals.

Canada Summer Jobs

Economic development, employment projects and training Employment and Social Development Canada This initiative is part of the Youth Employment Strategy, which is part of the Government of Canada’s commitment to help young people between the ages of 15 and 30, particularly those facing barriers to employment, get the information and gain the skills, work experience and abilities they need to make a successful transition to the labour market.

Canada Travelling Exhibitions Indemnification Program

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage The Program assists eligible Canadian art galleries, museums, archives and libraries by assuming financial responsibility for loss or damage to objects or appurtenances in eligible travelling exhibitions.

Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program

Economic development, employment projects and training Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada The Program aims to provide funding for projects that respond to national or sectoral priorities that help industry respond to emerging issues and opportunities in the areas of adaptation to new technologies, environmental sustainability, strategic planning and capacity building, and emerging issues.

Canadian Benefit for Parents of Young Victims of Crime

Community and Social Development Employment and Social Development Canada This program is for parents or legal guardians who have taken time away from work and suffered a loss of income to cope with the death or disappearance of their child or children may be eligible for federal income support.

Canadian Conservation Institute internship programs

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage These programs offer paid post-graduate internships and curriculum internships that provide learning opportunities for the conservation community in Canada and abroad.

Canadian Family Justice Fund: Family Justice Activities component

Justice and security Department of Justice Canada The Fund supports programs and services that meet the needs of families experiencing separation and divorce.

Canadian Family Justice Fund: Projects component

Justice and security Department of Justice Canada The Fund provides financial assistance for family justice activities that inform Canadians about family law topics such as parenting arrangements and child and spousal support. It also contributes to the development of new strategies, models and tools to improve access to family justice.

Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage This initiative supports Canadian programming and the development of an active domestic production sector.

Canadian Reflections

Arts, culture and media CBC Canadian Reflections is a showcase of independent short films that has been providing a national audience for filmmakers for almost 40 years. The platform showcases films made by now famous and award-winning filmmakers early in their careers.

Canadian Seafood Stabilization Fund

Pandemic of COVID-19 Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency; Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions; Pacific Economic Development Canada; Prairies Economic Development Canada The Fund is intended to address funding gaps resulting from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the fish and seafood processing sector.

CanExport – Community Investments

Economic development, employment projects and training Canadian Trade Commissioner, Global Affaires Canada Service This program provides financial support to communities for their foreign direct investment initiatives and activities. It provides support to Canadian communities seeking to improve their ability to attract, retain and expand foreign direct investment in order to create jobs for Canadians, support innovation and increase exports.

Career Focus (Youth Employment Strategy) – Local and regional projects

Economic development, employment projects and training Employment and Social Development Canada This program provides funding to local, regional and national employers and organizations to develop and implement a variety of activities that enable young people to make more informed career choices, develop skills and gain work experience. It aims to facilitate the transition of young people into the labour market.

Career Focus (Youth Employment Strategy) – National Projects

Economic development, employment projects and training Employment and Social Development Canada This program provides funding to local, regional and national employers and organizations to develop and implement a variety of activities that enable young people to make more informed career choices, develop skills and gain work experience. It aims to facilitate the transition of young people into the labour market.

Catalyst Grant: OLMCs in Health Research

Innovation, technology and research Canadian Institutes of Health Research This funding opportunity is part of the broader OLMC initiative and will support projects relevant, but not limited to the following research areas with a focus on OLMCs: determinants of health; health service; governance; management and delivery; language, culture and health – understanding of the effects of the minority linguistic and cultural experience on identity development and health; relationships between access to health services in one’s language of choice and quality of care; access to care; impacts of access to care for mental health.

CBC Breaking Barriers Film Fund

Arts, culture and media CBC The Fund is a narrative feature film fund that supports the production of English-language films from filmmakers and creators who bring diverse voices and stories that engage and reflect Canadians on the big and small screens. Our commitment is to fund high-quality productions that reflect, represent and reframe diverse perspectives through character-driven stories that are at the centre of the Canadian experience.

CBC Creative Relief Fund

Pandemic of COVID-19 CBC/Radio-Canada The Fund was launched in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, to provide $2 million in urgently needed development and production funding to a diverse range of original Canadian projects, including scripted comedies and dramas, unscripted entertainment, kids and young adult programming, podcasts, play adaptations and short documentaries.

CBC North Internship

Arts, culture and media CBC The objective of the collaboration is for CBC North and the School of Journalism and Communication at Carleton University to provide students enrolled in the journalism program with an opportunity to acquire knowledge and experience relating to the duties and activities of an editorial assistant in a northern newsroom.

Celebrate Canada

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage This program provides funding for activities organized on National Indigenous Peoples Day, Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, Canadian Multiculturalism Day and Canada Day.

CFJ Black Journalism Fellowship

Arts, culture and media CBC These fellowships, offered in partnership with the Canadian Journalism Foundation, provide unique opportunities for early-career Black journalists (with one to 10 years’ experience) to be hosted by a CBC News or Radio-Canada Info newsroom.

CIHR Project Grant Program

Innovation, technology and research Canadian Institutes of Health Research The Program is designed to capture ideas with the greatest potential for important advances in fundamental or applied health-related knowledge, health care, health systems, and/or health outcomes by supporting projects and programs of research proposed and conducted by individual researchers or groups of researchers in all areas of health.

Clean Energy for Rural and Remote Communities Program

Innovation, technology and research Natural Resources Canada This program provides funding for renewable energy and capacity building projects and related energy efficiency measures in Indigenous, rural and remote communities across Canada.

Commemorate Canada

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage This initiative provides financial support to initiatives that commemorate Canada's significant people, places, achievements and life events.

Community Cultural Action Fund – Community Life

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Supports and strengthens the cultural, artistic and heritage activities of official language minority communities; and promotes the richness and diversity of the cultural, artistic and heritage expression of these communities.

Community Cultural Action Micro-Grant Program for Minority Schools – Community Life

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Supports the offer of cultural activities for minority schools organized by community and cultural organizations in collaboration with the1,000 schools of linguistic communities throughout the country.

Community Economic Development and Diversification

Economic development, employment projects and training Pacific Economic Development Canada; Prairies Economic Development Canada This program aims to support economic development initiatives that contribute to the economic growth and diversification of communities across western Canada.

Community Futures Program

Economic development, employment projects and training Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario The Program supports local economic development and strengthens the capacity of communities to achieve their full potential in a sustainable manner. The program’s key objectives are stability, economic growth and job creation; diversified and competitive local economies in rural areas; and sustainable communities.

Community Interaction Program

Innovation, technology and research Environment and Climate Change Canada The Program supports the implementation of community projects aimed at conserving biodiversity, promoting sustainable use or improving water quality in the St. Lawrence ecosystem.

Community Media Strategic Support Fund – Community Life

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Supports community media in the development of strategic initiatives, resources and tools to contribute to the vitality of the official-language minority community media sector.

Community Relations and Partnerships

Community and Social Development Air Canada This component of Sponsorships and Community Investments provides funding to support projects that bring communities together and that support one of the key pillars of official languages, Canada’s First Nations, diversity and inclusion, equity and leadership, peace and social justice, regional and international economic growth, and youth development.

Community Safety and Community-based Corrections

Justice and security Public Safety Canada The purpose of this program is to support the safe rehabilitation and successful reintegration of federal offenders, while ensuring that the rights of victims are protected and respected and the safety and well-being of the community is enhanced.

Community Spaces Fund – Infrastructure Projects

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Provides an opportunity for official language minority communities to build, renovate and modernize multipurpose spaces in which various services and activities will be accessible to them.

Community Support, Multiculturalism, and Anti-Racism Initiatives Program

Community and Social Development Canadian Heritage These initiatives aim to eliminate inequalities by building on Canada's strength as a diverse and inclusive society.

Community-Based Educational Infrastructure – Infrastructure Projects

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Provides an opportunity for provinces and territories to undertake construction projects related to educational and community infrastructure of official language minority communities.

Compensation for Employers of Reservists Program

Economic development, employment projects and training Employment and Social Development Canada and Department of National Defence Civilian employers of Reservists and Reservists who are self-employed may be eligible for the Program, one of the purposes of which is to provide them with financial support.

Connect to Innovate

Innovation, technology and research Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada This program supports new "backbone" infrastructure to connect institutions like schools and hospitals with a portion of funding for upgrades and "last-mile" infrastructure to households and businesses.

Connection Program

Innovation, technology and research Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council The goal of the Program is to realize the full potential of research in the social sciences and humanities to generate intellectual, cultural, social and economic influence, impact and benefits within and beyond the academic community by supporting specific activities and tools that promote the dissemination and exchange of research knowledge.

Contribution Program to Combat Serious and Organized Crime

Justice and security Public Safety Canada The Program supports initiatives, research, partnership building, specialized police services, projects and programs to increase knowledge, raise awareness and/or help advance efforts to combat serious and organized crime.

Cooperation with the Community Sector – Community Life

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage This sub-component supports the engagement of community organizations and builds their capacity to act to achieve measurable gains in terms of community vitality, while encouraging innovation and excellence.

Cooperation with the Non-Governmental Sector – Minority Language Education Component

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Aims to increase the production and dissemination of knowledge, innovative methods and tools to support minority-language education.

Cooperation with the Non-Governmental Sector – Second Language Learning Component

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Aims to increase the production and dissemination of knowledge and innovative methods and tools to support second-language instruction.

Co-Produce with us – NFB Production

Arts, culture and media National Film Board of Canada Co-producers can collaborate with one of the NFB’s eight production studios located across the country to co-produce a documentary, animated film or interactive/immersive project. Each studio, including the five studios from the English program, functions in relationship to the specifics of its own geographic and cultural environment, vibrantly reflecting the manifold facets of Canada.

Corporate Sponsorships

Community and Social Development Air Canada This component of Sponsorships and Community Investments offers tangible benefits at events, including branded goods, activation space and organizational opportunities. It focuses on events in the arts, culture and sports sector.

Court Challenges Program

Justice and security Canadian Heritage The Program provides financial support to Canadians to bring cases of national significance related to constitutional and quasi-constitutional official language rights and human rights before the courts.

Creating, Knowing and Sharing: The Arts and Cultures of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples

Arts, culture and media Canada Council for the Arts This program supports Indigenous individuals, groups, Indigenous-led arts organizations and arts/cultural sector development organizations that foster a vital and resilient Indigenous arts ecosystem. Additional funds are being invested in the Short-Term Projects and Long-Term Projects components for upcoming deadlines.

Creative BC/CBC Digital Production Fund

Arts, culture and media CBC The fund supports the film, television, publishing, music, interactive and digital media industries in British Columbia. The fund supports the creation of content by the province's creators and filmmakers for presentation on CBC's digital platforms.

Creative Export Canada

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage This program provides funding contributions to Canadian organizations that wish to carry out an export project.

Crime Prevention Funding Programs

Justice and security Public Safety Canada Through the Programs, the National Crime Prevention Strategy funds projects selected for their ability to contribute to the prevention and reduction of crime and to increase knowledge of effective crime prevention practices. To achieve its objectives, the Strategy has established specific priorities for project funding.

Crime Prevention Inventory

Justice and security Public Safety Canada This site provides a list of programs funded under the National Crime Prevention Strategy, either by Canadian provinces and territories or by non-governmental organizations.

Dairy Processing Investment Fund

Economic development, employment projects and training Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada The Fund is designed to support dairy processors in adapting to market changes resulting from the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement between Canada and the European Union. The program will provide contributions to support projects aimed at improving productivity and competitiveness through capital investment in infrastructure and equipment, and access to expertise.

Dedicated Fund for the English-Speaking Community of Quebec – Community Life

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Helps support projects that improve community vitality and that offer activities and services in English to members of the English-speaking community of Quebec.

Dementia Strategic Fund

Health Public Health Agency of Canada The Fund aims to raise awareness of dementia, including how to prevent or delay onset, reduce stigma and encourage and enable communities to become more dementia-inclusive.

Designated Communities funding stream

Community and Social Development Infrastructure Canada The application process is designed to expand the Designated Community Component. Funding will be used to prevent and reduce homelessness in designated communities, as well as Indigenous, rural and remote communities across the country.

Destination Clic – Complementary Support for Language Learning

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage A three-week intensive summer immersion bursary program for young Francophones from official language minority communities for the development of their first language.

Destination Clic – French Enrichment Program

Community and Social Development Canadian Heritage This three-week summer program for francophone students in Grades 8 and 9 who attend a French-as-a-first-language school and live outside of Quebec.

Digital Citizen Contribution Program

Economic development, employment projects and training Canadian Heritage The Program supports research on countering online disinformation as well as other online harms and threats to Canada’s democracy and social cohesion.

Digital Generator

Arts, culture and media Canada Council for the Arts Digital Generator is a short-term initiative to support Canadian arts groups, collectives, and organizations to build their digital capacity and transform their business model and operations.

Digital Greenhouse

Arts, culture and media Canada Council for the Arts This digital innovation initiative is aimed at Canadian individuals, groups and organizations. It supports short-term projects that leverage digital technology to address sectoral and digital challenges.

Digital Now: Grants for digital artistic content

Pandemic of COVID-19 Canada Council for the Arts This one-time initiative provides groups, collectives and arts organizations with grants to develop, create, adapt, promote, disseminate and optimize digital artistic content.

Digital originals

Pandemic of COVID-19 CBC/Radio-Canada; Canada Council for the Arts A new time-limited funding initiative to help artists, groups and arts organizations pivot their work to online audiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. The funding directly benefits creators of original digital content.

Disaster Assistance Programs

Justice and security Public Safety Canada This site provides a comprehensive list of federal programs that provide assistance in the event of disasters of all kinds.

Documentary Heritage Communities Program

Arts, culture and media Library and Archives Canada The Program provides funding annually to documentary heritage organizations across the country to help ensure that Canada’s continuing memory is documented, preserved and accessible.

Early Learning and Child Care Innovation

Community and Social Development Employment and Social Development Canada This program supports organizations exploring new ideas to maximize innovative practices across Canada.

ECCC Atmospheric and Meteorological Undergraduate and Graduate Supplements

Innovation, technology and research Environment and Climate Change Canada; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada The purpose of these supplements are to promote graduate research in the atmospheric and meteorological sciences in Canadian universities; encourage and support graduate and undergraduate students to carry out research of interest to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC); increase contacts between ECCC researchers and Canadian universities; and promote training of potential candidates for possible future graduate studies in the atmospheric and meteorological sciences and possible future employment at ECCC.

EcoAction Community Funding Program

Innovation, technology and research Environment and Climate Change Canada The purpose of the Program is to fund new projects that engage Canadians and clearly demonstrate the achievement of positive and measurable environmental results related to the environmental priority of freshwater.

Economic Development Initiative

Economic development, employment projects and training Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency; Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions; Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency; Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario; Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario; Pacific Economic Development Canada; Prairies Economic Development Canada Coordinated by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada and implemented by the regional development agencies across the country, the Economic Development Initiative promotes the acquisition of new business skills by members of official-language minority communities. It is also supported by the Action Plan for Official Languages – 2018–2023: Investing in Our Future.

Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment Initiative

Innovation, technology and research Natural Resources Canada The Initiative provides repayable contributions to support the construction of a network of rapid charging stations for electric vehicles from coast to coast to coast. The funding also supports natural gas infrastructure along major freight corridors and hydrogen infrastructure in major metropolitan centres.

Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstration Program

Innovation, technology and research Natural Resources Canada Through funding, the Program aims to accelerate the market entry of next-generation clean energy infrastructure, such as innovative electric vehicle charging and hydrogen fuelling technologies, which will lead to increased adoption of zero-emission vehicles.

Emerging Renewable Power Program

Innovation, technology and research Natural Resources Canada The Program provides funding to diversify the portfolio of commercially viable renewable energy sources available to provinces to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from their electricity sectors. It will establish new industries in Canada by supporting renewable energy technologies that are already commercially established abroad but not in Canada, and that have already been demonstrated in Canada but have not yet been used on a utility scale.

Enabling Accessibility Fund for mid-sized projects

Community and Social Development Employment and Social Development Canada The purpose of the Fund is to contribute to major projects for the modernization, renovation or construction of facilities or places where programs and services are offered or will be offered to meet the social or labour market integration needs of persons with disabilities in a holistic manner.

Enabling Accessibility Fund Youth innovation component

Innovation, technology and research Employment and Social Development Canada The Fund seeks enthusiastic young people who want to demonstrate their leadership and commitment to their community. By working to remove barriers to accessibility in public places or workplaces in their community or surrounding communities, they have the opportunity to make a real difference in the lives of people with disabilities.

Enabling Fund for Official Language Minority Communities

Community and Social Development Employment and Social Development Canada This Fund aims to enhance the development and vitality of official language minority communities.

Energy Efficient Buildings Research, Development and Demonstration

Innovation, technology and research Natural Resources Canada This program aims to support the development and implementation of building codes for existing and new net-zero energy buildings through projects that accelerate the development and adoption of technologies and design and construction practices, that provide more cost-effective solutions, that are locally supported by real-world demonstrations, and that ultimately build trust and confidence in the adoption of updated codes.

Engage and Sustain

Arts, culture and media Canada Council for the Arts This program provides a strong foundation for the arts in Canada by supporting arts organizations that are at the heart of their creative communities. It provides funding to organizations that strive for artistic excellence and are dedicated to the advancement of the arts through programming that engages a wide range of artists and is aimed at a diverse audience.

English program – National Film Board of Canada

Arts, culture and media National Film Board of Canada The English program produces or co-produces documentaries and linear, immersive or interactive storytelling animated and documentary films by emerging, mid-career and established filmmakers that reflect stories, places, perspectives and communities from across the country.

Enhanced Dementia Surveillance Program

Health Public Health Agency of Canada This initiative supports the development and implementation of targeted awareness raising activities, the development and/or dissemination of dementia guidance, including guidelines and best practices, and an online portal to share information resources with the public and targeted audiences.

Environmental Funding Programs

Innovation, technology and research Environment and Climate Change Canada

Various grants and contributions programs to support projects that protect or conserve the natural environment:

  • Atlantic Ecosystems Initiatives;
  • Climate Action and Awareness Fund;
  • Community Interaction Program;
  • Community Nominated Priority Places for Species at Risk;
  • EcoAction Community Funding Program;
  • Environmental Damages Fund;
  • Great Lakes Protection Initiative;
  • Habitat Stewardship Program;
  • Lake Winnipeg Basin Program;
  • Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund.

Equality for Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression Program

Community and Social Development Women and Gender Equality Canada The Program aims to advance social, political and economic equality with respect to sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression.


Pandemic of COVID-19 National Arts Centre Ersatz is a multidisciplinary platform born in pandemic times. It offers a plethora of resources for young audiences, including creative projects, videos and learning tools.

Exchanges Canada

Economic development, employment projects and training Canadian Heritage This program helps youth to enhance their knowledge and understanding of Canada, while connecting with other young Canadians. The two components, Youth Exchanges Canada and Youth Forums Canada, both provide funding to selected Canadian organizations.

Explore – Complementary Support for Language Learning

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Five-week spring or summer intensive immersion scholarships for young Anglophones and Francophones to learn their second language.

Explore – Second Language Program

Economic development, employment projects and training Canadian Heritage The Program is a five-week, intensive language immersion program.

Explore and Create

Arts, culture and media Canada Council for the Arts This program provides funding to Canadian artists, arts groups and organizations engaged in the creation and dissemination of innovative, dynamic and diverse art, thus encouraging artists to explore creative processes and take risks that enable them to create works intended to reach audiences. A portion of the additional one-time funding is being invested in the Research and Creation and Concept to Realization components of its Explore and Create program. Program guidelines and eligibility remain unchanged.

Family Violence – Justice Partnership and Innovation Program

Justice and security Department of Justice Canada The Program aims to improve the justice system’s response to family violence by funding projects and to promote ongoing public awareness of the factors that contribute to family violence and encourage public involvement in developing solutions.

Federal Internship for Newcomers Program

Immigration and International Development Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada The Program offers eligible newcomers the opportunity to gain temporary work experience and also provides training opportunities with Canadian federal, provincial and municipal organizations.

Federal Internship Program for Canadians with Disabilities

Economic development, employment projects and training Public Service Commission The Program provides opportunities for persons with disabilities to participate in internships in the federal public service.

Federal Student Work Experience Program

Economic development, employment projects and training Public Service Commission The Program provides valuable and relevant experience by allowing students to explore hundreds of careers and thousands of jobs offered by the Government of Canada across the country.

Feminist Response and Recovery Fund

Pandemic of COVID-19 Women and Gender Equality Canada The Fund, which runs from 2021 to 2024, was established under the Women's Program to support projects that increase the participation of women and girls in the economic, social, democratic and political life after COVID-19. It is designated for projects that support those most in need during the pandemic, which includes women living in an official language minority community.

Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage This initiative promotes Canada as a location of choice for film and video productions employing Canadians.

Filmmaker Assistance Program

Arts, culture and media National Film Board of Canada The Program aims to help independent filmmakers make their films or videos by providing technical services and support. Assistance is provided in the form of technical services.

Financial assistance for protected persons

Immigration and International Development Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada A person who has good reason to believe that he or she would be persecuted in his or her country of origin because of various factors may be designated as a protected person. To this end, thanks to this program, he or she can obtain the same loans and bursaries as a Canadian citizen or permanent resident to attend an accredited post-secondary institution in Canada.

Financial incentives by province/territory: Fuel and energy efficiency

Innovation, technology and research Natural Resources Canada This list presents an inventory of programs to promote the efficient use or conservation of energy at the end-use level and/or the use of alternative energy in Canada. It covers programs offered by the Government of Canada, provincial and territorial governments, major Canadian municipalities and major electric and gas utilities and companies.

Financial relief for entrepreneurs

Pandemic of COVID-19 Business Development Bank of Canada This initiative provides access to credit options during the COVID-19 pandemic to support entrepreneurs until a more stable period.

Foreign Credential Recognition Program

Immigration and International Development Employment and Social Development Canada The Program aims to support foreign credential recognition in Canada. It provides funding to provincial and territorial governments and other organizations, which in turn use these funds to support programs that help assess and recognize international credentials and work experience that individuals have obtained in other countries.

Foreign Credential Recognition Program – Innovation and skilled newcomer employment

Immigration and International Development Employment and Social Development Canada This component of the Program aims to support the development and implementation of innovative and collaborative approaches that improve the integration of highly skilled newcomers into the Canadian labour market.

Francophone Settlement Services in Northern and Central Alberta

Immigration and International Development Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada The purpose of this funding process is to find a Francophone organization or partnership under the leadership of a Francophone organization to provide settlement services in French to French-speaking newcomers in northern and central Alberta.

French program – National Film Board of Canada

Arts, culture and media National Film Board of Canada The French program is a collaboration with emerging and established filmmakers as well as craftspeople from all walks of life to support bold and innovative works that have the potential to reach diverse audiences and communities while promoting a diversity of approaches, perspectives and voices.

French Second Language Post-Secondary Scholarships – Second Language Learning Component

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Scholarships to encourage English-speaking students to continue their post-secondary studies in their second official language, French, to maintain their language skills and bilingualism.

Funding: Occupational Health and Safety

Health Employment and Social Development Canada This component provides financial assistance for projects and activities that support the federal government’s occupational health and safety objectives.


Economic development, employment projects and training Public Services and Procurement Canada This program provides asset management and disposal for the Government of Canada.

Gender-Based Violence Program

Community and Social Development Women and Gender Equality Canada The Program aims to address gaps in support for specific categories of people who have experienced gender-based violence by developing and implementing promising practices to address gaps in support for Indigenous and under-served populations across the country.

Grand Acts of Theatre

Pandemic of COVID-19 National Arts Centre The Grand Acts of Theatre are a response to the pandemic. The project showcases theatre companies from across the country. The initiative continues to this day with the recent launch of the Grand Acts of Great Hope.

Green Infrastructure Programs

Innovation, technology and research Natural Resources Canada

Various financing programs are available to accelerate the deployment and market entry of next-generation clean energy infrastructure:

  • Electric Vehicle and Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Deployment Initiative.
  • Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Demonstrations.
  • Emerging Renewable Power Program.
  • Energy Efficient Buildings RD&D.
  • Smart Grid Program.
  • Smart Renewables and Electrification Pathways Program.
  • Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program.

Green Jobs internship Program

Economic development, employment projects and training Natural Resources Canada The Program provides wage subsidies to eligible employers across Canada to hire and mentor youth in the natural resource sectors, including in energy, forestry, mining and earth sciences.

Green Municipal Fund

Innovation, technology and research Environment and Climate Change Canada; Infrastructure Canada; Natural Resources Canada Through the Fund’s unique mix of training, resources and funding, municipalities have improved their air, water and soil quality, and tackled the impacts of climate change.

Healthy Canadians and Communities Fund

Health Public Health Agency of Canada The Fund encourages all sectors of society to participate in supporting healthy living. Theprojects bring together partners to achieve better health outcomes for Canadians.

HIV and Hepatitis C Community Action Fund

Health Public Health Agency of Canada The Fund supports community programming to address priority public health issues. It aims to foster innovation, encourage collaboration and partnerships, and maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of community investments.

Hotel Cards Program (email)

Community and Social Development Public Services and Procurement Canada This program allows OLMC organizations working to support their communities across Canada to benefit from preferential Government of Canada rates at participating accommodations facilities. The program aims to reduce the costs generated by the organizations' business travel. To become a member, please send an email at:


Arts, culture and media National Film Board of Canada Aimed at emerging creators from across the country, the initiative offers finalists an internship at the NFB English Program’s Animation Studio. During this internship, participants make a short animated film lasting up to one minute, from development to final mixing and video output, in a real professional environment.

Incubators and Accelerators Driven by Excellence

Innovation, technology and research Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions This initiative offers crucial support to young innovative companies with high growth potential (start-ups) at all stages of their existence (creation, development and growth).

Independent Filmmaker Assistance Program

Arts, culture and media National Film Board of Canada This French Program provides support for the production of French-language films from across Canada that are particularly innovative in form or content and whose existence could otherwise be jeopardized.

Indigenous Community Corrections Initiative

Justice and security Public Safety Canada The over-representation of Indigenous people in Canada's criminal justice system is an on-going concern that the federal government is committed to addressing. The objectives of the Initiative are to support the development of alternatives to custody and reintegration projects for Indigenous offenders.

Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care - Quality Improvements Project

Community and Social Development Employment and Social Development Canada This fund is designed for Indigenous communities, governments and organizations that are exploring ways to improve Indigenous Early Learning and Child Care.

Indigenous Languages and Culture Program

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage The Program promotes Indigenous languages, strengthens Indigenous cultural identity and increases Indigenous participation in Canadian society.

Initiatives to address workplace sexual harassment anticipatory call for proposals

Justice and security Department of Justice Canada This call for proposals to provide funding contributes to the elimination of harassment in the workplace by providing complainants of sexual harassment in the workplace with access to legal advice when dealing with a sexual harassment case, and by increasing awareness and knowledge of issues related to sexual harassment in the workplace.

Innovative Communities Fund

Innovation, technology and research Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency The Fund invests in strategic projects that strengthen the economies of Atlantic Canadian communities, with a focus on sustainable economic growth.

Insight Program

Innovation, technology and research Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council The goal of the Program is to advance knowledge about people, society and the world by supporting research excellence in the social sciences and humanities.

Intergovernmental Cooperation – Second Language Learning Component

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Supports provincial and territorial governments, directly or through the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, to provide opportunities to study English or French as a second language and to offer cultural enrichment.

Intergovernmental Cooperation on Minority Language Education – Minority Language Education Component

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Helps provincial and territorial governments, directly or through the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, to provide opportunities for minority-language Canadians to be educated in their mother tongue and to enrich their cultural experience.

Intergovernmental Cooperation on Minority Languages Services – Community Life

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage This sub-component helps provincial and territorial governments provide provincial, territorial and municipal services, other than education, in the language of the official language minority community, and in establishing and maintaining the necessary infrastructure to do so.

International Trade and Labour

Economic development, employment projects and training Employment and Social Development Canada This component of the Labour Funding Program provides funding to develop and publish reports on labour issues, promote social dialogue, oversee cooperative activities and intergovernmental consultations, and manage independent evaluations and dispute resolution related to the enforcement of labour laws.

International Youth Internship Program

Immigration and International Development Global Affairs Canada The Program is part of the Government of Canada’s Youth Employment Strategy. It aims to provide young Canadians with an opportunity to gain work experience abroad in the field of international development and to acquire skills to prepare them for future employment or further education.

Intersectoral Action Fund

Health Public Health Agency of Canada The Fund supports communities to build capacity for intersectoral action on the conditions in which we are born, live, grow, work and age - the social determinants of health.

Investing in Canada plan funding stream: Rural and Northern Communities infrastructure

Innovation, technology and research Infrastructure Canada; Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada Investments in rural and northern infrastructure help grow local economies, build stronger, more inclusive communities, and help safeguard the environment and the health of Canadians.

Jobs and Growth Fund

Economic development, employment projects and training Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada The Fund aims to support regional job creation and position local economies for long-term growth. It helps job creators and the organizations that support them to become more sustainable, resilient and prepared for growth.

Joint Initiative for Digital Citizen Research

Economic development, employment projects and training Canadian Heritage The Initiative supports the goals of the Government of Canada's approach to protecting democracy and the Digital Citizen Initiative.

Justice Partnership and Innovation Program

Justice and security Department of Justice Canada The objectives of the Program include promoting and encouraging participation in the identification of new trends, issues and/or gaps and possible responses with respect to the justice system, encouraging innovations in the justice system, and increasing knowledge, awareness, understanding and informed dialogue among justice system stakeholders and/or the public on justice-related issues such as access to justice, racism and official languages.

Labour Market Development Agreement program

Economic development, employment projects and training Employment and Social Development Canada This site provides a list of relevant agreements between the provinces and territories and the federal government. The agreements with the provinces and territories are designed to help Canadians obtain skills training and employment assistance funded through the Employment Insurance system.

Labs and special initiatives

Arts, culture and media National Film Board of Canada Learn more about the NFB’s various ongoing labs, competitions and assistance programs. The special initiatives allow creators to enter the professional documentary, animated film, and interactive communities

LAC Scholar Awards

Arts, culture and media Library and Archives Canada The Awards, presented jointly by Library and Archives Canada and the Library and Archives Canada Foundation, with the support of founding sponsor Air Canada, recognize outstanding Canadians who have made contributions to the creation and promotion of our country's cultural, literary and historical heritage.

Lake Winnipeg Basin Program

Innovation, technology and research Environment and Climate Change Canada The Program funds applied-for projects to support targeted, results-oriented actions related to the three high-priority freshwater issues of nutrient reduction, collaborative governance and Indigenous engagement.

Language Training Adapted for Newcomers in Francophone Minority Communities

Immigration and International Development Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada This program provides funding for language training services adapted to French-speaking and allophone newcomers who have declared French as their preferred official language.

Listen, Hear Our Voices

Arts, culture and media Library and Archives Canada Through funding, the initiative assists organizations serving Indigenous communities to digitize and preserve existing records that document and preserve their languages and cultures.

Living Laboratories Initiative

Innovation, technology and research Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada The Initiative aims to establish a national network of sites where groups inside and outside government can work together to develop, evaluate, and implement innovative solutions to persistent agri-environmental problems. It encourages collaborative work to make beneficial technologies and management practices available to farmers in a timely manner.

Local Journalism Initiative

Economic development, employment projects and training Canadian Heritage The Initiative supports the creation of original civic journalism that covers the diverse needs of underserved communities across Canada.

Major Festivals and Events Support Initiative

Pandemic of COVID-19 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada The Initiative is designed to help Canadian festivals and events that have been hard hit by the economic impacts of the COVID-19 to adapt and enhance their operations in the context of economic recovery. This initiative aims to ensure that major festivals and events continue to operate and that jobs are maintained in the surrounding communities.

Management and Development of Agricultural Business

Economic development, employment projects and training Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada This fund contains various programs to start, manage, maintain, develop and protect agricultural businesses, labor and workforce.

Market Access Strategy for Official Language Minority Communities Fund

Arts, culture and media Canada Council for the Arts The Fund aims to increase access of applicants from official language minority communities to a diversity of markets and publics. It supports Canadian professional artists, arts professionals, artistic groups and arts organizations who self-identify as belonging to one of those communities.

Memorial Grant Program for First Responders

Justice and security Public Safety Canada Recognizing the essential role of first responders in protecting Canadians, the Program will provide funding directly to the families of first responders who die in the line of duty.

Mental health and wellness

Health Veterans Affairs Canada The program provides services, counselling and compensation to Veterans for their mental health needs, including post-traumatic stress disorder or depression.

Mental Health of Black Canadians Fund

Health Public Health Agency of Canada The Fund generates knowledge, capacity, and programs that promote mental health and address its determinants for Black Canadians.

Movable Cultural Property Grants

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage This initiative helps designated organizations acquire cultural property of outstanding significance and national importance to Canada.

Museums Assistance Program

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage The Program supports heritage institutions and workers in the preservation and presentation of heritage collections.

Music Alive Program

Arts, culture and media National Arts Centre The Program inspires and encourages active participation in the arts to foster creativity, personal growth and healthy communities, particularly in rural and remote regions of Canada. The program’s collaborators are, for the most part, local artists.

National Acadian Day

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage This special fund is available to promote the 2022 National Acadian Day.

National Call for Proposals 2019 Part 2: Research, Capacity-Building, and Coordination Services (Indirect) Funding Guidelines

Immigration and International Development Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada This project aims to build the capacity of communities and settlement professionals on the health challenges and solutions for Francophone immigrants.

National Creation Fund

Arts, culture and media National Arts Centre The Fund invests in exciting and ambitious new Canadian theatre, dance, music and interdisciplinary works by artists and arts organizations from across the country, as well as in the development of promising productions that have the potential to be revived after their initial creation.

National Crime Prevention Strategy

Justice and security Public Safety Canada There are four funding programs under the Strategy. Funded projects are selected for their ability to contribute to the prevention and reduction of crime and to increase knowledge of effective crime prevention practices. To achieve its objectives, the Strategy has established specific priorities for project funding.

New Frontiers in Research Fund

Innovation, technology and research Canadian Institutes of Health Research; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council The Fund is intended to support world-leading interdisciplinary, international, high-risk/high-reward, transformative and rapid-response Canadian research.

New Horizons for Seniors Program – Community-based projects (up to $25,000)

Community and Social Development Employment and Social Development Canada The Program supports projects led by and for seniors who want to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in their communities. It encourages seniors to share their knowledge, skills and experiences with others.

New Horizons for Seniors Program – Community-based projects (up to $5,000)

Community and Social Development Employment and Social Development Canada The Program supports projects led by and for seniors who want to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in their communities. It encourages seniors to share their knowledge, skills and experiences with others.

New Horizons for Seniors Program – Pan-Canadian projects

Community and Social Development Employment and Social Development Canada The Program aims to increase the quality of life of seniors and enable them to contribute fully to their communities. Through funding, one of its goals is to strengthen the collective capacity of organizations to recognize and address systemic barriers to social inclusion faced by seniors.

Northern Ontario Development Program

Economic development, employment projects and training Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario The Program aims to fund projects led by municipalities, First Nations, and other organizations and institutions that support community economic development, diversification, job creation and self-reliant communities in Northern Ontario.

Odyssey – Complementary Support for Language Learning

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Full-time language instructor positions at elementary, secondary or post-secondary institutions to enable youth to work with teachers to enhance French first-language or English/French-as-a-second-language courses.

Odyssey – Language-Assistant Program

Arts, culture and media Canadian Heritage The Program is a bilingual, paid work experience that provides opportunities for post-secondary students to travel to another province.

Official Language Health Program

Health Health Canada The Program aims to improve access to health services for official-language minority communities, in particular through funding. It has three components: training and retention of health professionals, health networking and access to health services projects.

Official Languages Fund

Arts, culture and media Canada Council for the Arts The Fund offers financial support to artists and organizations working in official language minority communities. The objectives are to counter isolation and assist in the artistic development of individual artists and the development of arts organizations working in those communities.

Operational Stress Injury Clinics

Health Veterans Affairs Canada This program aims to give a service for Veterans or members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police that are victim of operational stress.

Operational Stress Injury Social Support Service

Health Department of National Defence; Veterans Affairs Canada This program is an addition to the mental health services of both departments and offers a wide range of services by Peer Support Coordinators.

Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities - National and Regional stream

Economic development, employment projects and training Employment and Social Development Canada By providing financial support to organizations, the Fund’s program helps persons with disabilities prepare for, maintain employment or self-employment to increase their economic participation and independence.

Physical Activity Contribution Program: Supporting Healthy Living for Canadians

Health Health Canada; Public Health Agency of Canada Through the Healthy Living Unit, collaborative work unites public health, healthy living, sport and recreation counterparts in provincial and territorial governments across Canada to promote healthy living among Canadians.

Policy Development Contribution Program

Justice and security Public Safety Canada The Program supports strategic projects undertaken by stakeholders that contribute to policy development and improved service delivery in the areas of public safety and emergency management.

Post-Secondary Co-op/Internship Program

Economic development, employment projects and training Public Service Commission The Program offers students internships with the Government of Canada where they can gain practical experience, benefit from a diverse and inclusive work environment, and embark on a meaningful career by choosing from hundreds of fields and thousands of jobs across the country.

Procurement Assistance Canada

Economic development, employment projects and training Public Services and Procurement Canada This program provides a better understanding of how the Government of Canada buys goods and services.

Promotion of Bilingual Services – Promotion of Linguistic Duality

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Encourages various non-governmental sector organizations, particularly volunteer organizations, to provide services in English and in French and to share their best practices in this area.

Public Lending Right

Arts, culture and media Canada Council for the Arts This program sends yearly payments to creators (writers, translators, illustrators, narrators, photographers, editors) whose works are in Canada’s public libraries.

Quebec Economic Development Program

Economic development, employment projects and training Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions The Program aims to promote the long-term economic development of Quebec's regions.

Reaching Home – Funding streams

Community and Social Development Infrastructure Canada This program provides direct funding to communities across Canada to support their efforts in developing local solutions to homelessness.

Reaching Home – Indigenous Homelessness funding stream

Community and Social Development Infrastructure Canada This component offers funding to organizations that provide support to address the specific needs of First Nations, Inuit and Métis people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. The objective is to provide this funding to Indigenous organizations located in urban centres.

Reaching Home – Rural and Remote Homelessness funding stream

Community and Social Development Infrastructure Canada The purpose of this stream is to fund projects to prevent and reduce homelessness in the community. It is open to all non-designated communities.

Reaching Home – Territorial Homelessness funding stream

Community and Social Development Infrastructure Canada This stream aims to better support communities in the territories. It retains the community dimension of the program while providing more flexibility in how the funding can be used to address specific homelessness challenges in the territories.

Regional Economic Growth Through Innovation

Innovation, technology and research Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency; Canada Economic Development for Quebec Regions; Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency; Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario; Federal Economic Development Agency for Northern Ontario; Pacific Economic Development Canada; Prairies Economic Development Canada Coordinated by Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada and implemented by the regional development agencies across the country, the program aims at the economic growth of businesses and regions by promoting innovation, according to the needs and benefits of each region.

Reopening Fund

Pandemic of COVID-19 Canada Council for the Arts; Canadian Heritage; Telefilm Canada The Fund will provide $200 million over two years through existing programming to help Canada’s festivals, cultural events, outdoor theatre performances, heritage celebrations, local museums, amateur sport events and more. It will support organizations and projects that deliver in-person experiences or events that draw visitors to our communities.

Research Affiliate Program

Innovation, technology and research Public Service Commission The Program offers post-secondary students the opportunity to gain experience and conduct a variety of innovative research projects by working as part-time research assistants in federal organizations.

Research Funding in the Social Sciences and Humanities

Innovation, technology and research Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Various funding opportunities are available to support postsecondary-based research, research training and knowledge mobilization activities in the social sciences and humanities through three programs: Connection Program; Insight Program and Talent Program.

Research Support Fund

Innovation, technology and research Canadian Institutes of Health Research; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada; Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council The Fund is intended to help post-secondary institutions and their affiliated hospitals and research institutes cover the costs incurred in the management of research funded by the three federal granting agencies: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Resettlement Assistance Program

Immigration and International Development Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada The Program provides financial resettlement assistance to refugees. These funds can be used to pay for such things as reception at the airport or port of entry, temporary accommodation, assistance in finding permanent accommodation, the purchase of basic household items and general assistance for living in Canada.

Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot

Immigration and International Development Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada This program aims to bring the benefits of economic immigration to smaller communities by creating a pathway to permanent residence for skilled foreign workers who wish to live and work in one of the participating communities.

Santa letter-writing program

Community and Social Development Canada Post Every year, Santa and his volunteer elves respond to some 1.6 million letters written in 38 languages. Through the Santa Letter Program, it is possible to write a letter to Santa and he will respond.

Science Horizons Youth Internship Program

Innovation, technology and research Environment and Climate Change Canada The Program supports the creation of green jobs for youth by providing wage subsidies to eligible employers who hire interns in the environmental and clean technology sectors.

Sectoral Initiatives Program

Economic development, employment projects and training Employment and Social Development Canada The Program supports sectors in identifying, forecasting, and addressing their human resources and skills issues

Settlement Program

Immigration and International Development Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada This program aims to facilitate the settlement and integration of newcomers by helping them overcome the specific barriers they may face so that they can integrate into society over the long term, without discrimination against other Canadians.

Skilled Trades Awareness and Readiness Program

Economic development, employment projects and training Employment and Social Development Canada The Program encourages Canadians to explore and prepare for careers in the skilled trades, including those facing barriers, such as youth, women, Indigenous people, newcomers, people with disabilities, racialized communities, including Black Canadians. The program supports pre-apprenticeship training.

Skills and Partnerships Fund

Economic development, employment projects and training Employment and Social Development Canada The Fund supports government priorities through strategic partnerships by funding projects contributing to the skills development and training of Indigenous workers for long-term, meaningful employment.

Skills for Success

Economic development, employment projects and training Employment and Social Development Canada This program is designed to fund projects that address employability or workplace issues or knowledge gaps.

Skills Link (Youth Employment Strategy) – Local and regional projects

Economic development, employment projects and training Employment and Social Development Canada This program is part of the Youth Employment Strategy. By providing financial support to organizations, this program aims to help young people overcome barriers to employment and acquire a range of skills and knowledge to enter the labour market today and tomorrow, as well as to promote education and skills as essential elements for entering the labour market.

Smart Grid Program

Innovation, technology and research Natural Resources Canada The Program is designed to fund utility-led projects to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, make better use of existing electricity assets and foster innovation and clean jobs. These projects will demonstrate smart grid technologies and the deployment of integrated smart grid systems.

Social Development Partnerships Program – Children and Families – Financial Empowerment of Low-Income People

Community and Social Development Employment and Social Development Canada This fund supports projects that focus on the following objective: develop and carry out financial empowerment services and supports to help increase the financial wellbeing of low-income adults.

Social Development Partnerships Program – Children and Families – Social Inclusion of Vulnerable Children and Youth

Community and Social Development Employment and Social Development Canada This fund supports projects that focus on the following objective: develop and carry out services and supports to help increase the social inclusion and wellbeing of vulnerable children and youth.

Social Development Partnerships Program – Children and family

Community and Social Development Employment and Social Development Canada The Program supports the creation of more responsive programs, services or tools to better serve the diverse needs of children and their families, especially those living in adverse conditions.

Social Development Partnerships Program (Disability component) – Financial security

Community and Social Development Employment and Social Development Canada The Program aims to encourage the testing of innovative approaches to improving the financial security of working-age Canadians with disabilities living below or near the poverty line. Funding will be provided to organizations to test new approaches, evaluate what works and what does not work, and share these findings.

Social Development Partnerships Program (Disability component) – Youth leadership

Community and Social Development Employment and Social Development Canada Through funding, the Program supports projects aimed at improving the participation and social inclusion of persons with disabilities in all aspects of Canadian society. Projects will provide meaningful leadership experiences for youth with disabilities and youth with experiences based on their own lives.

Social Development Partnerships Program, Children and Families Component

Community and Social Development Employment and Social Development Canada This fund is provided to eligible organizations for projects that help to improve the lives of children and families.

Sport Canada Hosting Program

Community and Social Development Canadian Heritage The Program assists sport organizations to host the Canada Games and international sports events in Canada.

Sport Support Program

Community and Social Development Canadian Heritage The Program supports the development of Canadian athletes and coaches.

Strategic Fund – Community Life

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Promotes the vitality of official language minority communities through major projects and/or strategic initiatives.

Student Employment Program

Economic development, employment projects and training Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council The Program will enable students to develop their skills, explore future employment opportunities, receive competitive compensation and integrate work into their academic schedule.

Support for the Civic Community School Fund – Community Life (in French only)

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Supports the offer of identity-building community projects set up by community organizations in more than 750 French-language minority schools across the country and will respond to the aspirations of young people.

Supporting Artistic Practice

Arts, culture and media Canada Council for the Arts This program encourages a dynamic support system for the arts in Canada by funding Canadian arts professionals, groups, and arts organizations who champion the Canadian arts sector, boost the capacity for artists to realize work and advance the conditions of creation.

Supporting Distress Centres during the COVID-19 pandemic

Pandemic of COVID-19 Public Health Agency of Canada This program supports distress centres from across Canada in responding to increased demand for crisis services during the COVID-19 period. Funded activities include hiring new staff, managing increased demand and changes to service delivery models, development of new or adapted resources for responders, and knowledge exchange to share lessons learned.

Surplus Federal Real Property for Homelessness Initiative

Community and Social Development Infrastructure Canada This program is a funding component of the Homelessness Partnering Strategy that aims to make surplus federal real property available to communities for projects that contribute to the stabilization of housing conditions for individuals and families who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.

Sustainable Development Goals Funding Program

Innovation, technology and research Employment and Social Development Canada As part of the adoption by Canada and other member states of the United Nations of sustainable development goals for 2030, the Program provides grants for projects that aim to raise awareness of the 2030 Agenda, increase partnerships and networks, advance research, and further Canada’s implementation of the 2030 Agenda.

Sustainable Development Goals Program – Contributions

Innovation, technology and research Employment and Social Development Canada As part of the adoption by Canada and other member states of the United Nations of sustainable development goals for 2030, the Program provides contributions to implement projects focused on promoting partnerships, innovation and addressing data and research gaps in Canada.

Talent Program

Innovation, technology and research Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council The goal of the Program is to support students and postdoctoral researchers in order to develop the next generation of researchers and leaders across society, both within academia and across the public, private and not-for-profit sectors.

Teacher Recruitment and Retention Strategy in French Immersion and French Second-Language Programs

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Aims to develop and support a variety of strategies and activities to address the shortage of teachers in immersion programs and French as a second language.

Teacher Recruitment and Retention Strategy in Minority French Language Schools – Minority Language Education Component

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Aims to develop and support a variety of strategies and activities to address the shortage of teachers in Francophone minority schools.

The Canada Post Community Foundation

Community and Social Development Canada Post The Canada Post Community Foundation gives out grants every year to support children and youth in our communities.

The Canada Post stamp program

Community and Social Development Canada Post This program encourages Canadians to submit postage stamp topics. It also solicits the participation of Canadian designers for each stamp subject selected.

The Health Care Policy Contribution Program

Health Health Canada The Program provides funding to projects that aim to improve the accessibility, quality, sustainability, and accountability of Canada’s health care system. In doing so, it contributes to maintaining a strong and effective health care system through the development of policies and strategies to address priorities identified for the health care system.

The Price McIntosh Bursary to support diversity in Canada’s libraries and archives

Arts, culture and media Library and Archives Canada This bursary provides financial support to Indigenous peoples (First Nation, Inuit and Métis Nation), persons with disabilities and members of visible minorities who wish to pursue studies in fields related to libraries and archives and aims to develop Canada’s next generation of archival and library professionals.

Tourism Relief Fund

Pandemic of COVID-19 Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada The Fund is delivered by Canada's regional development agencies. It is designed to help communities across Canada undertake community infrastructure projects and improve existing infrastructure in order to recover from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Union Training and Innovation Program: Innovation in Apprenticeship

Innovation, technology and research Employment and Social Development Canada The Program supports the Government of Canada’s commitment to strengthen union-based learning, innovation and enhanced partnerships. The Innovation in Learning component supports innovative approaches to overcoming challenges that limit learning outcomes.

Union Training and Innovation Program: Investments in Training Equipment

Innovation, technology and research Employment and Social Development Canada The Program supports the Government of Canada’s commitment to strengthen union-based learning, innovation and enhanced partnerships. The Training Equipment Investment component supports cost-shared purchases of training equipment and materials.

Universal Broadband Fund

Innovation, technology and research Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada This program has been designed to fund broadband infrastructure projects that will bring high-speed Internet at 50/10 Megabits per second (Mbps) to rural and remote communities.

University Recruitment

Economic development, employment projects and training Department of Finance Canada This program is designed to recruit students to fill various types of positions in the Department in the National Capital Region, in addition to offering them assistance with the process.

VAC Assistance Service (1-800-268-7708) or TDD (1-800-567-5803)

Health Veterans Affairs Canada This program is a 24-hour help line for psychological issues available for Veterans and former Royal Canadian Mounted Police members and their families.

Veteran Family Program

Health Veterans Affairs Canada; Canadian Forces Morale and Welfare Services The Program benefits the medically releasing Canadian Armed Forces members, medically released Veterans and their families by helping them navigate the complex process of releasing, the challenges that may arise, and the sometimes unexpected impact on the social, emotional, and financial wellbeing.

Veterans Organization Emergency Support Fund

Pandemic of COVID-19 Veterans Affairs Canada The Fund was created to help Veterans’ organizations maintain operations during the COVID-19 pandemic, enabling them to continue operating and carrying out critical support to Veterans and their families.

Victims Fund – Child Advocacy Centres

Justice and security Department of Justice Canada The purpose of the Fund is to support the creation of new Child Support Centres, support new Child Support Centres that are being established or are in the early stages of development, strengthen the service delivery of existing CACs, and build capacity and networking.

Victims Fund – Project Funding

Justice and security Department of Justice Canada The objectives of the Fund include promoting access to justice and the participation of victims in the justice system, promoting the development of legislation, policies and programs for victims, and encouraging the implementation of principles, guidelines and legislation to respond to the needs of victims of crime and to clarify their role in the criminal justice system.

Victims Fund – Provincial Territorial Program Funding

Justice and security Department of Justice Canada The objectives of the Fund are to support the implementation of federal and provincial/territorial legislation for victims of crime, particularly the provisions of the Criminal Code, and to support the implementation of provincial victim-related legislation and the articulation of fundamental principles of justice for victims of crime in Canada through the development of police-based, court-based, Crown-based or system-based victim assistance programs, conferencing, public legal education and similar initiatives.

Visible Minority Newcomer Women Pilot Initiative

Immigration and International Development Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada The goal of the Initiative is to engage new partners in projects that specifically address the multiple barriers to labour market entry and career progression faced by visible minority women who are newcomers to Canada.

Volunteer Cooperation Program

Immigration and International Development Global Affairs Canada The Program supports Canadian organizations that send a wide range of Canadian volunteers interested in volunteering their time and expertise to serve communities in developing countries.

Welcoming Francophone Communities initiative

Immigration and International Development Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada This initiative aims to support community partnerships and initiatives to generate awareness and create an environment in which newcomers will feel welcome.

Women’s Program

Community and Social Development Women and Gender Equality Canada The Program aims to promote equality for women in Canada by working to reduce or eliminate systemic barriers that impede their progress and advancement.

Workplace Opportunities: Removing Barriers to Equity

Economic development, employment projects and training Employment and Social Development Canada This program provides funding to eligible recipients to develop tailored solutions to support the four groups designated under the Employment Equity Act (women, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities and members of visible minorities).

Young Canada Works

Economic development, employment projects and training Canadian Heritage This program offers a variety of summer job and internship programs to job seekers and employers.

Young Canada Works at Building Careers in English and French – Young Canada Works

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Paid internships of four to 12 months in which youth can develop career-based skills to help them transition to the job market.

Young Canada Works in Both Official Languages – Young Canada Works

Official Languages Support Programs (Official Languages Branch, Canadian Heritage) Canadian Heritage Paid summer jobs lasting between six and 16 weeks where youth can work in their second official language or provide assistance to official language minority communities.

Young Entrepreneurs Program

Economic development, employment projects and training National Capital Commission The Program is aimed at young people who want to learn about entrepreneurship. At the end of the free program, participants will have the opportunity to set up a kiosk on one of the car-free parkways during the popular NOKIA Sunday Bikedays.

Youth Ambassadors

Economic development, employment projects and training Parks Canada This program aims to introduce young Canadians of all backgrounds to Canada’s rich cultural and natural heritage in creative ways while showcasing Parks Canada’s world-class conservation and restoration projects.

Youth Employment and Skills Program

Economic development, employment projects and training Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada The Program provides funding to organizations wishing to create agricultural internships that provide work experience for youth and youth facing barriers.

Youth Employment and Skills Strategy Program

Economic development, employment projects and training Employment and Social Development Canada The new integrated Strategy aims to provide flexible and holistic services to help all young Canadians acquire the skills and paid work experience they need to make a successful transition into the labour market.

Youth Justice Fund

Justice and security Department of Justice Canada The objectives of the Fund include developing special measures for violent young offenders, improving the system’s ability to rehabilitate and reintegrate young offenders into society, and increasing the use of diversionary measures that can often be more effective for certain types of less serious offences.

Youth Take Charge Program

Community and Social Development Canadian Heritage The Program supports youth-led projects that exemplify the ability to strengthen youth attachment to Canada.

Zones Théâtrales

Arts, culture and media National Arts Centre Zones Théâtrales is a biennial event whose mandate is to provide a showcase and meeting point for professional theatre from Francophone communities across Canada and the Quebec Regions.

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