Program Delivery Updates

This section contains policy, procedures and guidance used by IRCC staff. It is posted on the department’s website as a courtesy to stakeholders.

Program Delivery Updates (PDUs) are brief announcements to inform staff of updates to official IRCC instructions.

Category PDU title Date published
ref Processing in-Canada claims for refugee protection August 29, 2024
man Ukraine – General processing August 29, 2024
man Post March 31, 2024, measures to support Ukrainians and their family members August 26, 2024
pr Start-up Visa (SUV) Program – Peer Review Important Notice August 22, 2024
pr Out-of-status construction workers in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) August 21, 2024
req Applications for permanent residence from diplomatic, consular and official personnel August 21, 2024
ref cit tr pr Temporary public policy to reunite resettled Yazidis and other survivors of Daesh with their family members and extended family members August 16, 2024
ref Temporary public policy to facilitate the sponsorship of specific refugees previously sponsored by a sponsorship agreement holder August 16, 2024
tr Post-graduation work permit (PGWP) August 15, 2024
pr Start-up Visa (SUV) Program and Self-Employed Persons (SEP) Program – Minor updates August 15, 2024
pr Start-up Visa (SUV) – Minor updates August 14, 2024
man Temporary resident visas (TRVs) for certain extended family members affected by the crisis in Gaza August 14, 2024
tr Religious work [R186(l)] and [R205(d) – C50] August 13, 2024
ref Joint assistance sponsorships August 07, 2024
req New instructions on Educational Credential Assessment requirements August 07, 2024
tr Bilateral agreements and arrangements – International Experience Canada (IEC) – [R205(b) – C21] – Reciprocity – International Mobility Program (IMP) July 31, 2024
cit Interim measures for applications affected by the first-generation limit July 30, 2024
tr Functional guidance on temporary residents: Table of contents July 30, 2024
med Processing immigration medical exams (IME) July 30, 2024
tr Employer compliance inspections and associated instructions July 26, 2024
tr Bilateral agreements and arrangements – International Experience Canada (IEC) – [R205(b) – C21] – Reciprocity – International Mobility Program (IMP) July 26, 2024
med Medical examination requirements versus admissibility assessments July 26, 2024
tr Open work permit – General processing and issuance – International Mobility Program (IMP) July 25, 2024
man Temporary special measures in response to the crisis in Haiti July 25, 2024
tr pr cit Special processing measures – Persons directly affected by the 2024 wildfires throughout Canada July 23, 2024
tr Canadian interests – Significant benefit – Intra-company transferees – General requirements [R205(a)] (exemption codes C61, C62 and C63) (IMP) July 18, 2024
tr Assessing specialized knowledge of intra-company transferees under paragraphs R205(a) and R204(a) July 18, 2024
pr Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP) July 17, 2024
pr 2024 intake process for family class applications for parents and grandparents July 17, 2024
pr Family-based permanent residence pathway for people affected by the conflict in Sudan July 15, 2024
tr Facilitative measures to support Israeli and Palestinian nationals in Canada July 09, 2024
tr New Canada–Ukraine Free Trade Agreement (CUFTA) instructions for business persons July 05, 2024
tr Seasonal Agricultural Worker Program July 05, 2024
tr Spouses or common-law partners of study permit holders – [R205(c)(ii) – C42] – Canadian interest – International Mobility Program (IMP) July 03, 2024
cit Citizenship Program overview July 03, 2024
tr Optional open work permits for permanent residence pathways for Hong Kong residents and revised instructions for open work permits for Hong Kong recent graduates July 02, 2024
req Issuing certificates for Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) learners June 28, 2024
pr Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot June 24, 2024
tr Post-graduation work permit (PGWP) [R205(c) - C43] – International Mobility Program June 21, 2024
tr Refusal to process work permit applications for caregivers where the LMIA application was received under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program June 18, 2024
tr United States government personnel: International agreement [R204 (c) – T11] – International Mobility Program June 17, 2024
pr Permanent residence pathways for Hong Kong residents June 10, 2024
tr Study permits: Provincial attestation letter June 07, 2024
ref cit req man med tr pr Public policy measures for H-1B visa holders and their family members June 05, 2024
pr Agri-Food Pilot (AFP) Program June 03, 2024
ref cit req man med tr pr Interim measures for applications affected by the first-generation limit May 30, 2024
med Foreign medical or dental residents and medical research fellows – [R205(c)(ii) – C45] – International Mobility Program May 27, 2024
pr Express Entry – Clarifying the assessment of Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points – Certificate of qualification May 27, 2024
tr Temporary resident permits (TRPs) – Eligibility and assessment May 24, 2024
man Post March 31, 2024 measures to support Ukrainians and their family members May 24, 2024
tr Spouses or common-law partners of study permit holders – [R205(c)(ii) – C42] – Canadian interest – International Mobility Program (IMP) May 22, 2024
tr Edits to Regulated or certified occupations – Processing of work permit applications May 21, 2024
man Immigration measures to support immediate family members of Canadian citizens and permanent residents who have departed Sudan May 16, 2024
tr Instructions for foreign physicians coming to work in Quebec May 15, 2024
pr Occupation-restricted open work permits under the Home Child Care Provider Pilot or Home Support Worker Pilot – Gaining experience category [R205(a) – C90] May 9, 2024
ref Refugee protection claimant document (RPCD) renewal/replacement May 2, 2024
tr Quebec investors – [R204(c) – T10] – Labour market impact assessment (LMIA) exemption codes and table of contents May 1, 2024
ref cit req man med tr pr id info Permanent residence fees and right of permanent residence fee (RPRF) increase April 30, 2024
pr Start-Up Visa – Cap and prioritization April 30, 2024
pr Increases to permanent residence fees April 30, 2024
ref Refugee travel document (RTD) – Refugees and protected persons April 25, 2024
tr Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) holders currently outside Quebec [R205(a) – A76] – International Mobility Program April 24, 2024
pr Express Entry – Applications received on or after January 1, 2015, for permanent residence programs subject to Express Entry – Language test scores for persons with disabilities April 23, 2024
req Language requirements – Provincial nominees April 18, 2024
tr Canada World Youth Program permanently closed April 15, 2024
tr Innovation Stream pilot, new instructions for officers April 15, 2024
ref cit reg man med tr pr Extension of temporary special measures to support Iranian nationals April 12, 2024
tr – Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) – [R204(c) – C18] – Agreements or arrangements – International Mobility Program (IMP) April 10, 2024
tr Facilitative measures to support Israeli and Palestinian nationals in Canada April 5, 2024
pr Express Entry – Settlement Funds April 4, 2024
tr Study permits – Letters of acceptance (LOAs) April 2, 2024
med Who must submit to an immigration medical exam (IME) April 2, 2024
tr Open work permits for family members of certain work permit holders March 28, 2024
tr Changes to the interim work authorization letter March 26 2024
req tr Removal of language test requirement March 22 2024
tr Post-graduation work permit (PGWP) [R205(c) - C43] – International Mobility Program March 22 2024
tr Removal of fees March 20, 2024
tr Spouses and common-law partners of study permit holders – [R205(c)(ii) – C42] March 19, 2024
tr Exemption for former habitual residents of the Nagorno-Karabakh region in Azerbaijan to the bar on applying for a pre-removal risk assessment (PRRA) March 14, 2024
ref cit reg man med tr pr Temporary special measures in response to the 2023 earthquake in Morocco March 13, 2024
tr Study permits – Making an application March 12, 2024
ref tr pr Permanent residence Pathway for Colombian, Haitian and Venezuelan Nationals March 1, 2024
tr Bilateral agreements and arrangements – International Experience Canada (IEC) – [R205(b) – C21] – Reciprocity – International Mobility Program (IMP) March 1, 2024
tr Addition of country to eTA expansion program March 1, 2024
tr Study permits – Letters of acceptance February 29, 2024
tr Quebec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ) format change for temporary workers intending to work in the province of Quebec February 27, 2024
med Modernized functional guidance for medical requirements, medical surveillance handouts and procedural fairness (excessive demand) February 26, 2024
tr Provincial business candidates or Quebec self-employed applicants approved for a Quebec selection certificate seeking eventual permanent residence – [R205(a) – C60] – Canadian interests – International Mobility Program February 16, 2024
tr Post-graduation work permit (PGWP) February 15, 2024
pr Agri-Food Pilot (AFP) Program February 12, 2024
tr Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) and International Mobility Program (IMP) – Persons who may apply at a port of entry February 14, 2024
med Health follow-up handout – HIV infection (for applicant) February 8, 2024
ref cit req med man tr pr Temporary resident visas for certain extended family affected by the crisis in Gaza January 31, 2024
req tr pr Addition of Pearson language test January 30, 2024
tr Open work permits for vulnerable workers [R207.1 – A72] – International Mobility Program (IMP) January 30, 2024
tr Temporary resident visas – Digital nomads January 30, 2024
pr Applications under family classes – Assessing the sponsor January 26, 2024
tr International Mobility Program (IMP): Military personnel and family members of military personnel January 26, 2024
tr Francophone mobility – [R205(c) - C16] – Canadian interests – International Mobility Program January 25, 2024
tr Study permits – Off campus work January 23, 2024
pr Permanent residence pathway – Foreign nationals who were in state care January 23, 2024
cit Deletion of citizenship COVID-19 program delivery instructions (PDIs) January 16, 2024
med Updates to reflect the new definition of health and social services and revision of the excessive demand cost threshold January 12, 2024
pr Out-of-status construction workers in the Greater Toronto Area January 11, 2024
ref cit req med man tr pr Facilitative measures to support Israeli and Palestinian nationals in Canada January 11, 2024
tr Updates to financial requirements for study permit applicants January 10, 2024
tr Temporary special measures in response to the 2023 earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria January 9, 2024
ref cit req man tr pr Language and cultural advisors PDIs January 9, 2024
tr Participation eligibility requirements – International Experience Canada (IEC) [R205(b) – C21] – Reciprocity – International Mobility Program (IMP) January 5, 2024
ref req man tr pr Resettlement – Program delivery partners – Roles and responsibilities January 5, 2024
tr Processing and collection of fee changes January 4, 2024
tr Temporary resident visas: Exemption for military members of countries designated for the purposes of the Visiting Forces Act December 31, 2023
tr Quebec investors – Issuance of open work permits to candidates who have received a Quebec notice of intent to select December 29, 2023
ref Exemption for nationals of the Palestinian Territories (Gaza and the West Bank) to the bar on applying for a pre-removal risk assessment (PRRA) December 22, 2023
man Temporary measures to support nationals of Sudan in Canada December 22, 2023
tr Study permits: Letters of acceptance December 22, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr Special processing measures – Persons directly affected by the 2023 floods in Nova Scotia December 22, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr Special processing measures – Persons directly affected by the 2023 wildfires throughout Canada December 22, 2023
pr tr Work permits under Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot December 21, 2023
ref Recognized organizations for foreign youth – IEC [R205(b) - C21] – Reciprocity – International Mobility Program December 18, 2023
ref Payment and collection of immigration loans December 18, 2023
pr Immigration measures to support immediate family members of Canadian citizens and permanent residents who have departed Sudan December 15, 2023
tr Post-graduation work permit (PGWP) and associated instructions December 15, 2023
req man Language test equivalency charts December 14, 2023
ref req med International Organization for Migration December 14, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr Temporary Special Measures to support Iranian Nationals and Temporary Special Measures in response to the 2023 earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria December 13, 2023
tr Bilateral agreements and arrangements – IEC – [R205(b) - C21] – Reciprocity – International Mobility Program December 11, 2023
tr Temporary special measures in response to the 2023 earthquake in Morocco December 8, 2023
cit req pr Public policy for spouse or common-law partner in Canada (SCLPC) class or family class applicants to apply in Canada [R205(a) – A74] December 7, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr Francophone mobility – [R205(c) - C16] – Canadian interests – International Mobility Program December 7, 2023
ref Decommissioning of the Canadian Refugee Protection Portal (CRPP) December 4, 2023
tr Deletion of temporary residence COVID-19 program delivery instructions (PDIs) November 22, 2023
tr Study permits: Making an application November 28, 2023
ref Temporary special measures in response to the 2023 earthquake in Morocco November 21, 2023
ref Urgent Protection Program (UPP) November 21, 2023
tr Student Direct Stream (SDS) November 21, 2023
pr 2023 intake process for family class applications for parents and grandparents November 9, 2023
tr Temporary resident visa validity (expiry dates) November 9, 2023
ref Removal of military deserters from Instructions for Processing in-Canada Claims – Special claimant types November 7, 2023
pr Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) Criteria: Certificate of Qualification November 6, 2023
pr Atlantic Immigration Program November 2, 2023
pr Pilot program to exempt permanent residence applicants in the family class or the spouse or common-law partner in Canada (SCLPC) class from paragraph R117(9)(d) or R125(1)(d) exclusion October 30, 2023
pr Permanent resident (PR) card and PR status October 30, 2023
ref cit man req med tr pr Temporary special measures in response to the 2023 earthquake in Morocco October 27, 2023
req What biometrics are collected and who must provide biometrics October 25, 2023
ref cit man req med tr pr Pathway to permanent residence - Family reunification for Ukrainian nationals October 24, 2023
pr Occupation-restricted open work permits (OROWPs) under the Home Child Care Provider Pilot (HCCPP) or Home Support Worker Pilot (HSWP) – Gaining experience category [R205(a) – C90 October 24, 2023
ref Oral hearings – Pre-removal risk assessments (PRRAs) October 24, 2023
ref req IL 3 and Citizenship Instrument of Delegation – Designation of Officers and Delegation of Authority October 18, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr Immigration measures to support immediate family members of Canadian citizens and Canadian permanent residents who have departed Sudan October 12, 2023
tr Study permits – Who needs a study permit October 10, 2023
tr Temporary resident – Special authorization for dual nationals (formally known as facilitation visa) October 6, 2023
tr Temporary residents – Super visa October 6, 2023
ref Resettlement: Assessing credibility October 5, 2023
ref req cit man med tr pr Special processing measures – Persons directly affected by the 2023 wildfires throughout Canada October 4, 2023
ref req cit man med tr pr id info Temporary special measures in response to the 2023 earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria October 3, 2023
pr Medical examinations for Express Entry applicants September 29, 2023
tr Study permits – Assessing study permit conditions September 25, 2023
tr Canada-Ukraine Authorization for Emergency Travel (CUAET) temporary residence measures September 21, 2023
tr Study permits – Guidelines on minor children September 20, 2023
cit man pr Ukraine – Program-specific special measures September 15, 2023
cit Types of citizenship ceremonies – Addition of video oath ceremonies September 12, 2023
ref Global human rights defenders stream September 12, 2023
tr Study permits – Students destined to Quebec September 12, 2023
pr New instructions on addressing cases of abuse in family class or economic class applications September 11, 2023
pr Express Entry: Category-based selection and clarifying the assessment of Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) points September 8, 2023
cit Citizenship – Subsection 5(3) waivers of language, knowledge and oath requirements September 7, 2023
tr Military personnel work September 7, 2023
ref pr Biometric instructions for protected persons applying for permanent residence September 7, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr Special processing measures – Persons directly affected by the 2023 floods in Nova Scotia September 6, 2023
pr Permanent resident status determination September 5, 2023
tr Extension of reduced facilitation measures for PGWP distance learning September 1, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr Expiry of special measures related to Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752 September 1, 2023
pr Requesting passports or travel documents from the Canada Border Services Agency and officer’s discretion to waive the passport or travel document requirement for confirmation of permanent residence purposes September 1, 2023
tr Student Direct Stream (SDS) August 30, 2023
ref cit pr Review of PDIs following the report from the Commissioner of Official August 30, 2023
ref Exemption for nationals of Sudan to the bar on applying for a pre-removal risk assessment August 28, 2023
tr Temporary resident permit fee exemption R298(2)(a) – application at same time and place for a work or study permit August 23, 2023
tr Updates to temporary residence pages affected by ministerial instructions 62 (MI62) – Submission of online applications for temporary resident visas and other documents August 23, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr Special processing measures – Persons directly affected by the 2023 wildfires throughout Canada August 22, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr id info Expiry of special measures for the 2021 floods in British Columbia August 18, 2023
tr Family members of foreign nationals authorized to work in low-skilled occupations [R205(c)(ii) – C47 and C48] August 18, 2023
pr Agri-Food Pilot (AFP) Program August 18, 2023
pr Permanent residence pathways for Hong Kong residents August 15, 2023
tr Study without a permit – New public policy August 15, 2023
pr Economic Permanent Residence – Language testing August 11, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr Removal of Ukraine application intake Program Delivery Instructions (PDIs) August 8, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr Persons directly affected by the 2023 floods in Nova Scotia August 4, 2023
tr GSS short-term work permit exemption August 2, 2023
tr Temporary resident visas August 1, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr Sudan temporary measures July 28, 2023
tr World Anti-Doping Agency international employees July 28, 2023
ref pr Visual authentication of interpreters July 25, 2023
ref cit req man tr pr Special processing measures: Persons directly affected by the 2023 wildfires throughout Canada July 24, 2023
pr Voluntary renunciation of permanent resident status (PR) July 24, 2023
tr pr Extension of the Yukon Community Pilot July 24, 2023
pr Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot July 18, 2023
tr req man Post July 15, 2023 regular temporary resident processing for Ukrainian nationals and their family members July 17, 2023
tr Yukon Community Pilot – Open work permits (R205(a) – A75): International July 14, 2023
tr Public policy, competitiveness or economy [R205(c)(ii) – C41, C42, C46, C47, C48, C49] – Canadian interest – International Mobility Program July 13, 2023
pr Regional and Federal Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot July 11, 2023
ref req Termination of the Automatic Partner Notification Policy for Applicants Who Test Positive for HIV in the Sponsored Family or Dependent Refugee Classes July 7, 2023
tr CAQ format change, minors destined to Quebec, semester deferral and CAQ requirements July 7, 2023
pr Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) – Assessing the application against selection criteria July 5, 2023
pr Assessing conjugal relationships July 4, 2023
tr pr Work permits for Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot July 4, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr Expiry of special measures for Hurricane Fiona in Atlantic Canada June 23, 2023
tr Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) June 22, 2023
tr Francophone mobility – [R205(c) - C16] – Canadian interests – International Mobility Program June 16, 2023
pr Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot June 16, 2023
tr Public policy to issue an open work permit to certain post-graduation work permit (PGWP) holders – April 6 to December 31, 2023 June 15, 2023
pr Removal of the public policy exempting foreign nationals with previous biometrics on file who are applying for permanent residence from biometrics June 14, 2023
ref cit req man tr pr Ukraine special measures June 14, 2023
pr Regional Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot (Regional EMPP) June 13, 2023
pr Federal Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot (Federal EMPP) June 13, 2023
ref Urgent Protection Program (UPP) May 29, 2023
pr tr Public policy exempting certain applicants applying in the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class or the family class from work permit requirements May 26, 2023
pr New Express Entry exemptions to facilitate the issuance of permanent resident visas for physicians providing publicly funded medical services in Canada May 25, 2023
pr tr Start-up business class permanent residence applicants [R205(a) – A77] – Canadian interests – International Mobility Program May 23, 2023
pr tr ref req med Excessive demand on health and on social services May 19, 2023
pr Self-employed persons class – Processing May 17, 2023
ref tr Exemption for nationals of Uganda to the bar on applying for a pre-removal risk assessment May 15, 2023
man req Designated language-testing organizations May 12, 2023
tr pr ref Application for a permanent resident visa under the updated public policy for extended families of former Afghan interpreters May 11, 2023
tr Temporary residents: Maintained status during processing (previously called implied status) May 10, 2023
tr Study permits – Making an application May 9, 2023
tr pr Agri-Food Pilot – Program extension and occupational sub-cap removal May 8, 2023
ref cit req man tr pr Temporary measures to support family members of Canadian citizens and permanent residents who have fled Sudan May 5, 2023
ref Safe Third Country Agreement May 4, 2023
ref man Refugee resettlement May 3, 2023
ref Resettlement – Updates to dependent family members and separated-unaccompanied children May 2, 2023
ref cit req man tr pr Temporary measures to support nationals of Sudan in Canada May 1, 2023
ref cit req man tr pr Temporary special measures in response to the 2023 earthquakes in Türkiye and Syria April 18, 2023
ref tr Exemption for nationals of Chad to the bar on applying for a pre-removal risk assessment April 17, 2023
pr Voluntary renunciation of permanent resident status April 13, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr COVID-19 – Removing resettlement COVID-19 program delivery instructions (PDIs) April 13, 2023
pr Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) April 06, 2023
ref Who may perform an immigration medical exam April 06, 2023
tr Temporary residents – Dual intent April 05, 2023
tr T13 – Significant Investment Projects April 04, 2023
req ref IL 3 – Designation of Officers and Delegation of Authority April 03, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr Guidance for special measures to support Hong Kong residents to come to Canada March 31, 2023
req Submission of immigration medical examinations March 29, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr id info International Experience Canada [R205(b) – C21] March 27, 2023
ref Schedule 12 for refugee claimants and study permits March 27, 2023
req Legal references related to biometrics and identity management March 22, 2023
pr Ministerial Instructions amendments and NOC 2021 March 16, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr id info Temporary Special Measures to Support Iranian Nationals March 14, 2023
tr Study permits – Off-campus work March 10, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr Temporary public policy to facilitate the sponsorship of Afghan refugees by groups of five and community sponsors March 2, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr Public policy allowing certain visitors in Canada to apply for a work permit March 1, 2023
pr Quebec economic classes March 1, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr Removal of the public policy exempting foreign nationals in Canada applying for temporary residence from biometrics February 23, 2023
pr Subsequent temporary public policy to continue to facilitate access to permanent resident status for out-of-status construction workers in the Greater Toronto Area February 10, 2023
pr Economic classes – Procedures at the Centralized Intake Office for applications (non-Express Entry) February 8, 2023
tr Procedures for collecting banking information from contracted interpreters February 8, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr Special measures for Hurricane Fiona in Atlantic Canada February 3, 2023
tr Updates to work permit instructions due to NOC 2021 implementation February 2, 2023
req Designated language-testing organizations February 1, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr Public policy, competitiveness or economy [R205(c)(ii) – C41, C42, C43, C44, C45] – Canadian interest – International Mobility Program January 30, 2023
tr Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) – Assessing the application against selection criteria January 27, 2023
ref cit req man med tr pr Global human rights defenders stream January 26, 2023
tr Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership January 18, 2023
tr Study permits – Who needs a study permit January 17, 2023
tr Updates to work permit instructions due to National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021 implementation (Phase 2) January 17, 2023
ref cit req man tr pr Biometrics – 1 in 10 expiry periods January 16, 2023
tr Specific Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) holders currently in Quebec [R205(a) – A73] – International Mobility Program January 13, 2023
pr Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot January 13, 2023
tr Super visa January 12, 2023
ref Launch of the new asylum eApp via the IRCC Portal January 11, 2023
pr NOC 2021 – Federal skilled trades and federal skilled workers January 11, 2023
pr Applications under the family class with separated spouses January 10, 2023
tr Temporary Foreign Worker Program January 9, 2023
ref req IL 3 – Designation of Officers and Delegation of Authority January 9, 2023
pr Permanent residence pathways for Hong Kong residents – Intake January 9, 2023
ref cit req med tr pr COVID-19 – Removing all students COVID-19 program delivery instructions (PDIs) December 23, 2022
pr Online applications updates – Economic classes December 23, 2022
pr Intake for self-employed program applications December 23, 2022
tr pr NOC 2021 December 22, 2022
ref Exemption for nationals of Iran to the bar on applying for a pre-removal risk assessment December 21, 2022
tr Labour market impact assessment (LMIA) exemption codes – International Mobility Program December 16, 2022
tr Bilateral agreements and arrangements [R205(b) – C21] – International Experience Canada (IEC) – Canadian interests – International Mobility Program December 13, 2022
tr Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) holders currently outside Quebec [R205(a) – A76] and Open work permit general processing and issuance – International Mobility Program December 7, 2022
pr Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot December 6, 2022
tr Updates to work permit instructions due to NOC 2021 implementation (Phase 1) December 6, 2022
tr Employer compliance inspections - International Mobility Program and employer-specific work permit processing December 2, 2022
tr Study permits – Off-campus work November 30, 2022
pr NOC 2021 November 29, 2022
tr Self-employed and provincially supported entrepreneurs [R205(a) – C11] November 21, 2022
tr Federal-provincial agreements [R204(c) – T13] – Agreements and arrangements – International Mobility Program (IMP) November 17, 2022
pr National Occupational Classification (NOC) 2021 November 16, 2022
pr 2022 intake process for family class applications for parents and grandparents November 16, 2022
tr Letter of acceptance exemptions [R219(2)] November 14, 2022
ref cit req man med tr pr Public policy allowing certain visitors in Canada to apply for a work permit November 7, 2022
pr Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot (EMPP) October 13, 2022
ref cit req man med tr pr Overseas processing October 7, 2022
ref cit req med tr pr COVID-19 – International Experience Canada (IEC) Working Holiday participants whose letter of introduction is about to expire and who are not able to travel October 7, 2022
tr Temporary policy changes to the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program October 6, 2022
med Excessive demand on health services and on social services October 4, 2022
tr Study permits – Assessing study permit conditions September 26, 2022
pr Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP): Assessing the application against selection criteria September 23, 2022
tr Student Direct Stream (SDS) – Test d’Evaluation de Français (TEF) scores September 23, 2022
med Medical assessment coding September 8, 2022
ref cit req man med tr pr COVID-19 – Canadian education credentials (Express Entry) September 8, 2022
tr General information: Work without a permit – International Mobility Program (IMP) August 30, 2022
ref Legal references related to refugee protection August 26, 2022
req Issuing certificates for Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) and Cours de langue pour les immigrants au Canada (CLIC) August 19, 2022
ref Blended Visa Office-Referred Program August 11, 2022
pr Permanent resident program – Landing pages updated August 8, 2022
pr Processing of complex permanent resident card applications referred by the Permanent Resident Card Centre August 8, 2022
pr Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot program (RNIP) – Assessing the application against selection criteria August 5, 2022
pr Pathway to permanent residence – Outside-of-Canada families of Canadian victims of air disasters August 3, 2022
tr Students – Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP): Temporary public policy regarding the issuance of an open work permit August 2, 2022
tr Super visa guidance July 28, 2022
tr Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) holders currently outside Quebec [R205(a) – A76] – International Mobility Program July 27, 2022
tr Residential Summer Camp Counsellors [R205(b) – C20] – Canadian interests – International Mobility Program July 18, 2022
tr Examination and entry (temporary residents) July 18, 2022
tr Clarification on health-care insurance for International Experience Canada applicants July 15, 2022
ref cit req man med tr pr Special processing measures for persons directly affected by the 2021 floods in British Columbia July 14, 2022
tr Temporary residents – Refusals overview July 13, 2022
man Decision making – Standard of review and process for making a reasonable decision July 12, 2022
tr Bridging open work permits for certain economic class permanent residence applicants [R205(a) - A75] – International Mobility Program July 11, 2022
pr Applications under family classes – Assessing the sponsor June 23, 2022
tr Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) June 14, 2022
tr Specific Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) holders currently in Quebec [R205(a) – A75] – International Mobility Program June 9, 2022
pr Determining membership in the spouse and common-law partner in Canada class June 8, 2022
tr Public policy – Open work permits for applicants under the temporary resident to permanent resident pathway June 8, 2022
pr Economic Mobility Pathways Pilot (EMPP) – Phase 2 June 3, 2022
tr International Experience Canada [R205(b)] (exemption code C21) – Processing procedures May 31, 2022
cit Procedure – Abandonment May 30, 2022
ref cit req man med tr pr Public policy allowing certain visitors in Canada to apply for a work permit – COVID-19 program delivery May 27, 2022
tr Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) holders currently outside Quebec [R205(a) – A76] – International Mobility Program May 24, 2022
tr Foreign freelance horse jockeys [R205(a) – C11] – Unique work situations – International Mobility Program (IMP) May 13, 2022
tr Open work permit – General processing and issuance – International Mobility Program May 12, 2022
ref Processing pre-removal risk assessment (PRRA) applications – Intake May 11, 2022
pr Work permits under the Home Child Care Provider Pilot or Home Support Worker Pilot – International Mobility Program May 6, 2022
ref cit req man med tr pr Refusal to process work permit applications for caregivers where the LMIA application was received on or after June 18, 2019 May 4, 2022
pr Permanent resident fee increase April 29, 2022
tr Electronic travel authorization exemption for lawful permanent residents of the United States April 26, 2022
ref Procedures at inland offices regarding in-Canada claims for refugee protection April 26, 2022
tr Refusal to process work permit applications for caregivers where the LMIA application was received on or after June 18, 2019 April 22, 2022
tr Study permits – Working on campus April 20, 2022
ref cit reg man med tr pr COVID-19 – Temporary residence April 19, 2022
tr Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) [R204(c) – C18] – Agreements or arrangements – International Mobility Program April 8, 2022
pr Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) April 7, 2022
tr Seafood and fish plant workers (low-wage cap exempt) April 4, 2022
pr Atlantic Immigration Pilot Programs (AIPP) – Other situations March 30, 2022
ref cit req man med tr pr Centralization of the receipt of invoices from interpreters March 25, 2022
ref cit req man med tr pr Ukraine special measures March 22, 2022
pr Humanitarian and compassionate (H&C) considerations for applicants in the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class March 11, 2022
ref cit req man med tr pr Application for a permanent resident visa under the public policy for extended families of former Afghan interpreters March 8, 2022
ref cit req man med tr pr Study permits: Working on campus March 1, 2022
ref cit req man med tr pr COVID-19 – Public policy allowing certain visitors in Canada to apply for a work permit March 1, 2022
ref cit req man med tr pr Temporary residents: Maintained status during processing (previously called implied status) February 23, 2022
cit Revocation of citizenship February 21, 2022
tr Designated learning institutions February 18, 2022
pr Home Child Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot – Correction of National Occupation Code (NOC) version February 10, 2022
tr COVID-19 – Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP) February 7, 2022
ref cit req man med tr pr Facilitative measures to support those affected by the crisis in Afghanistan February 4, 2022
cit Ceremonies – Oath of Citizenship and Reaffirmation Oath February 4, 2022
tr Specific Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) holders currently in Quebec [R205(a) – A75] – International Mobility Program January 31, 2022
man New regulator – The College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants (CICC) January 28, 2022
ref cit req man med tr pr id info Entry/Exit January 27, 2022
ref cit req man med tr pr id info Canadian Refugee Protection Portal January 25, 2022
ref cit req man med tr pr Students – Processing: COVID-19 program delivery January 21, 2022
tr COVID-19 – Changes to travel restrictions for family members January 17, 2022
man COVID-19 – Travel restriction measures January 15, 2022
ref cit req man med tr pr COVID-19 – Temporary workers January 14, 2022
pr Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP) - Transition January 12, 2022
tr Open work permit – General processing and issuance – International Mobility Program January 12, 2022
ref cit req man med tr pr Name structures and how to record them in the Global Case Management System (GCMS) January 10, 2022
tr Post-graduation work permit eligibility requirements – Authorized leave documentation January 10, 2022
tr Updated visitor pages to change “implied status” to “maintained status” January 5, 2022
med Update to the cost threshold for excessive demand on health and social services January 4, 2022
pr Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP) - Transition December 31, 2021
tr Programs exempt from the in-Canada mandatory electronic application (e-application) requirement for temporary residents December 31, 2021
ref cit req man med tr pr Special processing measures for persons directly affected by the 2021 floods in British Columbia December 24, 2021
pr Home Child-Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot December 21, 2021
ref Exemption for nationals of Ethiopia to the bar on applying for a pre-removal risk assessment December 16, 2021
tr Updated student instructions to change “implied status” to “maintained status” December 16, 2021
tr Updated the wording of the French term ‘statut maintenu’ to statut conservé’ December 14, 2021
pr Canadian experience class (CEC) – Qualifying work experience November 30, 2021
ref cit req man med tr pr COVID-19 Vaccination Requirement Certification form for interpreter professional services contracts November 26, 2021
ref cit req man med tr pr Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) November 24, 2021
tr Temporary resident visas November 24, 2021
ref cit req man med tr pr Immigration Loans Program (ILP) November 23, 2021
tr Post-graduation work permit eligible programs and institutions November 19, 2021
ref cit req man med tr pr COVID-19 – Public policy exempting certain out-of-status foreign nationals in Canada from immigration requirements November 19, 2021
tr Study permits: Working on campus November 16, 2021
pr Intake process for family class applications for parents and grandparents November 15, 2021
tr Removal of 2 International Experience Canada (IEC) recognized organizations: The University of British Columbia and the University of New Brunswick November 15, 2021
ref req cit man med tr pr COVID-19 – Foreign nationals who are in Canada with a letter of introduction (LOI) after approval of a study or work permit application processed outside of Canada November 10, 2021
med Who may perform an immigration medical examination November 9, 2021
ref req cit man med tr pr Biometrics: Step-by-step collection procedures November 3, 2021
ref Exemption for nationals of Nicaragua to the bar on applying for a pre-removal risk assessment October 29, 2021
pr Overseas processing of family members of in-Canada applicants for permanent residence October 19, 2021
tr Temporary public policy: Graphic designers working on live-action television or film in Canada October 19, 2021
ref Exemption for nationals of Afghanistan to the bar on applying for a pre-removal risk assessment October 18, 2021
pr Atlantic Immigration Pilot Programs: Other situations October 8, 2021
tr Terms and definitions related to temporary residents October 4, 2021
pr Family class applications: Initial review and file creation September 29, 2021
ref req cit man med tr pr COVID-19 – Permanent residence September 28, 2021
tr Public policy, competitiveness and economy [R205(c)(ii) – C41, C42, C43, C44, C45] – Canadian interest – International Mobility Program September 27, 2021
tr Temporary Resident table of contents and Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) exemption code table September 22, 2021
pr Pilot program to exempt permanent residence applicants in the family class or the spouse or common-law partner in Canada (SCLPC) class September 17, 2021
tr pr Bridging open work permits for certain economic class permanent residence applicants [R205(a) - A75] – International Mobility Program September 16, 2021
tr Essential workers for the production stage of television and film [R205(a) – C14] and Temporary public policy: Certain graphic designers working in Canada September 10, 2021
ref req cit man med tr pr COVID-19 – Travel restriction measures September 9, 2021
ref Resettlement – Outside country of nationality or habitual residence September 7, 2021
ref req cit man med tr pr COVID-19 – Public policy exempting certain visitors in Canada from immigration requirements September 7, 2021
ref req cit man med tr pr Special Measures for Afghanistan September 3, 2021
ref req cit man med tr pr COVID-19 – International Experience Canada (IEC) Working Holiday participants whose letter of introduction is about to expire and who are not able to travel September 2, 2021
ref req man tr pr Special measures for Afghanistan August 24, 2021
ref cit req man med tr pr Guidance for special measures to support Hong Kong residents to come to Canada August 23, 2021
tr Applicants with no other means of support [R206] and humanitarian reasons [R208] August 19, 2021
pr Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP) August 16, 2021
ref cit req man med tr pr IRCC Sex and Gender Client Identifier Policy August 9, 2021
pr New eligibility criteria for the Temporary public policy to further facilitate access to permanent resident status for out-of-status construction workers in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) August 6, 2021
pr Protected persons’ applications for permanent residence – digital intake and MIFI updates August 6, 2021
ref cit req man med tr pr Resettlement – COVID-19 program delivery August 5, 2021
pr Permanent residence pathways for Hong Kong residents July 30, 2021
ref cit req info med tr pr COVID-19 – Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP): Students graduating outside of Canada July 28, 2021
ref cit req man med tr pr Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP) July 27, 2021
tr File transfers to the Centre of Expertise in Security Cases for in-Canada temporary residence applications July 27, 2021
tr pr Public policy: Open work permits for applicants under the temporary resident to permanent resident pathway July 26, 2021
pr COVID-19 – Application of the temporary public policy on minimum income requirements in 2020 July 26, 2021
pr Updated guidelines on incomplete applications July 22, 2021
tr Study permits: Who needs a study permit July 13, 2021
ref cit req man med tr pr Guidance for special measures to support Hong Kong residents to come to Canada July 13, 2021
tr Seven new countries added to Student Direct Stream (SDS) July 9, 2021
cit The Oath of Citizenship has been updated July 8, 2021
ref cit req man med tr pr COVID-19 – Students – Work July 8, 2021
tr Study permit: Making an application July 6, 2021
pr Economic classes - Procedures at the Centralized Intake Office for applications (Non-Express Entry) July 6, 2021
med tr Temporary resident occupations – Medical examinations July 6, 2021
ref cit req info med tr pr COVID-19 – Temporary resident visas (TRVs) June 30, 2021
pr Applications for permanent residence programs subject to the Express Entry completeness check June 29, 2021
tr Significant benefit to Canada [R205(a) – C10] and Caribbean Agricultural Liaison Officers June 25, 2021
tr International Experience Canada June 22, 2021
ref cit req man med tr pr COVID-19 – Foreign nationals who are in Canada with a letter of introduction (LOI) after approval of a study or work permit application processed outside of Canada: COVID-19 program delivery June 16, 2021
tr Residential summer camp counsellors [R205(b) – C20] – Canadian interests - International Mobility Program June 15, 2021
cit pr Reclaiming an Indigenous name for citizenship and permanent residence at IRCC June 14, 2021
tr Vulnerable workers June 11, 2021
ref cit req man med tr pr Special measures for residential camp counsellors – Summer camp 2021 June 11, 2021
pr Updated guidelines on returning incomplete applications June 9, 2021
tr Study permits: Off-campus work June 9, 2021
ref cit req med man tr pr Permanent residence pathways for Hong Kong residents June 8, 2021
ref cit req med tr pr info Hong Kong special measures policy updates June 8, 2021
pr Health-care workers permanent residence pathway: COVID-19 program delivery June 2, 2021
tr Specific Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) holders currently in Quebec [R205(a)] – International Mobility Program May 27, 2021
tr pr Temporary public policies: Temporary Resident to Permanent Resident Pathway May 26, 2021
ref cit req man med tr pr id info COVID-19: Students – Eligibility May 26, 2021
tr Agreement on Trade Continuity between Canada and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (CUKTCA) May 20, 2021
ref cit req man med tr pr Guidance for special measures to support Hong Kong residents to come to Canada May 18, 2021
pr Protected persons applications for permanent residence go digital May 18, 2021
ref cit req man med tr pr Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752 applicants abroad May 17, 2021
tr pr Pathway to permanent residence – In-Canada families of Canadian victims of recent air disasters May 13, 2021
ref Exemption for nationals of Myanmar to the bar on applying for a pre-removal risk assessment May 7, 2021
tr MIFI name change May 6, 2021
req id ref cit man med tr pr info Identity Management: Verification of status as an identity-linking document – Clarification of eligibility May 4, 2021
ref cit tr pr Identity management – Updates to naming procedures April 29, 2021
pr Guidelines on when to return incomplete applications for permanent residence April 27, 2021
pr Processing of protected persons’ applications for permanent residence April 22, 2021
pr Start-up visa processing and incomplete peer reviews April 21, 2021
pr File transfers to the Centre of Expertise in Security Cases for applications for permanent residence in non-economic classes April 20, 2021
med Update to the cost threshold for excessive demand on health and social services April 20, 2021
man tr COVID-19 – Web form 5 April 14, 2021
ref cit req man med tr pr id info COVID-19 – Expiry of 90-day extensions for open applications April 12, 2021
tr Temporary residents: Changing language around implied status April 8, 2021
man pr Paper-based economic class applications go digital April 8, 2021
man ref tr pr Temporary resident permit (TRP) for victims of family violence April 8, 2021
ref req info tr COVID-19 – Public policy exempting certain visitors in Canada from immigration requirements April 1, 2021
cit req tr pr info Full and partial exemptions to the biometrics collection requirement March 31, 2021
man ref tr COVID-19 – Expiration of facilitative measures to support those affected by the situation in the Port of Beirut, Lebanon March 31, 2021
man med tr pr COVID-19 – Medical examination validity date March 31, 2021
req id Sex or gender identifier on IRCC documents and in IRCC systems March 22, 2021
tr R186(p) Short-term students in a foreign health care program: Authorization to work without a work permit – International Mobility Program March 22, 2021
man tr COVID-19 – High-performance amateur athletes March 17, 2021
tr Business visitors [R186(a)]: Authorization to work without a work permit – International Mobility Program (IMP) March 17, 2021
tr man COVID-19 – Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP) March 10, 2021
pr COVID-19 – New instructions to facilitate paper-based Quebec skilled worker (QSW) applications March 10, 2021
pr COVID-19 – Facilitative measures for paper-based Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) applications March 8, 2021
ref Assessing the ability to establish in Canada February 26, 2021
pr id Family class admissibility – Police certificates February 26, 2021
man tr pr COVID-19 – Extended family members: New form for minors February 25, 2021
man tr New COVID-19 Testing and Quarantine Requirements February 22, 2021
ref req Exemption for nationals of Belarus to the bar on applying for a pre-removal risk assessment February 19, 2021
tr COVID-19 – Work permit February 18, 2021
req Designated Language Testing February 16, 2021
tr id Verification of status – Updated email address February 16, 2021
tr man Foreign freelance horse jockeys February 12, 2021
tr man COVID-19 – Students – Processing February 10, 2021
tr man Guidance for special measures to support Hong Kong residents to come to Canada February 8, 2021
tr man COVID-19 – Temporary residents in Canada unable to depart Canada February 5, 2021
tr COVID-19 – Students: Travel to Canada February 4, 2021
ref req tr pr info Victims or survivors of family violence – Humanitarian and compassionate grounds February 4, 2021
req tr med man Temporary resident occupations – Medical examinations February 3, 2021
tr req COVID-19 – Extended ministerial instructions for temporary residence February 1, 2021
tr pr Removing the no longer active Immigrant Investor Venture Capital class program from the permanent resident programs list January 29, 2021
tr man COVID-19 – Post-Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP) January 28, 2021
cit req Accessibility at citizenship ceremonies January 28, 2021
ref tr pr COVID-19 – Foreign nationals who are in Canada with a letter of introduction (LOI) January 25, 2021
tr COVID-19 – Students – Work January 19, 2021
req man tr pr Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP) – Work permit [R204(c) – C18] January 15, 2021
pr Applications for permanent residence programs subject to the Express Entry completeness check January 8, 2021
ref tr pr req COVID-19 – Pre-departure COVID-19 testing January 7, 2021
pr COVID-19 – Approved permanent residence applications (with a COPR and PRV issued to clients outside Canada) January 5, 2021
ref req man tr COVID-19 – Public policy exempting certain out-of-status foreign nationals in Canada from immigration requirements December 31, 2020
tr Canada-International Non-Trade Agreements [R024(a) – T11] December 30, 2020
man tr pr COVID-19 – Work permit December 30, 2020
tr International Experience Canada – Recognized organizations for foreign youth December 29, 2020
tr Canada-UK Trade Continuity Agreement (Canada-UK TCA) December 29, 2020
pr tr man COVID-19 – Employer compliance inspections December 18, 2020
pr COVID-19 – Public policy concerning the continuous work experience requirement under the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP) Program December 15, 2020
ref req tr pr man COVID-19 – Health-care workers permanent residence pathway December 14, 2020
cit Calculating physical presence for applications received on or after October 11, 2017 December 8, 2020
pr info COVID-19 – New remote videoconference hearings for pre-removal risk assessments (PRRAs) December 2, 2020
tr COVID-19 – New order in council release for temporary residents December 1, 2020
cit req pr Verifying language format of citizenship ceremonies November 30, 2020
tr Functional guidance on temporary residents - Table of contents November 19, 2020
man id Sex or gender identifier on IRCC documents and in IRCC systems November 19, 2020
ref man tr id info Special measures to support Hong Kong residents to come to Canada November 19, 2020
ref Exemption for nationals of Hong Kong to the bar on applying for a pre-removal risk assessment November 17, 2020
ref cit man Interpreter services November 17, 2020
req Biometric fee and exemptions changes November 13, 2020
ref man tr COVID-19 – Public policy exempting certain out-of-status foreign nationals in Canada from immigration requirements November 13, 2020
man pr COVID-19 – Facilitative measures for paper-based Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) applications November 13, 2020
ref cit req man med tr pr id info Flight PS752 special measures clarification November 10, 2020
man tr COVID-19 – International Experience Canada (IEC) participants whose letter of introduction is about to expire and who are not able to travel November 9, 2020
pr Intake process for family class applications for parents and grandparents November 5, 2020
man COVID-19 – Extended and immediate family members of persons registered as Indians under the Indian Act November 2, 2020
tr Dual intent October 30, 2020
man COVID-19 – International Student Program and travel to Canada October 21, 2020
tr International Mobility Program: Public policy, competitiveness and economy October 20, 2020
man Beirut, Lebanon – Clarification of facilitative measures October 16, 2020
tr Temporary residents: Super visa October 16, 2020
ref cit req man med tr pr id info Special measures related to Ukraine International Airlines flight PS752 October 14, 2020
ref req tr pr COVID-19 – Extended family members and compassionate grounds for travel October 9, 2020
ref Processing applicants with a diverse sexual orientation or gender identity or expression (SOGIE) October 5, 2020
tr COVID-19 – Temporary resident visas (TRVs) and electronic travel authorization (eTA) October 1, 2020
tr COVID-19 – Foreign nationals who are in Canada with a letter of introduction (LOI) after approval of a study or work permit application processed outside of Canada October 1, 2020
tr Employer compliance inspections September 28, 2020
tr COVID-19 – Work permit: Film and television industry September 28, 2020
ref COVID-19 – Resettlement: Information on arrangements for departure to and after arrival in Canada September 23, 2020
pr Biometric exemption for permanent residence applicants with previous biometric enrolments on file September 22, 2020
pr Facilitative measure for paper-based Provincial Nominee Program (PNP) applications with a job offer stream September 17, 2020
tr COVID-19 – Non-priority temporary resident visa (TRV) applications September 16, 2020
man Beirut, Lebanon, explosion facilitative measures September 15, 2020
tr COVID-19 – Work permit September 11, 2020
tr COVID-19 – International Student Program and travel to Canada September 2, 2020
cit Citizenship delivery abroad September 2, 2020
ref cit req man med tr pr id info Translation of supporting documents for applications September 2, 2020
man Temporary residence: Ministerial Instructions August 26, 2020
tr Employer compliance inspections August 25, 2020
ref cit req tr pr info Edits to Entry/Exit instructions August 21, 2020
tr Camp counsellors (C20) August 21, 2020
tr COVID-19 – Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIPP) August 17, 2020
tr How residence/physical presence is calculated August 14, 2020
tr Determining the length of the post-graduation work permit August 4, 2020
tr pr Open work permit pilot program for permanent residence applicants in the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class (LMIA exemption code A70) July 30, 2020
pr Language test and educational credential assessment (ECA) results July 29, 2020
pr man COVID-19 – Permanent residence July 29, 2020
tr COVID-19 – Public policy exempting certain foreign nationals in Canada from immigration requirements July 29, 2020
tr man Two-stage assessment process for study permit applications, post-graduation work permit eligibility July 28, 2020
ref cit req man med tr pr id info COVID-19 – Travel restriction measures processing instructions July 23, 2020
tr COVID-19 – Biometric exemption of temporary residence applicants applying from within Canada July 23, 2020
pr COVID-19 – Permanent residence July 22, 2020
ref Temporary resident permits (TRPs): Considerations specific to victims of trafficking in persons July 21, 2020
man Incoming accredited officials July 20, 2020
tr COVID-19 – Study permits and travel to Canada July 20, 2020
cit Definition of “parent” for determining citizenship by descent July 15, 2020
tr COVID-19 – Public policy exempting certain out-of-status foreign nationals in Canada from immigration requirements July 14, 2020
tr Programs exempt from the in-Canada mandatory electronic application (e-application) requirement for temporary residents July 6, 2020
tr Temporary resident visas (TRVs) and electronic travel authorizations (eTAs) July 1, 2020
tr North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) July 1, 2020
tr Vulnerable workers June 25, 2020
tr Yukon Community Pilot (YCP) June 22, 2020
tr COVID-19 – Work permit: Non-optional and non-discretionary travel June 19, 2020
tr COVID-19 – Travel restriction measures, non-optional and non-discretionary travel, and family reunification exemption processing instructions June 12, 2020
ref COVID-19 – Resettlement June 12, 2020
tr COVID-19 – Temporary residence: Ministerial Instructions June 10, 2020
tr Updates related to the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) June 9, 2020
tr Updates related to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) June 8, 2020
tr COVID-19 – Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot work permit applications June 4, 2020
pr COVID-19 – Permanent residence May 29, 2020
ref pr Exclusions in the context of pre-removal risk assessments (PRRAs) May 29, 2020
tr COVID-19 – Study permits May 22, 2020
tr COVID-19 – Temporary residence May 20, 2020
tr pr Launch of the new Agri-Food Pilot (AFP) Program May 15, 2020
tr Employer compliance inspections May 14, 2020
tr COVID-19 – Public policy on exemptions to work permit conditions when changing employment May 12, 2020
tr Agricultural workers – COVID-19 program delivery May 1, 2020
ref cit req man med tr pr id info Permanent residence fee increase April 30, 2020
ref cit req man med tr pr id info Temporary residence – COVID-19 program delivery April 29, 2020
ref cit req man med tr pr Non-optional and non-discretionary travel – COVID-19 program delivery April 29, 2020
ref cit req man med tr pr Travel restriction measures – COVID-19 program delivery April 23, 2020
ref cit req man med tr pr COVID-19 – Additional travel restriction measures – Exemptions April 22, 2020
ref cit req man med tr pr COVID-19 – Global instructions April 22, 2020
ref cit req man med tr pr COVID-19 – Temporary Residence – Counterfoil-less visa issuance April 16, 2020
ref cit req man med tr pr COVID-19 – Temporary residence program delivery April 10, 2020
tr Post-graduation work permit – making an application and restoration of status April 8, 2020
ref cit req man med tr pr id info 2020 – IL 3 – Designation of Officers and Delegation of Authority March 31, 2020
ref cit req man med tr pr id info IRCC’s domestic video conference interviews and hearings March 30, 2020
ref cit req man med tr pr COVID-19 –Additional travel restriction measures March 26, 2020
ref cit req man med tr pf id info COVID-19 – Travel restriction measures March 22, 2020
ref cit req man med tr pf id info Novel coronavirus (COVID-19) March 15, 2020
tr Religious work, charitable work, residential camp counsellors and religious leaders (work permit exempt) March 4, 2020
tr International Experience Canada (IEC) – Recognized organizations February 27, 2020
tr Urgent referrals process for work permits – Alternatives to Detention Community Case Management and Supervision Program February 27, 2020
tr Students – Post Graduation Work Permit Program (PGWPP) February 21, 2020
tr Temporary residents – Document requirements February 14, 2020
tr ERRATUM – National Occupational Classification (NOC) level – Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP) Program February 11, 2020
ref Resettlement processing instructions – New look February 10, 2020
pr Permanent resident status and determination February 5, 2020
tr Vulnerable workers January 29, 2020
req man Designated language testing organizations – CELPIP January 29, 2020
tr Post-graduation work permit eligibility requirements January 27, 2020
man Entry/Exit Program instructions January 27, 2020
req Procedure on refund of revenue January 27, 2020
pr Assessing child marriages January 10, 2020
tr Instructions related to the International Experience Canada (IEC) Program January 10, 2020
cit Participation of Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members and veterans in citizenship ceremonies January 6, 2020
ref Auto-creation of acknowledgement of claim and Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) coverage January 3, 2020
tr pr Temporary public policy for out-of-status construction workers in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA) January 2, 2020
ref req med Update to the cost threshold for excessive demand on health and social services January 2, 2020
tr Refusal to process Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA)-required work permit applications for caregivers December 30, 2019
tr pr Launch of the new Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP) Program December 18, 2019
req tr Open work permits for vulnerable workers – Biometric exemption December 6, 2019
ref pr Protected persons’ applications for permanent residence – Centralized intake December 4, 2019
ref cit req tr pr id Removing in-Canada biometrics exemption December 3, 2019
cit Federal MPs can resume participating in citizenship ceremonies November 29, 2019
tr Temporary residents: Document requirements and exemptions November 27, 2019
tr Temporary residents—updates to transit programs November 22, 2019
tr Removing excessive demand considerations for high-risk pregnancies November 21, 2019
ref pr Corrections to the French version of the procedures for the R117(9)(d)/R125(1)(d) pilot November 21, 2019
ref cit reg tr pr Implications of the Tran v. Canada decision when assessing serious criminality November 14, 2019
cit Amended guidance for MP participation in citizenship ceremonies in effect until November 20, 2019 November 8, 2019
ref Oral hearings – Pre-removal risk assessments (PRRAs) October 22, 2019
pr Interim Pathway for Caregivers October 21, 2019
pr Lock-in age of dependent children for immigration applications September 20, 2019
med Clarifying partner notification for HIV-positive cases September 13, 2019
tr Transit programs – Disruptions to travel through Canada September 13, 2019
tr New countries added to Student Direct Stream (SDS) September 9, 2019
ref pr New pilot program to exempt permanent residence applicants in the family class or the spouse or common-law partner in Canada (SPLPC) class from paragraph R117(9)(d) or R125(1)(d) exclusion September 6, 2019
cit Elections, holidays and other timing considerations for citizenship ceremonies August 30, 2019
tr Study permits – Clarification on family members exemptions August 30, 2019
tr Specialized knowledge for intra-company transferees (exemption code C12) August 30, 2019
tr pr Occupation-restricted open work permit for caregivers August 30, 2019
tr Student Direct Stream (SDS) content removed from August 29, 2019
ref Immigration Loans Program (ILP) August 26, 2019
ref Asylum intake procedures at IRCC offices August 22, 2019
ref tr Exemption for nationals of Venezuela to the bar on applying for a pre-removal risk assessment (PRRA) August 22, 2019
tr United States (US) personnel – International Mobility Program (IMP) August 9, 2019
tr Update to the instructions related to the International Experience Canada (IEC) Program July 31, 2019
tr Student Direct Stream (SDS) additional countries July 31, 2019
ref man Acknowledgements of claim and upfront Interim Federal Health Program (IFHP) coverage July 29, 2019
pr tr id info ref cit req man med New instructions on addressing cases of abuse July 26, 2019
tr New temporary resident permit (TRP) for family violence cases July 26, 2019
pr Inland processing (IP) manual chapter IP 2, Processing applications to sponsor members of the family class, now modernized July 19, 2019
tr Programs exempt from the in-Canada mandatory electronic application (e-application) requirement July 11, 2019
tr Interim Pathway for Caregivers reopened July 8, 2019
tr Manually processing electronic travel authorization (eTA) applications July 5, 2019
tr Temporary resident permits (TRPs) June 28, 2019
ref cit req man med tr pr id info IL 3 – Designation of Officers and Delegation of Authority June 26, 2019
man Entry/Exit Program June 26, 2019
tr Study permits: Who needs a study permit June 25, 2019
ref pr New mandatory hearings in pre-removal risk assessments (PRRAs) and changes to the PRRA and humanitarian and compassionate (H&C) bars June 21, 2019
ref New refugee claim ineligibility and elimination of the 3-day rule June 21, 2019
tr File transfers – temporary resident visas June 20, 2019
ref man Functional guidance on the Resettlement Assistance Program now modernized June 19, 2019
pr Dedicated Service Channel June 19, 2019
tr pr Home Child-Care Provider Pilot and Home Support Worker Pilot June 18, 2019
ref Exemption for nationals of Brunei to the bar on applying for a pre-removal risk assessment June 14, 2019
pr Live-in Caregiver Program (LCP), caring for children class and caring for people with high medical needs class June 11, 2019
tr Exemptions error: Seafood processing workers June 10, 2019
tr Temporary residents – Diplomatic and official visas June 10, 2019
ref cit req tr pr id Sex or gender identifier on IRCC documents and in IRCC systems June 5, 2019
tr Work permit renewals and extensions for Quebec Selection Certificate (CSQ) holders in Quebec June 5, 2019
tr Canada–British Columbia Immigration Agreement 2015 – Foreign worker protection (Annex B, section 9.4) June 4, 2019
tr Vulnerable workers June 4, 2019
tr Place of application, temporary residence programs June 4, 2019
ref cit req tr pr Sex or gender identifier on IRCC documents and in IRCC systems June 4, 2019
tr Foreign workers nominated by a province or territory June 3, 2019
tr Business visitors [R186(a)] June 3, 2019
tr Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (AIP) – Spouses May 31, 2019
ref Elimination of the list of designated countries of origin (DCOs) May 30, 2019
tr Mobilité Francophone May 27, 2019
tr North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) – Intra-company transferee specialized knowledge category May 15, 2019
tr Withdrawal of applications at secondary examination May 15, 2019
cit Dress code, Canadian symbols and volunteer presiding officials May 8, 2019
tr New Student Direct stream (SDS) instructions May 1, 2019
tr Intra-company transferees April 30, 2019
tr Examination and entry April 30, 2019
med Clarifying immigration medical exams in life-threatening emergencies April 23, 2019
tr Validity periods and acceptance letters for study permits April 16, 2019
ref Processing in Canada claims for refugee protection of minors and vulnerable persons April 11, 2019
tr Study permits: Making an application April 11, 2019
pr New minimum amount of settlement funds required for some Express Entry applications April 5, 2019
tr Post-graduation work permit length for 2 combined programs April 5, 2019
tr Work permit issuance prohibitions April 3, 2019
tr Co-op work permit clarification April 1, 2019
med tr Two page deletions – Refusing a temporary residence extension and Medical requirements for foreign nationals April 1, 2019
tr Removal of Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Scholarship April 1, 2019
tr Impaired driving and temporary resident permits March 29, 2019
tr Foreign physicians coming to work in Quebec March 29, 2019
pr Redacting client-specific information when submitting start-up visa applications for a peer review March 27, 2019
tr Open work permits for applicants under the Interim Pathway for Caregivers March 21, 2019
tr Temporary residents: Visitor record March 20, 2019
tr Clarifying dual intent March 14, 2019
tr Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program March 11, 2019
tr Co-op work permit March 7, 2019
pr Caregiver forms correction March 6, 2019
pr Atlantic International Graduate Program (AIGP) and Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program (AISP) March 1, 2019
cit Distributing gifts and promotional items during citizenship ceremonies February 28, 2019
cit Bilingualism at citizenship ceremonies February 28, 2019
red man tr pr info New Entry/Exit Program instructions February 25, 2019
req pr Interim Pathway for Caregivers February 25, 2019
tr Work related to a research, educational or training program (codes C31, C32 and C33) – International Mobility Program February 20, 2019
tr Funding requirements for start-up business class visas February 19, 2019
tr Processing instructions for the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program February 14, 2019
pr Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP) February 12, 2019
pr Provinces may issue nomination approval letters in either electronic or paper format February 8, 2019
tr The authority of the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to request evidence of compliance when assessing study permit conditions February 5, 2019
req Updated Standards Council of Canada hyperlinks in program delivery instructions on DNA testing January 31, 2019
pr Extension of the pilot program for permanent residence applicants in the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class January 30, 2019
pr Intake process for family class applications to sponsor parents and grandparents January 28, 2019
tr British Columbia authorized service providers for temporary January 25, 2019
ref Resettlement – Quebec cases January 18, 2019
cit Delegation of authority under the Citizenship Act and Citizenship Regulations January 16, 2019
tr Officer tools updated with CPTPP information January 16, 2019
tr Vietnam added to CPTPP instructions January 14, 2019
ref cit req tr pr id Verification of Status January 10, 2019
ref One-year window of opportunity provision – Government assisted and privately sponsored refugees January 10, 2019
ref Replacing refugee protection claimant documents January 8, 2019
ref cit tr pr id Exceptions to change of name requirements January 8, 2019
tr New instructions on assessing study permit conditions January 7, 2019
tr Temporary residents: Transit Without Visa Program January 7, 2019
med Update to the cost threshold for excessive demand on health and social services January 2, 2019
tr New instructions for the temporary entry of business persons under the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership December 28, 2018
ref req tr pr id Biometrics collection and screening (second phase coming into force) December 28, 2018
tr New instructions for temporary entry for business persons, under the Canada–Panama Free Trade Agreement December 20, 2018
tr Registered Indians – Authorization to work without a work permit (International Mobility Program) December 12, 2018
tr Case Processing Centre in Vegreville moving to Edmonton December 7, 2018
tr Manually processing electronic travel authorization applications December 7, 2018
tr Quebec cases for foreign workers and international mobility December 6, 2018
tr International Experience Canada criteria December 6, 2018
tr Work permits issued to seafood-processing workers December 5, 2018
tr International Experience Canada – Recognized organizations December 4, 2018
ref Adding a dependant: Private sponsorship of refugee applications at the Resettlement Operations Centre in Ottawa November 29, 2018
tr Types of performing arts occupations – Authorization to work without a work permit November 21, 2018
ref Sponsorship residency requirements for the Private Sponsorship of Refugees Program November 14, 2018
tr Canada European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement work permit processing instructions November 8, 2018
req New designated French language testing organization and test November 7, 2018
tr International Experience Canada November 5, 2018
ref New permit question for refugee claimants October 30, 2018
med Who may perform an immigration medical examination October 26, 2018
id Establishing name records October 25, 2018
tr Study permits for Saudi Arabian nationals – new instructions October 18, 2018
ref Referring claims to the Refugee Protection Division – interim measures October 15, 2018
tr Work permit renewals and extensions for certain Quebec Selection Certificate holders currently in Quebec (exemption code A75) October 5, 2018
ref Immigration and Refugee Board reopening Ottawa location September 17, 2018
pr Validity of the Certificat de sélection du Québec September 13, 2018
cit Volunteer Presiding Official information September 12, 2018
ref New “add dependant” process for private sponsorship of refugees September 5, 2018
ref Advance Booking Notifications September 4, 2018
ref Referring claims to the Refugee Protection Division – interim measures August 29, 2018
cit Timing considerations for citizenship ceremonies during elections August 22, 2018
tr Security screening for Bridging Open Work Permit (BOWP) applications August 22, 2018
ref cit man tr pr id Establishing date of birth records August 22, 2018
pr Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program August 16, 2018
ref man tr pr Emailing clients who have paper based applications August 14, 2018
tr Experts on mission working for a United Nations office in Canada August 3, 2018
tr C42 Types of Eligible Learning Institutions August 3, 2018
req DNA testing July 31, 2018
ref cit req tr pr id info New biometrics expansion requirements July 30, 2018
tr Clarifying when a foreign national receives temporary resident status July 16, 2018
tr Global Skills Strategy work permits July 13, 2018
tr International Experience Canada July 10, 2018
tr Change to temporary residence extension referrals criteria July 4, 2018
pr Express Entry – Deadline for responding to an invitation to apply June 26, 2018
tr Transit Without Visa Program June 21, 2018
tr China Transit Program June 21, 2018
pr Funding requirements for start up business class visas June 21, 2018
ref Procedures at inland offices regarding in-Canada claims for refugee protection June 20, 2018
tr Super visa guidance June 18, 2018
tr Open work permits for spouses and common-law partners under the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program June 14, 2018
cit Delegation of authority under the Citizenship Act and Citizenship Regulations June 12, 2018
tr Diplomats and officials June 8, 2018
ref New instructions on cap spaces for sponsorship agreement holders June 5, 2018
tr New visa requirement for Romanian non-electronic passport holders June 5, 2018
tr Visa lift on United Arab Emirates June 5, 2018
ref req tr pr Biometrics administration and troubleshooting June 4, 2018
med Public policy implementation for excessive demand and the centralization of files June 1, 2018
ref Contact changes – refugee protection May 29, 2018
pr Express Entry – Validity of police certificates May 28, 2018
ref Travel arrangements for pets May 18, 2018
tr Quick reference guide to occupations May 18, 2018
ref One year window applications at the ROC-O May 18, 2018
ref cit req man tr pr New Mission Support email address for fees policies May 9, 2018
tr New instructions under the International Mobility Program for foreign worker protection in British Columbia May 4, 2018
ref cit req man med tr pr id info Using the services of an accredited interpreter April 27, 2018
cit Types of citizenship certificates April 26, 2018
ref pr Concurrent processing of separated family members April 20, 2018
pr Start-up business permanent program instructions April 13, 2018
tr Canadian interests for the performing arts (exemption code C23) April 11, 2018
ref cit req man med tr pr id info Temporary resident pages deleted April 4, 2018
ref cit req man med tr pr id info Managing existing records – change of name request March 23, 2018
ref cit req man med tr pr id info Unspecified sex (“X”) interim measures March 20, 2018
pr Express Entry: Police certificate requirements March 19, 2018
pr Functional guidance on family class applications in the permanent resident program now modernized March 12, 2018
tr Study permits: Off-campus work March 12, 2018
cit Urgent citizenship application cases March 12, 2018
ref tr Self-employed farmer program applications temporarily suspended March 12, 2018
pr Express Entry Police certificate requirements February 27, 2018
tr New regulatory exemptions for certain employers from the International Mobility Program’s employer compliance regime February 26, 2018
tr Instructions on assessing employers for temporary worker applications February 23, 2018
med Procedures for requesting dispensation for Immigration Medical Exams February 7, 2018
tr Crew: CETA provisions for EU registered vessels and clarification for vessels on standby February 7, 2018
tr Global Skills Strategy February 6, 2018
tr Examination and admission of temporary residents at the port of entry January 26, 2018
tr Interim measures removed for designated learning institutions in Quebec January 25, 2018
ref cit req man med tr pr id info Fees and cost recovery general maintenance January 19, 2018
tr French error in the temporary entry provisions of NAFTA January 19, 2018
tr Distinguishing between 1-year time limit and 1-year window for protected persons January 9, 2018
tr Diplomatic and official visas January 2, 2018
tr Electronic travel authorization requirements for study and work December 22, 2017
tr pr Instructions related to open work permits and the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class open work permit pilot program December 21, 2017
tr OB 195 has been replaced by PDIs: Urgent referrals process for work permits December 19, 2017
cit The procedures regarding the withdrawal of citizenship applications December 19, 2017
ref pr Exemption for nationals of the Central African Republic to the bar on applying for a pre-removal risk assessment December 13, 2017
cit Alert for changes to the revocation of citizenship instructions December 8, 2017
tr Labour Market Impact Assessment exemptions for certain Quebec Selection Certificate holders (code A75) December 6, 2017
tr Visa lift on Bulgaria and Romania December 1, 2017
tr med List of countries for which a medical examination is required for temporary residents November 23, 2017
tr Update to the instructions related to health care students who are work permit-exempt under paragraph 186(p) of the IRPR November 10, 2017
id req pr Exception to the naming policy November 10, 2017
req man pr Regulation change for dependent children October 24, 2017
tr National Occupational Classification references for temporary workers October 24, 2017
tr Some temporary workers pilot programs have ended October 13, 2017
cit man Update to program delivery instructions to reflect the coming into force of Bill C-6 October 11, 2017
cit New program delivery instructions on delegations and approvals needed for a citizenship ceremony, and general updates to citizenship ceremony information September 25, 2017
tr Update to Labour Market Impact Assessment exemption codes page September 21, 2017
tr New instructions for the temporary entry of business persons under the Canada-European Union (EU) Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) September 21, 2017
tr Update to the instructions related to super visas September 21, 2017
tr Update to the instructions on the Temporary Resident Program September 20, 2017
med pr Upfront medical examinations are no longer available for family class applicants September 20, 2017
ref man Update to the instructions to reflect the amalgamation of the Centralized Processing Office in Winnipeg, the Centralized Processing Office in Vancouver and the Matching Centre into the new Resettlement Operations Centre in Ottawa September 18, 2017
tr Update to the instructions on entrepreneurs and self-employed candidates seeking to operate a business in Canada [R205(a) – C11] September 15, 2017
man Update to the stakeholder guidelines on the use of representatives September 11, 2017
tr Removal of interim measure for designated learning institutions in Quebec September 6, 2017
cit Updates on how to display Canadian symbols at a citizenship ceremony September 1, 2017
man info Update to program delivery instructions to reflect Bill C-6 amendment to the Citizenship Act August 31, 2017
req man Unspecified sex “X” (interim measures) August 31, 2017
req Updated Standards Council of Canada hyperlinks in instructions on DNA August 28, 2017
tr Update to the instructions on the Mobilité francophone stream (Labout Market Impact Assessment exemption code C16) August 23, 2017
tr Update to the instructions related to types of temporary resident visas August 23, 2017
tr Update to the instructions on temporary resident visa validity (expiry dates) August 16, 2017
cit Participation of elected officials in citizenship ceremonies August 10, 2017
ref Exemption for nationals of Russia to the bar on applying for a pre-removal risk assessment August 4, 2017
ref Exemption for nationals of Venezuela to the bar on applying for a pre-removal risk assessment August 4, 2017
tr Update to the “Temporary residents: Visitors” landing page July 31, 2017
tr Restoration of temporary resident status July 31, 2017
reg Update to the instructions on using the services of an interpreter July 18, 2017
tr Update to the instructions on determining visa-required countries July 17, 2017
pr The humanitarian and compassionate assessment: Statelessness July 11, 2017
cit Repeal of conditional permanent residence provisions for spouses and partners July 10, 2017
tr Update to the instructions on temporary resident applications from intending organ donors July 7, 2017
tr Update to the French instructions on processing protected persons applications for permanent residence – security and criminal screening July 5, 2017
tr Antigua and Barbuda removed from the list of countries requiring an electronic travel authorization June 27, 2017
tr Temporary resident visa requirement imposed for citizens of Antigua and Barbuda June 27, 2017
cit Update to program delivery instructions to reflect Bill C-6 amendments to the Citizenship Act June 21, 2017
tr Update to instructions for the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (Work Permit stream – exemption code C18) June 16, 2017
cit Update to the instructions on the Global Skills Strategy June 15, 2017
tr Clarification of definitions for camp counsellors June 14, 2017
tr Update to the instructions on the Global Skills Strategy June 12, 2017
pr Update to processing instructions for applications submitted under Express Entry June 6, 2017
cit Update to the instructions related to abandonment procedures for the citizenship program May 31, 2017
ref tr Update to the instructions on temporary resident permit eligibility and assessment May 18, 2017
tr req med Update to the instructions related to the International Experience Canada Program and medical requirements May 12, 2017
tr Correction to the instructions on Labour Market Impact Assessment exemption codes May 5, 2017
tr Clarification of the China Transit Program instructions on U.S. visa requirements when travelling from the U.S. May 4, 2017
ref Update to the instructions on pre-removal risk assessment (PRRA) May 3, 2017
tr Updates to the Electronic Travel Authorization May 1, 2017
cit Update to the list of documents that can be used to establish identity for citizenship applications April 27, 2017
req Update to the biometric fee (temporary residents) program delivery instructions April 26, 2017
tr Update to the International Mobility Program instructions on work related to a research, educational or training program April 25, 2017
cit Adding a reference to the Citizenship Regulations, No. 2 April 24, 2017
pr Update to the instructions on protected temporary residents April 21, 2017
tr Update to the instructions on camp counsellors April 21, 2017
tr Update to the instructions for the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program April 21, 2017
ref Update to the instructions on processing the permanent residence applications of protected persons and their family members overseas April 20, 2017
req New instructions for IRCC offices in Canada on the elimination of remaining non-online payment options April 10, 2017
man Functional guidance for procedural fairness and itinerant services now modernized March 31, 2017
tr New instructions on collecting administrative monetary penalties and determining when employers are in default of payment March 22, 2017
ref Exemption for nationals of Ethiopia to the bar on applying for a pre-removal risk assessment March 22, 2017
ref Exemption for Turkey to the bar on applying for a pre-removal risk assessment March 22, 2017
cit,req Functional guidance on DNA testing now modernized March 10, 2017
tr Update to instructions related to activities that are not considered to be “work” March 10, 2017
tr,pr Launch of Three-year Atlantic Immigration Pilot Programs March 6, 2017
tr,pr International Mobility Program: Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program (Work Permit stream – exemption code C18) March 6, 2017
tr Update to the place of application for inland applications for permanent residence and temporary resident status extension February 13, 2017
tr Update to the instructions on fishing guides February 13, 2017
tr Update to the instructions on manually processing electronic travel authorization applications February 13, 2017
tr Update to study permit instructions related to working on campus February 10, 2017
pr Clarification to the French instructions on processing applications for permanent residence from protected persons February 7, 2017
ref Update to the instructions on exemptions to the 12- or 36-month pre-removal risk assessment bar February 3, 2017
pr Update to guidance on humanitarian and compassionate consideration February 3, 2017
tr Update to instructions on the Transit Without Visa Program and the China Transit Program February 1, 2017
cit Update to the program delivery instructions on requests for legal change of name for citizenship purposes January 27, 2017
ref Update to the instructions on processing in-Canada claims for protection (Safe Third Country Agreement) January 27, 2017
req Functional guidance on the use of representatives now modernized January 26, 2017
ref Update to the instructions on pre-removal risk assessments January 19, 2017
tr Updated instructions for scholarship and award recipients January 16, 2017
req Functional guidance concerning file transfer and use of Government of Canada symbols now modernized January 6, 2017
med Update to the cost threshold for excessive demand on health and social services December 30, 2016
cit,req Update to identity management instructions on change of sex designation December 30, 2016
tr Update to the instructions on final decisions made on study permits December 29, 2016
tr,med Update to the instructions related to the International Experience Canada Program bilateral agreements and arrangements December 23, 2016
tr Update to the instructions related to the Co-op Work Permit Program December 23, 2016
tr Public list of employers who have been non-compliant now available December 16, 2016
tr Update to super visa instructions December 14, 2016
tr Update to the instructions related to cumulative duration December 13, 2016
tr Mexico added to the list of countries requiring an electronic travel authorization December 1, 2016
tr Pre-boarding enforcement of the electronic travel authorizations began November 10, 2016 November 24, 2016
pr Update to processing instructions for applications submitted under Express Entry November 21, 2016
pr Functional guidance on the Provincial Nominee Program now modernized November 21, 2016
tr New instructions on applying consequences where an employer is found non-compliant with the conditions November 8, 2016
tr Update to the instructions related to recognized organizations for foreign youth under the International Experience Canada Program October 17, 2016
tr Update to the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program instructions September 30, 2016
tr Updated instructions on study permits and the guidelines on minor children September 30, 2016
tr New instructions on increasing the validity period of work permits under the International Experience Canada Program September 26, 2016
med Update to the automatic partner notification policy for HIV-positive applicants September 9, 2016
tr Update regarding the loss of designation status for institutions and the impact on study permits August 31, 2016
tr Update to International Mobility Program instructions for employer-specific work permits with Labour Market Impact Assessment exemptions August 29, 2016
pr Functional guidance on the Self-employed Persons Class now modernized August 2, 2016
tr New summary for instructions on how to process applications from interns July 29, 2016
pr Update to the instructions concerning peer reviews under the start-up business class July 21, 2016
tr Update to the study permit instructions related to prerequisite programs July 13, 2016
tr Update to instructions related to post-doctoral fellows awarded a Doctorate of Philosophy and award recipients [C44] July 12, 2016
tr Update to the instructions for temporary residents with implied status June 13, 2016
cit Update to the citizenship ceremony planning timeline information June 10, 2016
tr Update to the instructions related to the required documents for super visa applicants June 8, 2016
tr Update to instructions related to the last point of embarkation for the Transit Without Visa Program June 8, 2016
tr New instructions on the “Mobilité francophone” Labour Market Impact Assessment exemption under the International Mobility Program June 1, 2016
pr Update to the instructions for processing applications for permanent residence from protected persons May 30, 2016
pr Update to the instructions concerning permanent residence applications from live-in caregivers May 26, 2016
cit Update regarding the clerk’s dress code for citizenship ceremonies May 26, 2016
tr New guidance on interns with international organizations recognized under the Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act May 18, 2016
tr Update to the instructions on charitable or religious work May 17, 2016
med Update to the medical instructions for excessive demand on health and social services May 12, 2016
cit Update to the citizenship certificate name instructions to include links to the naming procedures May 2, 2016
tr Update to the instructions related to camp counsellors and charitable or religious work April 15, 2016
req Update to the instructions related to temporary resident permit fees April 6, 2016
cit Update to the instructions for consular missions outside Canada accepting translated documents for proof of citizenship, renunciation of citizenship and search of citizenship records applications April 6, 2016
req Elimination of the payment receipt form [IMM 5401] March 31, 2016
cit Update to the identity management instructions on change of sex designation March 23, 2016
tr Update to the instructions related to Labour Market Impact Assessment-exempt work permit renewals and extensions for certain Quebec Selection Certificate holders currently in Quebec March 17, 2016
req,tr,pr Mandatory implementation of the electronic travel authorization program for visa-exempt foreign nationals March 15, 2016
cit Update to guidance on humanitarian and compassionate consideration March 2, 2016
cit Citizenship Instrument of Delegation now available to the public February 23, 2016
pr Functional guidance on Quebec economic programs now modernized February 23, 2016
tr Update to the instructions related to multiple-entry visas February 19, 2016
pr Update to instructions for the caring for children and caring for people with high medical needs classes February 15, 2016
tr Update to the instructions on bridging open work permits February 11, 2016
pr Update to the procedures related to police certificates and Express Entry completeness checks February 11, 2016
tr Update to the citizenship instructions regarding references to applicants who are deaf and the authority for automatic waivers February 5, 2016
tr Update to the instructions related to the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program February 5, 2016
tr Introduction of new categories of Labour Market Impact Assessment-exempt work permits under section 205 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations February 3, 2016
cit,req Update to instructions related to interpreters and accompanying persons for the citizenship program January 29, 2016
tr International Mobility Program: Employer compliance January 27, 2016
cit Minor editorial corrections to the instructions on the retention of citizenship prior to attaining 28 years old January 22, 2016
pr Update to lock-in date for age of dependent children of provincial nominees January 19, 2016
ref Update to instructions on entering a date of birth in the Global Case Management System (GCMS) when a complete date of birth is not available for a refugee applicant January 14, 2016
tr Update to the instructions related to designated learning institutions January 7, 2016
cit Update to Oath of Citizenship instructions: change of name for the Passport Canada validation portal December 22, 2015
cit Removal of permission release form [CIT 0448] December 21, 2015
tr Extension of pilot project: issuance of open work permits to permanent residence applicants under the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class December 17, 2015
tr Update to International Mobility Program instructions for employer-specific work permits with Labour Market Impact Assessment exemptions December 11, 2015
tr Update to the instructions on the bridging open work permit December 1, 2015
tr Update to the instructions related to the International Experience Canada program November 27, 2015
med Update to the instructions on complex and urgent cases of inactive pulmonary tuberculosis November 30, 2015
tr Update to the instructions related to the issuance of work permits November 9, 2015
cit Update to the guidance on the education selection criteria for federal skilled workers November 3, 2015
cit Update to the instructions related to the Oath of Citizenship as a result of the decision by the Federal Court of Appeal November 2, 2015
pr New instructions concerning permanent resident cards November 2, 2015
tr Update to the instructions on the International Mobility Program concerning employer specific work permits with Labour Market Impact Assessment exemptions October 23, 2015
tr,ref Update to the instructions on the inadmissibility period for misrepresentation October 23, 2015
cit Impact of election periods on the planning and operation of citizenship ceremonies October 7, 2015
tr Update to instructions related to the Transit Without Visa (TWOV) program and the China Transit Program (CTP) October 5, 2015
cit Update to the instructions related to the Oath of Citizenship as a result of a decision by the Federal Court of Appeal September 16, 2015
pr,req Update to Express Entry instructions for certain economic permanent residence classes September 15, 2015
cit Update to instructions on working with Canadian Armed Forces members and veterans September 2, 2015
tr Update to the instructions related to the International Mobility Program August 27, 2015
req Table of contents added to the Fees and cost recovery section August 20, 2015
tr,req Changes to subsection 190(3) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations: Visa requirements by purpose of entry August 1, 2015
tr,req Temporary Resident Visa (TRV) requirement lifted for all citizens of Poland and Lithuania, regardless of travel document held August 1, 2015
tr,req Launch of the Electronic Travel Authorization Program for visa-exempt foreign nationals August 1, 2015
tr Update to instructions related to federal–provincial or territorial agreements [R204(c)] (exemption code T13) July 20, 2015
cit Updates to instructions on working with ceremony officials, partners and guests for citizenship ceremonies July 13, 2015
cit Updates to holy book information for citizenship ceremonies July 10, 2015
cit Instructions updated to reflect the coming into force of new elements of the Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act July 6, 2015
pr Update to the Canadian work experience requirement for the Express Entry Comprehensive Ranking System June 17, 2015
tr Update to the Transit Without a Visa (TWOV) program and to the China Transit Program (CTP) June 15, 2015
cit Coming into force of new elements of the Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act June 11, 2015
pr New instructions for the Immigrant Investor Venture Capital class and reopening of the program June 1, 2015
cit Coming into force of new elements of the Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act May 29, 2015
tr Update to the instructions related to Labour Market Impact Assessment exemption code C13 in the International Mobility Program May 21, 2015
tr Update to the instructions on federal–provincial/territorial agreements May 20, 2015
tr Update to instructions concerning bridging open work permits for certain federal economic class applicants May 20, 2015
pr Update to procedures related to police certificates and Express Entry completeness checks May 20, 2015
tr Update to instructions on the cumulative duration rule May 15, 2015
pr Update to instructions related to the caring for children class and caring for people with high medical needs classes May 12, 2015
pr Update to the instructions on renouncing permanent residence May 11, 2015
tr New instructions on the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program pre-nomination initiative April 24, 2015
cit Update to the instructions related to the Oath of Citizenship as a result of a recent stay decision by Federal Court of Appeal April 23, 2015
cit New instructions are being developed for requests for change of sex designations April 17, 2015
tr Functional guidance on Temporary Resident Permits now modernized April 14, 2015
pr Update to the instructions regarding intake procedures at the Centralized Intake Office April 10, 2015
cit Update to the instructions on the Cultural Access Pass March 19, 2015
cit Update to the instructions related to timelines for citizenship ceremonies March 11, 2015
cit Update to the instructions related to the oath of citizenship as a result of recent decision by Federal Court February 27, 2015
tr Change to the email addresses of the International Mobility Worker Units, formerly the Temporary Foreign Worker Units February 26, 2015
ref Exemptions to the 12- or 36-month pre-removal risk assessment bar February 24, 2015
tr International Mobility Program – Introduction of two new fees February 20, 2015
tr New instructions on employer-specific work permits with Labour Market Impact Assessment exemptions February 13, 2015
pr New instructions regarding the Immigrant Investor Venture Capital class February 10, 2015
pr Update to Express Entry instructions relating to certain economic permanent residence programs February 5, 2015
cit Update to the instructions related to the acceptance of citizenship applications February 2, 2015
tr Changes to study permit conditions February 2, 2015
tr Update to the instructions on International Experience Canada January 30, 2015
cit New procedures for suspending citizenship applications January 19, 2015
tr Update to the instructions on charitable or religious work and on the authorization for clergy to work without a work permit January 6, 2015
tr Evidence required to prove that a removal order is unenforceable January 6, 2015
pr,req Launch of Express Entry and e-applications for certain economic permanent residence programs January 1, 2015
tr One Year Pilot – Issuance of open work permits to applicants for permanent residence under the spouse or common-law partner in Canada class December 22, 2014
med,tr Update to the excessive demand cost threshold December 1, 2014
tr Temporary resident visa requirement lifted for citizens of Chile and imposed for citizens of St. Kitts and Nevis November 22, 2014
tr Closure and transfer of Visa Services of the Canadian Embassy in Santiago November 22, 2014
pr Update to the voluntary renunciation of permanent residence November 21, 2014
tr Update to the limited validity period for Labour Market Impact Assessments (LMIAs) November 20, 2014
tr Update to the instructions regarding spouses/common-law partners of full-time students and spouses/common-law partners of post-graduation work permit holders October 17, 2014
tr Update to the guidance regarding the authorization to work without a work permit October 7, 2014
tr Changes to the requirements concerning the LMIA for skilled Francophone workers destined to work in a province other than Quebec under the International Mobility Program September 22, 2014
med,tr Determining who must submit to an immigration medical examination and assessing foreign workers for medical requirements September 17, 2014
cit Updates to citizenship ceremony general information and citizenship ceremony delegation information September 12, 2014
ref Exemptions to the 12- or 36-month pre-removal risk assessment bar September 9, 2014
ref New form—Checklist – Documents provided to refugee claimant(s) [IMM 5780] September 8, 2014
ref New guidance—Processing in-Canada claims for refugee protection: Post-interview processing and final decision August 26, 2014
tr Update to instructions on diplomats, consular officers, representatives and officials accredited to Canada August 25, 2014
tr Update to instructions related to Canada-provincial or territorial agreements [R204(c)] (exemption code T13) August 19, 2014
tr Amendments to the instructions for issuing work permits to provincial nominees and to the instructions on bridging work permits issued to certain federal economic class applicants August 19, 2014
ref Update: One-year window of opportunity provision August 19, 2014
tr Work related to a research, educational or training program [R205(c)(i), (i.1) and (i.2)] (codes C31, C32 and C33) August 14, 2014
cit Coming into force of new elements of the Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act August 1, 2014
ref Update to refugee protection guidance: In-Canada claims July 18, 2014
cit Royal Assent received for the Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act June 19, 2014
pr,med,req Update to excessive demand cost threshold June 9, 2014
tr Interim measure for some applications with a valid Certificat d’acceptation du Québec June 6, 2014
tr New regulations for the International Student Program May 30, 2014
med,req,man Terms and conditions of entry and medical surveillance for individuals with a positive screening test for syphilis May 9, 2014
req Language requirements: equivalency charts March 25, 2014
ref Processing pre-removal risk assessment applications: intake March 11, 2014
tr,pr,man Update to the program-specific procedures for using interpreters March 3, 2014
ref Update to eligibility criteria for the Convention refugee abroad class and the country of asylum class February 26, 2014
cit Processing fee increases for citizenship applications February 6, 2014
cit Citizenship legislation reform — Strengthening Canadian Citizenship Act February 6, 2014
tr,req Update to immigration fees and procedures – changes to certain temporary residence application processing fees February 3, 2014
pr,man,req Update to language requirements guidance – test results January 31, 2014
ref Referring cases to the Canada Border Services Agency for potential cessation or vacation of refugee protection January 29, 2014
ref Updated instructions for processing PRRA applications January 14, 2014
ref Resettlement from overseas: Post-interview processing and final decisions January 10, 2014
ref Resettlement from overseas: Private sponsorships January 9, 2014
ref Processing in Canada claims: special claimant types January 8, 2014
ref Resettlement from overseas November 21, 2013
ref Pre-removal risk assessment October 9, 2013
tr,req New cost recovery information on e-applications and clarification on fees for family members September 25, 2013
pr,man,req Minor updates to the official language proficiency tables on the Federal Skilled Workers page August 26, 2013
ref OB 282 has been incorporated into the refugee protection pages August 19, 2013
med,tr,pr,req Medical requirements pages June 19, 2013

Page details

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